What does spirits want?

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This is so cliche',  but you sound like Whoopee Goldberg in the movie Ghost.

I think you may have been the first being that recognized them?  Most spirits aren't seen by the living.  This would be especially true if they don't get out much (I can't believe I said that, but it is 8 AM and I was up late).  Perhaps initially he thought you were an interloping spirit?

The "explosions" may be backwash or overflow from your techniques.  Nothing that bothers the living, but irritatting to beings of their status.  Maybe something like a flash on a camera, it bothers your eyes but does no real harm?

A whole group of them?  It sounds like you are the only person in the area that is physchically aware.  Therefore you may be the first concious astral projector they have meet?

I do not think they are evil.  Given your level of training, you would know if they were truly evil, right?  I think some of them are confused, but that's not unusual.  I think you can work something out with them, you seem to have come to an understanding with the main spirit.  Be firm and work out some rules, I think this could be a phenomonal opportunity for you to gain insight!!!
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.



I think you missunderstood what it was I was saying...

First of all, when speaking to the spirits etc I was out of body, so then of course I will see the spirits... assuming I stay around the real-time zone that is. They knew I was alive, as I said I had conversations with them, and they knew very well I was alive, and they knew they were dead. He also knew I was exiting my body conciously.

As for the explosions, I am much aware of what it is, and why it happens. Conjurations are words and sentenses you use in order to get rid of negative entities. You can use them while out of body as a protection technique to get rid of entities attacking you. I have read the technique I used can sometimes be seen as a "ray of light" when doing it while OBE. I used to do conjurations before going to sleep, so not to have entities within the circle of protection. When I did the conjuration while out of body, the spirit saw it as an "explosion" instead of a ray of light... this is a protection mechanism, intended to get rid of negative entities. The spirit is not really negative, so not as effected by it as other beings, BUT it is apparently effected, and told me that.

It of course doesn't "harm" them, but apparently were uncomfortable and annoying. If done on a negative entitity, this entity "should" be sent back to where it came... But that doesn't happen to spirits, it seem, but more scares them, and causes some temporary pain etc. I was just surprised that he actually saw something happening when I did it... I was beginning to think it didn't work at all... But since he told me, I stopped using the conjurations.

As for the physically aware comment... I do not notice them when I am awake. Well not entirely true, I do feel spirits sitting on the bed etc when I lay there relaxed... But not when working on computer, doing dishes etc. But I don't see any reason why spirits I happen to meet when to town etc should follow me... Unless they somehow notice that I think of astral projection a lot, and see that as an opportunity.

I don't really think they are evil either... but that doesn't mean they are not "acting evil" at times... for reasons not known by me... For instance, perhaps they get frustrated of me not doing what they want, so they bite me to get more attention etc. This can at first glance be seen as a hostile act, but all they really wanted was me to recognize them... I don't know, just guessing here.

It is annoying enough when there are 1-3 spirits bugging you all the time when you get out, making it impossible to explore the astral the way you want, but still understandable. But when it gets to the number it was this morning, it gets very hard. It's not only difficult to hold a straight face, not getting scared, having your whole room filled with spirits grabbing at you. But also hard to communicate with them, and know what they really want.

There has to be a reason for them to be crowding around me like this... all over one night. I don't know if it is to scare me, or to get help, recognition or what...



Hey, I don't agree that conjurations would attract entities rather the opposit, at least normally. Conjurations are a sort of "prayer" to the light, with intent to get rid of negative entities. They do work for the negative ones, though the spirits, not so much... but I don't think they get attracted by it... perhaps upset if I keep using it around them. I know quite a few people using these conjurations, and neither have problems with spirits getting attracted by it.

I would also like to add that I don't think they are negative. At least not the ones I am talking about in this post. The three hanging around me were actually quite nice once we came to an understanding. I don't think these new ones are negative either, but neither do I want to have my apartment filled with spirits clanging on and putting their hands all over me. Still I would like to know what they want, and why they are here.

