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Guardian Spirits

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How exactly did the neg attack you?  Just curious.  Did it use any core images?  Have you read practical psychic self-defense?   Personally if I were you I would get some holy water and spray it around the house.  I think it was from fredhedd but he said he's been taking some garlic pills.  To me....that sounds like a good idea.  If you ever get bad vibes again....if I were you I would start banging some pots and pans together.  Negs hate noise.  Hmmm...I can't think of anything else....but yeah if you haven't read Roberts new book....go out and get it.  Its really fascinating...and useful.

"I hear and I forget... I see and I remember... I do and I understand."



I just posted you a reply, but psoted it as a new topic. You can see it under attack.



pierre chamois


Hello CZM33X
  Calling upon your guardian spirit  is a very powerful defense. Herbs and stuff makes it so nothing can get the proper energy to attack you and in some cases it makes it where they can't enter your space.


Hello. Is there a certain way one must invoke the protection of higher guardians? If so, how is it done? I am a Christian- just plain old Christian, if that helps. As a Christian what should I do? I have strong desire to get out of my body but I don't want to be posessed or harmed. Is there conditioning I can undergo for my psyche like the martial artists do for their bodies in order to be struck without getting harmed?

Arthur Dent sat in a chair that appeared to be made out of the skeleton of a stegosaurus. Slartibartfast turned to him and said, "that chair was made out of the skeleton of a stegosaurus."


I have strong desire to get out of my body but I don't want to be posessed or harmed.

Don't worry, EnderWiggin, there's not the danger there that you may think there is.
Read Part 7 of the Treatise on OBE (, you'll see that during OBE your body isn't "empty" so there's no more liklihood of being posessed than when you're sleeping.  If you can get a copy of Astral Dynamics, chapter 3 goes into a lot of detail about this.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" - Mark Twain


For the past three days I have sensed something around me I am not comfortable with. It seems stronger at night.
Yesterday I called to my guardian spirit as I usually do before I meditate. I have been doing occult/psychic stuff for about seven years. It doesn't matter what I do I call to my guardian(s) for protection.
Usually when I called out to him for protection I felt safe. This time I still felt uneasy. Like something slimy was prowling around.
I was fully expecting to be protected,but protection was the last thing I received. I was attacked by a negative spirit instead.
I don't understand this event.
He has protected me before. Maybe I should not call him and protect myself with herbs and other stuff instead.