What happened to me?

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I'm here again, and I would rather like to know what this was!

I was using Binaural beats to help me along as a beginner, and on my first try using them, I had gotten fairly relaxed. I started to sort of vaguely notice certain things that were forming in the blackness of my eyelids. They were semi-clear visuals, and from what I remember, it was like a sort of Asian-styled structure (or at least that was what it came across as to me). Another thing that came into view was a scene of a woman walking into a kitchen and feeding her dog. I managed to "interact" with this enviroment and smelled something that was vaguely like dog treats before it went away.

Sometime after that, I suddenly couldn't feel any part of my body anymore (or rather, I was not aware of my body at all by that point), and I felt like I was literally falling into the blackness. However, I did not notice what was happening until it was too late. When I noticed that I was falling, I immediately panicked and snapped back to the physical. My body even jerked like it had caught itself. Nothing happened when I tried to do it again afterwards.

Was I close? I don't understand what happened, this is the first time anything like that has happened to me on any of my attempts! I'm not even sure on how to do it again.


It sounds like you were almost there. A little more clarity and intent is all you need.
Dont get scared, it's all part of it. The falling sensation is usually the last feeling before you're out.
Keep going.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Welcome to AP. Good to see you here. You are going well. Don't get scared as Szaxx said. Keep it up.


Well, now that I know that I was almost there, I feel a bit more pumped up to try again :]

Thanks for the encouragement!