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Hello Panda and welcome to the Pulse!

Lumaza made the suggestion to refer to the very good threads that have been made "Stickies" and moved to the front of the appropriate Board and highlighted in blue. And I would suggest something else that may help us point you in the right direction and techniques: Can you answer some questions for us?

Do you meditate or practice any at silencing your mind?
Are you good at visualizing in your "mind's eye"? Do you easily get lost in daydreams?
How is your sleep? Do you fall asleep fairly easily and quickly and can you observe yourself/the process as you fall asleep?
Do you remember your dreams? Do you keep a dream journal? Have you had lucid dreams? Have you experienced Sleep Paralysis?
In the early morning, are you ever able to hover at the edge of sleep and observe the last of your dreams or any of the hypnopompic imagery that floats through your mind? Do you get odd kinesthetic sensations during the night like floating/falling or spinning? Do you hear odd noises like pops and bangs, voices, machinery,  hurricane-like roaring or helicopters, etc.?

Your answers can help us understand whether you are inclined towards meditative visualization techniques or sleeping techniques or dream activation techniques. You may have more of a tendency towards one method so you might as well exploit it if you can.

Most of us initially think of learning OBE techniques as simply learning how to lay still for twenty minutes or so and floating out of our body. Some people can do that pretty early on, but actually that is one of the more difficult techniques for most people. Our first OBEs are generally very short duration events, like Lumaza said; and they usually occur at unexpected times like in the middle of the night or early morning or during a nap or even during an illness. So it does help to be aware of the many possible symptoms and signposts that could occur because we simply don't know what will show up and we have to be ready to first notice the symptoms and then "allow" them to unfold, and "observe" the process. This is a key aspect no matter what technique works for you; as the transition occurs the symptoms will intensify and you naturally become excited. This excitement has to be contained otherwise you will lose control and the experience. This is where you go into "passive observation" mode.

We utilize whatever technique gets us into the game; then we refine it from there.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


 EV's entire post above was excellent!  8-)

I have to apologize. This thread wasn't created to direct you to other links. The purpose of this thread was to give people direct help to the best of our abilities. It wasn't to send you off to read page after page of information, even though there is nothing wrong with that either. Because of that I am going to put EV's questions in bold letters here so that anyone that comes to this thread can make sure they see them. By answering them, we can not only see where you are at (as in how much progress if any you have with this practice), we also can see how to help you to the best of our own knowledge and experience.

"Do you meditate or practice any at silencing your mind?
Are you good at visualizing in your "mind's eye"? Do you easily get lost in daydreams?
How is your sleep? Do you fall asleep fairly easily and quickly and can you observe yourself/the process as you fall asleep?
Do you remember your dreams? Do you keep a dream journal? Have you had lucid dreams? Have you experienced Sleep Paralysis?
In the early morning, are you ever able to hover at the edge of sleep and observe the last of your dreams or any of the hypnopompic imagery that floats through your mind? Do you get odd kinesthetic sensations during the night like floating/falling or spinning? Do you hear odd noises like pops and bangs, voices, machinery,  hurricane-like roaring or helicopters, etc.?

Your answers can help us understand whether you are inclined towards meditative visualization techniques or sleeping techniques or dream activation techniques. You may have more of a tendency towards one method so you might as well exploit it if you can.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla

Astral Architect

Quote from: Lumaza on November 17, 2019, 21:13:22
Hello and Welcome to the Astral Pulse!  :-)

It sounds like you have done your research. Each one of those Authors has great techniques in those books to aid you in your first OBE experience. Use them as "blueprints", but not something set in stone, per se. You can tweak them to your own liking or comfort level. I can't say I have been really impressed by YouTube videos though, unless they are seminars or talks by the famous Authors of AP. Many people there haven't quite handled their own "fear tests" and because of that they seem to share some bad info.

Your first experience will likely be a very brief "sneak peek". Normally this is just enough to "wet your appetite".

  A few posts above I replied to another new member with this link to help them find something that they would be comfortable with. so, once again I will post it here for you too. This time I will put in bold letters so it is definitely noticed by anyone else searching for actual techniques to aid them in their NP (non physical) explorations.
There are a number of great techniques to be found in these Stickies here. Have a look. Find one that you think will work for you and have at it!

Another great thread to read is this one here. You won't necessarily experience all or even any of the many signposts or symptoms of a approaching OBE. If you do experience one, "passively observe" it with a air of curiosity and see it through.

Good Luck and Safe Travels!  :-)

Thank you very much! I will look at these posts & let you know if I have any issues :-D

Astral Architect

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on November 18, 2019, 03:23:26
Hello Panda and welcome to the Pulse!

