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Don't try this meditation!

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daem0n, you tried those meditations on the JOS? Were you a Satanist and that time?

~F S F~


yes, i tried, no, i weren't
i looked at them as another way of moving energy, not asking Satan nor any demon for help, certainly not making any bond
silly ..
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Are you calling me silly?
Oh and why do you say those meditations are Satanic? Just cause they are on a Satanic site? Those chakra meds can be found in alot of new age books and stuff. Billions do them world wide.

~F S F~


no, i was calling myself silly
as i said, they are duped, learning them from this site creates bond, it did in my case, not because of their text, but energy attached to it
in addition to that one of the "priests" who left the group claimed that using them from this site sends energy to energy vortex Maxime uses, there is a link around here, Caco posted there so ask him
when you use channeled knowledge found in new age or twinked meditations on JOS (improved with help of thoth etc), bear in mind that using it has it's price, one i am not willing to pay for
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Can you tell us more about it, Daem0n? I think that you are right(but I figured it out too late), and I'd really like to know more about this "contamination".(what kind of problems you had, how did you deal with it, etc.). If you don't want to talk about it in the forums then please PM me.


first i would ask you to change the topic to don't do this meditation
i've been dealing with loads of different entities and systematically penetrated, up until i converted to christianity and started to recieve help of higher beings, which in time got rid of "lower level" beings infiltrating me

i did a rendez-vous of all my occult activity and been instructed to "close the doors" so to say from each stupid move, and redo each and every one of them, and been sieving increasingly more powerful entities (their influence on me, they have loads of humans they harvest from, not really sitting in one of them), that's how i got to the time when i started doing this meditations

funnily enough the first night after chanting them (1.5 year ago) i dreamed about goat headed being levitating with large upside-down pentagram in the background, but dismissed it as just being scared of the site or something ..
the chakra the meditation is done on is opened to influence involuntarily, you wonder why the 3 eye is the first one ..
some of them i recall safe (won't tell which one for obvious reasons), but i am not looking back on that site, ever
the only way to get rid of it is to brake the bond with the power of a higher being more powerful then them (higher spiritual authority), in my case it was Jesus Christ, but it took some months, and will take some years to fully clean this up, because the beings in question are partially merged with parts of my unconsciousness, and i need to make them conscious to cast them out - or archangel Michael will weaken them enough for banishing, whichever comes first
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


oh, Father Satans Follower, he won't let you go if you decide to love and be conscious, let alone powerful
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Now everybody wanna go to heaven but nobody want to die- Krayzie Bone


i am satanist for over a year now and i am successfully using meditations from the topic's site


it depends what you define by success :) i had my results too
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing



I took part in this thread some time ago and I did find it really useful.

As I said in my first impressions those hands positions (mudras) and sounds (mantras) are but yoga science's knowledge attached to chakra working. I practiced it for a while but I must admit I didn't put much effort on it because I prefer plain mental work.

Anyway, could someone explain exactly what those evil effects are?, when do they appear? and why is so difficult to get rid of them?.

Won't it be that you have been dealing with energies you're unable to control and that because of that your being has gone overwhelmed?. I don't think that's bad per se, it would be like trying to solve a mathematical equation without knowing how to sum and rest before.

That's one of the very first things I understood when I studied NLP, that every thing's understanding changes if you change your viewpoint. What it's evil for one may be good for other.

Some time ago I put in practice a mantra while I was walking in the street. It had such a great effect that I even lost the perception of reality (or at least what we know as reality). It took me some time to recover from that experience and to know where the frontier between this Maya and mind's occult realm is. Even today, when I change my mind's perception (that's an inner sensation I can not explain correctly in language terms) that same effect comes back and I need to keep strongly in my mind reality's reference points not to "get lost".

Going back to the theme of the thread, I know there are several books describing both devils and angels' names, powers and ways to domain them in order to take advantage of their skills.  There are even simple techniques in order to contact them just doing tratakam (staring without blinking) on a reflective surface. When a certain mind state has been achieved then you summon the force. I think it's a sort of meditative exercise which opens your mind up to receive upper energies or deities which, so to say someway, settle down on your mind making you more complete.

