How I Got Out For The First Time

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QuoteFirst of all, I ain't a native so please tolerate my English a bit  grin
Dat first line... :D Like szaxx said, your english is actually pretty good! You in Australia by any chance?

As for you experience, that is quite amazing! I definitely think you actually got out, judging by how you were able to move around.

And you know, if anything, your story is what has inspired me to try again soon, tonight maybe! :) Good luck in future travels, there is a lot to learn my friend. ;)
This world's Captain Falcon; A title I will pass down to a chosen one when I leave this dimension.


Quote from: Szaxx on September 17, 2015, 11:43:13
Welcome Saksare,
Your description fits quite well. The closer you are to the sleeping body the more 'interference' you can experience.
As you had noticed excitement affected your experience, this is normal too.
It would appear that trying to heal someone can only be done by those with experience. That is obvious lol. If you  haven't mastered the skill in the NP, you may have been unable to access his home for this reason. When you think about guides looking after us, it speaks for itself. You don't hire a baker to do your plumbing lol.
The beats only help relax you and at best put your brainwaves into the correct frequencies. They help by removing interfering noises too.

Your mission was driven by intent and you never doubted yourself. This alone is a great help to any attempt. As thoughts manifest, yours were precise and you successfully made the exit. The mission may require more learning on healing. That's the only part you missed out on.
Great try.
Your English is very good too.

Hello Szaxx!
Thanks mate for coming up with answers and trust me they really helped me. I tried again to AP but didn't make it. I think I am over excited by the amazing experience. It would definitely take me time to master this thing and do it whenever I want to. I am working on it and I have no reason to disappoint me after my first experience. Wish me good luck.. Thanks again for guiding mate.. :)


Quote from: personalreality on March 14, 2010, 21:53:15
While I grump and complain, I also have a philosophical understanding that all is as it should be.  People have lessons to learn and this seems to be the way they do it.  I am learning to stop being judgmental and to accept that others have their path for a reason.

I just had a similar conversation with a friend of mine who naturally has OBEs and talks to entities (i.e. guides and angels). We tend to use our small perspective on how the things should be. We seem unhappy but many people succeed in the system like this, therefore it must be working. Although it may seem that things are going to the dogs, it's a work in progress. We are not there yet, and judging the day before the dawn may be unwise. This is my personal opinion; an opinion of extremely grumpy and judgmental individual :-D :-D


That was pretty detailed post you wrote. I hope you wont stop there , because if you liked that, that feeling, that drowsiness when you are transitioning from physical to astral state there is so much you can enjoy more. I guess you went through the vibration stage of the projection, how was it for you? When i first got in that stage, it was one of the weirdest things in my life. Fear, peace, power everything just hitting me at once. I am trying to look remote and trying to write that down as soon as i wake up. Still trying to perfect that tecnique  :-)



I noticed something on pg 14 that you quoted me from about a "fuel tank", and I will say (since I haven't yet gone back and read what I actually said originally), I defer to Xanth always.

Xanth's perspective has so many similarities to my own that I am fully comfortable in letting him speak for me in most cases.

However, I'm gonna go read that page and see what I said. It's been several years, so many I have a different perspective now.

To everyone else who has found this to be a useful post, I'm very happy about that.
be awesome.



I didn't see that post, but I'll give you my perspective on what I suspect you're talking about with Xanth...or were last spring, lol.

In my out of body experiences I could only ever maintain the state for a limited amount of time, a few minutes maybe. So, an easy analogy was to express the experience as something running on energy or "fuel". If you have enough energy available, you stay out longer. In a sense, that is true. But perhaps not in the sense that was expressed in my post. We can still use that metaphor, but now your fuel tank is more like a measure of control that you have over the focus of your perception. So it's not something that you fill up regularly with some ambiguous energy. Rather it's like a power generator that your fill up and will keep running with minimal energy requirements.

I don't like this metaphor. Scrap it.

It's just about practice. When you first start these expeditions of the mind, your focus of attention is habituated into your normal, everyday physical perception. Because of this, it's harder to keep your focus on the so-called "out of body" perceptual experiences. However, over time, and with practice and repeated experiences, maintaining your focus on the "out of body" perceptions becomes easier. it's not a function of energy, it's a function of ability. once you learn it, you'll be able to stay out practically indefinitely if you so choose. of course, if you stop for an extended time, you'll have to "refresh the fuel tank". but it will come back quickly.

So trust Xanth.
be awesome.


Thanks for this - I've been trying to astral project for a few years now using various techniques so I'll give this one a go :)


So how are you doing now with ap?   It's 10 years later. I will try what you prescribe.  I've known about projection since about 1964 but the fear...!   Thx to the web there's lots of reassurances so I've been working that angle. I guess the fear comes from the small conditioned human mind.  I like to think of it as the ox cart. LOL  What I read now is the fun people have, the resistance to coming back to body bc of the loss of freedom, and so if all this is the case and these people operate just fine oob then I'm going for it in a much more confident fearless attitude. 


I have experienced random/spontaneous projections for decades. Nothing terribly consistent, but had them. Of late, I have had some direct projections. When trying to achieve orchestrated direct projections, as many have stated, try one technique for 2 weeks then move on if it doesn't work. When you find the right technique "for you" it will be obvious, as getting out is not a laborious event. Instead it becomes effortless and natural. Be sure to look for clues in the form of synchronicities and vivid repeating dreams/indirect projections. This often helps to get on the right path. 
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee


Quote from: Frostytraveler on September 23, 2024, 11:59:41I have experienced random/spontaneous projections for decades. Nothing terribly consistent, but had them. Of late, I have had some direct projections. When trying to achieve orchestrated direct projections, as many have stated, try one technique for 2 weeks then move on if it doesn't work. When you find the right technique "for you" it will be obvious, as getting out is not a laborious event. Instead it becomes effortless and natural. Be sure to look for clues in the form of synchronicities and vivid repeating dreams/indirect projections. This often helps to get on the right path. 
It's really amazing... I hang out a lot on the reddit assisting folks in the r/AstralProjection, and I get a lot of DM's from people asking "Can you help me to project?" and I'm always more than happy to answer and help.

I tell them EXACTLY what you said above.  Find a method or technique which resonates with you and give it a try for a few weeks then come back and ask questions.  9 times out of 10 I never hear from them again.  HAHA

This stuff isn't hard, it's just that so many people start into it and then can't see the forest for the trees.


Quote from: Xanth on October 07, 2024, 20:56:46This stuff isn't hard, it's just that so many people start into it and then can't see the forest for the trees.
They don't realize that the physical part, as in here on Earth, will fight tooth and nail to keep them focused on it and only it. This especially is in play today with all the constant distractions that we seem to have targeting us right now.

 From doing my Bodylab shows (Wellness shows), I see many people awaking to more of a spiritual nature. The problem is they still are lacking the "drive" and "effort" to put any work into anything like learning non-physical exploration. They "say" they want to. Unfortunately, that is as far as they are willing to go.

 I talk to people at my shows about the Astral Pulse Forums often. I give them the website address and say that they should check it out. They don't need to make any account unless they want to post here or PM someone. It is "FREE" too!  :-)As of yet, I haven't received any responses here from them though. I tell them that if they wish, they can just send PMs to me until they ae comfortable joining the open forum here.
I make wire wrap Crystal Amplifiers that are created to "amplify" the owner's positive, thoughts, wishes and desires. I was given a way to be an "Invisible Helper" here in the physical as well as doing "Retrievals" in the non-physical realms. So, I come across a lot of fantastic, like-minded, good-natured Humans and occasionally "Entities" as well. The positive energy at the Bodylab shows is incredible.  The people can feel it when they first enter the building. Many share that observation with us too! 8-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Fortunately I am quite the opposite of what you experienced. When spiritual activity started earlier in my life (over 30 years ago) I immediately read the Monroe Journeys book. Even more importantly, over the past 1.5 years of a steep spiritual ascension process, I had tremendous drive to learn all I could. The effort I put in was no different than when I was in college or even grad school. I made it a huge priority, as what could be more important and meaningful than to learn everything possible relative to what I was being allowed to see and experience? The physical world and our ego likes to try and distract us, but I was not going to let that happen.
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee


Quote from: Frostytraveler on October 09, 2024, 08:10:26Fortunately I am quite the opposite of what you experienced. When spiritual activity started earlier in my life (over 30 years ago) I immediately read the Monroe Journeys book. Even more importantly, over the past 1.5 years of a steep spiritual ascension process, I had tremendous drive to learn all I could. The effort I put in was no different than when I was in college or even grad school. I made it a huge priority, as what could be more important and meaningful than to learn everything possible relative to what I was being allowed to see and experience? The physical world and our ego likes to try and distract us, but I was not going to let that happen.

I completely understand how you feel. For me, there's nothing more important in life than this quest to directly know my True Self, beyond human ego. Once I realized I'm experiencing just a small portion of a broader consciousness, I couldn't resist wanting to learn more. However, I also understood that not everyone is willing to embark on this grand journey.

Life has introduced me to many people who've had spontaneous OBEs - about 10 friends from school, university, parties, etc. But they've all been fearful or uninterested in exploring further. They acknowledge there's something beyond, but that's where their curiosity ends. Others are too busy with work and family, which is completely understandable. Yet, meditating just 10-15 minutes daily is a significant step!

I think the difference lies in my overwhelming curiosity and desire to learn, which surpasses all my fears and obstacles. I may take breaks, but I always return to the path. I feel finding this truth within me is part of my life's mission, but I also understand not everyone shares this goal. I like the theosophical vision of soul evolution that says «newer souls» are on the descending arc of the evolutionary path, needing to experience denser matter for growth, while «older souls» after traversing the denser realms for so long, yearn to return to the Source and know their true nature.

My conclusion is that we must find harmony between matter and spirit, recognizing they're One, serving distinct purposes (expansion). One of my greatest desires is for all humanity to awaken its dormant powers and remember its true essence. However, I've come to realize this isn't everyone's life purpose. We're in a school with diverse grade levels, and that's perfectly respectable. Let's keep learning!

Quote from: Lumaza on October 08, 2024, 16:30:42I talk to people at my shows about the Astral Pulse Forums often. I give them the website address and say that they should check it out. They don't need to make any account unless they want to post here or PM someone. It is "FREE" too!  :-)As of yet, I haven't received any responses here from them though. I tell them that if they wish, they can just send PMs to me until they ae comfortable joining the open forum here.

That's lovely, Lumaza! Maybe it would be a good idea to leave little cards for people to take from the stand :-D
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.