Lumaza made the suggestion to refer to the very good threads that have been made "Stickies" and moved to the front of the appropriate Board and highlighted in blue. And I would suggest something else that may help us point you in the right direction and techniques: Can you answer some questions for us?

Do you meditate or practice any at silencing your mind?
Are you good at visualizing in your "mind's eye"? Do you easily get lost in daydreams?
How is your sleep? Do you fall asleep fairly easily and quickly and can you observe yourself/the process as you fall asleep?
Do you remember your dreams? Do you keep a dream journal? Have you had lucid dreams? Have you experienced Sleep Paralysis?
In the early morning, are you ever able to hover at the edge of sleep and observe the last of your dreams or any of the hypnopompic imagery that floats through your mind? Do you get odd kinesthetic sensations during the night like floating/falling or spinning? Do you hear odd noises like pops and bangs, voices, machinery,  hurricane-like roaring or helicopters, etc.?

Your answers can help us understand whether you are inclined towards meditative visualization techniques or sleeping techniques or dream activation techniques. You may have more of a tendency towards one method so you might as well exploit it if you can.

Most of us initially think of learning OBE techniques as simply learning how to lay still for twenty minutes or so and floating out of our body. Some people can do that pretty early on, but actually that is one of the more difficult techniques for most people. Our first OBEs are generally very short duration events, like Lumaza said; and they usually occur at unexpected times like in the middle of the night or early morning or during a nap or even during an illness. So it does help to be aware of the many possible symptoms and signposts that could occur because we simply don't know what will show up and we have to be ready to first notice the symptoms and then "allow" them to unfold, and "observe" the process. This is a key aspect no matter what technique works for you; as the transition occurs the symptoms will intensify and you naturally become excited. This excitement has to be contained otherwise you will lose control and the experience. This is where you go into "passive observation" mode.

We utilize whatever technique gets us into the game; then we refine it from there.

Hi, thank you for your reply!

I do meditate, I am also doing hemi sync gateway program. I am not great with visualization, but I think I am OK with it. I am trying to be more aware & have some triggers that I use to keep me more aware, to minimize daydreams.
I am a very light sleeper, it can take me ages to fall asleep. When I try to observe myself falling asleep I end up just lying there for up to 2 hours without falling asleep.
I do remember my dreams, I do have a dream journal, I have had many lucid dreams, I don't have lucid dreams when I'm smoking weed though. I have experienced sleep paralysis a couple of times. I have even reached the vibrational state before, & separated for a very short time before snapping back to my body.
In the early mornings I normally don't hover at the edge of sleep. I never hear the weird noises you mentioned.


Thanks for your answers Panda, now we have a starting point!

My answers to those questions are much like yours with the exception that I gave up weed thirty years ago and have had about a hundred SP episodes.

So now that we know you have some practice in calming and silencing your mind, and even the benefit of the Gateway exercises...this is all great training for getting your mind/awareness into that sweet spot of 'receptiveness'. You do that with a daily, repetitive routine of practice. Lumaza is the resident 'Master' at that arcane practice, :wink:. It doesn't have to be hours at a time, that can actually be self-defeating. Do 15 minutes a day of meditation, or a Hemi-Sync session every other day. What you are striving for is to make your mind/awareness comfortable with that Focus 10, Focus 12, Focus 15 level and feeling. It does NOT have to be perfect. It took me two trips to The Monroe Institute to find out that there are nearly infinite gradations to these various Focus levels, both high and low, so it is a mistake to get frustrated in thinking that I haven't reached the necessary level during any particular session. You go with what 'ya got.

Honestly, the simplest technique may be to put on a Hemi-Sync session, like a 12 or a 15 and totally relax into it until you fall asleep...because the session is still working while you are asleep. Many sessions that I have had at TMI, I fall asleep or 'click out'. That happens for many people there and learning is still taking place, except at a deeper and subconscious level...which is sometimes, exactly where the learning needs to forcing it is not the answer, just let it happen. Do that like ten times and see if something changes.

A lot of this is re-learning and re-orienting our perspective to the various Realities available to us. Your daydreams, dreams and lucid dreams are one 'gateway' to the Wider Reality, the Non-Physical (NP) aspect of it. So you have already been there, where you are trying to go. Realizing that is just another step in realizing that it is just a change in perspective or Focus. In fact, your lucid dreams show you that you are already demonstrating higher awareness within the nicely done! This is the ability and awareness you should wish to expand and develop. This is the awareness you will learn to take you deeper into the NP dimensions.

