What really is this?

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 In the last few days, I have listened to a few of the fantastic interviews on the Fade to Black show with host Jimmy Church.

 The first interview was "ET" related and was about a lady named Sev Tok, She spoke about her "abductions" and "visitations" The reason I am sharing this video here is that her description of it sounds to us here like a classic case of an OBE or even very Lucid Dream. She even spoke that said that the event seemed real to her, even more real than this physical reality here. How many times have we said that ourselves? To this day I still haven't answered the question of what is actually happening, solely based on my own experiences compared to all of these people that speak about abductions. At first you are thinking she is misunderstood and that she is just having a classic OBE. After while of listening to her story, you see that there is so much more to it and once again are questioning "what really is happening here"?

 I have had non-physical experiences myself that are very similar to what she spoke of. The same messages were given as well, through "downloads" or some form of telepathy and that is that we needed to share and help others remember what they once knew or who they once were.

 The second interview was with Damon Abraham, PhD. He is a researcher in affective science and parapsychology and is the Principal Research Scientist at Entangled. He spoke on his own experiences with "non-physical exploration. He also talked about what other mainstream Scientists see this phenomenon to be. This is a great interview for people that want to know the "nuts and bolts" and "tech" of this whole process itself.


"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


i have often thought the same about abductions there are just so many similarities to oobe
many people speak of being lifted off of the bed and floated out through a window etc
we also know of how terrifying sleep paralysis can be not being able to move while the feeling of malevolent presence is in the room

i myself went through a period in my life back in the 90s where i thought i was being abducted by aliens, it was actually psychosis from using far to many amphetamines
at the time it was so real to me i was afraid to go to sleep and when i did finally sleep i would have nightmares and sleep paralysis based around grey aliens
when i finally knocked the drugs on the head and came out the other side i realised how self created the whole thing was kinda one big fear feedback loop
that few months of my life was pretty terrifying

other people see demons or the hag but i honestly think alot of abduction storys come from misunderstood sleep paralysis


Contact, including 'abduction' is a genuine experience. Yes it occurs in expanded states of consciousness.

I cannot comment on what is drawn through the use of drugs.


Quote from: fowlskins on February 16, 2024, 15:29:09i have often thought the same about abductions there are just so many similarities to oobe
many people speak of being lifted off of the bed and floated out through a window etc
we also know of how terrifying sleep paralysis can be not being able to move while the feeling of malevolent presence is in the room

i myself went through a period in my life back in the 90s where i thought i was being abducted by aliens, it was actually psychosis from using far to many amphetamines
at the time it was so real to me i was afraid to go to sleep and when i did finally sleep i would have nightmares and sleep paralysis based around grey aliens
when i finally knocked the drugs on the head and came out the other side i realised how self created the whole thing was kinda one big fear feedback loop
that few months of my life was pretty terrifying

other people see demons or the hag but i honestly think alot of abduction storys come from misunderstood sleep paralysis

I agree that sleep paralysis has been defined through the ages on the foundation of fear.

For hundreds of years, if not thousands, this experience has been described through out history as mostly negative. The story they give us is that a demon is perceived sitting on a persons chest. But that's not what's happening.

People think they are paralyzed because the body is going into deep rest as it always does. But their awareness remains alert. To someone thrown into this state, they begin to panic and fear. They fear because they feel extremely vulnerable, and the knowledge passed down to us by our biological companions perceives what's happening as a threat. After all, we identify with our physical senses. So we are unaware our body has entered rest and start to envision scary, angry and negative things as we try to fight ourselves back to being awake. But we don't realize we are already awake. And if we were calm we would realize we're seeing with our eyes closed. This shows us our awareness is not anchored to the body. The majority who choose to hold on to fear don't realize they aren't paralyzed at all, and that their awareness is free to roam detached from their body.

I think many of us are having to learn (What really is this?) this "reality" beyond what has so far been defined through our physical senses. Are we just our bodies? No... But to truly contemplate this, we need to prepare for the transition when the physical body(the one your awareness is resting in now) is returned to the host planet and our dissociation means experiencing an entirely new and mostly unknown chapter.

