First Conscious Astral Projection Experience /welcoming song for the deceased

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I've shared my 1st "conscious" AP experience a month ago but voluntarily left out an important part.  AP wasn't new to me but inducing it consciously was. It was all fun and games in the beginning, I remember telling my girlfriend with uncontrollable excitement "babe I'm going to induce an out of body experience" to which she replied " you're crazy" lol.  I want to make this as succinct as possible. So I gave it a shot. Failed night after night for about a week. The following week, I tried doing it on the ground as opposed to the bed and the vibrations were so intense that my bedroom door began rattling. Got freaked out and ended the experience.

Second night I summoned up all my courage and attempted again. Vibrational stage was akin to an inner earthquake but I was hellbent on succeeding and embraced my fears. So my body is vibrating and I'm doing my best to remain mentally aware. Then all the sudden, I briefly doze off. When I wake back up that's when things get interesting. I felt like I was floating, then I begin to sink into my bed( familiar sensation, happened quite frequently during my childhood) What happens next cannot easily be described. Those of you who love space documentaries will understand; you know when they activate/turn on a telescope, the noise it makes? That's how it sounds. I was sucked into something and slingshotted out.

I find myself in another realm, yes I'm totally conscious. In this other realm I'm floating with what I think is my spiritual guide. In this astral realm there was what I perceived to be a concert taking place. However I didn't see any people nor any singer/performer. I did, on the other hand, hear a song. I understood the song perfectly, it was in French and English. Never in my life had I heard such a sad, melancholic song. The song could be heard everywhere in this amazingly beautiful exoplanet. I say to my guide " who is this dong for" , not quite clear on her response. Then, it suddenly dawned on me that someone had died. So I say to my guide "someone died, I can sense it" At this point I begin to cry. Remember the song is still being sung. I ask my guide again "but who died" this time she says " I don't know". I kept asking rather insistently. "But who died? Who died", with tears in my eyes. Sadness then overtook me causing me to return to my body. I sit up and tears are streaming down my face still wondering "who died? But who died". This was around 5 o'clock in the morning.

I call my dad around 1pm to share my experience with him. He tells me "yeah son it's called astral projection. I've done it, I encountered my deceased brother as well as my dad". Of course I already knew it was called AP but I didn't tell him that I had already carried out extensive research on the topic. He seemed really amazed and then says to me "go on YouTube and  type Astral Projection, many insightful videos on the topic".  We hang up at 1:30, at which time he calls my younger brother to ask him if he has sleep paralysis or has ever had an OBE. They hang up around 1:40. At 2pm he dies. Heart just stopped...

Last time I tried to project,  I punched my mattress during the sinking sensation stage. My fist went through the mattress but was rejected. I was angry and should not have been trying to project in such an emotional state. It's only been a month since he passed.  Of course there's a link between my dad's passing and my Astral Projection. Been practicing mindfulness meditation and I feel ready. Ready to go back in but this time to find my dad.


That's very good experience - relatively. I guess if we tend to practice in bed, it always ends up with unsuccessful attempts, relative to our sleeps there. I guess maybe my problem is partly in this issue too.

If you release any emotions in the NP it will be highly fueled in a loop. I experienced this too many times. If I start to be angry because somebody "there" doesn't answer me the first time, I start to be angry and I just start to feel the immense buildup on that same emotion, which is crazy. I experienced sadness too, I was just crying in tears in a big school room, which was represented with pictures of "dead" japanese soldiers from a war thing (I'm European). We need to control it in both worlds unfortunatelly. I guess you had this problem, you were emphatic from the feeling and couldn't stop that.

On one hand it is pretty cool that your own dad is interested in something, which the majority is not a little bit, not even our parents ordinarily, but for the second hand it only made my job much harder when I did a big dig for anything which I could find through the web because people are lieing in everything OR they desinformate you to the high with religious concepts. It only makes problems and blocks. I wish I never learnt that much crap at the first place about this.

Oh too bad and sad he passed away :( RIP. Sorry I was reading it through while I was writing paragraph to paragraph.
He is fine I guess in the transition area or in Focus 3 already, you shouldn't be nervous is he ok I guess. It is interesting that your "guide" took you to this scene to show you this. I guess this is rare to get the precognition about such kind of life situations but people do get it as so called dreams which are also NP travels.
One thing is sure, if we force it, it won't happen. It starts to be worse in our life. If he was familiar with AP, it means that he is way ahead of the average humans in my opinion.
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My condolences on the passing of your father. What a beautiful experience you had though sad. Our parents can really surprise us when we least expect it. I remember asking my mother once not so long ago, she was a devout Christian, if she believed in UFOs and aliens and stuff. I'll never forget how simple and 'true' her answer was. "Of course" she said but she elaborated no further than that.


Quote from: Phildan1 on November 04, 2017, 14:42:36
That's very good experience - relatively. I guess if we tend to practice in bed, it always ends up with unsuccessful attempts, relative to our sleeps there. I guess maybe my problem is partly in this issue too.

If you release any emotions in the NP it will be highly fueled in a loop. I experienced this too many times. If I start to be angry because somebody "there" doesn't answer me the first time, I start to be angry and I just start to feel the immense buildup on that same emotion, which is crazy. I experienced sadness too, I was just crying in tears in a big school room, which was represented with pictures of "dead" japanese soldiers from a war thing (I'm European). We need to control it in both worlds unfortunatelly. I guess you had this problem, you were emphatic from the feeling and couldn't stop that.

On one hand it is pretty cool that your own dad is interested in something, which the majority is not a little bit,
not even our parents ordinarily, but for the second hand it only made my job much harder when I did a big dig

for anything which I could find through the web because people are lieing in everything OR they desinformate
you to the high with religious concepts. It only makes problems and blocks. I wish I never learnt that much
crap at the first place about this.

Oh too bad and sad he passed away :( RIP. Sorry I was reading it through while I was writing paragraph to paragraph.
He is fine I guess in the transition area or in Focus 3 already, you shouldn't be nervous is he ok I guess. It is interesting that your "guide" took you to this scene to show you this. I guess this is rare to get the precognition about such kind of life situations but people do get it as so called dreams which are also NP travels.
One thing is sure, if we force it, it won't happen. It starts to be worse in our life. If he was familiar with AP, it means that he is way ahead of the average humans in my opinion.

Thanks bro sharing this amazing but tragic experience is part and parcel of the grieving process. I just succeeded my first OBE since his passing. Totally different from my first 2. It's 11:20 am and I started trying around 10:35 am  I did something I didn't do for my first two experiences; I put on binaural beats, if interested, you can listen to the precise one I used below

So I lie down, close my eyes and begin focusing on my breathing, (nasal inhalation and exhalation). When I do this, I achieve a relaxed state rather quickly. That in conjunction with the binaural beats accelerated the process. After about 15 minutes most of my body went numb. Interestingly, I never really notice my feet. My mind is clear, I have no thoughts. With every breath I feel like I'm expanding. 15 minutes later, it happens. Instead of the familiar sinking sensation, my Astral form starts to detach...I can feel it detaching. At this precise point I say to myself "perhaps you should breathe consciously to facilitate the detachment". This basically means that when it all kicked off, I had ceased all conscious breathing. So my Astral form is detaching and I take a deep breath. Then I panicked saying to myself " you shouldve just let it happen naturally". To my surprise the process went on unabated. Unlike the first two times there was no "teleportation/telescope" noise. My theory is that it only happens when I travel. So my Astral form is detaching I hear and feel this crazy, powerful wind. Although a little scary, it felt quite pleasant. Imagine being caught in a whirlwind, that description seems accurate. After that I see a portal through which I'm traveling at mind blowing speeds then I'm out. I knew my girlfriend was in the living room watching TV so I say to myself "go in the living room, see what she's watching.. I go in the living room and see her there sitting on the couch. I look at the TV and there is a show on, I see a dog hop on this guy's lap.  Then this thought came to me "yes I'm well aware of the silver cord but I'm like "what if I've just died"? Then I'm like "but they said if you do so much as think about your body, your back in within seconds" . So I go back into the room and I literally try to fall back into my body, in other words, I try to force my return. I end up falling over the bed. Imagine being drunk, it felt like that. So I'm sitting on the ground and I'm like "ok am I still out or back in? I wave my hand and I see my Astral hand. At this point panick kicked in and I'm like " I died". I then hear "babe are you up" (just confirmed with my girlfriend and she did say "babe are you up"? So I'm like "well if I died how can I still hear her"?  I crawled back up the bed and lied down on top of my sleeping body and boom I hear some light wind and I'm up.

