OBE 10 yrs old

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hey, im 14 and im bran new to this site. please check my introduction on the other page

(keep in mind ive had a lot of dreams about getting killed, chased and a lot of fear.. also my parents are divorced and i live with a stranger now because my mom has a medical issue and my dad is in prison)

i remember a long time ago ( im guessing around 10 ) i was in my barn and this guy was throwing nails at me really fast like a gun. i was running and dodging the nails for my life when all of the sudden i just turned on. i turned around grabbed the nails in mid air and threw them back at him killing him. he was a younger boy like me if i remember right. as a matter of fact, i think he might of looked like me. anyways i killed him and woke up.

i have had a lot of dreams where im chased and running for my life. its really vague, but sometimes when i hear a certain noise i panic and feel like somethings going to kill me, like im linking it back to an old dream where that noise happen and i died.

even wierd er when i was about 11 or 12 i had the flu. i woke up hearing that noise and panicing like someone was in my house killing everyone. i ran downstairs screaming creeping everyone out and then ran to my friends house. ( which was far away ) . i got there and his mom said he was at school. then i snapped back to where i was in time and i went back home denying that something wrong had happened.

lately in the past 2 years i have had limited dreams and no OBE's. and i think i want to start discovering that world again but im not sure if i want to.

i need advice on how to get the OBE's because i find it fascinating  reading about other peoples journeys here.  (and i want to fly lol)

also any feedback would be nice on my experiences.

oh, last thing. i was wondering if somehow astral projection is the answer to life or something. it cant be true we live and die and thats it... or is it? i need help because i get that bad feeling in my stomach like our time here is meaningless


I posted on your intro site. Know that your time here is not meaningless. Keep your head up and be proud. Is there anywhere around where you live that you can take a walk out in nature? Thats how I got started in all this. If you can find a spot out in nature and just go there and sit you can learn a lot. Pay especially close attention to the birds. They are a doorway to the spirit. If this interests you let me know and I will give you things to work on.


No one can tell you if there is or isn't a reason for us being here. In a way its a good thing because it pushes self discovery. You obviously have some trauma issues going on and they are clearly manifesting themselves in your dreams and even in your life. Just know that in order for you to change the way you think and to eliminate your fears, will take years. Accept that fact and your well on your way.

There are a few easy things that can help move you towards a better life. You can eat healthier, work out (run), sit in nature, simple things.

If you want to discover OBE I would also recommend meditation. It will help you calm yourself and become centered, and in the long run will help you OBE.

If you need any specifics PM me.

I'm sorry for your situation.


Hi allskillage,

Welcome to the forum!

I wish I had started my spiritual journey when I was your age :). Kids these days are so far ahead of me. Anyway I guess that's just the way it goes.

To answer you question about astral projection being the answer to life, it's my belief that consciousness projects itself in many different forms to experiences many different dimensions. One of these dimensions happens to be your physical dimension. Remember that this is my viewpoint and others including yourself may disagree totally and that's a good thing.

Here's the best technique I have found for projecting so far, I am copying and pasting from another post I responded too earlier.

a) Don't try at the beginning of your night. Try between 3 and 4 AM. Set the intent that you will wake up at that time.
b) When you wake direct your focus to the fact that you are awake and then get comfortable.
c) Start noticing your breathing and start feeling yourself becoming heavy. On each breath out pause at the end of the exhale and watch your body fall asleep and you continue to feel yourself getting heavy. This may take several cycles of breathing in and out.
d) You will feel your body become paralyzed. This is because you body is sleeping while your mind is not.
e) Stay calm and with your mind reach out 2 to 3 feet in front of you and direct energy into your body and you will feel vibrations enter your body.
f) Stay calm and with your mind get up out of bed and walk away from your physical body.

I would advise for you to try this technique over and over for at least a month before trying anything else.

Hope this helps.


"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

My AP Progress -> http://www.malleablelight.net


Thanks I'm trying that!


David, how long do you hold the exhale for? 3 seconds?  Also I don't understand how to reach out a couple feet and focus energy into your body. Couldn't I just reach out to something and pull myself out?


When I reach out it's with my mind. It's similar to moving the physical arm or anything else, you just do it. Don't think about how, just make it so.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

My AP Progress -> http://www.malleablelight.net