Higher self verification (Corey)

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Alright, this isn't exactly the entire email I was sent by a friend, I can't exactly recall all of it but here goes:

I was speaking to one of my friends I hadn't spoken to for almost a year and we ended up getting onto the topic of astral travel where she proceeded to tell me that only recently, she was told by her mother, that when she was little she used to sit down in a corner alone.  She'd then close her eyes and eventually, her mum would call her and finally, my friend would open her eyes and say "I had to get back to my body".

Trying to relate back to the subject heading, my friend suffers from severe nightmares.  She doesn't know the cause and they happen almost every night and repeat themselves, recurring in high detail.

There's an odd twist to this.  When she was younger, she wrote a series of stories with a character she invented called Corey.  He appeared in all of the stories she wrote as a child.

The problem is, he appears in these nightmares she's been having, and they haven't always happened, they just started in the last year or two.  According to my friend, Corey doesn't act like a normal  dream character, he says things that are non dream related and more 'higher' related as she tried to explain to me.  

Is it a possability, that her 'higher self' so to speak, has chosen to take on the appearance of this fictional character, and appear to her in her dreams?  I'm sorry I can't be more specific as I'm relaying from memory here.  I've promised to help her so if anyone can take the time to analyse this, or tell me what this could possibly be, please do so.

I'd post one of the dreams but she's going to edit them for clarity and they are rather disturbing but Ii'll get around to it.

Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.

Andali  (on behalf of Amie)

P.S. For my own clarification here, could someone please give me a definition of 'higher self'.  The topic keeps popping up around me and I'm beginning to think maybe I should get off my little hill of naivity and sweet ignorance :roll: .
~*~*If you long for your dreams and your dreams cannot wait, turn your life into dreams and control your own fate...*~*~





Higher Self is many things to many people. Whatever people choose to believe is their business, of course. But, ultimately, Higher Self is a mystical and/or religious belief construct.

People who adhere to the more traditional mystical models tend to think in terms of "higher" and "lower" in consciousness. Like there are "higher beings" and stuff like that. But in truth, there is no such thing... consciousness is not higher or lower, it just IS. Unfortunately, what people in the main have yet to realise is that if you are going to talk in terms of higher and lower, then we are ALREADY our highest expression of Self. But thousands of years of religious conditioning is not going to go away overnight.

In the past, people have created actions in consciousness, such as "higher self" and "gods" and such like, to the extent where they have become what are known as Group Constructs. These group constructs are lodged within the area of Focus 2 of consciousness, in an individual sense, and en masse within a particular "layer" of Focus 3.

Many of these constructs keep being repeatedly played out both within Focus 1oC and, following disengagement from physical focus, Focus 3oC.

Within F3oC you can view all manner of people engaged in the old heaven/hell constructs. But because people today are now "dying" with different ideas about what is going to happen to them, you can see all manner of other circumstances besides.

When people talk about notions such as "higher self" or "higher beings" what they really mean (although most people don't actually know what they really mean, as they just read about it and subscribed to the belief) are people resident within Focus 4 of consciousness. This is a purely subjective area of consciousness and, if you are not careful, all manner of distortions in energy translation can take place. You'll start seeing angels and gods and stuff, lol. Which is whacky, it's wild and a whole lot of fun. But not something that is meant to be taken literally. They are just distortions in energy translation between the purely subjective and the objective.

Focus 4 of consciousness is the very source of all that exists within our total system. The energetic blueprints or archetypes of all possible actions in consciousness are "stored" there. This is basically why people have misunderstood over the years and thought of an almighty creator that creates every "thing" on the planet. Well, in a sense they are right *if* you hold out a huge allowance for their limited viewpoint, and people's ever-present tendency to objectify every subjective phenomenon they come across.

Every "thing" or action-in-consciousness that we engage on our planet does, in fact, have a particular subjective "source" yes. This is because we are known as a, "source/manifest system". The subjective source of the objective actions pertaining to the creation of any one individual, is Focus 2 of consciousness.

However, the ultimate source, or the actual "blueprints" for all possible actions in consciousness that can possibly be brought about within our physical reality, is Focus 4 of consciousness.