If you wish to say, but the demons are real it really is happening- I understand. So I will say every negative entity I have ever encountered has been of my own creation, and I have never been harmed in a sleep paralysis episode having had them for over a decade. I have always been protected when fear outweighed the lesson. The lesson is usually a construct designed to face an aspect of self/truth in which I would otherwise not willingly confront.

In the beginning those malevolent shadowy figures were challenging me, daring me to go OOB. In another example, a giant hand tried choking me and pinning me up against the wall. But I have had ET's or Archangels... Whatever IT IS, completely neutralize a scene and end the experience.

I do think we are being tasked to understand, "what is this- really?"


In my view ET encounters are of various nature. Some are in the physical, as many ETs occupy the same frequency in this physical universe and have the same frequency physical bodies, physical matter machines, technology, etc. Those who visit Earth obviously are more technologically advanced and able to travel through space/time fast, may have the ability to teleport, connect telepathically, do telekinesis, etc. Some ETs may have reached the ability to shift with their physical body into higher frequencies, or travel with full awareness with their energy body within the higher vibrational layers. Others may reside completely in parallel universes but be able to travel with their energy into ours. We also are multidimensional beings as any point of consciousness. Our encounters with other points of consciousness in whichever character they appear to be dressed can occur at any level. And many as most abductions experiences are described take place in a layer close to the physical, the one we experience during sleep paralysis. In my view this layer is the closest in vicinity with our physical character with all its filters. This layer is our immediate surrounding of raw energy where thoughts, emotions and beliefs takes form. It is invisible to us, but it becomes visible ( many times interpreted by the brain symbolically) when we shut off the physical senses and drift into dreamland. WE all know how scary sleep paralysis can be, and if someone has no idea what this state represents, their fear triggered by the self preservation instinct can create all kinds of forms and scenarios. The mainstream belief of humanity is that alien abductions are invasive and scary, and so someone may start thinking that in a moment of fear and manifest such scenario. In other instances, there is a true connection with ETs at this altered state. The possibilities are as many as they can be imagined. But the most probable are true connection in altered state, physical connection, and temporal manifested scenarios by fear in the thought responsive layer during SP.

I myself had one physical visitation when I was 5 that I remember vividly to this day. It was not via SP/AP because I was playing in my room, the being appeared in front of me physically like it teleported. I tried screaming but I could not hear my voice, it was like my voice was being sucked into a vacuum. My reaction of course was due to the survival instinct, but afterwards I knew the being was not hostile and I accepted him as my friend. I continue sensing him around me to this day. Then, I've had many interactions with ETs during APs of various nature, at times I found them, at times they landed their ship on my front lawn and spoke to me, other times I was flying a ship and attending intergalactic meetings. But I have never had the main stream classic scary abduction  during SP. And I have never seen during APs or dreams greys or reptilians.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


What really is this? All I really know is that I am me and you are you and the sun rises each morning (at least in my lifetime). Sometimes I think our worst is enemy is ourselves. Thinking is good, imagining is good but we must take care lest we become victims of our own conspiracies.

In my view we aren't likely to solve many, if any of these puzzles in the near future. Doesn't mean they aren't solvable, we just aren't there yet. It also seems we have forgotten or never knew what to do with our various talents so perhaps that is where we start.

I thought both interviews were excellent Lu. I like listening to other view points. I listen to religious pov, scientific pov, new age pov and so on. What I find most intriguing is that all of them talk about the same things only using different terminology so many deny the validity of differing experiences. I've grown used to it so try and speak in the 'tone' as whoever I'm speaking with about these things.

Personally I prefer taking a religious tone as I feel most people can understand that. I struggle a little with the scientific views and a whole lot with the new-agers.


Quote from: omcasey on February 16, 2024, 20:09:08Contact, including 'abduction' is a genuine experience. Yes it occurs in expanded states of consciousness.

I cannot comment on what is drawn through the use of drugs.

just to clarify im not saying that all abduction or contact is self created
but i do believe that the waters are very muddied by people having sp/ap related experience that they mistake for something else


In the end, everything we experience is part of consciousness.  Whether another species is coming into this reality to "study" us or we end up projecting to somewhere else... in the end, it's all consciousness exploring itself.


