Sleep Paralysis state

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Hello guys, it's been (once again) quite a while since I posted or practiced seriously. I'm getting back to it, and I already got some nice results after only one week of tryouts (1 hour daily after work). I used to practice phasing, which seems to be the most natural way for me to succeed. The thing is, I never quite succeeded in obtaining a good level of awareness during my experiences. So I am focusing on having a more "traditional OBE" experience, and getting the feel of an exit from sleep paralysis. I wanted to discuss with you guys how that SP feels, since I am never convinced that I am in that state, and what to do when you are stuck there.

So for me, SP feels a bit like everyone describes. I will lay down and let my awareness sink in, same as if I would be sinking in water (let's say). It can feel as if I would close "my inner eyes", my awareness is not situated between my eyes anymore, I cannot pinpoint exactly where it gets to but it feels deeper inside myself, in a place that could be leveled up with my belly (but not in the physical reality). Once I get stabilised (my awareness is not trying to come back up from that same point in space), I get to the state that I identify as SP. The only thing is, I know that if will it I can still move my body. This is the part whick makes me doubt a little about my experience, but I can hear my breathing and I get a strong feeling that my body is asleep. In such a state, if I let go of just a little (my awareness,) I get sucked into mini dream scenarios. Such was the phasing I used to practice in my old OBEing days. My body is numb, I sometimes get those vibrations in my feet and then in my body, realise that I'm in a scenario and snap out of it to come back to my body, hear myself making strange noises, reacting to what is going on in those scenarios. And I am back in the state, before I phase again in another scenario if I maintain it. Lately I try to not let go of my awareness, and I tell myself affirmations like "I'm out of body now". I try to still deepen my point of awareness. But up to now, I'm stuck there. If I deepen the state too much, I end up phasing in those dream-like scenarios. I really want to experience it with a good level of awareness so I was wondering, what do you guys do when you get there? How does SP feel for you?  


HI Soki, I've found the dream-like states do lead to ap. It's like you have a choice as the paralysis takes you into a scenario you can pull yourself out and wait for the next one. I find I temporarily go to sleep but soon re-awaken in full blown OBE. I think some of us just need to do it that way.

So what I mean is sometimes you do need to let go of your awareness but trust yourself because you certainly can become aware after that brief pause. After a number of experiments I have come to that conclusion, at least for myself. Why this is I have no idea but whatever works for you is your aim.


Thanks for your answer! In my case, I just end up falling asleep or coming back like you say. I never gain full awareness, maybe do I have to try more!


Adding to what Nameless wrote,


I want ask some questions because I think that your answers may help us to provide some specific answers that may help you. As I read your profile and look back over some of your posts, going back to 2015, I see that you have a very accurate and thorough knowledge of the 'Phasing process'; you actually describe it very well in the advice you have given others! But the problem you had at that time appears to be that during your experiences you were not attaining the higher level of awareness you were searching for, so you became a bit frustrated and began to doubt the relevance of the Phasing process. That particular difficulty appears to be a common issue for all of us as we learn at this stage. The answers can be elusive and we can often get distracted from the solution and lose the 'path' altogether. Now you have found the time to practice again but you seem to be wanting to try from a completely different angle- as you describe it, the 'traditional OBE'. I think that may be a mistake, but let's first be clear about our terms.

What is your idea of a 'traditional OBE'?

If it is the idea of an 'etheric projection', one where you float out of your physical body like a ghostly form into the RTZ, then I would agree on the definition but disagree that this is what should be your goal. The etheric OBE is good and perfectly valid but in my opinion is an inferior version when compared to the Phasing OBE. Why? Because the first involves activation of your awareness within the etheric energy body and the Phasing OBE involves the activation of your awareness within your astral body, which is more complex in both form and function. So I wonder if a natural form of resistance may actually be at work here. It's like having learned how to drive a car, yet wondering why you can't find your have moved beyond the bicycle, so you no longer need it or can find it. Now with some work, you may still achieve that etheric OBE, but it's not really necessary at this point; you've actually progressed beyond it.

Sleep Paralysis- What you are describing is not sleep paralysis, but it is very close. SP occurs during REM/Dream state and when we happen to gain awareness as we move from sleep state to sleep state. I have never heard of anyone purposely achieving SP from an awake state. So it is not something you should aim for, simply because you don't have to get that deep. Instead, you should aim to achieve the MABA (Mind Awake Body Asleep) state also described in the Monroe/TMI system as Focus 10.

