Was it Astral Projection? My first, involuntary....and scary

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Hi there,
I sought out a forum where I might be able to gain some insight into whether this was Astral Projection or not.  I have, in the past, had several lucid dreams where I am able to realizing I'm dreaming and then control the dream.  E.g:  I'm falling, and then say to myself "its a dream - you are in control" and then I can turn the fall into a beautiful flight or something.

However - this was different:

2 nights ago I felt/saw myself walking down the hallway of our house, I was dragging my right foot a bit.  I was very surprised and figured that I had been sleep walking for the first time ever.  Then I realized that I was still asleep, or at least my body was, as I found myself about 5 feet above my body.  I saw myself sleeping there, on my stomach.  I became afraid and wanted to get back into my body, but there was a feeling of being very heavy, and not being able to snap back in because of the position I was in.  I had to somehow turn my 'astral body?' over to get into my physical body.  It freaked me out a little because I felt like I wasn't in control (whereas in lucid dreaming I feel in control).

I know this wasn't 'just' a dream.

I've been reading a lot of non-duality books lately - perhaps blowing my mind a little too much!

Of course, now I'm awake, I want to do it again and see if I can go somewhere.  I'm sure if I'd had the balls I could have done it that night, but I honestly feared that I might be dead if I didn't get back into my body.

Any insight would be much appreciated.

Many thanks,


That was probably an astral projection. Next time, don't be scared. Explore a bit. Nothing can enter your body while you are astrally projected, so there's nothing to be afraid of.
The answer to all paradoxes shows this: "Reality contains logic therefore logic cannot contain reality."
The paradox here is "how can one know this is true?".

If the answer to one paradox is another then the question is the answer.


In my experience astral projection is just a different type of lucid dream.  False awakenings etc, you are lucid you find yourself in your bedroom, so of course you look back and expect to find yourself sleeping... But things are never the same. What is different is you are in more of a "locked in" phase of lucid dreaming in my opinion where its not as easy to wake up.  I usually attain this type of dream when napping after work.  I hardly ever experience it in a nightly sleep.


If this was an OBE, I don't think it was 'Astral projection' - since you saw your physical body, and your physical house, it was most likely Etheric (real time) projection. 

But It also could have been a false awakening,.... however the floating over the physical body does sound indicative of Etheric Projection to me!

Astral Projection would be more dream like...  people often confuse the terms and call ALL OBEs Astral projection... but in reality, there are different types of OBEs.  Etheric projection is what takes place on the level closest to the physical, and as such, physical surroundings and even your physical body can be perceived. 
My Site: SPIRIT-QUEST An OBE community w/ mbr jrnls, ebook lib, music dlds, video, forum & more! 
Read my free 105 pg OBE E-Book


Thanks for your replies - I guess I have a lot to learn!

Any ideas why my "etheric" body seemed so heavy and hard to get back into my physical body?

Also - I'm certainly not contradicting anyone's opinion since I'm new to this subject, but it really didn't seem/feel like a dream.  I'm a big dreamer....remember my dreams almost every night which have run the gammit and, as mentioned, have dreams where I can control what happens and do what I like.  The whole sensation around this OBE was very, very different....I did feel very A PART from my physical.

When hovering above my physical, I'm not sure that I saw my physical body - it was more like I sense it there - but I doubt that makes any difference?

Normally I wouldn't write about such things but for some reason it had a huge impact on me.

Thanks again for your insights and time.

PS.  Just started reading Stuart Wilde....hope to learn more


If you wish to have more control over your etheric or astral body, meditate during the day and boost your chakra energy levels.  Or try simply asking for more energy while projecting; "Energy Now"


Yeah, keep going and don't give up. Use that experience as a stepping stone for future voyages. It can be extremely scary and foreign at first but it gets a lot easier with practice. Also you can improve clarity and mobility with constant energy practice. Hope this helps.