The Reverse Method (RV)

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RV Method
Reverse Method

This is a method I found suprising good at bringing about visual perceptions, common at the on set of an F12 state.  I developed it basically on one of those 'spur of the moment' thoughts and got the idea from some information I was reading on Tibetian Space Expanding Meditation.  This is my first method posting so I hope it works for more then just me.  We'll see...

To begin, go through your normal routine of relaxation/meditation.  If you don't have one, simply start by breathing in an out and concerntrate soley on your breathing for about five minuets, or until your hands begin to feel as if they're going to sleep.

Imagine yourself in a square room.  Any kind of room, it doesn't really matter but make it one you've never been in before.  There is a door in front of you.  Slowly, turn and look at each of the four walls in the room then orientate your vision back to the door.

Will the door open as you approach it.  As it opens, look down and see a set of ten steps.  Step down onto the tenth one and begin to mentally assure yourself that you are relaxing.  As you decend each step, stop and say to yourself various things like "I'm relaxed"  "With each step I'm taking, I'm relaxing"  "I have no worries and I am free"  "As I decend, I am getting closer to an F10 state/mind awake body asleep state".

Once you reach one, step off the last step onto the ground below.  Visualise that it's grassy and mentally feel the grass underneath your feet.

Turn your attention back to your body and 'notice' how you feel at this stage, but don't dwell on the feeling, simply accept it.

Imagine yourself as a point of consciousness hovering above your body.  Make sure that you are hovering with your head orientated towards your feet.  As you hover, begin to image yourself rising and visualise the space between you and your body expanding.  Keep on rising until you're above your house.  As you rise, take notice of your yard, street, and keep on rising, seeing your neighbourhood.  As you continue to rise, continue to build up speed.  While rising, visualise your city/town and then as you go further, your state/territory.  Increase speed and view your entire country as you rise, the ocean surrounding your country (if there is any, if not, the continent your country is on) and keep rising until you can see the whole planet.  Keep pulling back/reversing, and visualise all the planets in the solar system as you
go past them (maybe even a satellite zooms by).  Keep increasing speed and leave the soloar system.  Reverse further till you visualise the entire galaxy and keep going back and see more galaxies, then our Universe.

Go back as far as you wish imagining other galaxies.  At some point, stop and watch the space behind your eyes.  You should percieve some light to heavy visual perceptions, varying from flashes of light, to swirling colors and whatever you're used to.

If you want, reverse the method to return, returning through the Universe, galaxy, solar system, eventually to your country,state,neighbourhood,house...etc  or simply go about whatever else you do at this stage.  You can chose to flip your awareness around and go backwards as you return, or forwards.

I'd be interested to know what this method turns up/brings on for other people.


P.S. Sorry if there are any long delays in replies, I'm on school holidays and can't get on the net as much
~*~*If you long for your dreams and your dreams cannot wait, turn your life into dreams and control your own fate...*~*~



Usually I project by simple intent and inner silence, from a passive and receptive state of mind. I use OBE induction loops, kinda like softwares of the mind. However, when I feel myself too rigid, centered in my body, even though I have done 5 or more loop, I start to incorporate some phasing sequences. Your RV Method seems very similar to one of my favorite. It also contains the maneuvers of expansion and polarity flip (my latest interests in phasing). So, I'd like to hear about your further experiences.

As for myself, I do the expansion again and again but I tend to skip the condensation sequence. When I'm unable to zoom out through the swirling darkness of the expanded state, I would just let myself collapse back directly into the flipped position (I've observed that the polarity flip seems to occur spontaneously only after various forms of interpreted expansion  like hypnagog sequences, brief dreams or unconsciousness.)

At this point I expect myself in a state apt for separation. So, I concentrate on the top of my head and try to roll out very slowly. If it doesn't work, I try to swirl my energy field around the lenght axis of my body, picturing myself inside a little horizontal tornado. If I'm deep enough or do the swirl long enough I could get the real spin and am able to separate.

If it doesn't work my sleep isn't deep enough and instant separation won't be possible. I have to increase vibrations (sleep synchronization) by imagining myself breathing into a point above my head, collapsing my body and pushing myself upwards through the centre of my head with every exhalation.  

When I feel ready, I try to get the vibrations by imagining myself being hit on my face repeatedly, flowing the nascent current down to my solar plexus, then smoothing out the vibrations by the swirling action. The effects of hits weaken quickly and I need some rest.

At this point I just observe myself as I observe myself or start some phasing sequences. Usualy I imagine noises of colliding objects, distant barking, palpating various things from the distance like walls, furnitures, woman's breasts (nobody can escape from my hands).

At other times I use either the expansion sequence or imagining myself going upwards in a lift to the top of a skyscreeper. You have described the expansion, so I'll descibe the lift scene.

Basically I use the lift to substitute the pushing and expansion. When I reach the top floor in my imagination, driven by the expectation to see the night sky behind, I swing open a little trapdoor on the top of the cabin. If I've prepared the environment well enough, my vision will stabilize at this point I'd zoom through the hole. After that, I'd likely find myself within the same darkness I see inside dream walls (should be the interpreted version of the swirling dankness of the expanded state).

Otherwise I would simply continue my imagination to climb through the hole onto the top of the skyscraper. It's a very little hole and I have to struggle a lot. Sometimes I climb through various trapdoors one after the other - a trick I've learned in dreaming. Basically it works as the hypnagogic counterpart of the pushing action I exert against the centre of my head.

The top of the building looks similar to my bedroom without walls. It serves as an F21 launchpad, a dream interpretation of my bedroom. I lay down at the middle taking the position of my sleeping body to separate from this imagined body within another one in order to solidify the imagination into a dream. If I succeed I take some careful looks to further stabilize the vista, order targets on the horizon and zoom away.

At other times I just lay down at the edge of roof with the depth at my left and wait or walk round and round, looking on familiar objects until the scene solidifies. Brief glimpses are essential to fake the imagination into life.

I feeling space and distance always at my left, and the presence of my sleeping body at my right. Walking in counter-clockwise won't work as good because of the opposite amygdala / hyppocampus activation, I suspect.

When the scene looks real I anchor myself to the dream by grabbing objects. Otherwise I just jump off the building. I'd get a strong falling sensation and when I hit the ground I'd be in the vibrational stage and start the loop again.