Some Phasing Questions (Frank's Model)

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Astral Projection

I was reading about phasing today and I "like" more phasing approach than traditional "astral". Anyway I have some questions.
1. First I wanna ask, if there is no separation at all, how we feel a separation? Is that some kind of hallucination?
2. I didn't get this "focus of attention part" (it's probably because of my bad English :)). Can someone explain me what does this focus of attention means? As far as I understood, focuses of consciousness seem to me like some "levels".
3. I've understood that Focus 3oC is when we go when they die, and there we stay as long as possible so we could wash ourselves from our beliefs. Now, what happens after a person is "washed"? Has anyone ever phased into Focus 3oC?
4. Now Focus 4... Has anyone phased into that "area"? I've never heard anyone saying that he\she phased into F4oC but we now that it exists, and that it is pure energy.. How we know that? Anyway, if any of you phased in F4oC how is it "in there"? Um.. How is the place where all events happens in the same time? :)

that's some questions for now... :)
mind altering psychedelic trip

Astral Projection

One more thing...
How can we link remote viewing with phasing?
mind altering psychedelic trip

Astral Projection

Does anyone know something about any of these questions guys?? :)
mind altering psychedelic trip


I think a lot of your answers can be found in the Permanent Astral Topics and Astral FAQ sections of this site.

However, I can give you my understanding of phasing if it helps.

Quote1. First I wanna ask, if there is no separation at all, how we feel a separation? Is that some kind of hallucination?

When phasing, you do not feel any seperation from the body. You only feel a seperation from the body in OBEs. OBE's occur in the etheric zone. This is a vibration just above the physical plane. As a result, the mind perceives things closely to physical life (a light body, slight gravity, etc.). There is much debate on whether there actually is an energetic body the consciousness inhabits upon 'leaving' the physical body for the etheric plane, or if the mind perceives one because it believes that it needs one to exist. I can't answer that one for you. When I OBE, I do perceive a seperate body. But I do not perceive any body at all when I'm in the astral or when I phase.

Quote2. I didn't get this "focus of attention part" (it's probably because of my bad English ). Can someone explain me what does this focus of attention means? As far as I understood, focuses of consciousness seem to me like some "levels".

I guess you could call it levels, but that is just another label. Focus off attention is simply the thing, place, object on which your full attention is placed at any given time. To phase, you start by simply noticing your body and its sensations. Gradually, your mind calms down and you naturally begin to 'go inside.' This means that your focus of attention is no longer on the outside world (physical surroundings) but is now focused inside your mind. Eventually you forget you have a body and you find yourself experiencing different things, like the void, the 3D blackness, images, colors, etc. By shifting your full focus of attention, or your full awareness on one thing only, you eventually enter or join that thing.

For example, at some point you will begin to see images flash in your minds eye. They will go by quickly and then disappear to be replaced by others. Eventually they will slow down so that you can see them clearly and for longer than a split second. If you see a scene that interests you, put all of your mind/attention/focus on to that image. Think of nothing else except that image and very quickly you will enter the scene. This is one way to enter the astral and the same method is used to move about in the astral -- at least the way that I do. If I want to go somewhere else once I'm there, I simply think about. I focus fully on who I want to visit or where I want to go. And within a second or two, I'm there. Everything is mental.

Quote3. I've understood that Focus 3oC is when we go when they die, and there we stay as long as possible so we could wash ourselves from our beliefs. Now, what happens after a person is "washed"? Has anyone ever phased into Focus 3oC?

I haven't heard the term 'washing' before, so I'm not sure I can give you a proper response.

Quote4. Now Focus 4... Has anyone phased into that "area"? I've never heard anyone saying that he\she phased into F4oC but we now that it exists, and that it is pure energy.. How we know that? Anyway, if any of you phased in F4oC how is it "in there"? Um.. How is the place where all events happens in the same time?

The focus levels you are describing were termed by Frank. He has written descriptions on what he calls Focus 4 based on the few experiences he had there and shared on this forum. I'm not big in to labels, but Frank's description of this area are identical to two experiences I had a few years ago. And they were noticably different from both the etheric and the astral planes. I believe Frank's description is in one of the topics on Astral FAQ or Permanent Astral Topics areas. You can also do a search on Focus 4 with Frank as the author and see what comes up.

Reality is what you perceive it to be.

Astral Projection

I thought that astral projection is in fact phasing...  That there is no separation at all, that there isn't "astral world", "astral body" and such.
So, if there is no separation and stuff, what is the relation of remote viewing with phasing?

anyway thank you for the answers... :)
mind altering psychedelic trip


Phasing limits itself to subjective consciousness. Monroe's model and the more eastern models of reality do not.

None of the current models are complete.
OBE counter: Lost track! 35+ since 3/21/2006


I think our thinking are limited. It´s here or there. Maybe space and distance is an illusion or something else that Buddhist, Hinduist says and maybe even scientist soon will.

And i believe Astral projection, obe and Phasing can be the same thing. It´s about changing brainwaves to Theta, Delta and beyond with concentration/observation so that we kind of can tune in to other radiostations.


QuoteI thought that astral projection is in fact phasing

Phasing is one method to reach what many call the astral plane. Some people start while OBE and somehow get to the astral. Personally, I think phasing, by definition, is the only way to reach the astral and any other consciousness level/spiritual plane. Even when OBE, I 'move' to the astral via phasing. Its a shifting of consciousness. I'm not sure how else you could/would reach these places, regardless of what you 'call' a thing I think it all boils down to shifting your consciousness or awareness.

Quotethere is no separation at all, that there isn't "astral world", "astral body" and such.
So, if there is no separation and stuff, what is the relation of remote viewing with phasing?

Again, 'astral' is a label like Focus 3 and any every other word mankind has created to try and describe this type of experience. Its like speaking two different languages, "oui" and "yes" mean the exact same thing, they are simply from different languages. You can kind of think of this in those terms.

As to whether or not there is an 'astral world', I believe there is a level of consciousness in which many beings exist or can visit. And that when in this level of consciousness, thoughts and feelings shape and define your perceived surroundings. Now many people refer to this level of consciousness as the astral plane. So in that respect, yes it does exist. As I mentioned previously, I have never experienced or perceived a body while in this level. I only experience one when OBE. And perhaps that's where part of your confusion on this topic lies, an OBE and Astral Projection are not the same thing.

As for remote viewing, I've never tried so I can't tell you from experience how it differs.

I also agree with the posts by Forever and Kiwibonga. They both are saying similar things -- phasing is a level of consciousness, which can be measured via brainwaves. Different brain waves results in different levels of consciousness. Our ability to remain conscious and aware of each level is what allows us to 'phase' to the inner realms of our consciousness and bring back these experiences to our waking mind/memory.
Reality is what you perceive it to be.