Now you know why I asked the questions. :wink:

And now we come to areas of discussion and disagreement and all I can do is point out some of the conflicts and my ideas on them.

Most people, new to the idea of OBE, expect to lay down, relax and float out of their physical body like a ghost and go roaming about the planet. That experience can happen and often does, but you might get something else entirely. You might instead, awaken early one morning and immediately transition into a dreamlike, yet 'super-physically' real environment. You might be astounded at the hyper-reality of the event and the complexity of the experience that unfolds, but in the end just think of it as a crazy 'one-off' kind of dream. The truth is that both experiences are authentic and legitimate NP or OBEs. Given a few dozen of these experiences, you begin to re-question your assumptions about our overall Reality.

For me, it becomes a question of 'Did I learn something of value from the experience?' And if so, then why is it not legitimate and therefore 'real'?

So you meditate, have some Hemi-Sync are great to go with many of the 'noticing' techniques presented in the stickies of the Pulse. The candle flame, the Bedeekin method, various active Rundown methods...these are all active visualizations that keep your awareness concentrated while your physical body slides off into sleep. For me, it is the timing that counts and the WBTB method is recommended. Wake, Back To Bed...sleep a few hours, then get up for an hour and then try and observe yourself as you slide back into sleep. Try a technique or just observe. One of my big breakthrough nights was a night that I had awful gastrointestinal pains throughout the night. It wasn't easy nor fun, but I learned a lot! Three sleepless nights can do it too, when the dreams hit you almost instantly! Jeez, what fun! :-P

So all this should give you some ideas. There is another aspect-And that is re-programming your mind and asking permission of your Higher Self to step into this new arena. You don't just do it; you don't just make the jump...

You need to ask your 'Higher Self' for permission and cooperation in achieving this. I learned the hard way, over decades. It is still a form of communication that I am learning and I still get it wrong at times. It may seem like releasing instinctive, subconscious barriers, but I definitely think that it is more. You do this in a very simple process of nightly affirmations-

I ask for permission to have an out of body experience.
I know that I am safe and protected at all times.
I grant myself permission to explore the Wider Reality.
I ask for guidance from those I trust and know that I am ultimately in charge of my Life.

Words to that effect, mix and match as you see fit. Keep it simple. It is basic programming of our subconscious computer, as well as communication with our Higher Self.

Whew, that seems like enough for tonight...


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde

Astral Architect

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on November 19, 2019, 06:07:12
Thanks for your answers Panda, now we have a starting point!

My answers to those questions are much like yours with the exception that I gave up weed thirty years ago and have had about a hundred SP episodes.

So now that we know you have some practice in calming and silencing your mind, and even the benefit of the Gateway exercises...this is all great training for getting your mind/awareness into that sweet spot of 'receptiveness'. You do that with a daily, repetitive routine of practice. Lumaza is the resident 'Master' at that arcane practice, :wink:. It doesn't have to be hours at a time, that can actually be self-defeating. Do 15 minutes a day of meditation, or a Hemi-Sync session every other day. What you are striving for is to make your mind/awareness comfortable with that Focus 10, Focus 12, Focus 15 level and feeling. It does NOT have to be perfect. It took me two trips to The Monroe Institute to find out that there are nearly infinite gradations to these various Focus levels, both high and low, so it is a mistake to get frustrated in thinking that I haven't reached the necessary level during any particular session. You go with what 'ya got.

Honestly, the simplest technique may be to put on a Hemi-Sync session, like a 12 or a 15 and totally relax into it until you fall asleep...because the session is still working while you are asleep. Many sessions that I have had at TMI, I fall asleep or 'click out'. That happens for many people there and learning is still taking place, except at a deeper and subconscious level...which is sometimes, exactly where the learning needs to forcing it is not the answer, just let it happen. Do that like ten times and see if something changes.

A lot of this is re-learning and re-orienting our perspective to the various Realities available to us. Your daydreams, dreams and lucid dreams are one 'gateway' to the Wider Reality, the Non-Physical (NP) aspect of it. So you have already been there, where you are trying to go. Realizing that is just another step in realizing that it is just a change in perspective or Focus. In fact, your lucid dreams show you that you are already demonstrating higher awareness within the nicely done! This is the ability and awareness you should wish to expand and develop. This is the awareness you will learn to take you deeper into the NP dimensions.

Now you know why I asked the questions. :wink:

And now we come to areas of discussion and disagreement and all I can do is point out some of the conflicts and my ideas on them.

