Lucid dream or OBE

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ive been listening to hemi sync on youtube and i dint sleep for 27 hours i took 6 hour sleep then in the evning i wanted to take nap see if i can get vibrations induced so i think it was still 5 pm on clock when i look so i just try to fall a sleep felt tired and my AC  now keeps kicking my breaker i usely sleep with light on but during day i cut off so i fall a sleep its been awahile since i had any vibrations so i start having vibrations
i wanted make em stronger and i did i wanted leave my body and i like get up look in my room oh my breaker kicked again i just walked to kitchen tried turn the breaker on i think i still heard my ac runing i walked back to my room im like thats odd my room still dark i turn the light on look at light odd its not brigt enough
then realise that im still in bed so im like ok il go to kitched i walked to kitchen door was open its was sunny i just walk outside and think of flying i fly in the sky stay in there for little while and i was back in my room im like oh its over so i turn on my back in bed open my eyes i still feel vibration odd then got up
walked again to kitched outside this time it was dark like night i walk around look in sky seen starts i person and little girl in dress i try to talk to them and tehy act like they not see me then i was back in my room again i tought i was talking on game cause i saw my mic icon before that i wanted to see my friend from game catgaro and i did see him but like on pc i was sitting on chair talking to him i asked u are here and he like what you talking about u come here all the time then i woke this all took like one hour sorry im not english speaking person



See, now in my opinion, that's the wrong question to be asking.  To me, "dreams", "lucid dreams", "astral projections", "OBE's" don't exist as objective experiences.

Instead, you are experiencing the non-physical with a dream awareness, lucid awareness or an astral awareness.  You're ALWAYS projecting.  Life is a projection.  If you're experiencing ANYTHING, ANYTIME, then you're projecting.

You are a bit of consciousness called an awareness.  That awareness projects towards your physical body.  When you fall asleep at night that awareness projects somewhere else.  We humans incorrectly call that act "dreaming".  You have never had a dream in your life - you've had projections with a dream awareness. 

A dream awareness is when you're non-physical and you just don't realize it.
A lucid awareness is when you're non-physical and ALL that you realize is that you're non-physical. 
An astral awareness is when you're non-physical AND you have your full waking awareness.  That's the same awareness you have RIGHT NOW while reading this.  You know who you are, what you are, full memories of everything about you and your life.

So based upon that and based upon what you've written above in your post... you were non-physical with at a stronger Lucid Awareness, bordering on a very light Astral Awareness.  :)