Please, I'd like to know more about these processes in terms of experience. If some of those satanists that have taken part in here could give me some feedback of these practices (by email, if you don't want to show it here) I'd be very grateful.

In fact, what I don't have really clear about this universe and solar system in particular, is the level of consciousness that have all those spirit that cohabit with us.

Thanks a lot for your help.


A few thoughts just from reading the post.

The world is nowdays all about fast benefits, buy today, pay tomorrow, be rich and so on.

what came to mind is that with theese exersizes are sort of the same thing getting benefits fast and not actually doing any work for it.

Opposed to working with energy to that extent that your other chakras are opened and overflowing with energy before opening the third eye.

Think of it as a glass, if it is empty and you pour something in it. It gets filled up with whatever is poured in, but it the glass is full, then there will at least be a blend of what is being pored in, and the liquid already in the glass.

So what are the differences, if a experienced energy worker does theese meditations compared to someone completly new to working with energy?

Will the experienced person suffer as much? Or will he have a sort of resistance from having his/hers energy reserves in the other chakras already filled up?

As for me, i have not tried the methods yet, nor am i an experienced person in theese matters though i have used the NEW methods for quite some time.
A small fact: The more you learn, the more certain you become that you actually know next to nothing.


I have a quick question, about this meditation just trying it to see how it felt or its efectivity I could not feel this shock or sharp pinch it had described is it really that apparent or just the pain from your nail preesing into your other finger?
I stand at the threshold of what could be a new world


With all due respect, i have not written my post just for fun or out of delusion,
neither Caco changed the first post.  
If you did this meditation and chanted (or if you haven't noticed invoked), you need help, NOW. Find someone not over the net, but in your vicinity, who is a  p r o f e s s i o n a l. Just as the rest of you who feel "fine".

Do a rosary and check if you feel sick, nervous or want to throw up, if so, you're possesed, sorry.
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Quote from: daem0nGanamoha:
With all due respect, i have not written my post just for fun or out of delusion,
neither Caco changed the first post.  
If you did this meditation and chanted (or if you haven't noticed invoked), you need help, NOW. Find someone not over the net, but in your vicinity, who is a  p r o f e s s i o n a l. Just as the rest of you who feel "fine".

Do a rosary and check if you feel sick, nervous or want to throw up, if so, you're possesed, sorry.

Isn't possessed a very hard word?... even catholic church takes a lot of care when it has to recognize a possession.

I insist neither of you have told us about what facts you base your conclusions in.


Man... Thank god I got lazy and decided to try other techniques :O

*wipes sweat*

In any case, would someone be interested in taking the good parts from that site and making a new page out of it, leaving out all the satanic/dangerous stuff?
OBE counter: Lost track! 35+ since 3/21/2006


Quote from: daem0nGanamoha:
With all due respect, i have not written my post just for fun or out of delusion,
neither Caco changed the first post.  
If you did this meditation and chanted (or if you haven't noticed invoked), you need help, NOW. Find someone not over the net, but in your vicinity, who is a  p r o f e s s i o n a l. Just as the rest of you who feel "fine".

Do a rosary and check if you feel sick, nervous or want to throw up, if so, you're possesed, sorry.

Man, you have lost your mind completely, bahahaha


:) suit yourself, i take you don't understand what rosary is ?

it creates a bond that acts as a back door if the force behind meditation wishes to use it
what i suffered because of that connection:
energy drain
corruption of psychic abilities (they are partially working, but in a peculiar and distorted way that additionally sends energy through that connection)
presence of not so benelovent entities within my mind and energy body brainwashing and partially controlling me for quite a long time
and they still have some influence on me, slowly regaining from it
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


I hoped I did this meditation wrong  :shock: I haven't felt anything, or even the presence of negs, so thank God i'm not possessed.


this is not about "doing it", but noticing subtle (or not so subtle) sensations during it, if you experience negative symptoms while you feel fine before and after it something is up
i guess it's time for my big time favourite, it will cleanse and remove everything when prayed consistently:
(no need to associate with any religion, although you're asking a favour)