Most people, new to the idea of OBE, expect to lay down, relax and float out of their physical body like a ghost and go roaming about the planet. That experience can happen and often does, but you might get something else entirely. You might instead, awaken early one morning and immediately transition into a dreamlike, yet 'super-physically' real environment. You might be astounded at the hyper-reality of the event and the complexity of the experience that unfolds, but in the end just think of it as a crazy 'one-off' kind of dream. The truth is that both experiences are authentic and legitimate NP or OBEs. Given a few dozen of these experiences, you begin to re-question your assumptions about our overall Reality.

For me, it becomes a question of 'Did I learn something of value from the experience?' And if so, then why is it not legitimate and therefore 'real'?

So you meditate, have some Hemi-Sync are great to go with many of the 'noticing' techniques presented in the stickies of the Pulse. The candle flame, the Bedeekin method, various active Rundown methods...these are all active visualizations that keep your awareness concentrated while your physical body slides off into sleep. For me, it is the timing that counts and the WBTB method is recommended. Wake, Back To Bed...sleep a few hours, then get up for an hour and then try and observe yourself as you slide back into sleep. Try a technique or just observe. One of my big breakthrough nights was a night that I had awful gastrointestinal pains throughout the night. It wasn't easy nor fun, but I learned a lot! Three sleepless nights can do it too, when the dreams hit you almost instantly! Jeez, what fun! :-P

So all this should give you some ideas. There is another aspect-And that is re-programming your mind and asking permission of your Higher Self to step into this new arena. You don't just do it; you don't just make the jump...

You need to ask your 'Higher Self' for permission and cooperation in achieving this. I learned the hard way, over decades. It is still a form of communication that I am learning and I still get it wrong at times. It may seem like releasing instinctive, subconscious barriers, but I definitely think that it is more. You do this in a very simple process of nightly affirmations-

I ask for permission to have an out of body experience.
I know that I am safe and protected at all times.
I grant myself permission to explore the Wider Reality.
I ask for guidance from those I trust and know that I am ultimately in charge of my Life.

Words to that effect, mix and match as you see fit. Keep it simple. It is basic programming of our subconscious computer, as well as communication with our Higher Self.

Whew, that seems like enough for tonight...


Thank you so much for taking the time to give me all this info & your insight, I really appreciate it tremendously. I have some work to do & will share my progress as I go along.


"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


hotline, code red, coding, advertising, help...


always mind
our keys are in the ignition
our power is ...

our journey is before us
we have come a long way
there is a forever to experience

NOW is the moment we let go

see you in the ozone

when we open our eyes


Hi Everyone!

Nice to meet all of you. Like many I have been intrigued by the OBE/AP journey and have dived in head first into everything that has to do with said AP, for the last month or two. My goals for my AP are to seek guidance, go further in my spiritual journey, and maybe see some loved ones if they are willing. I feel like since I have learned about AP, it has given me a hope that I thought I have long lost. Anyways, that was a little about me.

On to my attempts. I have read and watched so many videos on AP, I am almost burnt out I think. Those is just how I tend to do things LOL. Head first, all in kind of gal. We are a work in progress. I have been meditating daily, but usually guided. So initially I started using the guided AP meditations from YouTube and I got to what felt like very close points. Then I started to think I should probably learn to meditate and get Into the trans state without that assistance and I feel like I have regressed? Any time I did get any kind of feelings my brain automatically would turn on and be like oh here we are! You're doing it! And then be like aww well you lost it. Or it would also be like okay now calm down, stay calm. So lots of self chatter in there which led me to start trying meditation without the guides. It seems I'm not getting very far without them. At most my body will get heavy. I will try to use the phasing method, the other method of "day dreaming", but I feel that I am most hyper vigilant. Side note I have been writing all my dreams down too! Have had 3 lucid dreams so far.

Another note, I have been trying to AP for a nap around 5pm. Or at bedtime. Neither work.

I have had one successful event, but I'm not even sure how it happened. I believe I was in a lucid dream state, then woke up in the physical. But I was in mind awake body asleep. I could not move my body, thought to myself "out of body now" and a voice in my bedroom laughed at me and said "just get out of your body". So I rolled out. I could not balance, I kept falling forward and I still had my cipap on my face lol. So I kept trying to get it off with my astral hands. I gave up, and went back to my body.

That being said, idk how I woke up in that state. Because I certainly didn't actively get there.

I am getting tired, because I am getting headaches from trying too hard as mentioned not to do. But I'm trying not to try? lol it's not working though.

