The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: Embodied Words on November 27, 2007, 22:49:41

Title: First Out of Body Experiences...
Post by: Embodied Words on November 27, 2007, 22:49:41
I was just wondering what some people first experiences where like. What did you do, was it on purpose, was it scary, exciting...?

lol, just curious.

Title: Re: First Out of Body Experiences...
Post by: 3-mortalit33 on November 28, 2007, 00:09:09
First Experience:

I woke up at mid-night on my right side and I either kept my eyes closed or opened them for like a second then closed them. I thought that this might be a good time to try to project. I tried to imagine/feel myself, as vividly as I can, floating up and after like a minute, I did. I ended up floating in mid-air (looking in the opposite direction of my physical body) slowly moving forward. My legs were parallel to the ground and my upper body was straight up. My room looked exactly the same as the physical. When I was floating, I didn't really realize that I was out-of-body until I returned to my physical body. I remember thinking something like, "wait a minute, I don't remember getting up!" Even though it only lasted like 10 seconds, I was excited because everything that I read was true.

Yeah, I know, it doesn't sound exciting but it was my first out-of-body-experience.

Title: Re: First Out of Body Experiences...
Post by: SnakeDoctor on November 28, 2007, 03:12:32
for me, it was the most amazing thing to ever experience...

i felt like i do when i'm drunk, just without the dizziness, nausea, and headache. just add the feeling you get when your in love...(just w/o said headache and nausea :P) be honest, thats the closest description i could get to.

but i personally felt like i was naked(in a good way), peaceful and i was "at one" with existence. i felt light, like if i would jump i would soar into the air. i wanted to go out side, but i took too long to actually move around. i'm pretty sure you read my first experience(only one as of right now :() but for those who are reading this and haven't, i turned around and tickled myself, i also laughed from it. it felt like i was either sitting on myself, or floating just above my body. i hopped down and walked out my bedroom door. i don't remember actually touching the doorknob. so i might have walked thru it. but i got just about to the door, then i seen like a bright light, and i could see thru walls, and everything was in a negative color and then i was sucked back into my body.

when i came to, i could feel the vibrations fading away, i still felt the "at one with existence" feeling, but also that i was refreshed, like i had a good night sleep when really it was only a couple hours. i got up and hopped on here so i could have it recorded somewhere.
Title: Re: First Out of Body Experiences...
Post by: Selski on November 28, 2007, 12:22:38
Taken directly from my journal...

Saturday 21 June 2003
Afternoon Nap
Chair in Lounge
G in Garden

Started lucid dreaming.  It was sexually explicit.  After a while, my shoulders felt cold, so I used my astral arms to tuck the blanket round them.  While I was doing this, I became aware of it, and aware my physical arms weren't moving, and realised what was happening.

It dawned on me that I could fly in this state.  I decided to get out of the house and fly.  I don't recall actually getting out of the chair, but my next awareness is trying to walk behind the settee going towards the French windows.  Walking was a very strange experience, as my feet couldn't actually feel the floor.  My legs felt very swollen, but I knew if I put one leg in front of the other, I would get there.  I remembered that I shouldn't look back at myself sleeping, nor look at the clock on the mantelpiece, in case I saw my reflection through the glass.  All of a sudden, I was back in my body, still "asleep", still able to think.

Once again, I don't recall getting off the chair, but walking was easier this time.  I got to the French windows and had one hand on the door handle, one hand on the key ready to unlock it.  Just then, I heard footsteps outside, along the patio just beyond the French windows.  I froze.  My worry was if G looked in, what he would see, so I kept very still, hoping that if he did look in, he wouldn't see the astral me.  The footsteps didn't go away, neither did they stop, but just kept the same volume and pace until I was back in my body again.  I slowly woke up.

Once awake and thinking about what had happened, I didn't remember having my eyes open, although I could "see" in a sense, in that I knew where the door handle was and so on.

Title: Re: First Out of Body Experiences...
Post by: Stookie on November 29, 2007, 11:37:24
Mine was about 12 years ago. I had never had an OBE in my entire life before this. After reading Ultimate Journey I became obsessed and began trying daily. It took about a month.

It was a Saturday morning and I woke up kind of early, then went back to bed. Then I "woke up" and was staring at a china doll sitting on a fireplace mantel. I realized I was in bed and thought "Oh God! Here's my chance!", and willed myself out of my body.

I was immediately floating near the ceiling and was amazed how physical it felt, at the same time started flinging my arms and legs around wanting to grab onto something. Then I twisted around and saw myself lying in bed on my right side, and immediately was sucked back in. I kind of bounced in and out a few times before finally succumbing to physical awareness.

Although I had a few strange experiences, I didn't do it again for several more years. What was different about this is it was the closest thing I ever had to a "traditional" Monroe-style RTZ experience. Also, at that time, Monroe was all I knew about the subject. Never again have I had such a textbook experience.
Title: Re: First Out of Body Experiences...
Post by: catmeow on December 01, 2007, 21:13:27
I was a teenager, maybe about 16 years old and had just finished reading Sylvan Muldoon's The Projection of the Astral Body, maybe a couple of days earlier.  I was quite excited and determined to do this. 

I awoke at about 10:00 am on the Saturday morning, and could distinctly hear my mother clumping about in the kitchen downstairs making the sort of noise designed to annoy a teenager trying to sleep in.....  Yes she succeeded! But I just ignored it, relaxed, closed my eyes and "willled" myself with all my might to float upwards.  I felt a floating sensation, then I was suddenly able to see.  What i saw was the polystyrene ceiling tiles of my bedroom from a few inches away.  It took me a few seconds to figure this out - it was quite a shock!  I could still hear my mother clunking around, and then all of a sudden I was back in my body, rubbing my eyes.  Got up inspected the ceiling tiles - yep that's how they look!  I repeated this the next morning (sunday).

Since then I have learnt that the trick is NOT "willpower" - it's relaxation.  Many times i have woken in the morning feeling quite relaxed and tried to "will" myself upwards.  But all I succeed in doing is arching my back (physically) and I get nowhere.  But if I R..E..L..A..X.. and simply allow myself to drift into the mind-awake-body-asleep state, i can just get up and walk away from my body...

I have no idea how I managed to OOB using "willpower" those first two times.  I have never been able to "will" myself out since!
Title: Re: First Out of Body Experiences...
Post by: Kodemaster on December 08, 2007, 10:07:29
Ya know what's weird? My first few experiences I didn't realise were OBEs until I got into the subject. I just scoffed them off as dreams.

One was in 1994 -- when I was 17 -- I was floating around in my brother's room and then into the living room. I freaked out and then went into my body.

Another was when I was 13. I floated out my room, through the house and out the sliding glass door. I was heavily into UFOs at the time, so when I woke up, I interpreted it as a UFO-abduction dream.

Title: Re: First Out of Body Experiences...
Post by: j360 on December 08, 2007, 10:35:06
I started to get exit symptoms which were startling and I briefly had dual vision out of 2 different sets of eyes.  It was very strange it seemed like I had opened my physical eyes and was staring up at the ceiling and I was also seeing through another set of eyes and their focus kept moving around across the ceiling.  I got vibrations which were very strong it was frightening so I tried to end the experience but couldn't. 

All of the sudden I felt myself get very light and I floated up a few feet above my bed.  I tried to stop it and grabbed onto my bed railing to stop myself from floating up higher.  I tried touching my face with my non-physical hand and it felt extremely real but my non-physical hand also felt electrically charged.  I was blind at first but quickly got my vision.  It felt like I had a real body but the biggest difference is that this body felt very light.  I was staring at the ceiling for a little and was amazed at how clear my sight was.  I was impressed with how much detail I could see while looking at my ceiling.  I tried looking into the next room and then tried to turn over and look at my body on the bed but when I did that I woke up.  I was amazed at how acute my senses were and I felt more conscious then I do when awake.   
Title: Re: First Out of Body Experiences...
Post by: catmeow on December 08, 2007, 18:30:45
You know Jen I too had dreams of floating around my bedroom at bunk bed height when I was very young, maybe about 10 or 11, also dreams of walking around the house in a kind of misty soup and not being able to get the lights to work.  But i just passed these off as dreams.