rats! I'm jealous of you all.

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I used to agree with your claim of living conditions reflecting ones ability to pursue and or project.Only recently have I had a change of thought and might I add im *really* glad that I did.Personaly I found that when living in peaceful enviorments which for me are the countryside,I start to have l/d-o.b.es naturaly and with a certain amount of frequinces.Then as has been the case for me my for the last 12 years I will have to pack up and move to some faraway place inwhich for me are not always to my likings.Suddenly the issue and experinces fade away and my focus is directed to that *idiots car alarm,dam sierins,yahoos screaming after leaving the pub at 2am*exct,exct.
However,after an unexpected freebee some months back I realized that I was spoiled.After much thinking I conjoured up some motivation,pulled out the books got online and looked for ways to turn negitives into positives.Currently when awakend by car alarms or sierins  I straighten out my body and repeat Mind awake,body asleep.
Now I am using a key conditioning technuiqe to cash in on when awakend after a rested period and its getting me results.
The saying "It all depends on how you look at it" is an understatement.
Dont wait for the right time,make the most of the time you've got!



very well put Andy

Time is merely a perception.


Don't worry, Travrai.  I have complete confidence that with focused direct effort and continued practice, you'll accomplish it in no time!

travrai blue robes

all you lucky folks projecting. you see, I can do it, I'm a good relaxer, good at willing things, and good at dealing with energy... but... I'm living in a place that's just too hectic and doesn't have very good energy, and I've lived here my whole life... so even though I feel very capable and have had small instances of demonstration, I can't get my hands on the real thing. stinky, eh? oh well, I'm moving out soon, hopefully I can get into a situation that's good for it. you really need certain conditions, most especially a comfortableness in your energy on all levels, that is for ideal projecting anyway. you can get a lot of whacky sorts of trips and half trips otherwise, sure