Thank you all for all the information you have provided here! I have enjoyed it sooo much!!
"To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure"
- Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


Hi everyone,

I'm very excited to have found this forum.
I have been trying to lucid dream for about 2 years with little success. I mainly wanted to learn it for personal growth, meditation and self-healing. I am also interested in AP or phasing.
Yesterday, out of the blue, I had an experience that I can't call a LD. So I was wondering if I could share this with you guys and maybe get some feedback/insight on what you experienced APs/LDs would say about it.
I hope this goes in the right thread. If not, please move it to where it belongs.

This happened unintentionally:

I wake up. I feel as if some parts of my body are outside my body and my body is tingling. I try to detach myself from my body. Since I can't do it, I pull my feet towards the wall and push them against it to separate myself from the body. I land on the floor and immediately start touching and feeling everything to stabilise the experience and gain more clarity, which worked. I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror. It's covered in ice. Somehow I manage to see myself in it. My reflection looks like me but it seems a little strange. Then I go into the living room where my daughter and Negin are also asleep in the waking state. Now they are lying on the floor in front of the bed and sleeping there. I touch Negin's shoulder to see if she feels it and possibly wakes up. I want to check whether I am perhaps in my physical body after all. She doesn't feel it. I go through the window and look up at the dark night sky while standing on the windowsill. I am drawn back into my body lying in bed.

So everything in my flat was exactly as it is in the waking state except for (obviously) the frozen mirror, my daughter and Negin, who were sleeping on the floor.
I'd appreciate any input you guys could give me!


Welcome to the Pulse and congratulations on your experience! Whatever you have been doing is obviously working, be it meditation, contemplation, affirmations, reading on the subject, etcetera.

This reads as a classic out of body experience; to put it in a category, it is a textbook Etheric or Real Time Zone (RTZ) experience. It is a very common first experience and often unintentional and unexpected, but probably would not have happened without some form of practice (as I mentioned above) which served to prepare you internally, mentally and emotionally to activate this faculty. Your reactions and lucid awareness were very good, the stabilization worked well for you as achieving and maintaining awareness is key in these situations. You did not mention vision or mobility problems, another indication of excellent awareness. This particular class of OBE typically occurs at home or wherever you are in a physically local sense and has a limited range (15-100 feet) and limited time duration (1-5 minutes).

Why such a short range and why such a short time? Is this the Physical Reality or an energetic, close copy? These questions are still being debated for over a hundred years.

You can use a window, door or picture as a convenient 'portal'; you may think it will simply take you to the same place as in the Physical, but usually you will lose awareness, wake up or move into a lucid or non-lucid dream (there is one possible entrance for your lucid dreams! Simply express your Intent to go into the environment you want and fly through the portal!)

The frozen mirror was an excellent example of the 'reality fluctuations' that can & will occur in this environment. Mirrors are especially freaky for me, as I see something different every time I look into one!

Great experience!
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Hi Escape Velocity!
Thank you so much for your detailed and encouraging reply! That means a lot to me.

I am thrilled!

I don't want to take up too much of your precious time again. But is there any other advice, apart from carrying on as before, on what I should practise or try to do to improve my skills?


In general, I would recommend reading through this thread's contents as well as the next 7 threads immediately below it. These are some of the "Dark Blue Stickies" at the top of each forum that were made permanent for their excellent information and value. These first eight threads will make for some lengthy reading but provide perspective and answers for many questions that arise. Every person can encounter many, many different and varied experiences as they learn and explore this practice. The same goes for the number and variety of questions, confusions and obstacles and frustrations, so there really is not any single method to point to- Some people meditate, some utilize sound such as binaural beats, isochronic tones or Monroe Hemi-Sync; some people use affirmations to program their dreaming; some people wake up early in the morning and drift on the edge of sleep observing the hypnogogia and use visualizations such as Rundowns, looking for exit signs and symptoms of disconnection and separation; some people make use of the especially relaxed state of an afternoon nap; some people make a daily practice of it while others learn to look for  opportunities wherever they may arise.

So, that's a general answer.

Tell us what techniques, methods, reading material you have used that may have contributed to your experience. With that, maybe we can point you in a direction.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Shim, you are doing great. Stay the course. Like they say, "if it ain't broken, don't fix it". We can help you later when your current technique no longer works. Sometimes it takes a while before you finally see results and succeed with your "intent". The Astral Pulse is loaded with all kinds of great info to immerse yourself in and aid you in your journeys!

 I like to go to youtube and find some great Binaural Beats or Isochronic tones videos. I don't necessarily use them while I practice nonlocal or non-physical exploration. I use them more to just get used to the sometimes very subtle changes that occur in practice session. I just turn one on, sit back in my lazy boy chair, close my eyes and notice. Sometime that is all it takes, and I find myself "elsewhere" or as Kurt Leland calls it in "Otherwhere"!

 I have found in my own experiences, that "knowing" those brainwaves, the changes in them and what each one "feels like" is very good for knowing how deep you are in your meditation or NPR session. That is the way I discern, what is called "the focus levels", that Robert Monroe (Monroe Institute), Frank Kepple and others write about.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Thank you both so much for taking the time to help me improve!!!! I really appreciate it!!! There is so much information out there that sometimes I don't know where to go.

Yes, I will definitely work my way through all the content on this forum.

I've been meditating with Tom Campble's Binoral Beats for a year now, but this as a starting point to go 'Otherwhere' is new to me. Awesome!

So from now on I'll be reading more of what's already on the forum


I will keep going back through your posts :-)



 You're welcome!  :-)
 Where do you feel that you are getting stuck? We can add some more tips and possible solutions if we know where you feel you are hitting the wall!

 EscapeVelocity created this thread years ago, so we could attempt to pinpoint where people felt that they were getting "stuck" in the process.  Only then could we give a more detailed answer that was directed on the problem at hand.

 Most people in their posts in this thread here have written about problems in general. Because of that, we normally would direct them to the "stickies" or possibly a thread pertaining to the problem.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on October 16, 2024, 18:29:53You're welcome!  :-)
 Where do you feel that you are getting stuck? We can add some more tips and possible solutions if we know where you feel you are hitting the wall!

Well, this question really got me thinking, so my answer comes a little late.
A year ago I was lying down pretty regularly, putting on Campbell's binaural beats and calming my mind with the intention of leaving my body. That didn't work, so it became a sitting meditation. Since then I have been meditating regularly and enjoying these quiet moments for 40 to 50 minutes without any intention.
Then a few months ago I started listening to astral projection guided meditations on YouTube. That didn't work.
Then I tried Xanth's method of looking at the black behind the eyes for about a month. I had a weird moment when I suddenly realized I was seeing the lamp behind me on the wall. I thought, "Noooo, why the hell did you open your eyes, now I have to start all over again". Hahahaha! Then I realized that my eyes were still closed. Very strange.
Lastly, I practiced Michale Raduga's phasing technique. But only as an exercise and its sequence and not immediately after waking up at night, as it should be. So a kind of cold training, if this metaphor makes sense in English.

So, enough blah blah blah and now I'll try to answer your question:
Yesterday, for example, I looked at the black behind my eyes just before falling asleep. This is somehow a very pleasant thing. AND then something weird happened (not for the first time). It's very hard to explain, but it's as if I'm being energetically compressed into my body (or myself) and everything intensifies. It's a very pleasant state. It's like I'm getting more into my ... "being" (?), if that makes sense? But then nothing happens. Maybe because my intellect kicks in? Or I don't remain passive enough?

Quote from: Lumaza on October 16, 2024, 18:29:53EscapeVelocity created this thread years ago, so we could attempt to pinpoint where people felt that they were getting "stuck" in the process.  Only then could we give a more detailed answer that was directed on the problem at hand.
Can´t thank Escape Velocity enough for doing this!

Quote from: Lumaza on October 16, 2024, 18:29:53Most people in their posts in this thread here have written about problems in general. Because of that, we normally would direct them to the "stickies" or possibly a thread pertaining to the problem.

Please, please: If I ask too much or you don't have time to answer all my questions, that's perfectly fine with me. I won't be upset at all. I'm working really hard on my ego ;-) !

I think the most important question I have (and if you only have time to answer one of my many questions then please please please answer this one) is: what are your thoughts on success with APs and LDs when you are chronically physically fatigued?
I just had a blood test that showed I have an issue that explains this fatigue. Luckily nothing serious and something that can be fixed within a couple months. But do you think fatigue can have an impact on the success of APs and LDs?


Quote from: Schimmelblau on October 18, 2024, 04:02:16Please, please: If I ask too much or you don't have time to answer all my questions, that's perfectly fine with me. I won't be upset at all. I'm working really hard on my ego ;-) !

I think the most important question I have (and if you only have time to answer one of my many questions then please please please answer this one) is: what are your thoughts on success with APs and LDs when you are chronically physically fatigued?
I just had a blood test that showed I have an issue that explains this fatigue. Luckily nothing serious and something that can be fixed within a couple months. But do you think fatigue can have an impact on the success of APs and LDs?

We and the Astral Pulse generally have always been here to help and support people wishing to experience realities and realms beyond the confines of the physical level consciousness, so please do feel free to ask any questions pertaining to this that may further help. The questions and answers also help others visitors here.

Over the years/decades I have observed that a major reason for failure is people trying a "method" for a couple of days, getting frustrated and jumping to another method before finally giving up altogether. It is wise to stick to a single method until successful. Ultimately it is about impressing your intent on the subconscious mind, which, when fully accepted, will reproduce the experience at will. In my view "phasing" is an excellent approach for several reasons which I will not address here. If you go to Xanths' page at where you can download an archive of posts by Frank Kepple and also Xanths' own book, both excellent phasing resources.

Edit - as for the fatigue question, it will only affect your success to the extent you believe it will. If you can relax, for example before sleep and completely shift your attention to your AP method and away from any thought of fatigue, it will likely not affect your success.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Quote from: Schimmelblau on October 18, 2024, 04:02:16Please, please: If I ask too much or you don't have time to answer all my questions, that's perfectly fine with me. I won't be upset at all. I'm working really hard on my ego ;-) !
I apologize. I think you read my comment in the wrong context. That does happen often when posting. I knew what I had meant to say, and I have found that words and their meanings can get misconstrued when posting in threads. My meaning was that some other members here have written that they were stuck on something along their process, but they haven't really described what that something was. When I spoke to EV about this thread idea, it was more of a "if you were stuck, hit the "red/panic button" (being figurative) and explain where you were stuck. We would then immediately reply and attempt to aid the person in need of assistance. The hope was to keep this thread active as a way for other new members and visitors to find solutions right away too.

QuoteI think the most important question I have (and if you only have time to answer one of my many questions then please please please answer this one) is: what are your thoughts on success with APs and LDs when you are chronically physically fatigued?
I would think that being chronically physically fatigued would aid in relaxation and meditation. It isn't your "physical" body that is projecting or Phasing, it is your consciousness.

 A few nights ago, I stayed consciously aware, not by choice, the entire night. I knew though that my physical body was getting the rest it needed. The circumstance of that occurring was that I was feeling sick on Friday. I had a show to do the next day on Saturday, which meant a 5:00 am wake up time. All night I kept hearing the same words of a song playing over and over again in my head. The words of the song seemed to be targeted at "healing", so I could do my show the next day. I spoke to a few Healers at the show the next day and they basically confirmed that for me as well. As annoying as it was, it was for a good purpose. Like I say, you don't always get what you "want" but many times do get what you "need".
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Adrian on October 18, 2024, 08:12:32We and the Astral Pulse generally have always been here to help and support people wishing to experience realities and realms beyond the confines of the physical level consciousness, so please do feel free to ask any questions pertaining to this that may further help. The questions and answers also help others visitors here.

This is very much appreciated! Thank you all for this!!!

Quote from: Adrian on October 18, 2024, 08:12:32Over the years/decades I have observed that a major reason for failure is people trying a "method" for a couple of days, getting frustrated and jumping to another method before finally giving up altogether. It is wise to stick to a single method until successful. Ultimately it is about impressing your intent on the subconscious mind, which, when fully accepted, will reproduce the experience at will. In my view "phasing" is an excellent approach for several reasons which I will not address here. If you go to Xanths' page at where you can download an archive of posts by Frank Kepple and also Xanths' own book, both excellent phasing resources.

I understand. This is important to know and very encouraging to continue so thanks to your experience I have already started using Xanth's phasing method again and will continue until I see results. I have also read through all the articles on
Thanks again!

Quote from: Adrian on October 18, 2024, 08:12:32Edit - as for the fatigue question, it will only affect your success to the extent you believe it will. If you can relax, for example before sleep and completely shift your attention to your AP method and away from any thought of fatigue, it will likely not affect your success.

Thought it could be some believe system thing.
Many questions answered! T H A N K  Y O U ! ! !

*edit Xanth: Just fixed the astralpulse website link - you had forgotten the 'e'. :)


Quote from: Lumaza on October 18, 2024, 13:03:12I apologize. I think you read my comment in the wrong context. That does happen often when posting. I knew what I had meant to say, and I have found that words and their meanings can get misconstrued when posting in threads. My meaning was that some other members here have written that they were stuck on something along their process, but they haven't really described what that something was. When I spoke to EV about this thread idea, it was more of a "if you were stuck, hit the "red/panic button" (being figurative) and explain where you were stuck. We would then immediately reply and attempt to aid the person in need of assistance. The hope was to keep this thread active as a way for other new members and visitors to find solutions right away too.

