The 3 MAIN Benefits from the OBExperience:

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Qui-Gon Jinn

1) A powerful way of epxanding ones conciousness, "on all directions".
2) Being able to develop an ability to get in touch with certain people who have "moved on", and in that way know they are okay.
 3) Flying, exploring, flying and....  exploring!! .. and moving thrue stuff, hey!!  ;)  

I´m sure I would come up with a few more good reasons if I thought it thrue, as you said the benefits are so obvious to those of us who have "broadened our horizons", that one doesn´t need to write a list of what reasons one has to persue this, it´s just so OBVIOUS. hard to put into words)
 My family doesn´t understand at all the reasons for doing this, they can not see ONE single benefit gained thrue it, only fear and what can go wrong, not sure they even acknowledge that it is even possible.....  that was a bit frustrating in the beginning but now I couldn´t care less, hey I haven´t got the right nor the power to tell them what to think - and so I just let them think whatever they want, and I suggest that is what you to should do...  and if they can´t handle it, just don´t tell them more about it... zilch..  
  And remember, it is NEVER wrong to realizing ones true potentials.
     The "crime" is choosing not to I´d say...
 take care// Qui-Gon

- Your focus determines your reality -


1. Instead of telling people I have a " soul " like most religions
advocate, (but never actually thinking of it in the literal & active sense) I know it, & can use it literally to do what I want, my
imaginations & beliefs are my only boundaries.

2. Instead of telling people I,m a good person, have high morals,
understand & respect others,do good things for others, all because
I,m a member of a particular religion is the height of arrogance &
the epitome of ignorance( when most of them break every sacred
commandment that is set for them).Now I " know " I,m a good person,
by my acceptance of others & their views,by my bond with nature, the
planet the universe.I can read everyones " bible " now & take the good bits & wise words spoken & trash the life crushing monotheistic
"ours is the only right religion" attitude.

3.Why settle for just Heaven or Paradise,or wherever you believe you go after physical death, when you can have so much more.If you believe you go to one of those places & nothing else, thats exactly where you will go, nothing else.

I was raised until teenage years in Catholic/Christian schools &
society, until I began to ask questions, find out more about where it
all came from & who wrote in them & why they were chosen.
Now I really have seen the light!
All the best in your journeys


It is one thing to believe, or have faith, that we are all eternal beings with "souls" and another thing entirely to KNOW and EXPERIENCE soul travel while still in the flesh.

Thanks Qui-Gon and Mobius, for having responded...I think it's fascinating to find out what others feel are the benefits of spirit travel...(it's hard to use any term to describe the amazing experience of leaving one's physical body).

In regards to your seemingly negative view of religion, at least as defined by our society, I have a few questions/comments for you.

I am a Christian and I am not "monotheistic", at least not in the sense I believe you intended to convey.  I don't go around telling people I have morals, unless of course they ask, but like you I strive each day to love and accept others, thus helping them and helping myself.

My religion propogates truth, and this brings upon us much scorn, ridicule and persecution at every corner.  We believe that, for example, the bible is a true book of scripture but has been misinterpreted, mistranslated, and even twisted puroposely by men who desired power and wealth above the the truth.  We believe that each individual not only can, but must, recieve personal revelation from God in order to progress in this life and in the life to come.  We believe in modern day prophets.  We believe that when one dies they will enter into a spirit world (astral planes, etc.) in which they will have the same appetites and atittudes they have now and will have to overcome these better now then later.  As they do this they will move up until they are in a "spirit paradise" and then they will help others who wander in lower planes to move up.  This spirit paradise isn't the end, however, they will move up...forever, not everyone will gain this eternal life, but only those wo so desire.  
Belief systems, ties to the flesh, etc. can all hold people back, we only move up as far as we feel comfortable.  Although we believe in judgement, the harshest judgement will come from yourself, not God.

We believe in Christ as the Savior and Lord.  He paved the way to move forward and up because he is the only one who was perfect in the flesh, and thus satisfied the demands of justice.  

I am not preaching, well, maybe I am... but I mostly want others to know that "religion" isn't always a crutch...I don't believe in religion, I believe in truth and every faith and creed has some truth, even if it is your own personal belief system.  We are all searching for truth and thus I try to never speak negatively about others beleif system or religion because obviously, for now, that is where they are at and most will move one someday to something that has more truth.  

For me the 3 main benefits of spirit travel are, )at least for beginners):
1. Simply knowing who you really are and knowing the reality of other dimensions.
2. Helping other beings, and being helped in these other planes.
3. Gaining personal revelation and coming to understand thyself as well as the nature of God.

Grace by grace, principle by principle, we strive for perfection.  

Il mio maestro e' il gand Iddio del Nuovo Testamento.
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


My ignorant little self hasnt read the previous claims, but this is what i think the main benifits are:

1) To be free - to be able to roam, fly, and to do anything your mind will allow
2) To explore the universe for the benifits of mankind - to be able to explore for to able to improve on modern knowledge
3) Spiritual Aspects - helping spirits, nurturing your spirit, and being more in touch with God...(or whatever you believe in)

  "Mind over Matter"


Sorry if it seems I came on too strong,I,m not entirely opposed
to religions, I have lots of friends of all different faiths &
respect their choices.I dont tell them about mine or theirs & thats
the way things are, but if they want to know more or hear a different
side to the story I,ll give them a couple of books to get started.
I believe its every free thinking individuals right to not accept
what they are being told until they find out more info especially from
people who dont agree.
One thing I do like about religions is when everyone gathers at a
particular place for worship/prayer/meditation/discussions the
majority is thinking positive thoughts.This spreads like wildfire
amongst participants open to it & a feeling of well being is generated.

You are not wrong with the bible being misenterpreted & the reasons
it was done.The question I gotta ask, why did you stop there when
you had discovered the lies? Why did you settle for one possible
explanation? I believe that roughly around 2000 years ago an
individual called jesus did exist as to who he was & what he did &
didnt do is open for great debates.
Wish you well in your journeys mate.



I am grateful for you positivity and open mindness.  About "stopping there..." I definetly haven't stopped.  I believe in many other books of "scripture" including books of modern revelation.  I also feel that when one is prompted to speak under the influence of the Holy Spirit, what comes forth from that individuals mouth IS scripture.
I believe that everyone must recieve their own revelation in this life in order to move forward.  This can come through prayer, service to their fellow men and women, by reading and of course through the desire to know and learn.

In regards to Christ, I don't have a shadow of doubt that He is the firstborn Son of God.  We are all sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father and Mother, but Christ was the most advanced spirit in the premortal existence.  Without His eternal sacrifice we would all forever be lost because we have fallen, just as God knew we would.  He sent us to this world to have physical bodies in order to know and be able to distinguish the good from the bad, the sweet from the bitter... or in other words to be able to progress.  It's all part of The Plan.  Christ and His mission was prepared before this world was organized (not created, but organized...matter, as we know, is eternal, just like our it cannot be created nor destroyed.)  

One of the key differences between what I believe as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and other Christian belief systems is that God loves us so he wants us to become like him, perfect.  He wants us to reside where he resides.  He wants to exalt us and give us power and dominion in a celestial sphere.  He wants us to have all that he has.  To put it bluntly, God is a perfected man.  This doesn't mean He can't be everywhere at once, and it doesn't limit Him in anyway...we are all part of Him, etc.

Many might say this is blasphemous, or misinterpret this to make it clear, I don't mean that we will every be "better" than He is, but like Him.  God will forever be God and the more glory and power we gain, the more glorious and powerful He becomes.  God is light, God is love and the glory of God is intelligence...and that is what we are striving to obtain.  

I know what I am saying means nothing to one who has not faith, or looks every where except to the Holy Spirit for intelligence.  The bottom line is that I know these things because I have prayed to know and I have recieved my personal revelation.  The Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit has revealed it to me and it is something I shall never deny.  The world has twisted Christianity and used it as a mask to hide behind in order do some of the darkest things imaginable, but in the end the light will shine forth and the Savior of mankind will return to earth.

As a side note, and pertaining to the topic of this forum, "Astral travel" is of course real and in simple, semi-scientific terms, it involves changing our vibrational "tune" (for lack of a better word) to move up or down the electro-magnetic light spectrum.  Of course there are also different dimensions, which adds to the complexity of this simplified explanation.  Low vibrational levels are where we find the sub-astral planes, or what many faiths call "hell")  or on the other hand by speeding up our vibrational tune and moving up the light spectrum we move into the higer planes.  It would make sense, therefore, to say that God resides in place beyond our ability to reach unless we meet certain criteria.  Where God resides the light is so incredibly brilliant and powerful (cosmic rays, etc.) that one would have to be like God who is perfect.  God would also have to allow us to be there, and we would have to feel comfortable.  One does not descend or ascend into planes, at least for prolonged periods of time, to planes in which he or she doesn't feel comfortable.  

This is why if we were to be "translated" (changed physically to be able to withstand the presence of God) we would want to be "hid under a mountain" as is written in the Bible.  We wouldn't feel worthy to be where He is.  But He wants us to be worthy of HIs presence, so He has endowed us with every potential necessary to perfect ourselves.  He has given us something so vital, something our brother Lucifer, who fell from heaven in a "battle" over this principle wanted to take from us, He gave us our FREE AGENCY.  The right to choose... and this is where we are at.  We are choosing, every day, every second...and what are we choosing?  That is something only God and ourselves knows.

I hope what I have said, even if one disagrees, will be respected for I respect everyone's beliefs.  We are all at different points in our progression, and although I know what I know, you know what you know.  We create our in the end we recieve what we desire.  I have shared what I desire...what is it that you desire?

If you have read this, thank you for reading.  I love this site for I have only seen respect and love being shown here.  I have not doubt that everyone who participates in these forums are truth seekers.  

Happy travel to all and may we all work together, despite our differences, to spread peace and love!

if you have further questons regarding the LDS faith, please email me or visit:
or the official LDS website:
(the official website shares the most simple and fundemental principles of the Gospel, for the gate is straight and the way is narrow and many, like the Israelites who wouldn't look at the rod because they felt it was too simple of a task, look beyond the mark.

Pace e amore!

Grace by grace, principle by principle, we strive towards perfection.  

Il mio maestro e' colui che e' perfetto.

Edited by - daniel on 10 March 2002  09:04:48
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


G,day Daniel, I think what you said towards the end speaks volumes.
" may we all work together, despite our differences, to spread
peace & love " sums it up pretty well mate.
I guess we are both of the opinion, you can lead a horse to water
but you cant make it
We could both probably speak volumes on nearly every issue on every
line you wrote, but we probably shouldnt.
I have checked out the church of latter day saints as well as the church of Jesus Christ & I wish you all the best with LDS, it
obviously makes you happy & feel good about yourself so I,m happy
for you, I just cant go back now, after tracing it all back.
As long as we do what is on the 2nd line of this letter I think
we will be allright.
All the best in your journeys



Hi daniel,

I just want to say that im completly blown away by your post.My how the L.D.S have changed! [to my knowledge anyways] From its founder to you,humm.I say,most awsome and will probably e-ya later with a few questions.Thanks for going into such detail.Being different is what were all about!
Personaly I think the bible as well as the koran,buddisum exct were all stories based off of earlyer o.b.explorers.
Anyways more later.

Much peace,love and understanding always,Andy   (:


First of all I want to say thanks.  I am ecstatic because this is the first time I have ever shared my beliefs, and the fact that I am an active, faithful member of the LDS church without being ridiculed.  I think this proves that you guys, as well as the rest of the members of this site, truth seekers.  

Andy, in response to your comment about how the church has changed, I beg to differ.  I don't think the church has really changed at all...when you speak of a "founder" I assume you are talking about Jospeh Smith.  I don't think he was the founder, nor do I believe there is a founder of the Church.  We believe he was a restorer.  Many church's have founders, but a restorer simply restores existing truths that men forgot because they allowed their minds to darken and their spirits to sleep (speaking figuratively, of course!)

I think OBE's are great and the phenomenon never ceases to amaze me, but to be honest these days I am focusing my energy on doing things for others in the "physical" plane because so many are so stuck here I fear for them.  If only we, who understand our true potential, could pull people from their tv's and open their eyes.

Like Mobius said, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

In closing, I just want to say something to all (including myself):
I believe we must be careful not only to aim for the mark, and strive to attain it, but we must be careful not to miss the mark, or over shoot.  It's so dangerous to get caught up in looking beyond, for the way is simple and the path is straight.

Peace and love...

Grace by grace, principle by principle, we strive towards perfection.  

Il mio maestro e' colui che e' perfetto.
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


I should clarify:  I have shared my beliefs many times without being ridiculed. . .I was talking more about online forums.  Usually, and this is sad, when people begin to open their eyes and gain knowledge- whether it be from reading, OBE, etc.- they begin to look down upon others.  Of course this isn't always the case, but because there is opposition in all things, the more one gains or the more advanced spiritually or mentally one becomes, he or she will face new challenges- whether they be ego related or in the sense that they can be decieved by their own knowledge.

Make it be known that the more you learn, the more pressure and opposition you face.  Someone out there is always watching...God is always watching and wants to help, but there are dark forces that want to hold you down and make you miserable just like they are.  Ok- I don't know how I got off on this tangent. . . anyway, does this make sense or do you guys think I am way off base?

Grace by grace, principle by principle, we strive towards perfection.  

Il mio maestro e' colui che e' perfetto.
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


I am a religous person and as such I find myself being confronted by those in my faith who, despite their acceptance of a great deal of truth, are scared to open up and realize their true potential while still in "the flesh".  Thus, when I start to talk about OBE's and the like, some of them fear that I am doing something evil or of the occult.

Lets suppose one of these individuals understands the out-of-body experience and after some research begins to understand what it means to "astral travel" in the broadest sense of the word.  Then this individual says:

"I understand that one may leave his or her physical body, but what are the benefits of the experience?  Name three reasons that we should all try this, or in other words, name three positive effects this knowledge and ability has brought to your life."

It may be tough to answer this question becase the benefits are so obvious to those of us who have broadened our horizons and see the bigger picture and perceive the "real" reality, but think about this.

If you had to name three, which would you choose?

Grace by grace, principle by principle, we strive for perfection.  

Il mio maestro e' il gand Iddio del Nuovo Testamento.
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum