How Does Forgiveness Work?

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Obviously forgiving ourselves and others at the energetic level, and psychological level is important.

But the Bible seems to portray a different level of forgiveness The Bible says:

Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

How do you think this works?

Personally I think that this scripture could work like this. Let's say there is a boy that is rapped as a child. And the boy doesn't overcome the trauma by it and which causes him to be unable to succeed in life. Then when both of them die the person that rapped the boy will get a worser reincarnation because the boy couldn't forgive the perpetrator and make something of their life. But if the boy did forgive the rapist and was able to overcome in life regardless of the trauma then then because the consequences turned out more positive then God will forgive the rapist by giving the rapist a better reincarnation for healing.

This is the only practical way in which this forgiveness thing could work I tend to think. Thoughts?


I tend to think that if the rapist were to one day face the awful things he had done and sought forgiveness and worked to become a better person he would have a better fate. Of course that would depend on his own personal beliefs.

Of course that is assuming the bible is correct. Something I think most of us here have trouble with. I personally don't care much what the bible says, it raises more loose ends and dilemmas than it answers.


 Plasma, how do you "know" for sure that in this case, the boy and the rapist didn't make a plan, (before they both incarnated here in the physical), to be raped, thus helping the boy experience something he came here to experience ? The event then might just lead the boy down a certain path in life, like opening up a Center for those that suffer as well from any form of abuse.
There are many people that report becoming "Light Workers" after experiencing some kind of extreme "darkness" in their own lives.

Just another way to look at it!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Nameless on May 05, 2019, 04:11:54
I tend to think that if the rapist were to one day face the awful things he had done and sought forgiveness and worked to become a better person he would have a better fate. Of course that would depend on his own personal beliefs.

Of course that is assuming the bible is correct. Something I think most of us here have trouble with. I personally don't care much what the bible says, it raises more loose ends and dilemmas than it answers.
You bring up an interesting dichotomy which is on the one hand scripture seems to promote the idea that we can be forgiven according to forgiveness we seek. Or as Christians say ask forgiveness from God. And on the other hand this scripture seems to point out that God will only forgive you if others their sins.

Quote from: Lumaza on May 05, 2019, 07:07:28
Plasma, how do you "know" for sure that in this case, the boy and the rapist didn't make a plan, (before they both incarnated here in the physical), to be raped, thus helping the boy experience something he came here to experience ? The event then might just lead the boy down a certain path in life, like opening up a Center for those that suffer as well from any form of abuse.
There are many people that report becoming "Light Workers" after experiencing some kind of extreme "darkness" in their own lives.

Just another way to look at it!
Yeah I suppose that is possible that they made that deal. But then the question still remains what does it mean to not forgive others and then God won't forgive them?

Also yeah I too have experienced extreme darkness in my life and now I understand life and the spiritual on such a deeper level.


Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on May 05, 2019, 17:34:52
But then the question still remains what does it mean to not forgive others and then God won't forgive them?
To answer that properly, I would have to believe that that statement is true, which I don't. So, there's my answer I guess.

We came here to this physical realm to experience and "learn" from those experiences. The good, bad and ugly are all said experiences. Unfortunately, it's the bad and ugly that hold some of the most profound lessons in our lives.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on May 05, 2019, 03:49:11
But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

I think the meaning of this statement is that if you don't learn to forgive, then you will keep experiencing events where other people will hurt you thus giving you opportunities to learn to forgive.
If you agree that everyone should be forgiven for their sins, because after all this is a learning ground and mistakes are essential for this purpose, the you would agree that there should be a lesson if you cant forgive.
So, you will not get a relief from other people hurting you until you learn to forgive, but that may be interpreted exactly as the bible statement as God has not forgiven you and will not help you against these people.

In addition, how would you feel if others that you have ever hurt don't forgive you. And if you think that you have never hurt anyone by accident or on purpose for your own gain, then you are mistaken. We experience the multiverse, learning along the way as many characters, good, bad and ugly. No one has even been only good, or only bad. We have to experience diversity to learn it all. If in this life there is a boy and a rapist, in another their roles may be reversed. It is not a punishment from God, it is simply the nature of learning. 

"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: Lumaza on May 05, 2019, 19:05:23
To answer that properly, I would have to believe that that statement is true, which I don't. So, there's my answer I guess.

We came here to this physical realm to experience and "learn" from those experiences. The good, bad and ugly are all said experiences. Unfortunately, it's the bad and ugly that hold some of the most profound lessons in our lives.
Yeah agreed.


You forgive, you feel good, you create benign thought-forms for your soul.

You don't forgive, you have negative thoughts and feelings, you create malign thought-forms, that'll remain attached to your soul.

For the other person your forgiveness doesn't matter. It matters what are his/her thoughts and feelings, because they'll create thought-forms that'll attach to him/her.
"Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider."
- Sir Francis Bacon


I dont believe reality consists of reward and punishment nor good and evil. There is no duality. All is only good unless you or someone else creates otherwise. Yet the nature of reality is all good.