How I Got Out For The First Time

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I did 32 minutes of trance today, the shaking comes in waves and I'm getting progressively lighter as time goes on.
With lighter I mean I dont feel my arms and legs hardly anymore.

Also the inside of my closed eyes seem to get (slightly) brighter with light as time goes on.  I assume this is a good sign, right?!


^^ That has happened to me (the light thing) but I do not know if it was just a car going into my neighbors driveway. I think I am getting improvement on the state of mind part though. I will start to drift off more now and then my heart rate increases and my body begins to feel like it is floating, but then I become fully conscious and it goes away. So ^^ yay!


Quote from: Anemani on March 09, 2010, 11:43:44
^^ That has happened to me (the light thing) but I do not know if it was just a car going into my neighbors driveway. I think I am getting improvement on the state of mind part though. I will start to drift off more now and then my heart rate increases and my body begins to feel like it is floating, but then I become fully conscious and it goes away. So ^^ yay!
How many minutes do you do your trances??


I lay down for about  40 mins exactly each time (If my mind is not wondering) With the binaural beats I am able to stay still for 1 hour and my results are a bit better and my mind drifts off more, but after that I will fall asleep without realizing it. When I first started it only took me 10 to 20 minutes to get into the trance, but as time went on, my time increased until I was not getting any results, which I am wondering if that is because of something to do with my physical body, because know I am doing a bit better each night.


Quote from: Anemani on March 09, 2010, 12:53:45
I lay down for about  40 mins exactly each time (If my mind is not wondering) With the binaural beats I am able to stay still for 1 hour and my results are a bit better and my mind drifts off more, but after that I will fall asleep without realizing it. When I first started it only took me 10 to 20 minutes to get into the trance, but as time went on, my time increased until I was not getting any results, which I am wondering if that is because of something to do with my physical body, because know I am doing a bit better each night.
Try doing if for an hour or longer


OH I have an idea to keep myself awake. ^^ I will turn my fan on and put my covers half way across the room, because I will not stay asleep without them, especially with wind blowing on me. Usually if that happens I will be more than half asleep and just pull them over me, but with them being out of my reach that should keep me from going back to sleep, and hopefully let me continue from where I left off.....
My only problem with adding an extra hour then will be whether or not I can sit still that long.


I am starting to wake up during the  night more. (I usually sleep straight through) I woke up  a few times and attempted to AP when I did so, but I was too tired.   :lol: This time instead of the pulsing I had tingling sensations (though not vibrations) and this morning I was trying to ap and I was  half awake and half asleep and I started shaking. WHen I got up the shaking went away though


AP is a specific description of OBE.  An OBE is an Out of Body Experience, that could include Astral Projection, Near Death Experience, Shamanic Journeying, even Remote Viewing in a sense.  An OBE is the act of projecting your consciousness away from your body, though that's kind of a "primitive" way to look at it because it assumes that your physical body is your primary mode of experiencing and all others are secondary.  I think it might be more appropriate to say that your are shifting your scale and position to another perspective that you may equally inhabit. 

It should be noted that Shamanic Journeying and Remote Viewing are often considered inner journeys because they are "imaginal".  To that I would say, who decided that realms of the imagination aren't real?  I can talk to my spirit guides and power animals in my realms of imagination, I can connect with my subconscious.  How can anyone say that's any less real than me typing right now?  Some even say that typical Astral Projection is an inner journey, that these realms are made from imagination.  So what about the seemingly objective Astral Environments that contain whole civilizations, or ones where many different Earth-bound people can go and then come back and share the same experience?  In this case, we could give credit to the collective unconscious.  Different people can experience the same thing because that "place" exists within the unifying consciousness between all sentient beings existing in all of reality.  I'm not saying that Astral Projection is one way or the other, but I think it's important to consider that even the events we call "inner" journeys are no less real that a trip to the 7-11, possibly much more. 

