OBE Problems

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The Night Mist

Hey everybody...
So yeah, I should start by telling a little about myself.Ok, I started this whole OBE thing a couple of years back now and I noticed back then that I always fall asleep every time I try to OBE(probably because I practice during the Night) but if I am not tired enough I can sit there for like HOURS and nothing happens... probably feel like spinning a little but that's it... it becomes annoying then and I have to move and then I totally break concentration and I am back to ground 0 again! ...it is so annoying!

:( And now I have the same problem, I tried listening to something while doing the projection but still nothing, my mind wonders in space with it's own business and it's really hard. I haven't had any projections yet...although had about 7 chances to get out (from Lucid Dreams, which I must say they are more rare than gold to me  :( ) ... hmm.... Can anyone share his/her opinion on what I could do ?
Thanks a bunch...it would really mean a lot to me


1. Try breaking the sleep cycle. Go to bed early, wake up before time and then go to bed again.

2. Relaxation (mental and physical), not the tiredness is required.

3. Monkey mind can be trained in normal waking hours better, like while eating, showers, walking, waiting, travelling.....etc.

Stage 1 : Put alarms into your mobile phone which says - "Stop internal monologue". Do the same on your white boards, wallpaper, screensaver, below your wallclock etc.
Stage 2 : After you decide you want to stop the chatter, see yourself. Thoughts would arise in less than 2 secs. Say in your mind - "I acknowledge this." Or simply "ACK". Wait. Repeat if other thoughts arise.
Stage 3: In case of severe turbulence, negate each and every thought as soon as it arises. For example, a thought comes -"Today is sunday....", negate immediate by thinking - "Today is NOT sunday". A thought - "I may not make it....", negation follows - "I may make it..".
Stage 4 : Now with above practice, you will began seeing the origin of thoughts. I.e. the deeper level where they are born, they are without language and grammar here. Try to kill them there itself by a deeper "ACK".
Stage 5 : You will see that all thoughts arise out of unfulfilled desires, fears, habits, good and bad relations, hurt, envy and so on.....So get rid of those things as much as possible. Reverse is also true, if you get rid of these undesirable thoughts, you are freed of those emotions.
Stage 6 : Dont forget the tricks you learned above while you are in Astral ;), you need thought control 100x here.

4. Write down all your oobe related problems, mostly you can find answers yourself, or ask them here :)

The Night Mist

Thank You! ... I will do that :)...