I haven't been much for that affirmation you quoted, but apparently it had a major impact on the projectors using it at the Monroe Institute according to Monroe. So I am gonna try it, I am gonna skip the conjurations at bedtime and trance practises and try the affirmation a while and see if it does any difference.



Wow, MajorTom I was going to say the same thing about conjurations, well said.[:D]

It sounds like it could also simply be sensory illusion and should be ignored.  Do you have a copy of Astral Dynamics? if you do, go to page 514.  Robert explains such things as clutching hands and OBE hitchhikers.The clutching hands and other annoyances seem to be common, the hitchhiker is pretty rare.  

I'd have to say everytime I've projected, I've encountered the noises, voices, roaming hands, and animals.  I get distracted for only a moment though, because apparently they are there to keep you from exploring astral planes.

Don't give them another moment of your time, ignore and move on. [^]





I am much aware of the existence of sensory illusions, as well as other close-to projections symptoms, egos and subconcious manifestations. These are not sensory illusions, nor subconcious.

I have had spirits touch my hands, I grab them, roll out of body, holding the spirit, see them and then speak to them. These are as real as anything physical, and there is no difference to how it felt when these touched me and a physical hand. Also as I stated, I was in bed, split, had the hands touching me... I decided to get out of body, and once out there were spirits all around me, clanging on.

I can also add that the hands was not "clutching", or anything like that... They were moving their hands over my arm and hand, I could put the hands in my hand, shake it and feel an arm attached. Again, there is absolutely no difference at all on the reality of these hands and a pair of physical ones.

This is not anything like the noises and other distractions that is so common... I am very much aware of those, those are subconcious crap. It is easy to ignore such noises, but not as easy to ignore a gang of spirits standing around you when you have left the body.

Sorry for sounding harch, but it is reasons like these I am posting more and more rarely... You post a serious question, and get replies by people thinking you don't have a clue about the most basic things, and doesn't even seem to have read the whole post.


Sorry for sounding harch, but it is reasons like these I am posting more and more rarely... You post a serious question, and get replies by people thinking you don't have a clue about the most basic things, and doesn't even seem to have read the whole post.

Well good enough, I have no idea what your problem is then and will cease trying to help.  Perhaps someone will come along and tell you what you want to hear, because it sounds like you know what you don't want to hear and in my silly opinion, that would mean, you KNOW what the problem is.[^]

Good luck



I wasn't aware this was such a long term issue, I thought it quite recent, I apologize.

It sounds like your going to have to work something out with one spirit in particular.  Are the other 2 as dominant?  Or do they seem to do what they are told by the other?

Can your crash at a friends for a few days and project back home?  I'm curious if the clutching hands is localized or follows you.  Fololwing you implies something quite different than being tied to your home.
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.



Thank you for your post, I do think protection like a circle etc is a good thing. I don't really have any emotions associated with the conjurations... I am quite used to them, and say them without any emotions nor much thought at all. It might be true as you say however, that over-protecting might get spirits more curious in you etc, than if you had no protection at all.


Please don't take me wrong, I do appreciate the help, and even the effort itself. I am just saying that I am getting tired of people throwing "rediculous" answers as if onee never have had projections before. I am not looking for "what you want to hear" answers, but I am not looking that make no sense either.

Tactile imagining as suggested by Robert Bruce are sensory illusions you feel on the edge of projection created by the subconcious, and belongs to the same category as the distracting sounds. This is a pretty basic thing, and are only there to distract you while you split, as soon as you split and get up from bed, there is nothing there. Point being, I clearly stated that I projected, left body, was now on the floor with the same spirits around me. I also explained how I had spoken to such spirits etc. Which makes me assume the full post was not read.

I also thought I made it clear that the hands was a side-note, that the real issue was that today the apartment was filled with spirits. This I noticed when I was out of body, away from bed. So the reason of my post was what they might want, what I should do about it, can it be that they followed me home last night etc?


