My OBE attempts... And a few questions! :)

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Hello people! :) I haven't long joined this forum, however, I have been trying to leave my body since the beginning of this year. As a result, I have had some weird experiences I wanted to share and get opinions on. Before I tell my tales though, I will point out one thing; none of these seemed to end with a successful projection. Now, onto my experiences. Hopefully, you guys can point me in the right direction:

My first attempt seemed to be by accident, due to the fact that I had awoken in the middle of the night. At the time, I simply wanted to just go back to sleep, so I did. Well, I thought I did. I first had a weird dream, then I heard a HUGE breeze in my ears (There was also some random shouting "FREEDOM!!!!" in the background, the breeze itself sounded sort of like the sound you hear when you yawn... :D) Then I woke up normally, wondering 'what the heck was that all about?!' I then made another attempt to fall asleep. This time, I was just going about my buisness in the dream world (It was of my school) when things started going a bit weird. Then something popped into my head from an article i read once: "what if I could turn this lucid?" With that in mind, I ran as fast as I could and jumped... and immediately took flight like a bird. I then landed on the roof, and willed myself to see my bedroom, of which resulted in me being able to see around my bedroom, but unlike what it was in real life, it was all dark, and the edges of my vision were blurred. After a while of seeing weird things in this state, I woke up normally, and thought "Nah, not successful..." and finally got to sleep properly.

The attempts that followed ranged from binaural beats to all the techniques I could try out (My favourite's the rushing tunnel) and had no success. And then, one early morning before I was ready to get up for school, I decided to try and lapse into the "mind-awake, body-asleep" state. It seemed to work... I sort of felt something click in my head, and I tried the rushing tunnel technique again, and got the "wind in my ears" sound and a feeling like extreme shivering! But when they stopped, I thought the projection was successful, but upon directing my focus to an old friend far away, I found myself in the weirdest place that looked nothing like where they lived, and after returning home, everything was out of place. Then I woke up, realising that had to be a false awakening of some kind... :/

Then a few days ago, I signed up to this forum upon coming across this thread:
And realised that perhaps my way of doing this wasn't quite right. So a night later, I gave another attempt at projection... and fell asleep... (DOH!) But then I woke up early again the next morning, and decided to try out the technique again while I was lying still. To my surprise, ONE EAR closed up after a minute of listening to the faint whine in my ears and started ringing like crazy! But then I had to go to the toilet, and likewise, I stuffed the opportunity again, and since then, I haven't found a good time to make the attempt again.

So, after having the experiences I have had, I wanted some advice on which direction I should take next. atm, I really feel close to successfully projecting, but I still think I am missing (or stuffing up) something crucial!
This world's Captain Falcon; A title I will pass down to a chosen one when I leave this dimension.


Ok, I was able to wake up a bit earlier this morning, and try again; I GOT SO CLOSE!!! I was simply lying there (I did have to change position beforehand though, as I woke up lying on my stomach... :D) listening to the natural static in my ears, when after what felt like 10 mins, I heard the strangest noise and felt the vibrations start! After a while though, they faded away and I woke up normally.

Likewise, I am making progress! :) Hopefully, one day, I can achieve a full-blown projection... ;)

EDIT: Forgot to add too; after the vibrations faded away, I simply went back to sleep, and had a couple of false awakenings of playing my N64 at 5:30 in the morning... :D (I also had a couple of weirder ones, but more on that later!)
This world's Captain Falcon; A title I will pass down to a chosen one when I leave this dimension.


Alright, my newest attempt... I woke up early like normal, but this time, in doing my usual thing, I fell asleep again... the result? I thought I was still awake (false awakening) and wondered why I couldn't move (I also wondered why when the "vibrations" started, I couldn't rise up and out...) I in the end started to panic, when I finally woke up for real! :D

At this point, I am considering learning how to LD as well. ;)
This world's Captain Falcon; A title I will pass down to a chosen one when I leave this dimension.


I would be less worried about what the "correct" label is for the experiences you are having and just focus on enjoying them.  If you disregard experiences because they don't fall into a certain predefined definition, you risk losing the opportunities for growth they contain.


Ok then, I will give that a shot... :D I have attempted to sort of 'take note' of anything that happens, but when you are known to fall asleep while attempting projection... that can get a little tiring!
This world's Captain Falcon; A title I will pass down to a chosen one when I leave this dimension.