My astral ET experiences are very limited tbh. I saw them (mostly 'grey type' beings) in dreams a lot and once had a lucid 'meeting' but it wasn't an abduction although strangely enough it wasn't a 'voluntary' meeting with them either. It was short and nothing really to write home about, I mean, not an elaborated story at all, rather boring. Yet it is profound for me because it had a very 'real' feel about it supported also by the fact that I did not really ask for it. I never asked for a meeting with ANY Ets to this day as it is simply never my intention (so far) for my astral explorations (Akashic records, retrievals, higher astral realms are, just to name a few examples, but never ETs). So I am a bit of a bore here I suppose.  :wink:

Anyway for what it's worth, here is the journal entry from the AD forum on August 6th 2012 which I titled tongue-in-cheek 'To Boldly Go' and yes, you can see I took it quite humourously back then in general:


To Boldly Go ...

During another exit, I was 'blind' again but felt that I was hovering 'outside' of the window of my portal already. I grabbed sth that felt like wooden posts, poles, planks or beams. Then I had the idea to use another Buhlman command but with a variation. I shouted while directing my 'eyes' down at my still not visible hands holding them before me.

"Higher Vibration Now! Increase Vibration Now! Higher Vibration Now! "

Then I even added:

"Much Higher!!!"

Then felt myself (my "body") becoming somehow warmer and more 'diffused'. Then I could see my hands shimmering orange-red through the darkness. It was still dark and murky around me, but when I 'looked up' from my hands I saw some white beings a few 'metres' off, mabye 3-5 or so. They were all white, still with 'form' but also a little shiny. The background and everything else was still in deep and murky darkness. They looked at me, observing. Not more. I recognised them by their contours and also 'faces'.


I decided this was not where I initially had wanted to go (see above) or what I ever expected to encounter in the astral at all. I was not afraid or scared or anything. It wasn't a scary or threatening encounter at all. There even seemed a peaceful air about them. At least, it was neutral. All in all, it lasted not long enough for me to make a complete assessment. After about 3 seconds I decided to fade out again as it just wasn't what I was heading for."

Comments / Afterthoughts

Well, maybe I should have done without the "much higher" instead?

Taking the TMI levels literally and considering the fact that I was neither 'being visited' nor 'being abducted' but rather went there by increasing my frequency, it could mean that I was on Focus Level 34 indeed.


As said, I was and am not scared at all. I am even a little optimistic as it shows that I might now be able to make it 'anywhere' in the non-physical with this technique. I just need to 'calibrate' (so leaving out the 'much higher' addition next time isn't just a joke). If I make it to F34 I certainly can make it to F27 by 'adjusting'. That's the positve insight. It would be like hopping off the bus a station or two earlier or like leaving the upward moving elevator on a lower floor, just to put it metaphorically.

It is fascinating how I experienced the vibrational shift. It felt warm, more spread out and maybe even 'light(er)' (in a double sense?). Still I was disappointed not to have reached the "Healing Temple" or any kind of lighted, sunny Park-like area hoped for. I wasn't focussing on a location when I did this. I was just focussed on my 'body' then. So this might be a thing to improve for next time I try it. And I will!

Actually I am also a little amused, too. Maybe I should have tried to communicate with them. The whole thing strikes me as funnny even. It was like s.o. opening a door in an office building in search of a team meeting, noticing it is the wrong group and conference room, saying 'oops, I'm sorry, wrong party' and closing the door again. Maybe I should have asked them "Ok, guys, how ye doin'? And where's Spock, by the way?"

Another over-arching ETs 'storyline' if you will evolved by occasionally astral travelling through a kind of 'network' with regard to either travelling or also researching the Akashic Databases or rather any kind of 'Cosmic Wiki' it seems. It must somehow be connected to the Grey ETs for me since I saw them then peripherally only. Btw I wrote a bit also about this in a thread about a more recent development here:


(if you don't want to read it all you can scroll down to the header "The 'Grey' information and/or travel network system")

That's all. Not so much I know.