No you are quite correct, this was a one-time thing, (so far). My question did not relate to a repeated issue, this is not a normal thing, and it is the first time this has happened. I have had issues with spirits, in many various ways before. But the question related to this forum post is so far a one-time thing. I simply gave the background of the three spirits I managed to communicate with me, in order to better understand my issue with this. So to get thoughts if they are related? Do I somehow attract spirits, perhaps I somehow acknowledge them, so they stay around me... Perhaps these went and got these as well, perhaps mentioned that I did notice them... perhaps so to get me afraid etc.

I had an entity I first thought was purely negative annoy me, attacking me in various ways, did many things to ruin things for me. Eventually I got him to speak to me... This seemed to have calmed him down, and it might have been me using conjurations that ticked him off and started attacking me... In any case, after we spoke, I felt we got an understanding and he stopped attacking me. Then one day I went out of body, and he and his two friends were no longer there... perhaps temporarily, perhaps around but I did not see him etc. I thought they might have left, since he in a conversation kind of mentioned they could do that.

Then yesterday I was out, I got home, went to bed... and woke up this morning, noticed I could split, did and had a BUNCH of spirits around me... I don't know if they are related to the three original ones, or just followed me home etc.

Among the three original spirits were one guy, who did pretty much all of the "attacking", and whom I had the conversations with. Then there were a girl and another larger guy. The female didn't say much at all, or rather said nothing... I asked them if they knew they were dead, the larger guy acted like "why shouldn't we!?" Besides from that all conversation was made with the other spirit, and they were standing in the background.

Again, the clatching hands is not something "normal", it has happened a few single times, usually then I have grabbed the wrist, rolled out of bed and carried the spirit away from bed, it fighting like crazy. What happened this morning was not normal, first time it happened, and was not really the point of the post either... The hands were not "hostile" or anything, rather the opposit. The point of the whole thing was that there was so MANY spirits around this morning, and my wondering why that is...

Thanks all.


Point being, I clearly stated that I projected, left body, was now on the floor with the same spirits around me. I also explained how I had spoken to such spirits etc. Which makes me assume the full post was not read.

I did read it all but obviously I missed that point, so I apologize.  Hope you solve your problem.



So I was right, it was just like Whoopee Goldberg in the movie Ghost [;)]

My intuition tells me that some spirit(s) are dominating or badgering others.  Maybe he (the major antogonist) is afraid you will impart some wisdom to the others and he will lose his control?  That may be why he won't tell you his past name, he fears you can research his life and find out something useful.  I'm under the impression they aren't malevalent, but they sure may be confused, or acting against their will.  ESPECIALL if the female hasn't spoken to you, and is always in a submissive role.  

Maybe the spirit is full of metaphysical s**t, and simply doing exactly the same thing it did in life, and is stuck for it.

I'm wondering if you can talk to one of the others alone?  I'm thinking of mirror ward, (I picture a giant rotating disco ball(After all, Disco never dies)) of energy, reflective on the outside and calm and serene on the inside, with you at the center.  Cast it so that you and one of the submissive spirits are on the inside.  This should be useful if you project from elsewhere back to home.

Profanity, Rastus..[;)]

Whoops, Sorry about that, that one is always borderline [:O], but I should know better given how international it is here...
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


Spirits are only stuck because they don't realize they could leave anytime, or don't want to.  Like we need to build energy to see clearly in OBE form, they need to steal it to 'stay' near the physical realm.  It'd be interesting to get his name and prove it's all real to yourself, but that's all he's good for.
Many are confused and mentally call out for someone to help them figure things out.  It's possible the main spirit has something to do with collecting the rest, or you're subconsciously calling out that you're willing to help, and I'm pretty sure most of the crowd did come from the club.  
I'm able to talk to them without leaving the body, and knowing something's there of course discourages me from trying, so it gets annoying.  It seemed strange that I'd have someone new to 'help' every night and wondered where they all came from.  Turns out I'm being of extremely great service in the spiritual world since earthbound spirits won't listen to anyone But the living.  So, my guides had been actively sending them to me.  It wasn't until I argued that it was interfering with my awake life that they stopped coming.  And not completely.  
This may be what's going on with you too.  The next time you're out, try to contact a higher spirit.  Or just mentally yell out to everyone that can hear that you don't want to be of service anymore, or for now.  See if things change.
Or the long way... 'help' them.  Manifest things in midair through daydreaming or in OBE and teach them they can do the same, ask them to remember/envision their closest dead relative, or actually ascend with them.  I've only done the latter once, in OBE, and it was an interesting experience.. I only ascended to the astral and another more caring spirit took him from there.  Just saw white then woke up so it wasn't visually interesting, but I sensed a 'thank you' later on.  Also, you'll find your natural energy level will rise a bit once they're gone.
Good luck!


