Dreams of being put together with people you don't want to meet in real life

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I've had recurring dreams over and over.  Some people in the past who I disliked or had a runin with.  Sometimes people I totally forgot about in my life.  I am put into situations with them and I remember that I wronged them in the past. 

it is like your guide is putting you into these situations onpurpose to help you deal with them.  I was put into a position where this one person I really hated, I had to hang out with him and try and be nice and not say negative things even though I know.

But almost 95% of my dreams are of my ex fiance .. I'm put in a position where I have to interact with her even though I've been deathly afraid of meeting her again.  It was a very harsh breakup weeks before the wedding and we've never seen each other since.  I've learned she is married with children etc etc.  But it is like in the dream world they are forcing her to meet me and I'm getting forced to meet her and they are forcing us to get along and work out our issues.   It is so odd..

Anyone else experience these sorts of things in your dreams?


Dear lonecrow66,

just yesterday I watched again an informative video about Reptilians (and alien entities in general) manipulating people and their dreamscapes, to invoke guilt, shame, anger, fear, misery and all that just so they can feed off of them, mainly because suffering means that a tremendous amount of energy is released in a short period of time.

What they do is they infiltrate one's mind in such a way that they use one's own personal symbology and language and they make one relive old traumatic events so they can get to one's energy that way.
I am convinced that their communication also manifests as including themselves in one's mind-chatter such as: "go ahead do it, push him over the edge" or "just do it, rape her, I know you want to do it" etc. or trying to intimidate you "you must be the biggest fool of the earth for what you've just done"

Now I personally wouldn't trust my "guides" even if I knew they were in fact "guides" assigned to me from the astral simply because they are really not all that wise and divine and because the Universe is a place full of deceit, hypocrisy and exploit.

The notion that suffering and pain is happening for a learning purpose is outrageous and suffering shouldn't be justified for any reason whatsoever. If I got to knew that my guides would work to impose suffering on me for the purpose (or pretence) of learning - that would make them my enemy instantly.
The real learning happens through mutual support, compassion and forgiveness not through paying off some kind of Karma.

And why would one need any guide other than the own heart? I don't get it.
It doesn't make any sense to have some ghosts watch over me and make or manipulate my decisions.

Please read my thread about attachments
which helps to release some of the self-imposed suffering.



Thanks for your reply. 

In these scenarios I understand where you are coming from but to me all of these things seem to be intentional as to help us work out our problems.  If anything some of these encounters have left me depressed during the day etc but by exposing me to it over and over I've learned to let go of the hate and anger I have towards these people as I see them in different aspects of life other than what I've experienced in real life.

So I've not had a really negative experience with these..  more of a learning and healing one slowly over time.