So when people talk of "god" what they really mean is Focus 4oC, which they have objectified as people tend to do (but I guess there is no telling them that, of course!) This area of consciousness is the ultimate source of ALL actions in consciousness within our system. Therefore, your own actions will have their source there as well. Hence the reason why some people subscribe to the idea of a "higher self" as a notion of some kind of "source" pertaining to the person.

Within Focus 4 of consciousness is also where you can find all your "connections" to your other focuses, which will be resident within other physical realities within our system. There are a huge number of other physical realities and you will have many, many other focuses resident within them. This has led many mystics to believe in the idea of your Higher Self being a kind of "collective entity" that somehow encompasses all of your focuses.

Some mystics even take this notion a stage further saying that, at present, i.e. while physical, you are a kind of "fragment" of some kind of "whole". Then, when you die, you kind of become "one" again and "rejoin" this all-encompassing whole entity or Higher Self. This is, of course, a complete load of dingo droppings. But I do, of course, very much understand why these people have come to these kinds of conclusions over the years.

Some more modern-day mystics have even taken this contorted notion yet a stage further. To the extent where, they are claiming that when your "final" incarnation is complete, you "gather together" all the various "fragments" of yourself. Then the whole of you, sort of, comes together within a kind of huge "mothership of beingness" and off you travel to your next adventure. This is, again, just yet more dingo droppings.

What the people who subscribe to these notions all completely fail to take account of, is the rather significant matter of Simultaneous Time that exists within subjective consciousness. To grasp the notion of Simultaneous Time, in your thinking you have to get a good grasp of the idea of Infinity. You see, everything that ever will be, has already been. Because in infinity, everything happens an infinite number of times.

In infinity, notions such as Beginning and End are meaningless. That is why I always chuckle when I hear people talk about consciousness "expanding". All of consciousness is all of consciousness. Consciousness already encompasses all that is. There is nothing consciousness could possibly "expand" into, therefore, that it would not already encompass. We may well consider ourselves to be expanding, but we are expanding within consciousness. Consciousness itself is not expanding. Consciousness is how it has always been, and is how it always will be... infinite.

There are no boundaries or limitations within consciousness. The only limitations that exist are those we place for the purposes of our experience. Which is all very well, no harm in doing that I suppose, but major difficulties arise when people subscribe to beliefs about consciousness (and the way we set up particular areas within our system) that don't actually concur with what really takes place.



I'll have an answer to the dream question a little later on. There is something I need to double check before posting a reply.


There you go getting me all confused again, right when I thought I had it down..:(

I've used the term "higherself" many times.  To me it means a part of me that isn't with me right now, but IS a part of me.  Does that make sense?  And I don't mean in a sense that it is higher up..lol

For me it is hard to think "highly" of myself (this self, the one that is typing right now)  So when a spectacular thought pops in my head...I think, "no way, I would have thought of that, had to have been my higherself helping out"  

Maybe it just me, but it gives me comfort to think that there is a spectacular part of ME out there helping.  Perhaps I'll start calling whatever it is, my twin, that is out of town right now and phones in with some advice every once in awhile. :)




Corey is not her "higher self" as Amie is her higher self, that is, if we are to speak in terms of higher and lower, which I would prefer we didn't; as there is no such thing within subjective reality.

I am, say, 90% sure Corey is another focus (this is what I needed to confirm with myself, whether Corey was another focus or an Aspect). But no, Corey I'm fairly certain is another focus. For some reason, which I have no knowledge of at present but it must be due to some kind of subjective agreement, Amie and Corey are merging consciousnesses. It could be that the boy is what is known as a parallel focus. In other words, another focus of the Essence of Amie who is currently living within this particular physical reality. But that doesn't necessarily have to be the case.

I'm getting a picture of something of a difficult subjective-to-objective transition for Amie. Lots of grasping and trying to hold onto something that is moving away from her, while being pulled in another direction. Sort of like a child caught in a situation between parents who do not get on.

I'd be very interested in reading the dream scenario. Sounds to me like an overlay between several areas of consciousness. Particularly, I would say, Focus 2 and Focus 4. Where her transition difficulties are continually being replayed within F2 and Corey in the overlaid F4 experience.



