How do you know when to start trying when under Binaural beats?

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I am hoping to hear from users who use Binaural or Isochronic beats to help get to the right mindset to attempt to AP.

So its like this; I been using Binaurall, Isochronic tones. I find they do relax me but there seems to be something bugging me whenever I use them and it seems to be enough to hinder my attempts to get to the right mindset to project. How exactly would you know when its the right time to project? my attempts get hindered because a part of my mind springs back to wondering if I am supposed to try and "get out" now. This mentality does not help at all and does not let me get as deep in alpha/theta as I want to attempt projection.

I UNDERSTAND that Binaural beats/Isochronic tones only are meant to take you to right stage of relaxation/alpha/theta to project and do not do it all for you on there own.

I am confused at what stage you are supposed to attempt to project. So for anyone who uses these things or maybe anyone who does not but knows what to look out for when you know its time, please fill me in here. Thanks!


I know that you are looking for answers from people who have successfully projected from binaural beats, but I'm going to add my two cents anyways. :)

I have experimented with them and they have relaxed me, however I have yet to successfully go oob while listening. They certainly keep me awake, but my body doesn't want to fall asleep while they have been going on.

I would hate to be cliche and say "when it feels right", but binaural beats aside my experiences (nearly always occurring after I wake up or when taking a nap) are rather spontaneous. It just "happens". Certainly, I am trying to broaden my ability and horizons, but I like to stress experimentation. Try different things and record your experiences. As a whole, technically all methods are possible, but it's always probable that especially at the beginning, some ways might be more effective than others.

The binaural beats wont innately make you project. They are an aid that have been proven to be effective for people, but certainly don't include a satisfaction guarantee. Empty your mind and just relax. Part of my problem is probably that I think too much, haha. Maybe that's why I have better luck in the mornings. My body is so dead tired, it'll fall asleep and let my mind have at it. But honestly, who knows? Once you reach that state, just relax and let it happen. Maybe people with more experience will have more useful input, but you can't blame me for trying :)
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


As an aid you can use them for relaxation.
After you purposely listen to them and you're relaxed you can purposely not listen to them. I mean try to mentally switch the sounds you are hearing off. With some practice and a quiet background noise level its not that difficult.
Hitting the off button is simpler, you will not be as relaxed though and switch it on again... :-D
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Tongo on December 16, 2012, 01:13:58
I UNDERSTAND that Binaural beats/Isochronic tones only are meant to take you to right stage of relaxation/alpha/theta to project and do not do it all for you on there own.
You almost have it...

Binaurals don't really do anything for you at all.  They simply help you while you do whatever it is you're trying to do.  Nothing more.
They won't "take you" to any stage of relaxation without you doing the vast majority of the work yourself.  :)

You might find that they relax you... but in essence, YOU are the one doing the relaxing with the help of the beats.  Recognize who/what is doing the work... you are. 

The stage you "project" at is the same stage as if you weren't use the binaural beats at all.  Nothing changes with the use of them.  If you have trouble finding the proper point to project from, using binaurals aren't going to help you find it. 


Quote from: Xanth on December 17, 2012, 20:10:46
The stage you "project" at is the same stage as if you weren't use the binaural beats at all.  Nothing changes with the use of them.  If you have trouble finding the proper point to project from, using binaurals aren't going to help you find it. 

ty but what would you say was the right time to attempt to project with or without the beats? I have trouble with this a lot. Knowing the right que hinders my attempts as I worry I may miss it. Some say you will feel your body go numb and maybe get vibrations would you say that was true?




Hmm, are you sure about that the binaurals does nothing at all? I have been tought that they (especially Hemi-sync) affects the physical brainwaves directly, hence we do not entirely alter it just by intent. I thought that the helped us by playing certain sound that directly influences our brainwave patterns. I know this takes intent to let it work as it should, but even so I wonder. Perhaps I have understood that wrong.
Correct me here if you know more, its an interesting subject.


Quote from: AteBits on December 18, 2012, 03:47:07
Haha M4RTIN! Do you project without them now? :)

I can't AP yet, now im mainly doing the robert bruce's rope method and sometimes repeating a word in my head, if i get some headphones i'll use binaural beats while doing the technique.

Here are the benefits of using binaural beats for astral projection


Quote from: Tongo on December 18, 2012, 02:34:40
ty but what would you say was the right time to attempt to project with or without the beats? I have trouble with this a lot. Knowing the right que hinders my attempts as I worry I may miss it. Some say you will feel your body go numb and maybe get vibrations would you say that was true?
Actually, there really isn't any "point" when you "do" anything... projection is all about ignoring the physical and *allowing* yourself to shift.
There is no right que... it just takes experience and what I mentioned above.