Thanks, perhaps you are right, I don't think talking to one of them is such a good idea... I have finally got to an understanding with the "main" one. I don't want to start a whole new fight by making him angry.

Thank you for your reply, well I have always thought it would be interesting to help lost spirits to the higher levels. But not by having them in my apartment! If they are able to communicate with physically alive people through what Monroe calls the super-conciousnes, it is possible they somehow found out I am into AP and willing to help. But again, not by having them in my apartment.

I am starting to get worried that they drain too much energy of me at the moment. I didn't feel any touchings etc the night after, so I assumed they must have left, or at least most of them. But I am starting to think they are still there, or at least many of them, and draining too much of my energy.

Since the crowd appeared I "should" have been able to project three times, failing all of them. The first time I got out, and fell into a dream the second after I left the bed. The next time I more or less was only able to get to boarder of the bed, and fell into a dream.

Third time I felt I could move my astral arm when laying in bed, I felt fully awake, but very exausted. I decided to try and roll out, but didn't even have the chance to move my body before I was yet again in an unconcious dream.

Now when awake I feel exausted, and no energy... granted I did sleep quite a while, which might be responsible for parts of it. Starting to get worried, I need to be able to leave my body, or I'll go insane...

Do you have any suggestions on how to convince them to leave, besides trying to mentally yell it out etc? I don't want to start doing the conjurations again, considering the original ones didn't like it, and thought we came to an understanding... But I can't have my apartment filled with spirits, draining all my energy making it impossible for me to project.


[:D]  I don't understand the salt thing, Robert gave me advise on getting rid of a incubus and it envolved salt water under my bed, among some other things.  It seemed to work, but why does it work?

I didn't want to bother him with such a silly question, him being busy and all, so do you know why?  and I haven't gotten a copy of psychic self defense yet, so I'm a bit curious.




LOL..well, sounded good to me..[:D]

Maybe you need it after today?

ROFLMAO..you're not kidding!!  Perhaps it will rub off the bull's-eye that is on my arse..[:P]

Nay [;)]



Thanks I got a similar tip regarding the salt when discussing the original spirit problem in a chat once. Though then I was advices to put salt on a pan, put it on the stove and then move it around the house. He/she said nothing about alcohol, nor seasalt though.

I think one of the problems regarding methods like this, is that they are against "negative" spirits. It seems most of them aren't really negative, but actually quite nice once you've managed to calm them down a bit. Because of this, methods like this might not always work.

Before I was able to talk to the original spirits I tried burning some sage, I did it 1-3 times a day for a week or so. Didn't effect them one bit, except perhaps making them more upset.

I have bought sea salt though, so if things doesn't improve it's worth a try.


This sounds a lot like the film "Sixth Sense"

Excuse me for perhaps not reading all the posts correctly but do you see these spirits ONLY when AP, or can you see them when you are fully awake and conscious aswell?
I haven't lost my mind, I've backed it up somewhere...


When out of body only, unless I get real-time sight which can happen when awake, but always relaxed in bed (very rarely). Though that doesn't seem to happen very often when there are spirits nearby... Perhaps because of the extra energy they take.

Second, during APs you ARE concious ;)


Originally posted by Patrik
Second, during APs you ARE concious ;)

Yeah I knew that.. not sure why I said it though?