And the good news is- that you are already there. You describe it very well as your borderline SP state. You don't have to take it any deeper, you are doing excellent to just get where you are. From here in F10, you can either have an etheric projection or play with the visuals and make an astral exit like you were doing several years ago.

So you were having some Phasing experiences but they weren't exactly what you were expecting; you could not control them quite the way you expected, and your level of awareness did not increase like you expected. Or, at least, that is what I assumed from reading your previous posts. These difficulties are apparently normal at this stage and there can be many reasons for them...and it can be damn hard to figure out. I went through the same difficulty. My experience has taught me that this is actually a very important stage in our development. These are some suggestions for possible reasons:

-You are being guided to realize the difference/significance between the etheric and astral states and their energy bodies
-You are being guided to realize just how important a destination or an Intent is required to stay involved
-You are being guided to notice that your Phasing environment is being manipulated by someone other than you
-You are being guided to realize that certain NP 'cues' or 'triggers' or 'signals' are being used to guide you around the environment
-You are now within a guided Simulation constructed for your learning
-You are now expected to realize that there is an instructional program available to you, with guides, teachers and trainers
-Realization may also involve a commitment of sorts to help and be a part of the greater Work that is required

I was stuck at a similar point until I realized and accepted much of this, so maybe it is something to consider. From reading your earlier posts, you have a great talent for this art. Hope some of this makes sense and helps.


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


 Just to add to the fantastic replies that Nameless and EV have given you. You say you don't like Phasing because you lose your awareness to soon. To rectify that, first take it slow. Start a Phase session as you normally do, then when things start happening, cut it off right there. Abort it.

The next time you Phase, you will find that you can hold onto it a bit further. Once again, go enjoy your adventure, but cut it off when it seems like you are losing your awareness again. You will find that this "start and stop" method will actually work to bring you further and further each time. Make sure you make the effort to write down your experiences in your Journal. That shows your "Higher Self" that you are serious about this practice.

Once you become aware that you are in a scenario, slowly look around. Start with just a simple look at your feet or down in the scene. After you got your bearings a bit, begin to raise your peripheral vision up a bit, taking on more of the scene. By doing this, you are slowly "acclimating" yourself to your new surroundings. At no time though should you ever think about your physical body and also try to avoid getting too excited when something does happen. The thought "Here we go" seems to be a real experience killer".
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I normally when phasing will go into hypnogogia, then into mini episodic adventures but they are mundane usually nothing really happening I will go in and out of that where I am wrapped up in it totally forgetting I am phasing kind of like a very very short dream. Things happen going into and out of that short dream like period where it is semi lucid and I will see lights and gunshot sounds. When I come out tho I remain still although usually I feel a punch on my shoulder or a touch on back and lights accompany this.

I have always believed these mini episodes and the touching and lights to be invisible helpers adjusting my energy body readying it for a conscious exit.

So I have the same exact phenomenon but I continue staying still and fully relaxed and go in and out maybe four or five times sometimes, sometimes once losing consciousness for an instant fleeting moment or two before regaining my body and feeling more exit symptoms and eventually I just either A) feel/ trust if I stand up physically I will be obe or B) from experiential exit phenomenon and tons of trance state phenomenon I know I am indeed out of body, and can stand up out of recliner or inch myself out of bed. The first few moments it is so very hard to tell if I am obe or not sometimes. I have even sat and waited and waited and actually went obe several times in a Row but until I came back I didn't realize I had been obe sitting in recliner for about forty five minutes because my position and clothing was slightly different but when obe mundane things like posture and specific clothing especially when still in a close proximity to sleeping body is inscrutable until you have actually deliberately begun the act of scrutinizing surroundings. I find that if my body is super heavy or any thing seems not normal I am probably obe.

Sorry for rambling there just have been so many times that these small in and out experiences have lead to the full blown stand out of my body and look at it scenario I actually think you are perfectly doing it correctly. Change nothing and only now allow yourself to do what it will. Do nothing and become obe think of love and instead of thinking what can I do differently to achieve this state of awareness just say I have been doing this a long time I'm on the right path let me continue to learn and allow myself to laze about in this state until my body says ok. You bought the ticket, ... you take the ride.. you are so very close my friend!