I'm happy. Traveling to a different plane is totally different. This was real. Now that I know you can't die, (well I knew but just needed confirmation), I'll explore more next time. I will try again tonight.


 My condolences on your Father's recent passing/transition, APApprentice!  :-(

It seems like this practice in general has given you a chance to change your focus. Keep with it and you will find your "answers"!  :wink:
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on November 08, 2017, 17:39:00
My condolences on your Father's recent passing/transition, APApprentice!  :-(

It seems like this practice in general has given you a chance to change your focus. Keep with it and you will find your "answers"!  :wink:

Thanks Lumaza, really appreciate it. Have you ever had that "drunk sensation" when out of body? Didn't have it when I exited. However, after trying to  sit on the bed and fall back into my body unsuccessfully, I suddenly felt drunk. Ended up on the ground on the side of the bed. I remember being puzzled like "dude wtf why am I not back in"? Lol Perhaps my impression of falling off the bed was just that, an impression. It's possible that I may have fallen through it. A detail just came back to me; as I was going through the portal, I remember saying to myself "ok about to go to another planet" and being surprised to be in my room. I had that expectation. Going to go back in tonight but this time, without any expectations, simply positive thoughts. When I say "go back in" , that doesn't mean my attempt will be successful. However I feel that confidence is key, believing is an integral part of the process for me. When I lay down I'm not on some "ok hope this works" type ish. I tell myself "ok just don't panic when you're out".  When the sinking sensation starts, it's a wrap, separation always ensues. Anyway I'm here to learn from you more experienced AP'ers


Quote from: APApprentice on November 09, 2017, 20:28:59
Thanks Lumaza, really appreciate it.
Your welcome!  :-)

QuoteHave you ever had that "drunk sensation" when out of body?
I have had that sensation before myself and many people do report moving "sluggish" as if in slow motion upon their immediate exit. Szaxx, here, says that's when you need to get further away from your physical body. The more distance you put between you as consciousness and your sleeping physical body, the easier motion seems to be.

I had one time when I was 14 years old. I had just helped my Father unload a 18 wheeler transport truck at his work, that was loaded with Chlorine bottles. There must have been over 100 cases, but we did it all. That night, I awoke, became aware, that I was on the ground, on the carpet in my bedroom, crawling. I tried to scream for help, but no one came. I didn't realize until years later that that was actually a spontaneous OBE. When it had happened, all my Family was home, so if I was screaming here in the physical, it would have went noticed. But no one knew what had happened. I put the pieces together years later when I learned the actual meaning and symptoms of a actual spontaneous OBE.
All I could do at the time was crawl. I had no idea what was happening. My body was so overtired from unloading all those cases and I guess that was the "trigger" for that spontaneous OBE experience. "Overexertion" is known to create spontaneous OBEs.

I like the confidence you have. That will bring you more experiences.  8-)

A trick I learned about many things I intend to achieve in life is to talk in "past tense", like I have already succeeded. Positive reassurance goes a long way as well!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on November 09, 2017, 23:29:36
Your welcome!  :-)

  I have had that sensation before myself and many people do report moving "sluggish" as if in slow motion upon their immediate exit. Szaxx, here, says that's when you need to get further away from your physical body. The more distance you put between you as consciousness and your sleeping physical body, the easier motion seems to be.

I had one time when I was 14 years old. I had just helped my Father unload a 18 wheeler transport truck at his work, that was loaded with Chlorine bottles. There must have been over 100 cases, but we did it all. That night, I awoke, became aware, that I was on the ground, on the carpet in my bedroom, crawling. I tried to scream for help, but no one came. I didn't realize until years later that that was actually a spontaneous OBE. When it had happened, all my Family was home, so if I was screaming here in the physical, it would have went noticed. But no one knew what had happened. I put the pieces together years later when I learned the actual meaning and symptoms of a actual spontaneous OBE.
All I could do at the time was crawl. I had no idea what was happening. My body was so overtired from unloading all those cases and I guess that was the "trigger" for that spontaneous OBE experience. "Overexertion" is known to create spontaneous OBEs.

I like the confidence you have. That will bring you more experiences.  8-)

A trick I learned about many things I intend to achieve in life is to talk in "past tense", like I have already succeeded. Positive reassurance goes a long way as well!  :-)

Thanks for the tip Lumaza. Tell me what is your projection success rate?

