PLease help about "astral Wildlife"

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Please don't double post.  I had to delete the other two identical messages you posted regarding the "Astral Wildlife" in two other forums.

Thank you.
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


I'll help, am here not because of you but because of my dream at the moment. Well, it could've been hallucination, or it could've been an old relative, or it could've been what's described of as a "negative entity" or neg for short, or many of any other kinds of things out there that we don't have a tag for yet.

What comes to mind mostly is your unacceptance of anything beyond and supernatural, especially regarding your friends and peers. I'm by no means saying you should read more about them, or even to learn and organize all the types of dreams, or kinesii, but maybe you should be more accepting of things of the nature that you saw, until it becomes more of a burden on you, or energetically draining.

Something else comes to mind as well, did you have a long day at all? Things like this seemingly start to appear when you're verytired and things just pop into your head out of nowhere.

The other thing is ther could've been a cat outside your window and there could've been another light besides the streetlight shining in (maybe a porch light, or yet another street light). To disprove this, did the object look and seem 3d? Describe your feelings as you dealt with this, and how long did you spend on this ordeal? Till 12:30 or 1:00 or 2:00? or how long?

The crackling sound was either your porch (or the bushes outside), or your mind (we won't go here since you don't/won't accept it). The timing is meaningless, unless it meant at that time you were tired. The timing in general is meaningless as well, since reality is not Final Destination 2 or anything like that, so study well for your finals and pack well for your trip! The "black cat" scenario is actually GOOD LUCK in Scotland.

And last but not least, don't listen/believe what your friends want you to just to keep them as friends. If they are unchanging in the mind, then they will be unchanging to how they feel about you if you "go crazy". It's a lose/lose situation where you can't move on and they can just make you do whatever they do. I used to be like that, and now I kick myself for it. Of course this could be the start of a schizophrenia episode, but let's just wait on that until you start seeing people that aren't there. And Kyle, I bid you good luck in taming this cat and having a new friend to comfort you that doesn't mess with the allergies! :)
I come prepared...with COOKIES! No, you can't have one!


It was definatley not a shadow from a cat outside, it was definatley 3D. I am 100% I saw something, and I AM accepting that it could be something not normal, because I have never seen anything like it. I just want to know what it was. Its one of those things you HAVE to see to really believe. I should of said it was colored like a shadow... black. it looked like a black cat, but i just thought it resembled a shadow. There are no cats in my neighborhood since they all have fallen prey to coyotes, and it was too small to be a cat. I just want to know more about it.


Oh yeah, it lasted about one minute, then a half an hour later I saw it again. But that was it. I do accept that it could be somehting paranormal though since it dissapeared and everything.



It seems like you know a lot about Astral Wildlife so I am asking you this.

Last night I saw something, and then described it on a supernatural forum and then they said that it could be astral wildlife, then I read a lot about astral wildlife this morning and I am convinced it is what I saw now. I personally think that a lot of stuff supernatural people think about is bogus and sometimes laugh at the seldom things I hear, and I woujld of thought the same about Astral wildlife if the thing I saw yesterday never came up. I still have the option that I was going crazy last night, but what I saw creeped me out becuse i have NEVER seen anything in my life do what it did. Disappear in light. Ok, I'll tell you what happened.

I was in my garage getting a soda at around 12 o'clock at night probably 12:15(maybe time is something, I have no  knowledge for this stuff) and then I walked out of the garage into the hallway that lead to my living room, and all the lights were off inside, except for a street light outside that was vaguely shining through the window, anyway, I was walking towards the living room, and then I saw a "Shadow" about the size of a squirrel, but the shape of a cat, and it jumped off the couch onto the floor, but it was darker on the flor so I didn't see it on the floor, but I saw the shape, and saw it move I am 100% sure. So anyway, I went over to where I thought it landed and I looked at the arpet and saw a darker shadow on the carpe the same size and shape as what I saw on the couch, but I didn't believe it was anything, just a shadow, but I bent down to lok at it, and right when I did it it ran away, exactly like a cat. And then it ewnt somewhere, but it dissappeared. You must know, that if it is dark, and you see something in your house, no matter what, you get a little scarred, but it moved across the carpet not making the lightest sound. There seemed to be a faint cracking sound, but that could of been somehting else. But anyway, I immediatley turned on the light, and didn't see anything, and I examined the entire room. I was really sjaken so I went to my moms room (I am 14) so I  told her I think I was hallucinating since it seemed so unreal, and then I went back to look, and didn't see anything, and then I turned off the lights and looked a second time, and I saw it again, but I just caught a glance at it since it went under the couch. So I looked under the couch and didn't see anything, then turned on the lights and didn't see anything under the couch either. This thing scarred me so much though because I cannot say enough, I never have seen anything in my life like this. And it is really unlike me to go on websites and do research on paranormal stuff, and all my friends will think I would be crazy if I told them this, but I know I saw something, that coul of been "astral Wildlife" If you read this far, thanks! Please respond because this is really beginning to scare me. Someone said it brings bad things, and coincidently I have finals this upcomming week, I am going on an airplane by myself to Sweden for a month in two weeks, and my sister just bought a new car yesterday night. BTW, my house is not an old creepy kind, its 20 years old, and well kept. Please Help.