Almost OOBE?

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Stephen M

I'm not sure if i was in process of Astral projecting... Any help?
I've been having this sensations all night, my body felt really light and i knew thats the feeling when you're looking to project, so i just let it be and relaxed.
I Wasn't looking to project that night so i just lost consciousness thinking in random things and next thing i knew i was dreaming but not lucid.
I Woke up and my body felt really light, almost like if i was floating, so i just laid there in my bed focusing more and more and next thing i knew i was seeing lots of things in my closed eyes, i entered what i thought is the Hypnogogia, Hypnopompic whatever state, i felt a strong tingling vibrating sensation coming from my forehead and then moving to all the parts of my body.
I Was nervous and soon thought "Oh no what if i see a bad entity or something?" but soon i realized that there was nothing to be scared off, so i just thought of a pure light of protection coming from the sky and covering my body, i thought of the words "Purity, Love, wisdom" and soon after that i felt the tingling sensation more stronger. Then I Could hear a strong acute sound coming out from my head and some other sounds like voices i thought where those of my neighbors talking, beautiful bird sounds and car sounds.
I Thought "How come im going to focus when everyone wont shut up??" I Thought it was around 7 am since thats the time when birds start singing. Then i heard the sound of a cat in the roof that made all my concentration dissapear...
I Couldnt hear that sound that was coming from my head anymore.
I Opened my eyes to see the window and it was still night, looked at the clock and it was 3:40AM. How come i heard all those sounds when it was only 3:40 AM? By that time everyone is sleeping and its so quiet that you can even hear the tree leaves moving with the air.
It was very quiet, so i just wondered if focusing in the real sounds (The cat in the roof sound) was what made me lost concentration?
Maybe if i focused more in the birds singing and in my body sensations i would have stayed in the same state of concentration...
Well, i leave this to you guys, if someone can tell me if this is what i think it is i will appreciate it very much!


I'm no expert on OOBE's, but hearing sounds, tingling and floating sensations I'm pretty sure are trademark "I'm nearly out" symptoms of OOBE's. All I can suggest is, keep trying, don't give up and don't be disheartened.
When there's no more room in the oven, the bread will walk the earth.


Hearing sounds, voices, people in the house, the sound of a radio, noises in the street etc all herald the onset of OBE.  They stop as soon as you get out.  It's quite strange.  Cat on the roof?  :-) yes that's absolutely typical.  It's exactly as if these noises are trying to distract you, make you think something is wrong in the house, which needs your attention etc.  They can sound extremely real, I mean indistinguishable from real physical sounds, but you just have to ignore them....!
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda

Stephen M

Ok Thanks for the advice Catmeow, it was more annoying than strange.
I Also thought it was 7:00Am because i could see that morning light in my closed eyes which really confused me more...
Ill keep trying! Thanks a lot Catmeow!