The Reality of it all...

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Hey guys,

                i used to have OBE experiences all the time, almost every other night without really trying. Some absurdly strange and wonderful things happened to me during those experiences that i took to mean many things.

For example i accepted the theory of life after death because i could leave my body. I believed in spirits and elementals etc.  Years went by like this until there was about a 4 month gap between excursions out of the flesh. I began to question the validity of the whole thing as their memory became slightly unreal. Sure enough as life maintians it, i had random encounters with individuals who offered me alternative explanations as to the nature of OBE's....and even with people who didn't know as much as i did about the subject, i was often left feeling as if what knowledge i did possess was second hand and not entirely based on sound logic ans so felt uncomfortble giving them my explanations.

What if OBE's are merely something our physical bodies can an extra completely natural ability most people don't make use of? What if it means nothing about life after death or spirituality?  Many people i spoke to found their initial experiences happened when for whatever reason the wanted to escape from something in their lives, whether that be a relationship or job matter, whatever! The body, or subconscious responded by letting them escape by means of this seemingly mystical experience. Many of them weren't happy with the confines of the physical body, or the limits of life etc etc.

I'm not trying to suggest everyone who has an OBE is running from something. But you must admit given the massive amount of information concerning the power of the subconscious mind to create realities when the conscious mind needs an outlet, that some part of the OBE experience may be in fact a fake reality.

Just how real can dreams be before they become OBE's? I know the two things are meant to be one and the same. Anyway, i've ranted on enough....but still happens to me every week or so, yet no matter how apparently real the experience....i can't help thinking it's only because i have a powerful imagination.

Pah....i'd love to know either way. Half the truth is a nightmare.

Peace and love brothers and sisters.
" Argue for your limitations...and sure enough...their yours " ......    R.Bach

The Night Mist

It's normal for somebody to question these experiences at some point but you must remember that OBE is a very powerful event. During an OBE you use a lot of energy and that causes your energy body to expand and that's when psychic abilities "chick in" ...Now how are you going to explain telekinesis, clairvoyance and all is something else but that's just proof that OBE is NOT fake and that it is a spiritual event that brings you closer to a lot of things. You should try doing some energy work and try doing Telekinesis and clairvoiance...You'll soon find out that you can do incredible things in the psychical world!


LeCosmic, you're theorizing, instead of experimenting.

The path to knowledge lies in experimenting and improvising with your experience. If it all possible, never stop too long to get yourself tangled in theory.


I do not believe that i am casting random theories without the benifit of experience. I did state that i've been having OBE's for some years, and though i have in no way mastered the techniques required to make them happen on command, i am not a sceptical non believer. I have experience.

What i find puzzling is that many people here seem to experience one thing [ say a normal oBE...out for a few minutes...back in time for tea] and then take it to mean a whole bunch of other things are true.
Like they leave their bodies, and suddenly Telekinesis and all manner of other amazing abilities are suddenly possible. Who says they aren't, not me.

It's such a personal thing, like dream interpretation, how can you all be so sure of things that Robert talks about? What if he describes something and your subconscious mind then accepts that mold as the model it will use to create the boundaries for your own related experience?

I am no a man who is full of doubt. I am merely trying to discuss the possibility that everything may not be as it seems.
" Argue for your limitations...and sure enough...their yours " ......    R.Bach


Sorry, Cosmic, this subject comes up very often (many times at once) and my responses to them have been getting pithier ;)

QuoteI am merely trying to discuss the possibility that everything may not be as it seems.

Have you read this thread?

It's the most active one I've seen in a while regarding OBE's as possibly imaginary.

I've been trying to encourage other members to perform more experiments and share their findings. So, it's good to have you here, and welcome to the forum :)


QuoteWhat if OBE's are merely something our physical bodies can an extra completely natural ability most people don't make use of? What if it means nothing about life after death or spirituality?

There have been too many people, including me, who did experiments that indicated their spirit could see things that their 5 senses could not. If I see something far away while out of body, the part of me seeing it cant be in my body. It would have to be at the place its viewing.

There is 1 thing left do doubt. Is this part permanently connected to the body and will die when body dies? Since it can (for some) leave for long times, probably not.

QuoteI'm not trying to suggest everyone who has an OBE is running from something. But you must admit given the massive amount of information concerning the power of the subconscious mind to create realities when the conscious mind needs an outlet, that some part of the OBE experience may be in fact a fake reality.

I'm sure brains do halucinate during OBEs. It takes skill to know if what you're seeing is real.


NO problem Telos, i'll check out the other thread.

By the by, did you know your username is also a planet in the Starwars universe?
" Argue for your limitations...and sure enough...their yours " ......    R.Bach


No, is it mentioned in any of the movies? It must be an important planet because it means, "the end of a goal-oriented process." (Not that I think I'm the end of a goal oriented process - I just chose it because I'm highly mindful of the end result of any process).

Your name's cool too ;) It's got that continental elegance to it.


If i accept that oobes aren't real then why should i believe waking life is?


Quote from: FeNc3rIf i accept that oobes aren't real then why should i believe waking life is?

It's like in the Matrix when Morpheus says, "What is real?  If it's something you see or touch than all real is is electronic signals sent to your brain."