Had a very unusual OBE. My attempt wasn't successful the other day btw. Anyway last night I halfheartedly tried to project, got really relaxed and felt a few waves of vibrations. Decided to call it a night as my girlfriend sleeps like she's possessed lol kicking and hitting me at the worst times(usually when I'm close). So I lay on my left side and proceed to fall asleep. As sleep began to slowly overtake me I said to myself «  generally when we're tired we fall asleep before the paralysis stage, which goes unnoticed. Why can't we program our minds to wake up when that chemical is released so that we can AP » it was a form of inner dialogue. So I fall asleep. Next thing you know, I become conscious. I feel this strangely pleasant sexual arousal. Kinda intimate but it's part of the experience. So I go with the flow, letting myself go not knowing what to expect. My understanding is that I woke up at some random part of the vibrational stage. 

The feeling is amazing, comparable to sex. I️ felt incredible energy in that area.  Few moments later I️ pop out, floating in my room. Sylvan from Phase Evolution talks about « having a plan » for when you get out. My plan was to say an affirmation such as « take me outside ». . It's crazy how you remember everything when you're out. So I️ say « take me outside »  but nothing happened so I️ took matters into my own hands. I️ jumped over the bed through the wall and then found myself violently slammed back into my body.  I️ get out again and this time I️ remember what William Bulhman said «  don't say it like a wimp, gotta have intent behind it ». So I️ say as loud as I️ can « TAKE ME OUTSIDE NOW «  . I️ find myself downstairs in front of my balcony which is on the 2nd floor. I️ look around outside and see this cat. (Many cats in my apartment complex) the cat comes towards me and attacks me. I️ then say to the cat « go away cat. A struggle ensues, I'm wiggling my Astral leg trying to get it off. Then I'm like « this » I️ fly into my room in an effort to ditch the cat. Upon entering I️ notice something peculiar; my bed has no box spring, mattress was on the ground.  Stood there for a second thinking about that. I️ then get in bed and suddenly recall a video where someone said that it's possible «  to pull someone's Astral body out ». So I️ grab my girlfriend by the neck and attempt to yank out her astral body. It comes out and dissolves into thin air.  Not really understanding what had just happened I️ say to her « babe are you there, are you in the astral » ( I'm still in my Astral body) and she says (from her physical body) « stop leave me alone » . I️ immediately returned to my body and sat up.

The feeling was amazing, comparable to sex. I felt incredible energy in that area.  Few moments later I pop out, floating in my room. Sylvan from Phase Evolution talks about « having a plan » for when you get out. My plan was to say an affirmation such as « take me outside ». . It's crazy how you remember everything when you're out. So I say « take me outside »  but nothing happened so I took matters into my own hands. I jumped over the bed through the wall and then found myself violently slammed back into my body.  I get out again and this time I remember what William Bulhman said «  don't say it like a wimp, gotta have intent behind it ». So I say very forcefully "TAKE ME OUTSIDE NOW « I find myself downstairs in front of my balcony which is on the 2nd floor.

I look around outside and see this cat. (Many cats in my apartment complex) the cat comes towards me and attacks me. I then say to the cat « go away cat. A struggle ensues, I'm wiggling my Astral leg trying to get it off. Then I'm like « this » I fly into my room in an effort to ditch the cat. Upon entering I notice something peculiar; my bed has no box spring, mattress was on the ground.  Stood there for a second thinking about that. I then get in bed and suddenly recall a video where someone said that it's possible «  to pull someone's Astral body out ». So I grab my girlfriend by the neck and attempt to yank out her astral body. It comes out and dissolves into thin air.  Not really understanding what had just happened I say to her « babe are you there, are you in the astral » ( I'm still in my Astral body) and she says (from her physical body) « stop leave me alone » . I immediately returned to my body and sat up.

Mixed feelings about this type of exit. I actually enjoy the vibrations/whirlwind/portal etc.. Has this ever happened to you?


Quote from: APApprentice on November 12, 2017, 10:29:12

Thanks for the tip Lumaza. Tell me what is your projection success rate?
I am about 75% from SP paralysis, OBE in the real sense of the term. Sometimes I get the symptoms of a approaching OBE, but then nothing. I think this is when I am returning from one, instead of actually beginning one though.

My Phase session are almost always successful. The only thing that hinders them is extreme pain or some environmental occurrence, such as someone or something in the physical disturbing my concentration.

QuoteHad a very unusual OBE. My attempt wasn't successful the other day btw. Anyway last night I halfheartedly tried to project, got really relaxed and felt a few waves of vibrations. Decided to call it a night as my girlfriend sleeps like she's possessed lol kicking and hitting me at the worst times(usually when I'm close). So I lay on my left side and proceed to fall asleep. As sleep began to slowly overtake me I said to myself «  generally when we're tired we fall asleep before the paralysis stage, which goes unnoticed. Why can't we program our minds to wake up when that chemical is released so that we can AP » it was a form of inner dialogue. So I fall asleep. Next thing you know, I become conscious. I feel this strangely pleasant sexual arousal. Kinda intimate but it's part of the experience. So I go with the flow, letting myself go not knowing what to expect. My understanding is that I woke up at some random part of the vibrational stage.
Some people call that "sexual arousal" a form of Kundalini awakening.

I have experienced so many weird things during SP episodes. For the longest time and still once in awhile now, I was feeling the sensation of having my ankles grabbed, then yanked, dragged down my hallway and out my patio window. Other times, it was more of a sexual sensations and still others it felt like some kind of "anal probing", lol. That one is really weird. I can understand how this can get confused with a Alien probing encounter.

One time, I was dragged out by my ankles and pulled upside down to my bedroom ceiling, then spun like a top through my roof. I kept with that one until it became to much, then I "clicked out". Some famous authors of AP say that we click out when the encounter becomes to much for us to bear. Some kind of "system overload".

QuoteSylvan from Phase Evolution talks about « having a plan » for when you get out. My plan was to say an affirmation such as « take me outside ». . It's crazy how you remember everything when you're out. So I️ say « take me outside »  but nothing happened so I️ took matters into my own hands. I️ jumped over the bed through the wall and then found myself violently slammed back into my body.  I️ get out again and this time I️ remember what William Bulhman said «  don't say it like a wimp, gotta have intent behind it ». So I️ say as loud as I️ can « TAKE ME OUTSIDE NOW «  . I️ find myself downstairs in front of my balcony which is on the 2nd floor. I️ look around outside and see this cat. (Many cats in my apartment complex) the cat comes towards me and attacks me. I️ then say to the cat « go away cat. A struggle ensues, I'm wiggling my Astral leg trying to get it off. Then I'm like « this » I️ fly into my room in an effort to ditch the cat. Upon entering I️ notice something peculiar; my bed has no box spring, mattress was on the ground.  Stood there for a second thinking about that. I️ then get in bed and suddenly recall a video where someone said that it's possible «  to pull someone's Astral body out ». So I️ grab my girlfriend by the neck and attempt to yank out her astral body. It comes out and dissolves into thin air.  Not really understanding what had just happened I️ say to her « babe are you there, are you in the astral » ( I'm still in my Astral body) and she says (from her physical body) « stop leave me alone » . I️ immediately returned to my body and sat up.
I have read may books, PDFs and listened to many of the authors and speakers of Astral Projection. William Bulman is very good. He knows what he is talking about. He is talking from years of "his" own experiences.
I listened to all of Sylvan's videos on the YouTube Phase Evolution channel and find that he (Sylvan) is still in the "learning" process himself. In my opinion, some of what he says is bad advise. He also parrots many of the other authors of AP and this causes "contradictions" in his teachings. Not every AP author takes the same approach to Astral Projection. He was/is a member of this Forum too. I explained that maybe he should learn more himself, before he teaches. He didn't agree. He hasn't been back since. I like that he is trying though. Lately his videos have been getting better, more informative.

QuoteMixed feelings about this type of exit. I actually enjoy the vibrations/whirlwind/portal etc.. Has this ever happened to you?
So do I. They are much more unique. Awaking instantly "ultra aware", hearing the "whirr" of the gentle Astral winds and feeling the pulsating energy sensations, the buzz, passively observing it as it all works to a "climax" and becomes constant, then just finding yourself there is a such a incredible experience.
Sometimes, the first visual I get is akin to what you would call "tunnel vision". I wrote a thread years ago under my old name "Lionheart", that explained more about this. I had one of those experiences a few weeks ago.

I have never attempted to "pull" another out of their body though, nor will I. I don't agree with that one. They can learn AP themselves. If they don't, it's not meant to be. That's my take on that. 
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla



My condolences, as well.