Quote from: AteBits on December 18, 2012, 03:54:59
Hmm, are you sure about that the binaurals does nothing at all? I have been tought that they (especially Hemi-sync) affects the physical brainwaves directly, hence we do not entirely alter it just by intent. I thought that the helped us by playing certain sound that directly influences our brainwave patterns. I know this takes intent to let it work as it should, but even so I wonder. Perhaps I have understood that wrong.
Correct me here if you know more, its an interesting subject.
You're entirely correct.  Intent is what's required.
You can test this yourself quite easily.  Sit down and simply "listen" to a binaural beat... listen to it like you would listen to music or the radio.  Listen with no Intent behind it other than to simply listen.  Then listen WITH Intent...

See the difference.  This might actually be a difficult experiment to pull off... but it illustrates the difference quite easily.


Quote from: Xanth on December 19, 2012, 22:05:06
Actually, there really isn't any "point" when you "do" anything... projection is all about ignoring the physical and *allowing* yourself to shift.
There is no right que... it just takes experience and what I mentioned above.
You're entirely correct.  Intent is what's required.
You can test this yourself quite easily.  Sit down and simply "listen" to a binaural beat... listen to it like you would listen to music or the radio.  Listen with no Intent behind it other than to simply listen.  Then listen WITH Intent...

See the difference.  This might actually be a difficult experiment to pull off... but it illustrates the difference quite easily.

Now you have to identify the meaning of "Intent"....What is Intent? is Intent just verbally telling yourself that "I am going to Phase now"........Is there a feeling behind it as well?

For me, I am trying to figure out, what is Intent......


This is important.
Doing things with a strong intent means doing them with the conviction  to attain the desired result no matter what obstacles are present (fears).
On occasion to project you have to use this intent where whatever feelings you're experiencing are pushed aside. This can include, the feeling of proceeding will be fatal. Its scarey the first time but you always wake in the physical as usual.
Push yourself past any limits you have set (physically contrived), boldly go where you've never been before.
Intent is a powerful tool when utilised with full conviction.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Szaxx is spot on. To add:

Before I make an AP attempt, I first meditate on my intent... I remove all other thoughts and feelings, and focus with deep feeling on what I want to achieve. Once I have that fully realized with a deep desire and feeling, I hold onto that feeling and begin my projection attempt. The key here is feeling, not words or a general expression or repetition, and that feeling stays present throughout the attempt. If for some reason I get lost in a thought, I come back to the exercise and reinstate the intent again through feeling.


Quote from: bproulx12 on December 20, 2012, 05:44:11
Now you have to identify the meaning of "Intent"....What is Intent? is Intent just verbally telling yourself that "I am going to Phase now"........Is there a feeling behind it as well?

For me, I am trying to figure out, what is Intent......
I post something about Intent before:;msg303981#msg303981


Hi, I just discovered this forum, as we do create and work with binaural beats I thought I might add my two bits. What we have come to observe is that like anything else, binaural beats are no magic wand, we like to refer to them as a CEREBRAL TRAINING METHOD, and like all training it does need practice.

We do get from our users that sleep does come rather quickly and that is fine, but I would argue, with absolutely no scientific proof, that with time it will INDUCE more then sleep. I do agree that intent is needed, but I am not sure that there isn't a creator or director of mood into some mixes. The suggestibility is quite relevant, but it is to be proven that creating the right mix will inevitably provoke the same response in a majority of users. Even in a blind test.

What I deplore of idoser is that he never answers anybody, he just surfs on rumors and time, It seem to have served him well, but I doubt that he puts great efforts into its creations. Here is an article refering to my claims,

We also have a commercial site, and we do tell customers of the need to practice. Also, as of today, it is scientifically NOT POSSIBLE for anyone, to tell what brain waves MIXTURES will create in your mind. A long 4 hertz beat will induce a 4 hertz response from your brain, but mixing all waves is not proven to give a specific response. The money we raise from the commercial site will fund a completely free research project aiming at clarifying this. More on the research can be read here

We are just starting and quite a ways from our goals (years), but with ever more powerfull tools and the help from thousands of users, millions one day :-) we will try and create the largest brainwave database available, crowdsourced, and available to all science projects around the world.

It is my belief that with proper science this technology can lead to pharmaceutic discoveries.

If some people are curious about binaural training, I will give a free HIT to the first five members of this forum asking for one. We are on Skype as ''Hex-Hit''