Ok, I tried again this morning when I woke up at something like 5:25. Wow. not even sure if this was actually AP, but it was AMAZING!!!

And it all started when I was just walking through a building in a normal run-of-the-mill dream, when I came across one of those "emergency exit" signs! (Here we go... :D) On the sign was the usual map for escaping the building I was in, but on the bottom, there was an "alternate methods" section, of which the last entry was "OBE"

Right when my eyes came across that, I suddenly blacked out in the dream and felt the vibrations start! :grin: What happened next though was WEIRD; I first felt myself float up, then I could see again, but this time, I was drifting through my hallway. Initially, everything was unclear and fuzzy... Until I subconsciously said "clarity" (That's what it seemed to be anyway) and, all of a sudden, my vision became SUPER SHARP AND VIVID!

At that point, I decided to try flying upwards, but then found I couldn't pass through the roof for some strange reason... I then tried the open sliding glass door in the dining area of my house, went straight through the flyscreen, and got outside.

After that, it was essentially me flying round my neighbourhood, and through a forest like Superman (Or Astro Boy, if you will) for a good 20 minutes! I also decided to try visiting an old friend, of which resulted in me coming to a strange house, so I went back. Shortly after, I went back inside my house, willed myself to return, and after a brief moment of seeing a compass arrow pointing in the direction of my bedroom, I was back in. (I had an FA for a few seconds after, then woke up for real... :D)

Strangely, I was aware the whole time that my physical bladder needed emptying, and some areas of my neighbourhood didn't look quite right... let me know what you think of this. :) I'm guessing either I actually AP'ed or that was one heck of a visualization!
This world's Captain Falcon; A title I will pass down to a chosen one when I leave this dimension.


Visualisations can be very clear. They don't normally last for 20 mins.
From the description you became lucid and when things changed to crystal clear, you then were in full control.
Projection being the result, the slight differences are normal in your neighborhood. These indicate strongly you had a projection too. They are the well known reality fluctuations you've no doubt read about.
Well done, success is yours.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.



I think you did it..congrats.. whats nest is that I left the body this morning and also used the patio door. Cool to read that someone else obe'd last night.

Ya the roof.. avoid trying to pass through it. The roof is one of the dencist things for the obe body to try and pass through. The plywood, then the tar paper, and then the shingles.. LOL ya its easier to pass through concrete. I also like how you thought during your experience. Logic says open the patio door to go outside. You did the same logic when out of body.. to me when I read that..thats excellent.

:-) nice to read after telling people to use commands such as clarity now..some people actually do it and it works. If you ever want to return to the body in bed, just wiggle your pinky finger and wait like 2-3 seconds and your obe will just end itself.

Good job.


Congrats Fuzzy, awesome experience.  Sounds like your efforts are really beginning to pay off.


My goodness, did not expect to see this many replies! (Yea, only 3, but... ;))

@astralm:I haven't had a chance to try again yet, but aren't you supposed to have 360 degree vision? I remember my vision being normal, if not a bit wider... :D

I also forgot to mention that although I am sure at the time I felt I was in full control, I try to remember it now and it isn't all that clear... :D

@Lucidityman: And everyone else told me that passing through walls was effortless... :p Had no idea a ROOF could obstruct me like that! :)
EDIT: Re-read your post, and... I actually didn't open the door, i simply slipped through like a game character with no triggerbox... ;)

@Szaxx: Welp, if I try again and succeed... I will let you know how the neighborhood looks again; with a bit more training, I might be able to see it better. For the record, when I flew down my street that time, I went up and over a house... and found that all the houses on one side looked like cardboard cutouts... Oh, and there was a meadow down below too.

And is it right that when the world is perceived in OBE form, some things from the past can sometimes leak in? that might have been it, as everyone knows no doubt that every hose starts from a block of land... ;)
This world's Captain Falcon; A title I will pass down to a chosen one when I leave this dimension.


Hey Fuzzy hope you are doing well today.  In one sense you don't have any "vision" at all in the way we usually think of vision or sight because you must remember you have no physical eyes.  So yes you do 'sense' or 'gather' data in NPMR in a 360 degree fashion but what we are left with here in our physical experience and memory of the event is not the event itself but our physical brain's interpretation of the event.  Our brains are capable of interpreting data into a visual '360 degree' field but it is not what we are programmed to naturally do, it is not how our eyes operate.  There is never a time in PMR where your physical eyes take in 360 degree input so this concept is alien at first.  You said your field of vision was a bit wider than usual.  I would say that is because that is what your brain was willing to accept at this time as possible, and even that was a stretch from what it normally expects for visual input.  So I guess that was a really long way of saying it comes with time.  Some people get it much quicker than others.