I am a noob here and don't take my words for the gospel but I do indeed believe with a little more quality assurance in the relaxation and apprehension departments just allow and give more space for yourself to breathe and don't worry about achieving the obe. Just appreciate the quality of mind you ARE achieving maybe no affirmations either. Just enjoy the moment and the single mindedness single pointedness you are achieving I expect you will have the kind of OBE you are looking for very soon.

The fact that your intent to remain conscious is what's bringing you in and out of episodic dream scenarios where you romp around a moment and come back. I think everyone will agree this is actually a signal that you are extremely close to obe and is in fact an exit symptom in itself. You wouldn't be coming in and out without your intent. Trust your intent to bring you further enjoy the episodes and even fall asleep every time don't cut it short continue doing it until you allow yourself the full obe because you are close.

Again so to rant, I wanna help some ppl and am still new here lol. I believe this is good advice and I hope others will agree!


Woah, I did not think for an instant that I'd get such amazing replies with as many details. Escape Velocity, your message made a lot of sense and I now realise like you said that I must have been in the wrong since phasing is the most natural way to succeed and I have been doing it for a while. Everything you said kind of rang a bell in my head, thanks a lot! I am lucky of getting such a good support from you guys! So yeah when I wrote "traditional OBE", I meant the kind when you float out of the body with physical sensations and all. I figured it could be a better way to keep a good level of awareness, but I understand it would be starting all over, almost from scratch, and I am way closer with phasing. The reasons you gave me as to why I did not succeed up until now make a lot of sense too, and I think I only have to keep experimenting and learning through it. I never really thought about the fact that I may be past a RTZ OBE with my practice, and I never was really interested in having one in the first place. My goal is to see some beautiful, out-of-the-ordinary landscapes, to experiment wonderful moments that leave you that nostalgic impression throughout the day, making you want to go back like some dreams I used to have in the past. I read a lot of people who had a hard time getting farther from the body in the RTZ (I only see it as a label by the way, like Xanth used to put it) or even out of the room. Phasing is more appropriate to the goal I have set for myself, since there is no messing around with all of that and is closer I think to the creative part of the experience. I wish to see fantastic things, to experiment worlds filled with fantasy and imagination. Such is what I desire to accomplish through AP at first for the most basic part of it. Later would come goals with a deeper signification. For all those reasons, I agree with everything you said and will keep it in mind 100%! Thanks again, your reply was a real enlightenment!

Lumaza, what a good input you gave me! Thanks for giving me a path to follow, I didn't know how to get further in my practice of phasing and that's why I got stuck years ago and maybe stopped practicing. Seems a pretty good step-up point in my opinion, I will make sure to practice that and come back with news if everything goes according to plan!

Thank you too for your input DarknChildlike. The fact that you are a recent member doesn't mean we won't value and accept your opinion. You seem to have a good experience of OBE's and I am glad you shared it with us.

Each and every time that I come back to this forum, I get surprised how its members are devoted to helping each other and giving freely some of their time. I really appreciate it! Thanks again.


Hello Soki,

I have been lurking this forum for a while now, and since I am at the same point as you maybe I will contribute a bit to see if it open new path for me.

Like you, it is very easy for me to induce the mini-dreams, i can do it anywhere, at home or outside just by doing....nothing, I just let my awaraness go where it want to go and end up in the mini-dream state. It's so natural it's not even fair to call it a technique so my guess is that you won't find anything better to go phasing/Out of Body/lucid dream.

Now I am saying that but my problem is that i'm doing some kind of "Yoyo" with these mini-dreams and that's it. They feel very physical and real but as soon as I try to do something with... it disappear and I'm back in the physical, 30 secondes later i'm viewing another dream or image, i try to be very gentle with it and it disappear and I'm back, again and again. So it's like i'm in front of the door of Non-Physical but there is a concept that i'm missing here. I have read Frank kepple post maybe 200 times to see if i am missing something, so far nothing new.

This is either a problem of : 1) I should continue let go and thrust that I will not fall asleep or 2) I should just keep viewing the mini-dreams until something happens or 3) I was already in the non-physical I just did not know

Number 3 came to me recently when I was reading people saying that they just "stand up" once they reach a certain stage of hypnagogia also confirm by DarknChildlike, this is very hard for me to understand since i'm one of those who does not have a lot of exit symptoms (never experience SP or voices but had many involuntary experience of the non-physical)

I will experiment a bit and try to let you know if i have good result.

(Please apologize for my english, it's not my mother tongue and I really need to practice more)


Quote from: MagikOwl on February 01, 2020, 21:36:36
Hello Soki,

I have been lurking this forum for a while now, and since I am at the same point as you maybe I will contribute a bit to see if it open new path for me.

Like you, it is very easy for me to induce the mini-dreams, i can do it anywhere, at home or outside just by doing....nothing, I just let my awaraness go where it want to go and end up in the mini-dream state. It's so natural it's not even fair to call it a technique so my guess is that you won't find anything better to go phasing/Out of Body/lucid dream.

Now I am saying that but my problem is that i'm doing some kind of "Yoyo" with these mini-dreams and that's it. They feel very physical and real but as soon as I try to do something with... it disappear and I'm back in the physical, 30 secondes later i'm viewing another dream or image, i try to be very gentle with it and it disappear and I'm back, again and again. So it's like i'm in front of the door of Non-Physical but there is a concept that i'm missing here. I have read Frank kepple post maybe 200 times to see if i am missing something, so far nothing new.

This is either a problem of : 1) I should continue let go and thrust that I will not fall asleep or 2) I should just keep viewing the mini-dreams until something happens or 3) I was already in the non-physical I just did not know

Number 3 came to me recently when I was reading people saying that they just "stand up" once they reach a certain stage of hypnagogia also confirm by DarknChildlike, this is very hard for me to understand since i'm one of those who does not have a lot of exit symptoms (never experience SP or voices but had many involuntary experience of the non-physical)

I will experiment a bit and try to let you know if i have good result.

(Please apologize for my english, it's not my mother tongue and I really need to practice more)

Welcome to the Pulse Magik!  :-) I like the name!  8-)

I think I can help you with your problem. When I first began Phasing I found the same problem. I would jump into a scene and it would immediately fade away.  Then I learned not I jump into or latch on the first visual that reveals itself. I allow what I call the "flitting around" portion of the process to play out. This is when the, in your case "mini dreams" appear. I find they come and go. I wouldn't latch onto the first one because know that it will soon disappear and dissolve again. I just observe and observe and observe, until a scenario has stuck around long enough to show me that it is "stable" and that I  can enter it and it will still be there.

I think you just need to apply a bit more patience here. "Allow" the mini dreams to commence. Passively observe them with a aire of curiosity. They will come a nd go, sometimes rather quickly. It feels like you are jumping around all over the place. Hence the term "flitting around".

it won't always be like that though. Nowadays, I can jump in and hone onto my first visual. But that came through a lot of trial and error. I learned to completely "hone in" on them now. That seems to be the name of the game in this practice. Learning how to passively observe is a skill that is very important with this practice. Allow a scene to completely materialize. Don't jump the gun on it.

By the way, your English is great. If you look at many of my posts, it's likely better than mine and my first language is English, lol!  :-D
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Just like Lumaza said, the first scenes you get, you have to passively observe. If I can picture it for you, it feels a little as if you are in your couch at home watching tv (yourself in the couch being your point of awareness, from which you perceive, and the tv being the scenarios). At first they are not quite "clear" in your head, you see them without much details, from a distance. But as you deepen the state (let your point of awareness sink, just stay in an observer point of view) the scenarios get clearer and bear more details, as if you were getting closer and closer to the screen. You will know you have phased when they don't feel like you are watching them through a screen, but you are literally in the scenario. Exactly like during a dream. The only difference is you got there from a total awakened state and you can come back and forth to it without (or almost) any loss in your awareness. The moment right before phasing, it's as if you were inches away from the screen and then you just get in the scene. That's where I lose my awareness usually. If you try to change some things, modify the scene or think too much you won't be able to let go enough to get in the scene (at first). You have to keep just the right amount of interest to stay awake and lucid, but not too much or it will keep you from getting in those scenarios and you will stay far from the screen, in your couch. I think we have to learn and gauge how to let go just enough, not too much nor too little. Try and keep an interested mindset. When images or scenarios arise in your mind, think things like: " How curious, how interesting!". Learn to let go progressively and most importantly, slowly. If you let go too quickly, you will fall asleep. If you don't let go enough, you stay awake, far from the scene. Hope it helps!

I tried Lumaza's tip, and it went wonderfully well! I succeeded in keeping my awareness to a point where I usually lose it. The scenarios went on, and they got clear but I was still perfectly aware of being in my bed, trying to phase. Usually for me to get such a good level of detail in the scenarios I have to let go of my awareness. When I felt like I was losing my awareness I was stopping the "let go of the mind", I stabilised a little and started watching the scenarios again. This is a good step for me! I realise I only have to push the point progressively where I lose the awareness and I'll be there soon enough.


Quote from: soki on February 01, 2020, 23:12:24
Just like Lumaza said, the first scenes you get, you have to passively observe. If I can picture it for you, it feels a little as if you are in your couch at home watching tv (yourself in the couch being your point of awareness, from which you perceive, and the tv being the scenarios). At first they are not quite "clear" in your head, you see them without much details, from a distance. But as you deepen the state (let your point of awareness sink, just stay in an observer point of view) the scenarios get clearer and bear more details, as if you were getting closer and closer to the screen. You will know you have phased when they don't feel like you are watching them through a screen, but you are literally in the scenario. Exactly like during a dream. The only difference is you got there from a total awakened state and you can come back and forth to it without (or almost) any loss in your awareness. The moment right before phasing, it's as if you were inches away from the screen and then you just get in the scene. That's where I lose my awareness usually. If you try to change some things, modify the scene or think too much you won't be able to let go enough to get in the scene (at first). You have to keep just the right amount of interest to stay awake and lucid, but not too much or it will keep you from getting in those scenarios and you will stay far from the screen, in your couch. I think we have to learn and gauge how to let go just enough, not too much nor too little. Try and keep an interested mindset. When images or scenarios arise in your mind, think things like: " How curious, how interesting!". Learn to let go progressively and most importantly, slowly. If you let go too quickly, you will fall asleep. If you don't let go enough, you stay awake, far from the scene. Hope it helps!

I tried Lumaza's tip, and it went wonderfully well! I succeeded in keeping my awareness to a point where I usually lose it. The scenarios went on, and they got clear but I was still perfectly aware of being in my bed, trying to phase. Usually for me to get such a good level of detail in the scenarios I have to let go of my awareness. When I felt like I was losing my awareness I was stopping the "let go of the mind", I stabilised a little and started watching the scenarios again. This is a good step for me! I realise I only have to push the point progressively where I lose the awareness and I'll be there soon enough.
In the words of the rock band 38 Special, you need to "Hold on loosely, but don't let go"! It really is a balancing act!

You are doing great soki. Many times we here will share some tip with a member here and find out in a later post that they had made, that they totally ignored the advice. It's always good to hear that/when a member had positive results! That actually makes my day. So thank you!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Nicely done soki!

Yes, you have to patiently observe and wait for the mini-dreams to gradually slow and wait, wait, wait...and resist the temptation to initiate the phase transition until you almost feel 'pulled' into the scene.

Once you feel fully grounded within the scene, it is best to continue observing until you get a sense of the narrative or story that is at work, and then to go with the flow and follow where it takes you. Trying to manipulate or change the scenario can often abruptly end the scenario. If this happens more than once, then the 'Guidance' possibilities that I mentioned may be the reason. And at that point, you may realize that you are now being presented with teaching scenarios or Simulations. And then the fun begins!

Well done!

And welcome to MagikOwl!
1,2 and 3...great insights!
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


I'm the one thanking you Lumaza and EV! Those are great advices that make a lot of sense, it would be total ignorance not to follow them. Sadly I might not get as much time as I'd like to practice starting from next week since I will get home around 8-9 pm some days, but I'll keep digging as soon as I can in my free time!


Thank you all for your warm welcome and for the advice  :-D

I will follow your advise and let you know how it went, it's funny because knowing it's all that it take to access Non-Physical realities raises many questions, what about focus10/point consciousness/energy work and all that? It does not seems relevant in this case but I guess it's probably a misunderstanding in my part. Anyway I'll probably start a new thread, I don't want to hijack soki's thread!


Quote from: MagikOwl on February 03, 2020, 06:50:10
I will follow your advise and let you know how it went, it's funny because knowing it's all that it take to access Non-Physical realities raises many questions, what about focus10/point consciousness/energy work and all that? It does not seems relevant in this case but I guess it's probably a misunderstanding in my part. Anyway I'll probably start a new thread, I don't want to hijack soki's thread!
Focus 10/point consciousness/energy work, those are all techniques to hold your focus and take you deeper as the "natural shift" in consciousness occurs. I created my Doorway technique to do just that as well. To hold your attention on something other than your physical body or this physical realm itself!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on February 03, 2020, 14:33:53
Focus 10/point consciousness/energy work, those are all techniques to hold your focus and take you deeper as the "natural shift" in consciousness occurs. I created my Doorway technique to do just that as well. To hold your attention on something other than your physical body or this physical realm itself!

