I still can't have any OBE

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Oh! Ok. Thank you for one more time Todd :)

Please, post me the directions any time you can  :-)


You may get better results in a recliner since it is easier to stay awake. Also it is easier to have an OBE in the early morning about two hours before you usually get up. So go to sleep in your bed for 4 to 6 hours. Get up for anywhere from 5 minutes up to an hour and read. Then lay down in a recliner and touch your thumb and first finger together at the pads and have both hands resting by your sides. Do this with both hands while you are laying on your back. When sleep paralysis is first coming on you will not feel your fingers touching anymore. They actually are still touching, but you will not feel it. This is the very beginning of sleep paralysis. Once you reach this point, do one of the two below techniques:

There are two different techniques you can choose from. Try both and see which one works better for you. Also try using earplugs and try not using earplugs. See which way gets you better results. Here are the two techniques and they are easy to do.

1) For this exercise, relax and focus your mind. Then start listening for this whining sound in the center of your head. Once you find it, use your imagination to try to increase the pitch and volume. Increase the pitch until the sound is almost out of the range of your hearing. Do this for as long as it takes until you get the vibrations.


2) For this exercise, relax and focus your mind. Then start listening for this whining sound in the center of your head. Once you find it, use your mind to try to increase the volume. Increase the volume until you can't hear the sound anymore. Then relax a little until you can hear the sound again. Then raise the volume again until you can't hear the sound anymore. Keep repeating this cycle. Eventually this will cause the vibrations to come so you can separate your soul body from your physical body.

Once you can feel the vibrations then do the technique below:

I separate my soul from my physical body when I feel a faint tug that usually occurs immediately when the vibrations come. Sometimes it comes slightly later.

The tug only last for a second, so you may miss it. The tug feels like you are rising and sometimes it feels like you are falling. Remember it only lasts for a second. That is your go time. Then at that exact moment of the tug, you can try rolling out, lifting out, sitting up, willing your conscious forward, slipping through the soles of your feet, or you can rise like steam escaping through the top of your head. Do whatever exit method that gives you the best results.

The vibrations may be very strong or very weak depending on how deep your sleep paralysis is. The deeper the sleep paralysis, the less intense the vibrations are. The less intense vibrations feel like a slight shiver. The more intense vibrations feel like your entire body is shaking.


Thank you Todd!

Ill try your method!  :-)


OBE's are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. So never give up George. It is well worth the effort to keep practicing.


Quote from: todd421757 on April 18, 2012, 21:32:06
OBE's are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. So never give up George. It is well worth the effort to keep practicing.
I just used your method. For now, it's the most effective method I've ever used. The only disadvantage for me, I can't really get rid of the sound, but it was the first time I felt my body so much heavy. Also, when i reached a very high pitched sound, and stayed there for a bit, I felt like I could move in my body without moving it. Not much, but could move in it. But I couldn't handle it for a long time, cause I felt that it was an insect or something moving on my neck. Of course it wasn't anything but just my imagination.


Quote from: Georgep on April 18, 2012, 21:53:58
When i reached a very high pitched sound, and stayed there for a bit, I felt like I could move in my body without moving it.

Congratulations. This movement is your soul (etheric body) moving inside your physical body. The soul is starting to loosen its connections to the physical body. You are on your way to success.


Hello guys for one more time.

Today I tried to OBE with the use of Binaural Beats. Basically, this week I have been using them always, except from when I was at bed at night (but I was using them at my afternoon obe practices).
So, today I've used a binaural beat with directions in the video (you know, a human talking on what to do, etc). At first, I was very very relaxed, but suddenly, I dont really remember at which part of the video, all of me, fell asleep. I can't remember anything. But that which made me think of "If I had a OBE and can't really recall anything?" is the ten last minutes of the video, which you can hear in here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=MKB8RfCcvAA#t=2487s

He's telling: Now, notice your physical body bla bla bla

That's the part I've started to feel my body and my "conciousness" again. Do you think that I may had an OBE/LD and can't recall the things I did? Or you think that I accidentally woke up at this part of the video? Remember, English is not my first language, and I find it difficult of listening at the video when I was "sleeping" and understanding what it was saying. :roll:


Quote from: Georgep on April 28, 2012, 11:34:48
That's the part I've started to feel my body and my "conciousness" again. Do you think that I may had an OBE/LD and can't recall the things I did? Or you think that I accidentally woke up at this part of the video? Remember, English is not my first language, and I find it difficult of listening at the video when I was "sleeping" and understanding what it was saying. :roll:
If you're ever unconsciously aware in the non-physical, I believe that you're always doing something.  You're just not aware of it.  You were effectively unconsciously dreaming. 

QuoteHe's telling: Now, notice your physical body bla bla bla
Instead of noticing your physical body... try, instead, to focus upon the surroundings of where you know your physical body to be.   :)


 George your Binaural Beat video/MP3 sounds like a "hypnotic walkthrough". Dr. Steve G. Jones uses this in his videos to great success. You most likely were out of your body for that time that you lack memory of it. Now the trick is to use that video/MP3 for the next month, every day. Also create some positive affirmations before you start the session. Brain Entrainment is incredibly important to succeed. Just KNOW that you can leave your vessel at any time you wish. Don't try to, DO.
Good Luck and Safe Travels!  :-)


I have to write in here for more than a month  :-D

Anyway. Nothing new happened to me. I just wanted to say "Hi" and that I just watched the movie "Insidious". Very good movie. Now, after watching the movie, I want again to try having an OBE. The last month, I didn't tried anything, because nothing works for me and I'm "tired" of trying it.

So, hello.  :-D

David Warner


I have skimmed through this thread and I don't think you've been giving yourself a fair shake on this. There are variables, approaches and circumstances involved in projecting .

Think about OBE like you are training to run in a marathon that takes time, practice, commitment and patience.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Quote from: David Warner on June 03, 2012, 20:38:21

I have skimmed through this thread and I don't think you've been giving yourself a fair shake on this. There are variables, approaches and circumstances involved in projecting .

Think about OBE like you are training to run in a marathon that takes time, practice, commitment and patience.


It's not that I do not try David. I just don't have the same desire as I had in the first months of my tryings. I think that I'm a bit tired from all of this.
Now, when I'm trying to OBE, I just lay down and after some time I tell to myself "Forget it, go to sleep." I don't know. I think that I can't find the correct method that it will lead me to achieve a projection.
Let me tell you, for one more time, the things I do when I'm trying to AP:
1. I lay down to my bed
2. I find a comfortable position
3. I close my eyes and I don't move any part of my body (except from my eyes. Is that okay?)
4. Sometimes I feel, especially my legs, but sometimes my hands too, like they are thrown away. Some other times I just don't feel anything, except from sting sensations.
I feel that at part N.4 I lose it. I just don't know what to think, what to do. The things I think about at this part, are that I fly e.t.c. I don't know what else to think about.

Made O pHI

"Do not allow yourselves to be disheartened by any failure
as long as you have done your best."
~Mother Teresa


Quote1. I lay down to my bed
Do not lay down in your bed, your body has anchored it subconsciously for a place of sleep. Do not attempt projection before bed either. Wake up early and go to a non normal sleeping place, like a couch or recliner after the "screw staying up, I am going back to bed" feeling kicks in.
2. I find a comfortable position
Yes, yes, comfort is good  :-P
3. I close my eyes and I don't move any part of my body (except from my eyes. Is that okay?)
Moving your eyes is not OK and will prevent projection. Not moving your eyes is one of the most difficult things to master in the first few weeks of getting into the discipline. Moving them will prevent going into a F12 state.

Quote4. Sometimes I feel, especially my legs, but sometimes my hands too, like they are thrown away. Some other times I just don't feel anything, except from sting sensations.
I feel that at part N.4 I lose it. I just don't know what to think, what to do. The things I think about at this part, are that I fly e.t.c. I don't know what else to think about.
Just lay there and daydream, keep coming back every so often, but try to remain counscious, keep getting lost in your thoughts but keep coming back. Continuously remind yourself of your intent to phase. I repeat, DO NOT DO THIS BEFORE GOING TO BED IT WILL NOT WORK THEN. DO ONLY DROWSY EXITS  :-D

Ok, GL.  :-)



good to see you are still trying George don't loose heart

read this short post it might help you come at it from a different angle

let us know how you get on



Keep going George,

I am/was in the same boat as you.

I give my full whole hearted effort almost every single time, to no avail, ...or so I thought.

It wasn't until I continued to do a ton of reading, and research, AFTER beginning to try OBE's, that I realized, alot of the things that alot of other folks were pointing out, in their books, videos, things to look for, ...I had been experiencing, and not even putting two and two together to associate that the things happening to me, were actually signs that it was working. Things I took for granted, and remained frustrated.

I am naturally hyper active, so the whole, "body asleep, mind awake" thing for me is very, very easy.

I can lay there, motionless for almost up to an hour, talking to myself, telling myself jokes, anything to keep doing the, "are you awake" checks.

The very first time I took the deep breath, and actually tried to project, about 7 or 8 minutes in, I heard a guy sing in my right ear, like a nut, for like 2 seconds. It wasn't scary, I was so focused that I forgot to let it scare me, and if I were a betting man, Id bet he was trying to get me to laugh, not scare me. And can you believe, I didn't associate that with anything?! Are you kidding me, but, I didn't, until I keep researching, and found out, stuff like that will happen, when your barking up the right tree.

And get this one, I have had, like, three separate episodes, where by, I'm lying there for quite some time, nothing happening, and just before I allow frustration to set in, and call it quits for the night, I got, what I can only explain as, a single blast, as if administered from a Defibrillator, (those shock paddles in Ambulances). Talk about, "...what the hell was that??!!"

And once again, can you believe, I brushed it off thinking that maybe I had dozed off to sleep, and just had a startling awaking moment, until I read some of Robert Bruce's teachings that describe just such an occurrence.

So, alot of what you think, as being a whole bunch of nothing, can most likely be, a whole bunch of something.

Its all in how bad you want it, ...don't give up buddy, trust me.


Nothing special. I just wanted to share this with you.

Today, I had to get up early to go out for a job. When I came back home, I was very tired and I lay down. This is the point where all the fun starts. I'm not sure if that was actually a dream or a "real" event. After some time of trying to obe, I told to myself "ok, go to get some sleep now", but, I think that while I was trying to sleep, I've seen someone, talking to me in english (english is not my main language). I was somewhere and he was in front of me. He was telling me to put my eyes in his "machine" (He's machine had a spot to put your head, more specially, yours eyes and it was green coloured.). When I did it, I felt my body to, actually, slip from my bed. It was like my bed was on a downhill. Some time later, I opened my eyes in order to see if I was out of my body and, if I remember right, my room wasn't like it is in real life. But, anyway. I don't even know if this was real.  :-D

By the way, thanks for your kind posts.  :-)


Quote from: Shivers on January 27, 2012, 08:23:00
I think don't give up.  
Keep listening to the binaural beats and do whatever technique you are using and just completely relax into any sensations you are experiencing(lose all your worries but don't go to sleep).  If you feel something, try to keep being as a passive observer and don't feel fear or over-excitement.

I agree. Don't give up, but don't over do it either. All of mine have been in the morning, when I woken up, and felt vibrations. None of mine happened intentionally (which is a bit annoying, although I came very close, very recently)

Trick is to find a method which comes easy to you, and stick to it.
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Thank you very much for your post Barnowl. I dont over do it. I just dont have (I hope "yet") the desired result.
Oh, and the "story" above your post, is real. It happened to me, Im not kidding you or trolling you. I'm telling this 'cause it's a "strange" story.  :-D

David Warner

Quote from: Georgep on June 28, 2012, 19:26:28
It's not that I do not try David. I just don't have the same desire as I had in the first months of my tryings. I think that I'm a bit tired from all of this.


I know you are excited about bringing fourth an OBE and experiencing it. If you are getting tired and don't have those same desires then take a break from it. Enjoy physical world around you! Don't have to completely forget about OBE, read up on people's experiences, near death experiences and most of all focus on (enjoy) getting there vs. burning yourself out which sounds like what is happening.

You won't succeed and will just become more frustrated. Sometimes you just have to take a step back, get a breathier and clarity of mind.

I think in time if you keep at it and don't expect it to happen, it will. Let go, relax, and have one goal/intent set to get you out of body. Don't focus on nothing else except that intent and goal!

Hope this helps.


InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Hello again!

For one more time, I have a question.
Is it normal, that now I can't have vibrations? I don't know what happened, but the past 2-3 months, I did not experienced any vibration.
I couldn't have an OBE, but I just wanted to ask if this is okay.

I don't know if that has to do with not having vibrations, but the last times I had, they happened every time I was meditating and I was hearing an unexpected noise that disturbed me, such as someone in the house opened a door e.t.c. (which was something that was scaring me)


Quote from: Georgep on August 08, 2012, 19:42:59
Hello again!

For one more time, I have a question.
Is it normal, that now I can't have vibrations? I don't know what happened, but the past 2-3 months, I did not experienced any vibration.
I couldn't have an OBE, but I just wanted to ask if this is okay.

I don't know if that has to do with not having vibrations, but the last times I had, they happened every time I was meditating and I was hearing an unexpected noise that disturbed me, such as someone in the house opened a door e.t.c. (which was something that was scaring me)
Allow me to put it this way...

There's nothing you can or can't experience that isn't normal.  :)


Quote from: Xanth on August 08, 2012, 19:44:59
Allow me to put it this way...

There's nothing you can or can't experience that isn't normal.  :)

Thank you very much for your response Xanth.  :-)


Quote from: Georgep on August 08, 2012, 19:42:59
Is it normal, that now I can't have vibrations? I don't know what happened, but the past 2-3 months, I did not experienced any vibration.
I couldn't have an OBE, but I just wanted to ask if this is okay.

I believe it is a loss of will intensity that causes many projectionists to lose the ability to manipulate energy in their energy bodies. If you can get back your ability to feel energy, then you should be able to eventually have a classic OBE.

If you are not able to feel energy anymore, then you should focus on lucid dreaming techniques instead.


Have you had a change in sleep pattern George? A job or something that's causing you to be tired or are you staying up really late... that sort of thing?