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Increased focus?

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So since about 2012 I've been able to see what you would call orbs/spirits/something from Another dimension. I cannot do much but see them randomly or when I choose be aware of them. I can see them in broad Daylight but it's easier to see them while it being dark. Usually there are always a few around... Might be because I try to attract spirits on Daily basis. They come oftenly as White pure light/yellowish. A few times "indigo"/Deep dark blue. A few times they are black, maybe 1/20 and 1/50 green also 1/20 redish. Usually Im only able to focus completely on a single on for 1-2 seconds since you really can't use your physical Eyes or "try to look at them", but last night I could focus directly at one a bit bigger than usual with somewhat Bright White light in the middle and yelloish in the borders. I have at tiem upon falling asleep seen these orbs become small "entities" and just not a orb...? I thought that as my focus on this orb was so good it would eventually show itself in a sort of a physical shape which has happened while going to sleep once. But after 10-15 seconds with good focus it just seemed do have gone out of the blue ? :(

Any thoughts? Anyone who has experience and knowledge about this and how to develop further? :)


I would work more with the feeling that you have when the vision is active . Psychic vision and hearing can often reflect your beliefs and state of mind rather than other entities.  write down what you see and how you feel at the time. Take note of patterns. Try manipulating the visions. If your direct focussed vision causes the apparitions to vanish, try lowering the light level the eye's rods work better in semi darkness. You have mostly rods in the periphery of your vision. They seem to be sensitive to this phenomenon.

Dont jump to conclusions. work with this over several months. See what patterns emerge and that should help you understand