To Mr. Bruce

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That's a really good question Qui-Gon, I remember RB saying that and I was surprised at the 'strength' of his suggestion. I never thought of that when I read this new technique of focusing on brow center to project. I'll be interested to see his answer as well...

bitsmart -
information illumination - -

Qui-Gon Jinn

Nice weather today isn´t it  
 Still wondering by the way...

  Peace //Qui-Gon

- Your focus determines your reality -



Nice weather today isn´t it  
 Still wondering by the way...

  Peace //Qui-Gon

- Your focus determines your reality -

I understand your question was not directed at me, in particular. But please understand there is an important difference between stimulating Chakras "merely for the sake of it" and doing so in order to attempt a projection experience.


Qui-Gon Jinn

Hey Frank, well I wanted Bruce´s opinion, but I also rememeber saying everyone was more than welcome giving their views, so thx for your input.  I believe what you said is true, that there is a major difference, but since I wasn´t sure, still ain´t, I wanted Bruce´s opinion since it was from him I heard ... well..  all that I wrote at the top.
 I don´t wanna end up wearing a straitjacket banging my head against a cement wall - at least if I can avoid it...  

   May the force be with you //Qui-Gon

- Your focus determines your reality -

Qui-Gon Jinn

Hej Robert, I have a Q which I´d really appreciate a lil bit of feedback on.  The situation is this; I haven´t yet started with the NEW system, but intend to next week.
In Astral Dynamics, you strongly adviced against directly overstimulating/filling the sub-brow energy storage center, and instead focusing on filling the sub-navel storage center - otherwise one could unbalance the energy body and lower ones vitality levels etc., not very desirable indeed...

The thing is, I´ve started focusing my body awareness on my brow center/third eye area when attempting projection, not for the purpose of raising energy - but I feel doing this assist me in reaching the trance state (could be simply because I have something to focus on and thereby silencing my mind).
 I don´t move my body awareness around when doing this, I just keep it there. So what I am wondering is; am I undeliberately filling/raising energy to the sub-brow storage center doing this?
 In that case, should I stop doing so, until I´ve worked on filling the sub-navel storage center for a period of time?

 My guess is that I am not really raising energy to the sub-brow center when just "resting" my body awareness there, since I ain´t drawing energy through my body - but still I am doing something, because I can feel a very tangible pressure precisely where I focus my body awareness (like someone is pressing a finger hard on the spot), which is on my third eye/brow center area.

  So, my question is, can I still use this to help me reaching the trance state and inducing the vibrations, or should I stop this because I might unintentionally filling my sub-brow storage center in the process??

   Thankful for some advice Robert, and of course everyone else having any opinion/knowledge on this is more than welcome to speak up.

  Be well //Qui-Gon

- Your focus determines your reality -

Edited by - Qui-Gon Jinn on 09 April 2002  17:49:38