Please do not apologise! As you may have realised, English is not my first language, and although I do my best to read your replies over and over again, it can easily happen that I misunderstand this or that. So I apologise if you have to repeat something because I got it wrong!

Quote from: Lumaza on October 18, 2024, 13:03:12I would think that being chronically physically fatigued would aid in relaxation and meditation. It isn't your "physical" body that is projecting or Phasing, it is your consciousness.

Wow! That's interesting! I thought it was harder to concentrate because of the tiredness. Good to know!

Quote from: Lumaza on October 18, 2024, 13:03:12A few nights ago, I stayed consciously aware, not by choice, the entire night. I knew though that my physical body was getting the rest it needed. The circumstance of that occurring was that I was feeling sick on Friday. I had a show to do the next day on Saturday, which meant a 5:00 am wake up time. All night I kept hearing the same words of a song playing over and over again in my head. The words of the song seemed to be targeted at "healing", so I could do my show the next day. I spoke to a few Healers at the show the next day and they basically confirmed that for me as well. As annoying as it was, it was for a good purpose. Like I say, you don't always get what you "want" but many times do get what you "need".

What an incredible story! Did you feel better in the morning? How can you get such help? Through your experiences with AP? Or can you do something else apart from AP?

T H A N K  Y O U   T O O! ! !


Quote from: Schimmelblau on October 21, 2024, 10:14:02Please do not apologise! As you may have realised, English is not my first language, and although I do my best to read your replies over and over again, it can easily happen that I misunderstand this or that. So I apologise if you have to repeat something because I got it wrong!
English is my first language. But reading some of my posts, that is hard to believe, lol!  :-D  :roll:

QuoteWow! That's interesting! I thought it was harder to concentrate because of the tiredness. Good to know!
When the body is tired, that's a good thing. Normally it's the ever chattering mind that is hard to turn off. My "Doorway technique" utilizes a way to do just that. It gives you something else to focus on instead of focusing on our current problems and life's dilemmas. Something that is devoid of emotion.

QuoteWhat an incredible story! Did you feel better in the morning? How can you get such help? Through your experiences with AP? Or can you do something else apart from AP?
T H A N K  Y O U   T O O! ! !
I was still not feeling the best. But I could do my show. I feel that I was supposed to be at that show for some reason. The Universe works in mysterious ways.

 One of the things that this practice brings you is "awareness". Not only awareness in the non-physical realms, but also this realm here too. That is extremely powerful gift in itself.

 One last thing, YOU ARE VERY WELCOME!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on October 23, 2024, 17:13:43English is my first language. But reading some of my posts, that is hard to believe, lol!  :-D  :roll:

:roll:  :-D  :-D  :roll: I know what you mean!

Quote from: Lumaza on October 23, 2024, 17:13:43When the body is tired, that's a good thing. Normally it's the ever chattering mind that is hard to turn off. My "Doorway technique" utilizes a way to do just that. It gives you something else to focus on instead of focusing on our current problems and life's dilemmas. Something that is devoid of emotion.

I get it! And I actually thought I was already pretty good at calming my mind, but for some reason I'm having some trouble staying with it at the sight of the black behind my eyes. But like you said, the more tired I am, the less distraction. I hadn't realised that until you mentioned it.

Quote from: Lumaza on October 23, 2024, 17:13:43I was still not feeling the best. But I could do my show. I feel that I was supposed to be at that show for some reason. The Universe works in mysterious ways.

Good to hear, that you could make it anyway!

Quote from: Lumaza on October 23, 2024, 17:13:43One of the things that this practice brings you is "awareness". Not only awareness in the non-physical realms, but also this realm here too. That is extremely powerful gift in itself.

That´s great! Becoming more aware is very important for me.
Would you say, that the method of looking behind the eyes is not only a practice for APs, but also a kind of single pointed meditation?
And my I ask you what your Doorway technique is?

Quote from: Lumaza on October 23, 2024, 17:13:43One last thing, YOU ARE VERY WELCOME!

 :-)  :-)  :-)


Quote from: Schimmelblau on October 28, 2024, 11:07:24Would you say, that the method of looking behind the eyes is not only a practice for APs, but also a kind of single pointed meditation?
I'm sure it would work in almost any form of "nonphysical exploration". Once you learn to release/focus away from your physical body and "hold" or maintain that focus, you will find that you are already "there", wherever there might be.
QuoteAnd my I ask you what your Doorway technique is?
You can find that thread here:!/the-doorway/

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


So true Lumaza. Don't just imagine you are away from your physical body, be away from your body in every sense of the word. See it, hear it, feel it, not as if you are elsewhere... be elsewhere.
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee