Has Anyone during an OBE..

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HI Qui-Gon Jinn,

Having found myself on a mountaintop (LD during a nap), I was approached by three teenaged boys. They asked me if I would speak for them. Looking intently at each one of them and noticing their demeanor I told them that I worked for the Prime Creator, and quickly came back to my body. The leader was rather roughish (I thought), and one was quiet, and the third looked guilty and uncomfortable. I asked the higher realm angels to take care of them.

When I met the being who took me to the higher heavens to school, I was wary. She looked like a beautiful little girl, but later changed into a large ball of luminenesence (truly beautiful). She said she had not wanted to frighten me, so she appeared as a little girl. When she introduced me to the school administrator, a regular guy in a gray business suit, I asked him if he worked for the Prime Creator.
He replied: "His light shines on all who are here."  Some of the student shone with a light from their bodies extending some six to eight inches away from themselves. My second teacher there was a light being, that is I saw a pillar of white light about the size of a normal person, with apparent arms, legs and head, but I could not see actual features for the bright light coming off the being. I could not tell if it was a "he" or a "she" even. I did give him/her a hug once, and there was a solid human form there. This teacher told us that the closer we came to the Prime Creator the more we too would gain light.
So in questioning the spirits you may or may not get a straight truth, ya just have to watch them for a while.
Have you met someone in the realms who you are concerned about?

Qui-Gon Jinn

Thanx Donna...  no I haven´t met anyone in any realm who I am concerned about, as a matter of fact I have no memories of being in any realm than this one, all I have "had" is a  flying dream so far - all in it´s  time I guess.

   Your experience seem to have been an exciting one!  
Take care //Rikard

- Your focus determines your reality -


Its ok Qui-Gon Jinn, you'll get your OOBE and the Moon will still be there to visit. ;-)


Yes, I have had two sorts of encounters which could fall within this category.

One type with beings showing me what was best for me to do, giving me advice, and this could happen in a place similar to a surgery or a school, for instance.

But the supernatural beings I meet most often are those who lead me into difficult situations, namely when I am visiting deceased people, and they either get me straight through to the person I'm looking for or else 'prevent' me from approaching the person. I remember once I was attempting to check on a 14-year old girl I had actually met in an OBE and spoken to just after her funeral, and found rather confused, about 10 days after our first meeting. A very sweet looking woman met me and asked me very kindly and softly not to speak nor produce any noise, as the girl was asleep. She allowed me to walk around the bed(?) where she was resting and then led me back into my body.



Qui-Gon Jinn

... encountered a being trying to show/teach you should I say the "true nature/the way things are..." of the universe/one/god (or whatever substitute for that you may wanna choose), or perhaps have you tried asking some being you met out there questions of this ´sort´, or have you had any "insights" on your own with communicating with any being...  ??    

      If so, pleaze share...   In friendship //Rikard

- Your focus determines your reality -