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For all you "Demon Slayers"

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Originally posted by Michael_Stonewing

This is truly ridiculous... If their was a demon anywhere associated with anyone that comes here it has most likely gotten bored and banished itself...than again what happens if a demon starts having uncontrollable fits of deep belly laughter?

Well that would be a good result so another technique for the list [:o)]

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759


Hey, people!
I don't have much experience in demon-slaying - so I'll speak in general. I think that high minded persons(those who're trying or have reached their soul-level)shouldn't be arguing about such a things. Look at us: we're here to learn more, to become better, not to offend eachother. I believe that the most powerful and scary demons we should fight first are in ourselves. If we can do that we'll be ready to face the other demons and we would defeat them easily if we're wise and pure enough!...
And the inside demons we should meet first are our weaknesses which are stopping our development: fears, hatred, envy, cowardice and etc....
I wish to all of us luck in fighting with these demons - if we succeed in that the "outside" demons won't be able to reach us.
Best regards


Originally posted by SpectralDragonTime to ignore now.

yeah, i hear ya there.

man this is total non-sense, from almost everyone here.

what do you guys have to prove eh ?


Hmmm people are getting a bit aggressive arn't they. Try to keep to things in mind

1: The bible has been changed so many times its not even funny(You know once it said that if you had sex for pleasure you went to hell).

2: There are two types of demons. If you believe in heaven and hell. There are the fallen angels. Then there are also creatures from the astral that are called demons.

Which demons Ender fights I do not know. Though if you would tell me I would appreciate it.
You can't outrun death but you can make the Bastard work for it.

"Does the Walker choose the Path, or does the Path choose the Walker."

Like a light at the end of a tunnel that goes on forever.


Originally posted by Dark Knight


you are in serious need of a tease.

Tiger my a**, and the antichrist comment I'll just leave there.

A tease? Are you propositioning me? "tiger my A**" is this a hint at some strange desire you have?



Well, seeing how this has turned into a major cat fight...I am now locking my first thread ever! Please take it outside.



You arrogant egotistical self-proclaimed "Demon Hunters" should first read Practical Psychic Self-Defense before you start strutting around claiming you've "fought demons many times before."

First off, they are RARE.

Secondly, they are masters of the mind split. If you don't believe in the mind split, than you obviously haven't tried to prove it while out of body. It takes one demon to possess many, contrary to the Bible's reverse idea that it takes many demons to possess one person.

In order to possess, even slightly, the neg (demon, whatever) needs to scare the crap out of you.

Stop it with this Biblical bullcrap where you talk about Demons "gathering" in places and you running in to save the day with your $20 plastic katanas.

As for those who actually can fight negs, I appologise. Enderwiggin, I used to trust you, but then you started this "I'm a demon slayer" crap. Cut it out.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.