Real quick just a note about the neighborhood looking like cardboard cutouts, as this goes along with what I was just saying.  You now are in NPMR and you can visually 'sense' or gather input at a much greater rate than your physical eyes are capable of.  You are sensing houses in all directions and at much greater range than in PMR, it makes sense this is overload for your physical brain to interpret and so it compresses it down to something it can understand.  It can't handle all those details at once, your physical eyes can't even focus on your entire field of vision, only a very small amount, much of what you actually think you see in real life is made up by your brain, our brains are great at filling in details so our reality appears 'smooth'.  So in this state of overload it goes and puts the input in as simple a form as it can to create a somewhat smooth reality, what could be more simple than cardboard cutouts?

Last thing about the memory not being all that clear.  We put more value usually on our obe experiences and memories and try to recall them more, so they appear more fuzzy or vague than real life memories but I really don't think this is so.  Think back about what you had for dinner 4 nights ago.  Can you even remember?  If you can do you remember every exact detail about where you sat, what you said, how many bites you took.  My point is memories in general are fuzzy and vague, just how the brain works.  We connect emotions to memories much more than we do actual sensory input in my opinion.  Also memories of any type are not always accurate.  Just think how many times you have gotten into an argument with a friend over what was said just yesterday.  You said this, no I didn't I said this and you said that... No I didn't.  We like to think we remember things the way they happened but most of the time that is not really the case, especially when it comes to details.  This has a direct relationship to the amount of time between the event and the memory.  This is why I think keeping a journal is such a good idea, not just for NPMR stuff but PMR life as well.


Thank you for this information astralm! I actually keep a dream journal now, although atm it's in a pretty hard to get to place, (On my laptop in TXT format)  so I should probably make a dedicated book for it. ;)

And one thing that helps is that I actually have my third eye permanently wide open! :D i.e. it often feels like there's electricity flowing through my forehead.
This world's Captain Falcon; A title I will pass down to a chosen one when I leave this dimension.


Ok, latest update; I must be doing something wrong, but... it seems every attempt since Monday last week (my first AP happened then) has resulted in me falling into a dead sleep. (Or being too awake to lapse into trance! :grin: ) Any ideas? I honestly thought I had found the perfect method... Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. :)

Will let you guys know when I find the combination right for me. ;) atm, I simply do this:
- First, I go to bed at a decent time. This has been difficult to get right, due to having to stay up to finish things... :D
- I mentally set an alarm for four hours. if done right, I wake up around four hours later. (No need for a clunky alarm clock! :grin:)
- Lay down comfortably somewhere, usually my bed if it's 2:30 in the morning. (Assuming I fell asleep around 10:30 PM)
- While lying down, I start listening to the ringing in my ears, then I "shift" it into my subconscious so it continues passively.
- at this point, I either roll my eyes back, shift my focus to my third eye, or simply stare into the blackness. This is where I start having issues:
     1. Roll eyes back: fairly obvious; I end up falling asleep... :D
     2. shifting focus: I find I can't keep it there for long, it sort of snaps back to between my eyes after a few minutes.
     3. stare into blackness: MY DAMN EYES WON'T STAY SHUT!!!
  In all instances, the ringing stops or loses intensity after a few minutes. I also sort of wait for visualization to start if it's going to, but more often than not, I fall asleep instead...

One thing that could help after step 2, but haven't been bothered doing the last few times:
- *This I should try before giving up and moving on... :D* do something for 30 mins. Honestly haven't thought of this till now... :D

The last time I did this successfully, I omitted the first bit and simply woke up at 5:30, and got results... A lot of the time, I can only do it upon waking up. On top of that, everyone seems to get up around 6:00 and likewise, I can't be out (or trying...) for very long early morning, and that's why I try to do it at night instead. Late afternoon's no good either, because my mind's too awake around that time to obey... :grin:

So I am guessing I will be going to bed early, having a dreamless sleep, smashing foes on my 3DS at 1:30 in the morning, then projecting tonight... I will let you know how it goes.