Quote from: Andali27
There's an odd twist to this.  When she was younger, she wrote a series of stories with a character she invented called Corey.  He appeared in all of the stories she wrote as a child.

He might have been an imaginary friend like Drop Dead Fred sort or he could more likely be a guide or a past life of hers .He could also be someone very important to her in a past life that she is grieving the loss of . It is not uncommon to dream of those lost traumatically for example my daughter had recurrent dreams of a child that she reached over the deck awash from a storm to rescue  , only falling into the drink and drowning with him . She was a boy in the dream and wearing clothing of a 19th century cabin boy on  a tall ship .

QuoteThe problem is, he appears in these nightmares she's been having, and they haven't always happened, they just started in the last year or two.  According to my friend, Corey doesn't act like a normal  dream character, he says things that are non dream related and more 'higher' related as she tried to explain to me.  

Then he might be coming to her as a guide or even may be her main spirit guide . She may be ready for a spiritual awakening now .

QuoteIs it a possability, that her 'higher self' so to speak, has chosen to take on the appearance of this fictional character, and appear to her in her dreams?  

I would not think so the higher self tends to be manifested as the same gender we are in right now and to appear about 32 years old and in fit fine health . It is not common for the higher self to be another gender .

QuoteP.S. For my own clarification here, could someone please give me a definition of 'higher self'.  

Well I would opt for the traditional view here . When we see the higher selves in meditation taking part in initiations they appear with the same face and similar trademarks but they are wiser and in perfect health . They are clairvoyantly and clairaudiently reachable and I have talked to the higher selves of mates in circle and of students and sitters .

It is possible to talk with the higher self of a spouse during a conflict to sort out situations with greater truth and clarity and without emotional turmoil and thus less chance of karmic debt incurred . It is good to reach the higher self of a loved one  too in this way for example when one is sick in hospital or  living away from home .

They are a projection of us that is at a higher level of consciousness than the one on this physical plane . We have 2 selves at birth, this one stays in the monad and can be reached in meditation through projection or through tapping the answers sought through the antakarana . This making contact with the higher self is not something to take for granted and most humans are unaware that they exist except as a notion of esoteric writers . But i have met them and spoken to them many times and I assure you there is a higher self .

As we develop spiritually we learn to project an astral spirit body initially . We can develop the ability to project our  higher self though and it always seems to look better healthier more energetic . We can learn to bi locate consciousness . We are split as we move forward and develop a doubling process so that we can place one self learning while we work ,another in a spiritual classroom perpetually and another to dwell more closely with our physical self to access more completely and quickly . Robert Bruce has been  in the habit of speaking to his higher self . He called it "going directly to the source" . He found his higher self more trustworthy and  bypassed spiritual guides initially . In this way he has been able to achieve quite a lot .

The first time I met him , he projected in his higher self from Perth to Washington DC . That was phenomenal and I shall not forget it . He appeared all in indigo but perfectly formed and 3 dimensional . He was able to communicate and move . I was amazed . I still cannot do this ten years on . I can project higher self but not with the same vibration and intensity that i could be percieved by a less aware human .

When one has never done this they cannot percieve it yet and believe themselves to be of the higher conciousness  but this is not a complete truth . It takes a long journey on the way to enlightenment to recall all that the higher self knows and to surpass it as the higher conciousness while in the physical body .

What one can do more easily is to access the highest of the past lives already lived by your entity  .To become the highest of all your own lives lived so far is a worthy logical progressive goal .
Love . Light  and Laughter
Aunt Clair


Really really interesting response by Frank, it raises many questions; maybe we do create our own limitations by ''object''tifying everything we do.


Not alot of info but here's my guess.It sounds to me like your friend is suffering the fallout from the confusing sytem in this male dominated society.

It is very easy for females to exist in such an environment.However, a seeker may be hit up with conflict and possibly mental blocks of denial, for the sake of self preservation.

Hopefully your friend will fare well with the thinning veil  of female consciousness and her young male friend can grow as well.

Women must take the reins of their own being! Ownership is where it's at whether your male or female! There are no freebies, gals!!!  

Your summary of what a higher self is, is very similar to mine. I've only become familiar with the term in the last 5 years or so. It has always struck me as a pretty innocent concept.  :D

You are sooo deep, your last few posts I've understood better. I agree about the spirit guides.