Talking about your Doorway technique ...

Somebody just posted a Doorway technique on another forum, and I thought to share it here:

QuoteThe Doorway - Leading to Wonderland


A simple visualization technique for everyone in easy steps. I come with this myself some years ago, because I wasn't good with the mainstream visualization techniques all over internet, they were too complex for me. The most important part of this visualization is the door/doors which always lead you to mysterious wonderlands. I experienced some of my most interesting astral projections with this technique. It can be done anytime during the day, before sleep or with WBTB. I can't wait for you to post your experiences:-)

**Path-1) For beginners**

Step-1)lay in your most comfortable position, close your eyes and relax for a minute or two.

Step-2)Begin to visualize in little steps:
- An empty square room, preferable with no windows
- The colors and materials of walls, preferable one color for all walls
- The floor, preferable familiar material like wood or marble
- an illuminated room or a darker mysterious one
- The door with handle, color and material

For example: pink plastic door with metal handle; red metal door with plastic handle, brown wood door and etc...

Step-3)Place yourself in the center of the room looking directly at the door. Feel the floor with your bare feets, is it cold or wet or maybe a warm carpet; smell the air, is it smell like dust or parfume or perhaps on flowers, ground your self in the experience.

Step-4)Start walking toward the door, touch the handle, is it cold, hot or rusty, feel it.

Step-5)Open the door and enter

Now the moment you enter a whole new world will emerge all around you. Explore and enjoy your stay.

**Path-2) Intermediate**

Step-1)lay in your most comfortable position, close your eyes and relax for a minute or two.

Step-2)Begin to visualize in little steps:
- an empty endless hallway/corridor, preferable with doors at both sides
The floor, preferable familiar material like wood or marble or carpet
- an illuminated hallway or a darker scary one
- The doors with handle, color and material, For example: pink plastic doors with metal handle; red metal doors with plastic handle, brown wood doors and etc... or different types

Step-3)Place yourself in the center of the hallway looking directly at endless corridor. Feel the floor with your bare feets, is it cold or wet or maybe a warm carpet; smell the air, is it smell like dust or parfume or perhaps on flowers, ground your self in the experience.

Step-4)Start walking down the corridor, examine the doors on your left or right, choose one, touch the handle, is it cold, hot or rusty, feel it.

Step-5)Open the door and enter or just open the door and look around to see what is inside. Feel free to open as many doors as you can.

Now the moment you enter a whole new world will emerge all around you or you will find a mysterious room. Explore and enjoy your stay.

"Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider."
- Sir Francis Bacon


 A brief "Hi-jack" here and I am done. I apologize for this MagikOwl

Quote from: baro-san on February 03, 2020, 19:30:05
Talking about your Doorway technique ...

Somebody just posted a Doorway technique on another forum, and I thought to share it here:

Very interesting find Baro-san. Thank you for that!  :-)

In a Google search on the heading above, I found that it was from a "Reddit" site.

I have found through the years that the use of colors, geometric shapes and especially Doorways, lead to "automatic" mental associations. His interchanging of the colors and material of the door handles reminds me of a technique I heard about years ago where you play around with colors geometric shapes. Examples: Picturing a blue triangle in a red square, red box in a green rectangle, yellow circle in a red square, etc.

I'm sure his #3 Advanced tech would likely involve targeting selected Doorways, as in Doorways with certain numbers or themes that correspond to visuals of said themes or numbers. This is one way that leads me to Retrievals, I target a room with either the name "Retrievals: or Focus 27, The Park, written as a sign on a door. Kind of like what you find in a office, motel or apartment building. This is also the way that I indirectly came across that phenomenal "Art Gallery" that has led to the Crystal Amplifiers I now create and sell today.

I still have to do an update on my own Doorway thread talking about some of the amazing things I have seen and uncovered targeting Doorways. I shared some of my experiences in the past, yet didn't get many responses to them.  I figured in many people's minds it's just too much work and "totally unnecessary", yet look at the results I still having today.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla