Inducing OBE - help/guidance needed please !!

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Hi all,

I really really need help in inducing an OBE. I sincerely request all to guide me.

I have been trying induce OBE last few days. I had four practice sessions, but unsuccessful yet.
Want to know whether I am on the right track or not. Any suggestion/help/guidance/comments will be really very much appreciated.
[i didnt read this technique anywhere, I just felt this might work for me]

- I try to relax my body to an extent that i start feeling absence of hands and legs.

- At that stage, I imagine I am floating (sliding) out of my body.

- At that stage, I realize (feel) the presence of another layer of my body, as if slightly above/sliding from my physical body, overlapping it, especially around hands an legs. I also feel some crackings occasionally (very slight electrical shocks) in some of my muscles of body (legs/hands).

- At that stage, when I imagine that I am coming/floating out of my body, there occur two possibilities to be chosen from
(1) i try to imagine as if a magnet is pulling my ethereal body out in some direction (left/right/above) - seems like it is happening - but then my physical body (muscles) start getting tense towards that direction - and after some time i realize that my body muscles are too tense - I once had deep vibrations also in my legs (&little in hands) after this stage - but nothing happens after that - and i have to open eyes and come back to physical touch and consciousness.
(2) Second alternative thing i try (usually immediately after (1) above) is that I don't do anything after previous stage (3), I just keep lying with body relaxed - i constantly feel (actually) that the another layer of body is overlapping/sliding out on my physical body - and i keep trying imagining if it goes somewhere - but cant get successful imagination or i don't know - nothing happens for a while and i decide to come back to my physical touches and consciousness.

Is this technique wrong ? Can anyone give me simpler techniques ?

Any help will be appreciated.

Also, is eyes open or close a criteria during the entire OBE process ?



Welcome to the board. I would suggest you read articles in the Astral FAQ and Permanent Astral Topic Sections. There are loads of techniques and tips already there.

What you are doing isn't bad. I would suggest that you not try and imagine sliding out, at least not as you describe it above. It isn't so much what you seem to be imagining, as when you seem to be imagining it. If you begin to imagine this and your phyiscal muslces tense up, then you aren't nearly as relaxed as you need to be.

Relaxation itself is an art nowadays. You shouldn't imagine that you no longer feel your arms and legs. You need to get to the point where you don't feel them at all. It's not imagination, they simply disappear. Soon after they disappear however, you'll start to feel them floating slightly in the air, not unlike you feel when you float on the surface of the water. This is your ethereal arms/legs loose and floating nearby. This isn't imagination, this will happen if you relax enough. The rest of what you are doing will not work until your body is completely relaxed, not just your arms/legs. Those are usually the first to go to sleep, at least for me. The torso and head are always last and hardest to get to sleep, especially the head. I think it's because we keep most of our stress/tension in our neck/jaw area.

My first recommendation would be to simply practice relaxing. Practice putting your body to sleep while remaining completely awake mentally. You'll see this stage called MA/BA (Mind Awake/Body Asleep). This is very importnat.

Another important thing to keep in mind is when to try this. When just starting out, it's much easier to practice in the early morning hours (between 4-6). This is because your body is already asleep. Therefore, it's much faster/easier to get to the MA/BA stage.

As for vibrations, people talk about them often, but I've never felt them. Don't look for signs/symptoms in anticiaption. Not everyone experiences the same thing. Instead, look for the end result: seperation of th etheric body from the physical. When it happens, there's no guessing or imagining involved. You'll know immediately.

Good luck!

PS: one last note to keep in mind. A few days practice is nothing when doing this. It takes many people months of daily practice before they can experience this. If this is something you really are interested in, then time is irrelevant. You'll practice because you want to. But if you are looking for a quick, get-me-out-now process, I don't know of any.
Reality is what you perceive it to be.


Thank you Novice. Thanks a lot.

Yes Indeed I feel that arms and legs are no longer there, not imagining, but I feel that.
and I exactly feel them floating, just like in water. I feel a lighter version of them floating out, but not so for head and chest. I never felt so about neck and head. (I can gallop saliva and I still feel my neck is totally in physical body, but not so for hands and legs - they are like floating, little like - it will be lot of effort to move them - they are immediately there, kind of feeling, they feel as if they are not willing to respond to me asap, instead will take time).

So i think i need to continue relaxing till my entire body feels that way - is that correct - you need to feel same for neck,chest and head ? how long it usually takes to new comers ?

After that, how do I get out of the body ? I feel my etheric arms and legs - if i feel same for entire body - what next ? how do i get out ?



I meant to say "they are immediately not there" in my last post.


Lmao, I have trouble just getting into trance state. That's why I do phasing, and I don't have much patience either.
Twin Flame Harmonics Ascension Aid


You are correct. Your entire body needs to be asleep first. Once it's asleep, you simply roll out, or sit up out of it, or whatever you want to do. I don't need to do much. For me, as soon as my body is asleep, I can feel myself "release." Not sure how else to describe it. Basically it feels like a latch attaching my etheric body to the physical is released. AT that point, my entire etheric body rises just slightly above the physical body. I then roll over and do whatever it is I want to do.

If you don't feel this 'release.' Then, once you are totally relaxed, begin by moving your arms or legs. Be careful not to move your physical body by mistake though. It takes a lot less mental effort to move your etheric than to move your physical body. One way to get the feel while still awake and not attempting OBE, is to pay attention to your muscles as you lift one arm. Just lift one arm like you normally would do when reaching for something. Then lower the arm to rest against something and repeat. You want to get to the point where you can isolate where in your thought command to "move my arm" do the muscles start moving. When you identify where that is, you want to stop the effort just before that point. This is all the effort it takes to move your etheric arms.

As for Magickist's comment about phasing, I agree completely. I much prefer phasing to OBE, but everone's different.

Hope this helps!

Reality is what you perceive it to be.


Hi Novice, thanks a lot for your help.

I indeed felt yesterday that way. I was feeling sleepy, but I used "keep saying "mind awake, body asleep" and shift concentration to mind and body alternatively"" technique - after some time, I think I achieved the MA/BA stage. At that time I felt one lighter version of me was just floating slightly above my body, kind of overlapping with my body (did not have this very feeling for the head though) - but I did not know what to do then - I just kept lying. Thought of rolling out/sitting up - but kind of felt that it will only be physical body that will move and this lighter version will go away - so after some time just lying like that, I just give up and slowly start moving physical body and back to normal - any advice here ?

Btw, when I give up and tend to come back totally to physical, I realize that my arms, legs and body are not immediately there. They take time and kind of dizzy - i need to slowly move them to take control - is that correct feeling ?



QuoteBtw, when I give up and tend to come back totally to physical, I realize that my arms, legs and body are not immediately there. They take time and kind of dizzy - i need to slowly move them to take control - is that correct feeling ?

Well there is not right/wrong feelings in this stuff. But yes, what you've described is a common occurance. If the body is truly asleep, it will take awhile to bring it back. It's not unlike coming out of a deep sleep mentally, where you feel a bit slow, like you aren't functionning up to speed. Normally what I do to wake up is start by just slowly, gently moving my toes. Then I move my fingers. I wait a few moments. Then move each of them again. Then I slowly move my feet/hands. then the legs and arms as I slowly get up. In case you hadn't noticed, the key word here is 'slow'. If you do it that way, you should feel relaxed upon waking/moving but not groggy like you describe.

If your head is still attached, rolling out won't work. You simply need to keep working on relaxation. As I mentioned, for me the neck/head area is always the last to relax. I don't know how long it will take you. You may want to get a really good workout before practicing. Running, cycling, weights, something that you work up a really good sweat doing. Make your muslces really tired. Then grab a hot shower. Afterwards, lie down. Your body will be tired from the work out and relaxed from the hot water. It should relax quicker and (with any luck) more fully than trying this without the it's good for you!
Reality is what you perceive it to be.


Thanks a lot Novice, I will keep those things in mind, and try accordingly.


Hi Novice,

I also want to try listening to shamanic drumming in this context (mentioned in some recent posts) - what is your opinion ?


I haven't tried drumming, although I have listened/lost myself in chanting (I have a CD with rhythmic chants). I actually ripped the CD and burned a new one that had the same chant repeated enough times for 20 minutes worth. Then I medtitated to that....suffice to say it was a REALLY cool experience.

I'm sure it depends on the tone/pitch etc, but with this particular song I was deep into it at around 15 minutes or so. At that point, noticed that each note in the song would also resonate somewhere in my body. I felt like I was a harp being played. After about 5 minutes of that, each note not only vibrated within my body, but started to be accompanied by a color. It was the coolest thing. I had read before that sound, at some point, becomes or is theorized to become color. And I had read of different tones and colors being associated to different chakras, but I had never put the two together. The tones weren't restricted to vibrating only within chakras. In fact, they vibrated at various places within my body. But the colors really surprised me.

So, short answer, I would definately give drumming a try. I wouldn't expect it to help with phasing/OBE. However, it could lead to some really neat experiences!
Reality is what you perceive it to be.


Thanks Novice.

Haven't had a luck with OBE yet, although practicing regularly.
I am really stuck at the getting out stage. Some how I feel the entire ethric body floating little on my body, but dont know how to get out or float - I just keep thinking to "get out" or "float up" - but no success yet.
This might appear funny, but want to know : I read somewhere that each of us has spiritual guides, by any chance, is it possible to request them for guidance during the OBE ?
Haven't yet tried the drumming thing yet fully, will surely share experience when done.

you have been of immense help, thanks.



Also, I have downloaded the brainwavegenerator software, what could be the best possible use of it for these purposes ?



I'm quoting what I wrote a few posts ago. I think if you practice this you'll get past this stage. Essentially, if you get to the point where you feel completely seperate, then you can roll out. The thing with OBE is that you do need to 'move' to move. Unlike phasing where everything is thought/mental. Try doing what I describe below. When you've isolated the amount of effort needed (as I'm describing below), then next time you feel like your completely out, use that amount of effort to roll yourself out of your body. Or you could simply sit up and out. The point is, you will need to feel like you are moving your ams/legs, but it isn't the physical body moving. It's very much the same except you don't need as much effort to do it, that's all.

QuoteIf you don't feel this 'release.' Then, once you are totally relaxed, begin by moving your arms or legs. Be careful not to move your physical body by mistake though. It takes a lot less mental effort to move your etheric than to move your physical body. One way to get the feel while still awake and not attempting OBE, is to pay attention to your muscles as you lift one arm. Just lift one arm like you normally would do when reaching for something. Then lower the arm to rest against something and repeat. You want to get to the point where you can isolate where in your thought command to "move my arm" do the muscles start moving. When you identify where that is, you want to stop the effort just before that point. This is all the effort it takes to move your etheric arms.

Let me know if this isn't making sense and I'll try to clarify.
Reality is what you perceive it to be.


Thanks Novice, yes I get it. Will try that.

May I ask you about the use of BrainWaveGenerator software and OBE presets - what is your opinion about using them for OBE/AP experiences ?


I used it a few years ago, but not extensively. It does help induce the trance state. Some have noticed vibrations and other sensations of seperation. I'm not the best person to ask about this, as I really don't have any 'signs' of seperations. I simply relax and eventually feel myself 'release.'

If you are still working at relaxation and mental focus, then the presets may help. I would suggest giving it a try and see what you experience. It certainly won't hurt you or anything. Worst case, nothing happens. Best case, you begin to reach MA/BA stage faster than before.

Let me know what happens!
Reality is what you perceive it to be.