Real time sight! I thought that was only possible whilst in the astral!
The spirits you see, are they as real as you and I, looking physical? or are they slightly cloudy, transparent so to speak?

I don't understand this part....
I kept seeing the same guy all the time. He tried many things to get on my nerves, including sleeping in my bed causing this annoying, not funny "mergin" feeling making it impossible to fall asleep.

Had you projected at this point?
Because if you was just lying there trying to fall asleep and had not projected, how did you know he was sleeping in your bed?

I apologise for my ignorance, I'm not trying to criticize your post, I just find this subject fascinating and think that people like your self are very gifted.
I haven't lost my mind, I've backed it up somewhere...


Real time sight! I thought that was only possible whilst in the astral!

No it is quite common to get it in trance while still physically awake, it is a form of clairvoyance. I have experienced two kinds of real-time sight, one in deep trance (but still in physical and not split), where I see into the astral just as detailed as with physical sight. Only difference in this case is that what I see is "grey", kind of like putting on a pair of sunglasses.

The other I have gotten when not in a trance and when fully awake, though still very relaxed and in bed. This kind is not as detailed, and is more like the blackness behind the eyes is replaced by blurry shapes. The details of these shapes vary, it can be anything from just seeing a blurry shape of a head (if the spirit is standing right in front of you). To seeing pretty much everything you would with eyes open, but "blurry".

There are people who are able to see like this during their awake life if they choose, but that is quite rare. It should be noted that this happens very rarely, but quite fun when it does. As I said, it seem to happen more often when there are no spirits around.

The spirits you see, are they as real as you and I, looking physical? or are they slightly cloudy, transparent so to speak?

When you are out of body, you see spirits, other projectors, higher beings and other entities just as real as people in physical. Personally I think seeing them in the real-time zone gives a stronger "impact" than in the realms and in a shared reality, but they are just as real.

I don't understand this part....
I kept seeing the same guy all the time. He tried many things to get on my nerves, including sleeping in my bed >causing this annoying, not funny "mergin" feeling making it impossible to fall asleep.

Had you projected at this point?
Because if you was just lying there trying to fall asleep and had not projected, how did you know he was sleeping >in your bed?

I was able to feel him while I was physically awake, trying to fall asleep. It felt pretty much like a physical person laying in bed with you, except a bit more "hollow" or how to explain it. But the closer to sleep, the more physical and "real" it becomes.

As you know, when you are asleep you are actually out of body, you just don't know it. So as you get closer to falling asleep, you get closer to the astral. When sleep actually occures you are unconcious, though splitting. When the spirit was laying in bed with me, he wanted to be close to where I was laying, and since he is a spirit, he can occupy the same space as me. For instance, he might have his arm THROUGH my arm, this is annoying in itself when you are trying to fall asleep... not easy to ignore. Though when you get closer to sleep, and you start to get unconcious, and splitting... You will no longer perceive the spirit as "hollow", but solid. Since he has his arm THROUGH your arm, you now split and transfer to the astral body, his arm will now feel solid and it will feel like you have two solid arms "inside" each other. This is a very uncomfortable feeling, causing you to wake up imidiately.

Since he insists in sleeping close to you, hence having one part or other of his body occupy the same space as one of your parts... As soon as you fall asleep, or is very very close to falling asleep it causes this very annoying "merging" feeling, making it impossible for you to fall asleep.



You are right about perception, I am sure that some of the negative entites earlier experienced (i.e. demons) in reality was spirits. I have since the hitchhiker being experiences quite a few different kind of attacks. Among them is "pure" demon, which I can add is not quite as "social" as the more negative spirits, and much more "primal".

I do know that these three spirits spoken to are in fact spirits. I have felt them while in physical quite a number of times, they are indeed human. I have also as I said spoken to them, they know they are dead, and even though they did not want to give out much information, I have verified the little they did.

Except from an occasional attack by an "outside" being, such as a more primal demon that appeared once then gone. I believe there has been two beings only attacking me. The hitchhiker, and the spirit I finally got to have a conversation with. The hitchhiker might of course actually be the same spirit, although I seriously doubt it. Even though the spirits must have had quite a number of ideas on how to ruin my projections... The hitchhiker was much more intelligent.

It is possible that I have had these three spirits around me for quite some time. And that I had the hitchhiker and these three spirits ruining things for me at the same time. Which would explain why the "hitchhiker" suddenly seemed more "human" at times. Perhaps the spirits mimicking the hitchhiker, and when I finally got rid of the hitcchiker, they had no reason to mimick him any more, and began trying other things.

I finally managed to strike up a serious conversation with the spirits. It seemd they would stop attacking me, and I stopped doing conjurations etc. Which explains why after that there were no attacks, and me seeing no spirits.

Then for some reason, a crowd of spirits followed me home one night, though the question here is why? I have for quite some time been interested in doing spirit rescue in the astral (but not in my apartment!). Perhaps this made them think following me home was a good idea.

So in reality it might not be repeated attacks by numerous entities... but repeated attacks by the same entities changing methods to do it.

Of course again there has been exceptions, when stumbling onto other more "nice" and perhaps more confused spirits, and having a "pure" demon attack, but that didn't stick around. As well as few times when the same spirits seemed to have "friends" around.

Either that, or they have some "organization" where they keep sending in new beings to bother me as soon as the old ones gotten tired and given up ;)



I have no doubt about the reality of these spirits, I used to question why I was attacked so much, wondering over and over again if it was all in my head etc. These are quite objective.

Besides from an occasional exception, such as the more primal demon, all attacks has been from humanoid "spirit" beings. What has been different is the method used for attacking me.

I do not appreciate the "I am sure the attacks felt and were perceived as real as you now experience the dead people." comment.

I do know these three original spirits were real and as objective as I can get it. It took many OBEs fighting back from attacks until I finally managed to convince the spirit to talk to me. The same entity had attacked me for months in various ways. I always thought he was purely evil thoughit never occured to me that he could actually have a good side.

It is impossible for other people to know how I experienced the attacks, so I don't appreciate comments regarding my objectivity. It is not like the attackers went from looking like a grotesque demon attacking me all the time, to a nice human once conversation was made. In my objective experiences, he has looked pretty much the same all along.



So is real time sight related to one opening up there third eye (brow chakra), because I'm trying really hard to open my third eye.

I can see auras most of the time, but that's about it!

When I close my eyes I still only see darkness... I only seem to be-able to see vivid images when I'm unconscious (sleeping).

I'd really like to see spirits and also to help them. But then it does have it's disadvantages like you are currently experiencing.
I haven't lost my mind, I've backed it up somewhere...


It's no problem, as you said, this is a topic that is quite close to heart so I probably overreacted a bit. I think I have had enough experiences with these spirits to get a feeling of my level of objectivity regarding them. And the fact that they are indeed spirits, what level however I don't know. Perhaps they are stuck around physical, perhaps they are here by choice. Perhaps they were once human and have progressed towards dark, and has been told to stay around me for whatever reason. In any case they are ex-human and very much real. They are perhaps not the most friendly beings I have met, but they aren't pure evil either, and can be quite nice.

When you get real-time sight you are using your third eye to see into the astral yes. However I don't think you need to have it actively open for it. In fact, opening the third eye, and having it open is very, very hard. It is much easier to activate it, which in itself increases third eye activities.

Also, even if you get the ability to see into the astral whenever you want (which very few people can, and I am certainly not one of them) I still don't think it's just closing your eyes and you see. I think a lot of the trick is learning to switch your focal point when awake. It will seem like you are viewing with your eyes, but in fact you are seeing into the top region of the brain, probably connected to the third eye. But this is only my guess of course.

Risu no Kairu

You ever hear about people getting attacked by energy vampires?

Why don't you try to drain the spirits? It might convince them to leave.
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/


The best weapon against negative spirits is a mirror. Just hold one up and they will run away from themselves.