Another note: There was one odd time Friday morning last week that had a weird result: I woke up in the middle of the night and could hear a faint ringing that didn't lose intensity (I also had an odd feelig that I could simply slip out at any moment) but because for some reason my room was VERY DARK, I was stupid and didn't take the opportunity... :D
This world's Captain Falcon; A title I will pass down to a chosen one when I leave this dimension.


Stop waiting for something to happen. After your first success you probably are thinking about what's coming up, and you're maybe getting excited without noticing it. In order to get to the right state of mind you've got to let go your thoughts completely. You allow your awareness to drift towards sleep, without ever allowing yourself to completely fall asleep. When I see that I'm too awake to get into the trance state, I kind of allow myself to go to sleep. I trick my mind into thinking I wanna fall asleep, I bring up the feeling of well being you get when closing your eyes in a time you are totally exhausted. But I keep on staying awake by looking at the mental images I see. It makes me stay awake without creating a thought in my head. I passively watch the scenes that are presented to me and my mind totally stops to think about a single thing. I get 100% immerged in the images or scenes I see then I have succesfully phased. The trick that works the best to greatly deepen the state in which I am when I try to phase is to count from 50 to 0. I can repeat it 2-3 times in a row if needed. It brings up huge results and makes your mind focus on a single thing. Keep on trying the hardest part is done you only got to refine what you learned good work!!!


Thank you for this soki, I do admit that I'm a bit of a waiter... :grin: (Bad pun, I know)

There has been a couple of times where I have gotten to the vibration stage, but then my mind's been too slow to become lucid and trigger a projection. (That was what made a couple of attempts completely fail... :D) I also read somewhere today that achieving mind-awake body-asleep was easier with 6 hours sleep rather than 4, so I am going to extend the amount of time spent in NREM and see how that goes, since falling asleep is one of my biggest problems with projecting! :grin: (You have probably read this yourself)

I could also go and attempt dream re-entry or something, and exit that way, since the AP I wrote down here was achieved through a dream. A non-lucid dream at that. ;)

BTW, something I've wanted to point out since a couple of days ago; I found the PERFECT reality check for me: I explain it in a new thread, since it would be too long and interesting to put here! :)
This world's Captain Falcon; A title I will pass down to a chosen one when I leave this dimension.


My latest attempt. (All this happened last night) I finally realised my issue; I seem to be blocked!  :-o

My method so far:
1. Sleep for 4-6 hours
2. Wake up and do something for 30 mins. I ended up playing Smash on my Nintendo 3DS for that time. (*BEST METEOR SMASH EVER!!!* :grin: more on that later!)
3. After 30 mins, attempt AP

Here's where I found my problem. I did the normal thing I do:
- Listen to internal sounds. For me, it's a faint ringing.
- Stay completely still
- Divert my focus to something else, or turn it off.

Then, after a while I started hearing laughing and cheering (a bunch of kids? :D) then shortly after that, the vibes started! That was when I also felt myself starting to be pulled upward, as if something had grabbed my legs and was tipping me up. But then, at that point, I stopped and thought; 'wait, what am I supposed to do now?' and after that, the vibes faded and I snapped awake (DOH!)

I then tried again. I think I either phased into the RTZ, or was just dreaming, because the whole time, I felt half-asleep! I first exited my house the usual way except this time I had to open the door, I couldn't pass through it like I did last time. I then got out, and began my flight.

The issues I had that makes me think this was more an LD than an AP: every time I tried to boost my speed, I would fly backwards and hit the road, and have to jump and fly again. (The jumping part was surprisingly easy!) There was a point where I attempted to dash at high speed to speed up my take-off, but it felt like running through mud or against a strong wind, so I resorted to jumping. My flying was real slow, although I could steer it consciously fine. THen, after flying far from my house, and was about 40 feet off the ground (That's real high!) I attempted to teleport... and saw a sheet of white cover my vision, and I blacked out. I then had a bad FA about not being able to move, of which I finally snapped myself awake by making my etheric arm deliver a slap to my forehead. (Don't even know how I managed that) Oh, and after waking up, it was no longer nighttime, it was early cloudy morning, yet it looked like the middle of the night during the flight... :D

So, my current limit is either:
1) I paused and wondered what to do, and lost focus
2) My head was stuck, or too heavy to separate.
This world's Captain Falcon; A title I will pass down to a chosen one when I leave this dimension.