I take on the power of the Resurrected Christ against every attack of Satan aimed at me,
and in the Name of Jesus I break every generational or personal dominion of spirits,
Who torment me or my generation.
I put on the helm of salvation and the armor of justice,
I belt myself with truth and shod myself with good news about peace.
I accept the shield of faith and sword of Spirit, which is the Word of God.
In the name of Jesus Christ, using the power owned by me,
I bind you Satan and you, unclean spirits
In earth, air, water, fire, atmosphere and hell,
And in all satanic forces of nature.
I forbid you any communication or ties with me, I reject you totally.
In the Name Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit,
I bind and repel every spirit not coming from Jesus Christ,
And I command you to leave me, my beloved, and my possesions.
I bind and break all satanic offerings, curses,
Markings, enchantments, sorcery, and everything of like nature,
And all diseases brought on me and my family
By whichever messenger or brought by our own faults and sins.
In the Name of Jesus Christ I bind all spirits of North, South, East and West,
And all other evil spirits
Attempting to influence members, functioning and property of our community.
Dear Lord, send your angels to these territories,
To lead your people back to You.
Immaculate Mary, clothe me in light, power and strengh of Your Faith.
Father, send your angels and saints to aid me.
I ask my Guardian Angel to protect me from sin.
I thank you Jesus for being my wisdom,
My justice, my holiness, and my redemption.
I dedicate myself to serving the Holy Spirit.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen

St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle
Be our protection against the wickedness
And snares of the devil;
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
And thou, O Prince of heavenly host,
By the power of God,
Thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits
Who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


I've not practiced it, but according to what I've read:

1.Clean up your thoughts and, especially, detach from everyday's concerns.
2.Prepare your body (proper dress, feeding, breathing,...).
3.Get into a trance (relaxation, dances, tratakam, lights,...).
4.Do some "opening" ritual, something that establishes the begining of the invocation.
4.Summon some force you want to contact with (visualization, vibrations, sigils,...).
5.Do something with it: confine it, ask it, absorb it,..
6.Do another "closing" ritual.
7.Let your body adapt from the experience.

This is what "wizards" do when summoning a spirit. There's a good description in Franz Bardon's books.

But from that to your exercise I insist there's a great difference. I put a question on the yoga group ( and they don't see nothing evil in the exercises...

Maybe we don't have all the data about you or your previous experiences. Perhaps you are a medium or so and that's why you're more sensitive to them.


if that practice involves satan then quit that activity. It is better that you dont know how to manipulate energy than to manipulate using satanic ways......

If you are confused, then do not be confuse so that you will not be confused :D


Quote from: daem0npip:
:) suit yourself, i take you don't understand what rosary is ?

it creates a bond that acts as a back door if the force behind meditation wishes to use it
what i suffered because of that connection:
energy drain
corruption of psychic abilities (they are partially working, but in a peculiar and distorted way that additionally sends energy through that connection)
presence of not so benelovent entities within my mind and energy body brainwashing and partially controlling me for quite a long time
and they still have some influence on me, slowly regaining from it

well i have totally opposite results !
manifestation of psychic abilities
energy abundance
no one controlling me


Quote from: rave_master_narutoif that practice involves satan then quit that activity. It is better that you dont know how to manipulate energy than to manipulate using satanic ways......


why ? because TV or church institution or false bible ( please people do some research ) says that Satan is evil ?


Quote from: pip
Quote from: rave_master_narutoif that practice involves satan then quit that activity. It is better that you dont know how to manipulate energy than to manipulate using satanic ways......


why ? because TV or church institution or false bible ( please people do some research ) says that Satan is evil ?

I agree at all. But we must not forget that what could be "evil" is our physical structure if we consider it in terms of receiving energy from upwards.

I mean, if your body is not prepared for certain subtle energies and they are forced to download into your chakras maybe your mind, closely related to your energy system, would start to amaze. And that's not evil, it's just an "overloading" of your system, and for sure your mind would think of it as "what's going on?". Your ego fights for mind's stability and it gets really nervous when things change suddenly.

In fact, the veils that maintain our minds' stability are really thin and delicate. What would happen if a wind blow would throw away the curtain letting the sun in? (mmm, quite platonic example ;-)).