I recently told her to try and go lucid while having one of the dreams, but got this reply from her yesterday:

Quotei did try the lucid dreams thing, i think you should note that cory looked at me and asked me what am i doing and told me it was stupid. He also felt offended that i didn't think he was real.

To me, it sounds kind of odd, what do you think?

~*~*If you long for your dreams and your dreams cannot wait, turn your life into dreams and control your own fate...*~*~




Since she's seem this Corey a number of times in her dreams, can she tell you how she feels when she sees him?  Does he seem like a stranger, or an old friend?  Is there a feeling of overwhelming camaraderie/closeness when she sees him?



My own exp. many yrs. ago was I was living in a place where they taught  diff. metiphysical beliefs etc-Yoga ,numerolligy,astrol.
My friends sister and her husb. ran it up in the Richmond hills and we were going to visit and ended up living there a few mounths.

Anyway they had meetings every Fri. called M.S.I.A.- Movement of spiritual inner awareness.
In thease meetings on fri.s was the first time i'd heard people talking about the higher self.Everyone would basickly get togather and talk about their diff spiritual exps. wich were many .Anyway thats who they all prayed to when they prayed at this gathering.I guess the founder guided people in past life regressions etc.

Now I had had several OBE's while awake but never under my own controll.I never even had heard of it the first time it happened to me.And I did for a bit think I had died.But if im dead who the H is that sitting up in the chair their with the eyes opened?Anyway back to Astrologoes(name of place we stayed).

One day I came home from work and knew theyed be having this meeting in the library (huge) in the house.
As usual I just walked by the open door and everyone was in a circle (as usual).
As I passed the door a man in a long multi collered robe who Id never seen before turned and looked at me (as his back was to me) and when our eyes met I almost collapsed.-made it past the doorway and grabbed some wall,asking myself what the H was that and trying to gain composure ,then walked back by the door ,once again he turned ,made eye contact and once again I was hanging on trying to get to the kitchen wich was closest to the entry to the library.

About the time i was getting it togather this guy comes out and introduces himself.
to shorten this a bit -We ended up taking a ride into the hills where we already were and real close was a open gravel pit-no buildings or anything just nature and a full moon.
He started talking about things (life) and I experianced the feelings I had befor and I was in the astral-this godly voice started telling me what this life is really about .I was trying so very hard to retain the info till I reached such an intence energy and frustration inside that i felt i would explode as I knew this was to important to NOT remember.
The being with me was also in the astral as soon as I was-Anyway at this point the voice paused and said (stop trying) then continued.Well the instant I stopped trying it was all there everything Id been told total and complete memory.

the voice continued- As I was looking over at my guide in this exp. he continued talking in that voice and all of a sudden his astral form changed into a  being of this brilliant light and the voice continued, then there was another raise of my conciousness , Like my astral bodys astral body-and i too was a being of light-Well at this point the voice seemed to change a bit and stoped and  said (you see you are an old one,a very old one) and the teers of unbelieveable joy just flowed out of me

In the next instant we were in a whole new playground for me! and I was standing with my friend," in front of us was (ME) my higher self,a perfect being of light but me and I knew it was me and talked with it (mostly listened)as did the other being there at the time who I now see as a def. guide.
I was told so many things and that if in this life I was to know any of thease things they would just be there inside when I needed to know.

That eve. when back in our physical bodys and the next morn we talked about many things
This was the last OBE Im sad to say that I have experianced.It has been so many yrs.

Ive heard many diff. exps. but since that time I  also pray to my higher self.

As for your dream ? I believe you already have many good answers from some special beings-Bless ya all


Aunt Clair
(When one has never done this they cannot percieve it yet and believe themselves to be of the higher conciousness but this is not a complete truth . It takes a long journey on the way to enlightenment to recall all that the higher self knows and to surpass it as the higher conciousness while in the physical body .)

Its always been my understanding that the higher self gains its experiances(knoweledge)from the diff. lifetimes weather 1 or 1000-I doubt seriously that we can even get close to  our higher selves' exp level while in any physical body.
Maybe at the moment of enlightenment?

What do ya think?