Good to see it's working well for you! Lucid dreaming and AP are the same thing. It's all the same experience, you're in the non-physical reality. The only thing that differs is your level of awareness. A non-physical experience is a non-physical experience it's as simple as that!

To answer to what you said up above, I don't watch the amount of sleep I have at night. I do AP sessions when I have the time and when I feel like it. For sure there are times when it's easier, but I phased many times in non-optimizing situations, in which I was not tired at all. I think the best is being able to do it whenever you want in all kinds of situations. I never really tried waking up earlier to get less hours of sleep and give it a go.

Good work, keep on going!


Quote from: FuzzyQuills on May 19, 2015, 02:03:02
I then had a bad FA about not being able to move, of which I finally snapped myself awake by making my etheric arm deliver a slap to my forehead. (Don't even know how I managed that)

If you don't know how you managed it, that means you've been improvising a solution. That's good. Glad to read it worked well for you.



You seem to be doing fine. The more you leave the body the more experience you get doing it.

I would say that you can rule out #1 as a limit because you can stand still once out and your obe will keep going even due to loosing focus or inactivity. If you stand still and think "now what" when lucid.. lucidity ends fast.

#2 well.. body parts do get stuck now and then.. does not really matter since you made it out. So you must of over came your self set limitations. The real only limit that you have is experience and logic..  other then that you have zero limits out of body. You are new to this and doing keep doing it and just open your mind and let it do what it wants to do.

The hearing a bunch of kids ..that's great. It shows you are a second of so away from vibes.. when you hear people talking loudly , your vision should also appear shortly..and then its vibes and go time. I once told 3 people in the corner of my bedroom to shut the f up..i am trying to obe ...LOL and I was mad at them for talking to loud..and then poof vibes hit.

I read your post many times and I don't really see any issues that you have.. just normal stuff, growing pains, learning pains.. What I look at is how well the person does (you) can solve problems on the fly..adapt to the current situation.. and you do good.

Lastly you having a false awakening.. I think that was more of you being in s/p and not ..well your brain did not fully recognise the state maybe because you did not feel any vibes.. yet your were able to think consciously enuff to get the ep arm loose and slap yourself. In your future that slap or that FA will turn into another "I should try and exit again".

40 feet is up their.. my comfort zone in the sky is about tree level.


Quote from: luciditymanThe hearing a bunch of kids ..that's great. It shows you are a second of so away from vibes.. when you hear people talking loudly , your vision should also appear shortly..and then its vibes and go time. I once told 3 people in the corner of my bedroom to shut the f up..i am trying to obe ...LOL and I was mad at them for talking to loud..and then poof vibes hit.
LOL! :D I honestly don't mind hearing kids, so long as they're not too disruptive. ;)

Quote from: luciditymanI read your post many times and I don't really see any issues that you have.. just normal stuff, growing pains, learning pains.. What I look at is how well the person does (you) can solve problems on the fly..adapt to the current situation.. and you do good.

Lastly you having a false awakening.. I think that was more of you being in s/p and not ..well your brain did not fully recognise the state maybe because you did not feel any vibes.. yet your were able to think consciously enuff to get the ep arm loose and slap yourself. In your future that slap or that FA will turn into another "I should try and exit again".
That's something to try! :) There was a couple of times where I got vibes, and my NP vision came on, but then they would fade, and after a brief flash of darkness (Is that even a word? :P) I woke up.

And I presume it was my etheric arm, simply because I couldn't 'move' yet I managed to move one 'arm' and saw a strange ghost-like shape fly at my face... :D Then of course I finally woke up!

Quote from: lucidityman40 feet is up their.. my comfort zone in the sky is about tree level.
Heh... I went a heap higher in my first AP! :D It definitely felt that high up, all I saw was white clouds in every direction, except downwards.

BTW, would teleporting work? I find teleportation results in an instant blackout... :D
This world's Captain Falcon; A title I will pass down to a chosen one when I leave this dimension.


Quote from: FuzzyQuills on May 20, 2015, 23:31:30
...saw a strange ghost-like shape fly at my face...

Twelve years ago i also had this kind of experience. It was a cape hooded ghost that flew to my face. I had succesfully triggered a sleep paralysis with binaural beats. I screamed when this happened. The scream was that of a little girl. I was terrorized. I experienced a shock and woke up in my physical body.


QuoteTwelve years ago i also had this kind of experience. It was a cape hooded ghost that flew to my face. I had succesfully triggered a sleep paralysis with binaural beats. I screamed when this happened. The scream was that of a little girl. I was terrorized. I experienced a shock and woke up in my physical body.

Well, in my case, I think it was my etheric hand, since it only appeared when i 'slapped' myself! :)
This world's Captain Falcon; A title I will pass down to a chosen one when I leave this dimension.


Ok, latest attempt, I think I have not only gotten the hang of getting to the right state, but I appear to have found a good  exit technique, or a set of them, to try when I enter vibe mode! :-)

So, here's what happened; I finally got time to head to bed at a decent time so that I don't just fall asleep after my brain's internal alarm wakes me up... and likewise, I decided to give it another shot.

So, I wake up, do something, for 30 mins... and then I made my attempt. It took longer than normal to fire up my astral drive, the last thin I saw before the vibes hit was a podracing circuit... (I also heard what sounded like sebulba cursing in huttese.... :D)

Then the vibes came, only the weren't the normal rumble; it was a strange beating or wubbing, kind of like someone mixed a heartbeat with a gust of wind. at this point, I tried rolling out, but couldn't move. (good... :-) ) I also found I could open my eyes and look around my room, although my eyelids preferred to stay shut... :D

I also found that I was able to control the vibes, and i had a bit of fun massaging my ears with varying frequencies. then I tried rolling out again... and did something REAL STUPID; I accidentally moved my physical wrist, and my body woke up!

so yea, there's today's update. now I am expermenting with exit texhniques... :-)
This world's Captain Falcon; A title I will pass down to a chosen one when I leave this dimension.



I like the way you are progressing. I do not think that you did anything stupid.. your wrist moved because you waited to long to exit. Sleep parralisis was over. When you cant roll of the bed, but you can see, look for anything close to you to grab onto and yank your self of the bed.

Your exit tech can be anything you can create, think of how to get the body of the bed. Think of back up plans if the roll out method does not work. I know people do things at their own pace, but you need to be fast, like bang bang bang.. first method did not try, boom right away goto method number two.. then boom, go right back to method number one that did not work. Your key goal is to break the suction between your inner body and the pshyical one.


Quote from: Lucidityman on June 08, 2015, 00:14:44

I like the way you are progressing. I do not think that you did anything stupid.. your wrist moved because you waited to long to exit. Sleep parralisis was over. When you cant roll of the bed, but you can see, look for anything close to you to grab onto and yank your self of the bed.

Your exit tech can be anything you can create, think of how to get the body of the bed. Think of back up plans if the roll out method does not work. I know people do things at their own pace, but you need to be fast, like bang bang bang.. first method did not try, boom right away goto method number two.. then boom, go right back to method number one that did not work. Your key goal is to break the suction between your inner body and the pshyical one.
I did think of a few good ones. One idea I thought of was to generate a duplicate body with my mind, then phase-shift into it. I didn't even think of grabbing something to pull myself out, probably because there isn't an awful lot I could reach to do that in my room... :D

Another thing I thought about is actually a special "third eye" ability I gained two days ago; I simply draw a band of energy around my head, then make it expand out, with a long beam coming out from the centre of my forehead. This results in my third eye energising, and I usually start feeling something flowing through my third eye area. I could do this during vibe mode to cause exploding head feeling or stronger focus, which could get me out easier. (It will probably energise a heap quicker too! :)) All in all, I am still tossing ideas around, and seeing which ones would most likely work. At least I now am able to stay aware enough to actually trigger anything now with a clear mind! :)

And yea, loosening that grip between your physical body and your conscious soul or NP body...
I call that process 'demagnetizing the physical body' ;)

For me, that usually takes about 30mins. Once I successfully demagnetize, my body shuts off immediately... I can usually tell later because there will be a 'memory gap' between where I remember demagnetizing, and remember the vibes starting. (astral drive power-up)

In fact, in a future post, I am going to post how my mind's systems work, of which will give you an idea of which areas of my mind and physical brain I am adjusting to make it capable of 1st phase OBE and AP. I am more targeting 1st phase OBE to get into the RTZ, as there are some physical world related tasks I wish to carry out first before doing anything else in the NP realm. ;)
This world's Captain Falcon; A title I will pass down to a chosen one when I leave this dimension.