The only idea I wish to add to the excellent conversation you are having with Lumaza is this:

It is a common idea, and one that I also experienced, that our early OBEs are somehow 'powered' by the sacral or root chakra; the entire 'chakra theory' being something you either wish to consider or not. This promotes a very strong and noticeable sexual arousal in the physical body and that energy often carries over into our early Non-Physical experiences. Do not try to shut it down or turn it off; just recognize that it is there and likely providing the initial energetic impetus but also 'coloring' your NP experience to some degree. You figure out a way to manage it.

Eventually, according to theory (and my personal experience) the energetic impulse for your OBEs evolves into other chakras, typically the Heart or Solar Plexus chakra, and once that becomes your power center, you begin to notice an issue with heartbeat and breathing...again, this is all normal. Disruptive, but normal.

Good work.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on November 13, 2017, 21:10:29

My condolences, as well.

The only idea I wish to add to the excellent conversation you are having with Lumaza is this:

It is a common idea, and one that I also experienced, that our early OBEs are somehow 'powered' by the sacral or root chakra; the entire 'chakra theory' being something you either wish to consider or not. This promotes a very strong and noticeable sexual arousal in the physical body and that energy often carries over into our early Non-Physical experiences. Do not try to shut it down or turn it off; just recognize that it is there and likely providing the initial energetic impetus but also 'coloring' your NP experience to some degree. You figure out a
way to manage it.

Eventually, according to theory (and my personal experience) the energetic impulse for your OBEs evolves into other chakras, typically the Heart or Solar Plexus chakra, and once that becomes your power center, you begin to notice an issue with heartbeat and breathing...again, this is all normal. Disruptive, but normal.

Good work.

Really appreciate it EscapeVelocity
Definitely, if it's fueling my NP experiences or providing the "initial energetic impetus ", then it is of great value to me.
It was a strange sensation. I wonder if it's similar to Astral sex lol. Have stumbled upon many videos dealing with that, thought it was a joke initially.
I've been experimenting with things that I just make up as I go. Just had an OBE right now actually. Since my OBE with my dad my Third Eye has become extremely active, to the point that if I relax my face, I can feel it pulsating between my eyebrows.

I actually find this pressure between the eyebrows to be quite pleasant. So when I close my eyes it literally feels like my Third Eye is swimming or taking me on a « wild goose chase ». The idea is to « follow » it so to speak. To follow the movement until its position stabilizes. Was out of my body within 30 minutes


Quote from: Lumaza on November 13, 2017, 15:01:34
I am about 75% from SP paralysis, OBE in the real sense of the term. Sometimes I get the symptoms of a approaching OBE, but then nothing. I think this is when I am returning from one, instead of actually beginning one though.

My Phase session are almost always successful. The only thing that hinders them is extreme pain or some environmental occurrence, such as someone or something in the physical disturbing my concentration.
Some people call that "sexual arousal" a form of Kundalini awakening.

I have experienced so many weird things during SP episodes. For the longest time and still once in awhile now, I was feeling the sensation of having my ankles grabbed, then yanked, dragged down my hallway and out my patio window. Other times, it was more of a sexual sensations and still others it felt like some kind of "anal probing", lol. That one is really weird. I can understand how this can get confused with a Alien probing encounter.

One time, I was dragged out by my ankles and pulled upside down to my bedroom ceiling, then spun like a top through my roof. I kept with that one until it became to much, then I "clicked out". Some famous authors of AP say that we click out when the encounter becomes to much for us to bear. Some kind of "system overload".

  I have read may books, PDFs and listened to many of the authors and speakers of Astral Projection. William Bulman is very good. He knows what he is talking about. He is talking from years of "his" own experiences.
I listened to all of Sylvan's videos on the YouTube Phase Evolution channel and find that he (Sylvan) is still in the "learning" process himself. In my opinion, some of what he says is bad advise. He also parrots many of the other authors of AP and this causes "contradictions" in his teachings. Not every AP author takes the same approach to Astral Projection. He was/is a member of this Forum too. I explained that maybe he should learn more himself, before he teaches. He didn't agree. He hasn't been back since. I like that he is trying though. Lately his videos have been getting better, more informative.

So do I. They are much more unique. Awaking instantly "ultra aware", hearing the "whirr" of the gentle Astral winds and feeling the pulsating energy sensations, the buzz, passively observing it as it all works to a "climax" and becomes constant, then just finding yourself there is a such a incredible experience.
Sometimes, the first visual I get is akin to what you would call "tunnel vision". I wrote a thread years ago under my old name "Lionheart", that explained more about this. I had one of those experiences a few weeks ago.

