A few quesions from a newbie

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Well seeing as that I haven't quite really figured out if I have hit that vibrations point or not, I can't tell you exactly how.  Though from what I have read, I would say its important to NOT GET EXCITED or let your mind wander when you have this happen to you.  Lack of cencentration can be the worst thing on OBE sessions.  

Now what I've gotten to:  When energy raising and attempting to project, I can get my body to feel very heavy, floaty, and I feel like I'm being pushed/pulled in different directions with my concsiessness (spelling?) getting very large, feeling like it expands to the entire size of my room....sooo really I don't know if that is "vibrations" in the sense that you read about or maybe my own version.....this has caused alot of confusion on my part :)  thanks!


Hi everyone! Im new to the forum as you can see[:D] Anyway I have a few questions.
1. I can get the vibrations very easily, but they die really fast. The longest Ive been able to have them for is about 10 seconds. I was just wondering how I can make them long enough so I can get out. How long do I have to hold it?
2. Has anyone everdone any mental rehearsing in one of the astral "Dream Pools"? If so what were your results? If not do you think this would be benificial.