Kurt, I would say that perhaps you are genuinely OBEing.  Here's my theory:

The Astral Planes are different from the density levels because the APs represent the truly non-material.  While the density levels above the 3rd appear immaterial to us because of our scale and position relative to their frequency, they are physical too when viewed from the perspective of their scale and position.  Now that may mean something different to them because the way they perceive reality is most like much different from ours.  We call the 3rd Density physical because of it's apparent solidity, but we all know that there isn't really anything solid about it (quantum physics, nothing but space in an atom).  To us, energy that vibrates faster than the energy in our scale and position seems non-physical, and one might assume that beings in higher densities would perceive their indigenous density as "solid" and higher ones as "non-solid".  The Astral Planes on the other hand are "inner realms".  If such a thing as objectivity really exists then you would find it in the Density Levels, but the Astral is subjective, mind only.  That's not to say that mind doesn't play a bigger role in densities higher than the 3rd though.  So if one were journeying in the Astral then it would be an inner journey because they are realms of imagination.  However, if one were journeying to different densities it would be a true Out of Body Journey because your body in the 3rd Density is left behind and you inhabit your "body" counterpart in the higher frequency densities.  In the Astral there is no body involved, you are still with your physical body but you have unplugged from the sensory input of the 3rd Density and plugged into the sensory input of the collective unconscious of all beings.  Density travel is like physical travel only instead of going to the next country, you are increasing the vibratory frequency of your energy body.  Astral travel on the other hand is a 180 degree shift from receiving sensory input from a density level to a level of mind.  This would explain why it may take an individual more energy reserves to reach a different density level than Astral realms.  How much fuel does it take you to meditate versus powering a rocket ship to go to the moon?  When you move to a different density you're altering the pattern of your energy body whereas in moving to the Astral you're altering the pattern of your consciousness.  I think it would be safe to assume that you would be altering your consciousness patterns in density travel as well as the patterns of your energy bodies because while you could get there by raising the frequency of your energy body, you wouldn't be able to perceive the higher densities in any sort of meaningful way if your consciousness was still focused in 3rd Density perception. 

Here's a diagram that may illustrate what I'm saying:

I agree that AP sounds cooler though, I just think that it's something that's taking place within the collective mind of all beings while the density travel is actual travel.  Mind you, this is all just theory, I have no evidence to back it up.  This is just me contemplating what I've experienced and a little bit of other theories mushed up into one idea.  This may be totally wrong.  But I think it makes sense.  Especially with you talking about how much more energy it takes to get to the higher densities, and I think this is why.  Plus, I have relatively little energy reserves compared to you for example, and my projections, which I think are to the astral, are always "colored" by my dreams and other imagined/mind experiences. 
be awesome.


I understood that, (though I cannot see the diagram until I get home)


The diagram really brings it home.  Seeing what I mean turns the abstract concept into something a little more tangible.
be awesome.


 :-P When I have my first AP then I can really see if what you say is plausible, but for now I am just an open book with blank pages on the subject.


Then don't listen to a word I say.  It's all lies.  I've been making it up for fun at your expense, I'm sorry.  Forget everything I've ever said to you....seriously. 
be awesome.


D: what!?! are being sarcastic???? *runs around in confusion then into a wall*  :cry: sorry please do not be that way.


I said seriously didn't I?  Read the mission statement for my podcast  I mean it. 

I'm a psychologist.  Studying behavior is what I do.  I know how easily what one person who seems to be an authority is whatever capacity says can turn into a limiting belief in another person.  I don't like that.  I don't want my words to become a limiting belief for you.  I say this with the warmest of intentions, I'm not trying to confuse you at all.  I can share my experience, but you must know that what I say is essentially nonsense.  The reason is because we each have an infinitely unique perception.  No matter how similar we think we are we are nothing alike.  Consider emotions.  I say I'm happy and you know what I mean right?  Of course not.  I have had millions of unique moments in my life that have conditioned the way I experience happy.  And the real kicker is that each successive moment of experience is interpreted and perceived by perception that the millions of moments before it has created.  On top of all that, I have a unique soul with it's own characteristics.  So even if we were born as monozygotic (identical) twins, and somehow had the exact same experience through our whole life, we still wouldn't be the same because our unique souls cause us to perceive all of those experiences differently.  So, I say I'm happy and in truth you have absolutely no idea what that means.  Only I can ever feel like I feel.  Perhaps only through psychic experience could one experience someone else, but even then, the psychic would still be interpreting the feelings of the other person through their own perceptual framework.  It is literally impossible in my opinion for any two people to really know what eachother feels.

With that in mind, my experience is utterly useless to you on a real metaphysical level.  Sure, you can take my experience and play around with it, but what comes out on the other end will be your interpretation of my experience, so it's not really my experience then, it's yours.  In that sense then, there is no such thing as objectivity.  If we both see an object and agree that we both saw the same object it would still be untrue, because while we agree that the object we see has the label agreed upon by our society, we both see it through infinitely unique eyes.  The experience is not the same.  Everything is always subjective, it couldn't be any other way.  What that all comes down to then, is that essentially there is no other experience but mine and equally yours.  For all intents and purposes, you do not exist in my reality and I don't exist in yours.  I suppose you could extrapolate from that that we are "all one" experiencing itself through an infinite number of infinitely unique eyes so to say.

be awesome.


^^ lol
I get what you are saying. :-) I absolutely dislike it when people say they know me and I am a believer in that what you experience in life, who was in your life and how you coped or handled these factors are a big part of what makes you uniquely you.

QuoteThen don't listen to a word I say.  It's all lies.  I've been making it up for fun at your expense, I'm sorry.  Forget everything I've ever said to you....seriously.
By saying this would you be in fact saying the truth since you say it is all lies, so that means you lied and told they truth by lying, but still lied yet said truth, so that makes there only one lie..... ^^ Just playing (not sure if I even worded all of that correctly)


Your ideas and opinions seem to be the same as mine and my group. I'm not a very good writer, so I'll leave it up to you to come up with the explanations. I am good at drawing examples though:

They say a pictures worth a thousand words.  :-D


I like the 3-D interpretation, I didn't even think to put it that way.  I kept tripping over myself because conceptually I visualized the idea in 3-D but I visualized it as a virtual reality type experience where I'm flying through the diagram.  So I just put it in 2-D.  Seeing yours makes sense though in 3-D, the only thing I added was the collective which I suppose could be connected to each person or it could be the medium in which everything else exists.  Perhaps the collective is the source of energy for the density levels.

be awesome.


It's important not to forget that these density levels are based on the galaxy and the galactic center. All galaxies (or most) are based on the golden ratio. The mathematics isn't too difficult to understand and this image demonstrates how the density levels get smaller and smaller as you approach the center of the galaxy.

I believe that the gravity is compressed into each of the density levels. To calculate the area all you do is take the length x length.

The golden ratio (phi) = 1.618

The 3rd density is phi x phi = 2.62
The 4th density is 1/Phi x 1/phi  = .382
The 5th density is 1/Phi^3 x 1/phi^3  = .0557
The 6th density is 1/Phi^5 x 1/phi^5  = .0081
The 7th density is 1/Phi^7 x 1/phi^7  = .0012

4th density (.382) x 7 = 2.6, which means the 4th density is about 7 times smaller than the 3rd.

5th density (.0557) x 47 = 2.62, which means the 5th density is about 47 times smaller than the 3rd.

6th density (.0081) x 324 = 2.62, which means the 6th density is about 324 times smaller than the 3rd.

7th density (.0012) x 2185 = 2.62, which means the 7th density is about 2,185 times smaller than the 3rd.

My theory is that the energetic vacuum density (gravity) of these dimensions is also dependent on these sizes. Meaning that the gravity of the 5th density is about 47 times that of normal 3rd density earth gravity. And the gravity at the galactic center (7th density) is about 2,185 times earths gravity...


Kurt, how many planets in our universe do you think support life (approximate percentage)??


How the heck would I know that? I wouldn't even be able to tell you what percentage of planets in this galaxy support life.


Quote from: kurtykurt42 on March 10, 2010, 22:25:27
How the heck would I know that? I wouldn't even be able to tell you what percentage of planets in this galaxy support life.
Isnt it something you can find out when AP'ing??


I would bet that every star in the galaxy is capable of having at least one planet around it that supports life in some form or another. There are about 100 - 400 billion stars in our galaxy. It's difficult to say how many planets there are orbiting these stars but I would have to say about a trillion or so. If only 1% of these trillion planets had life that would be about (10^12 * .01) = 1,000,000,000 or one billion planets.


Gravity would make sense of the density concept, perhaps. I'm no physicist but I've studied electromagnetism quite a bit, and I think gravity might be specific to frequency. As in, particles might only exert gravity on particles of a similar frequency. So in effect, an entire object might form on one frequency without interacting with objects on other frequencies

Very theoretical, and it wouldn't imply less or greater gravity on any frequency. I think it's what happens when ghosts phase through walls

Quote from: Fresco on March 10, 2010, 22:16:14Kurt, how many planets in our universe do you think support life (approximate percentage)??
I can answer that: All of them. Even the void of space has life in it (albeit different).

But I'm guessing you mean cellular carbon/hydrogen life like we're familiar with. There are numerous planets similar to ours - we're one of many Earth-types - with civilizations and forests and oceans. There are also many desert planets similar to Mars that are sparsely inhabited. There are frozen planets like Pluto where encapsulated cities are built. I've gotten wind that even our own Moon is terraformed on the back.

Seems we're going off on another tangent, aren't we?


Quote from: kurtykurt42 on March 10, 2010, 22:46:53
I would bet that every star in the galaxy is capable of having at least one planet around it that supports life in some form or another. There are about 100 - 400 billion stars in our galaxy. It's difficult to say how many planets there are orbiting these stars but I would have to say about a trillion or so. If only 1% of these trillion planets had life that would be about (10^12 * .01) = 1,000,000,000 or one billion planets.
This guy claims every planet in our solar system has life:
But some have different vibration levels, thats why we cant detect life on any here from earth
Quote from: zareste on March 11, 2010, 06:33:18
I can answer that: All of them. Even the void of space has life in it (albeit different).

But I'm guessing you mean cellular carbon/hydrogen life like we're familiar with. There are numerous planets similar to ours - we're one of many Earth-types - with civilizations and forests and oceans. There are also many desert planets similar to Mars that are sparsely inhabited. There are frozen planets like Pluto where encapsulated cities are built. I've gotten wind that even our own Moon is terraformed on the back.
You are right, there's many reports of structures on the moon.  Not sure if they were built by us or someone else.
I'm also convinced the US govt and NASA knows life exists on Mars, thats why they keep going back there.  Not sure why they just dont come clean with it though, I think most people can handle it


yeah people would handle it fine. In fact everyone was ready and raring to find life before NASA showed up and pulled the great geocentric-life scam. Not many people believed this 'alone in the universe' stuff before they showed up. Mars and other planets have life and structures that are plainly visible and sometimes abundant - they're just edited out of the pictures.

I wonder if we should make a thread about galactic life in general

I know there's something going on with the Moon. In a projection once, I decided to walk on the back of the Moon myself. When I got there, I was rather confused because it looked like a desert on Earth - brown sand, yellow sunset, a hint of blue in the sky though it was mostly black. I thought I had gone to the wrong planet. The only thing that tipped me off was when I looked at the sand - there were little 'craters' in it - evidence of space dust. I didn't get to see any structures I'm afraid

As for who's up there - it's not any single government, as nation-governments are a myth to begin with. It seems to be a set of organizations with various agendas and various races, humans included. I hear that at least one of them wants to wipe all life off this planet and repopulate it themselves