I have never attempted to "pull" another out of their body though, nor will I. I don't agree with that one. They can learn AP themselves. If they don't, it's not meant to be. That's my take on that. 

Lol Lumaza, perhaps one day she'll come around. She's a skeptic. I always tell her « fine you don't believe it, you think I'm possessed etc. All I ask is that you don't disturb me during my sessions ». lol. Quite frankly since I've discovered this site and the various groups of which I am now an active member, I'm no longer worried about « bringing skeptics on board ».

What I realize now is that being « conscious » in an OBE is not an adequate term by itself. I guess it all depends on what is meant by « conscious » . There are different degrees of consciousness experienced during an OBE. Some people find themselves in a zombie like state exerting very little control on the environment, as if they were the ones being controlled. Whereas others have a God like experience where their creative energy is unleashed, maintaining a high level of consciousness from beginning to end.

Do you find that consciousness diminishes the longer you're out? Or does it become sharper? How would you define being conscious in the astral? For example I just had an OBE, when I exited I said « take me to my girlfriend's job ». I saw people waiting in line, she was bustling around. I walked right through her and she said « why are you walking into me ». She said it as if she was talking to a coworker. Then I just looked at her and it was almost as if she could sense my presence.

This is what I'm wondering; when we have a « to do list » and we exit and immediately begin accomplishing things on said list, are we conscious or is it simply a case of preprogrammed thoughts? For me, I do the things I set out to do when I'm out but I also carry out actions that are not conscious. I'll just do something without really thinking before doing.

I presume you've already passed your fear tests lol because had I been grabbed by my ankles , I would've opted out lol. Have you wholeheartedly embraced the idea that no harm can come to you? Lol

Sometimes I'm tempted to to ask for help but the thought of feeling another being's hands on me creeps me out lol. Hopefully one day I'll become totally fearless like you


Quote from: APApprentice on November 18, 2017, 12:33:00
Do you find that consciousness diminishes the longer you're out? Or does it become sharper? How would you define being conscious in the astral?
Not necessarily diminishes. It just gets hard to keep your focus.  This is why "click outs" occur. Sometimes you get in too deep and totally lose your "conscious" awareness on the scenario at hand. Other times we tend to click out too when the scenario creates a kind of "system overload" on us. Too much info, too intense, something creates a "shut down".

QuoteThis is what I'm wondering; when we have a « to do list » and we exit and immediately begin accomplishing things on said list, are we conscious or is it simply a case of preprogrammed thoughts? For me, I do the things I set out to do when I'm out but I also carry out actions that are not conscious. I'll just do something without really thinking before doing.
Yes, intended target of destination is a must. You are now in a realm where thought = action is instantaneous. So now, you have to also learn how to control that "thinking" there.

QuoteI presume you've already passed your fear tests lol because had I been grabbed by my ankles , I would've opted out lol. Have you wholeheartedly embraced the idea that no harm can come to you? Lol

Sometimes I'm tempted to to ask for help but the thought of feeling another being's hands on me creeps me out lol. Hopefully one day I'll become totally fearless like you
No, I still gets "fear tests". It really does help your awareness level though and yes, you have to trust. But that trust came through the notion that I have been experiencing this being touched thing, since I was a little boy. It used to terrify me and I immediately yanked the blankets over my head. But the more it happened, the more I realized that I always returned "unscathed" and by that understanding I developed "trust".
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on November 20, 2017, 16:34:33
Not necessarily diminishes. It just gets hard to keep your focus.  This is why "click outs" occur. Sometimes you get in too deep and totally lose your "conscious" awareness on the scenario at hand. Other times we tend to click out too when the scenario creates a kind of "system overload" on us. Too much info, too intense, something creates a "shut down".
Yes, intended target of destination is a must. You are now in a realm where thought = action is instantaneous. So now, you have to also learn how to control that "thinking" there.

No, I still gets "fear tests". It really does help your awareness level though and yes, you have to trust. But that trust came through the notion that I have been experiencing this being touched thing, since I was a little boy. It used to terrify me and I immediately yanked the blankets over my head. But the more it happened, the more I realized that I always returned "unscathed" and by that understanding I developed "trust".


Great post. Tanks for the great write up.  :-D :-D