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Introduction and a long story

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Hello folks :)

This is a little introduction, and a quite long story about strange things that have happenened the last years. Just need to "ventilate" and  hopefully get some feedback as Im abit afraid that im starting to "loose" it, although i feel that im not.. Sorry if its abit to much to read :)

Ive always felt that there are more to it than we know and can feel. I have always, since i was very little felt very religious and i loved
visiting churches but neither my family, nor I have never been involved with anything religious, and i dont confess to any religion, and
really dont feel the need to either. Its a strange religious/spiritual feeling that i have always had.

I had a few expieriences when i was a child where ive seen people that werent really there, and suddently dissappeared but i didnt
really give it much thought.

The strange things started happening about 4+ years ago.
One day i suddently started getting stomache pain, and had problems going to the bathroom (constipated). This lasted for a long time,
almost a year, and i was in and out of hospitals and medcare centers and different checks with experts (coloscopi, xrays/video xrays of
digestion system) etc etc. but no doctors could find out what was wrong. I was feeling very very down around this period of time and
did not know what to do.

One day i was talking to a friend of mine on MSN and she told me that she was chatting with a psychic. I had never heard about this
psychic and had not been in contact with people like that before, but i thought i should give it a go and try to talk with him. After a few
mintes talk he said that he wanted to talk to me on the phone, and gave me his number. He started telling me alot of very detailed

(and correct) things about me, and my family (things i did not even know about myself at that time, but found out to be true later). He
also told me that i had a very big spiritual potential etc.

One of my collegues told me that i should go and visit a woman ho worked with acupunture to see if she could help me with my
stomach, and afer a few consultations at her place my digestion system startet to work again slowly. One of the times i was there her
daughter was also there, and i felt that i knew her from somewhere, and shel felt the same for me. She was a healer, and convinced
me to go to a healing course/seminar with them a weekend, which i did. The woman that held the course said the same as the other
psychic person i had talked to. After this course i started feeling energy around me everywhere and felt energy flowing from my hands.
I also started meditating, which further on strengthened the energy flowing from my hands, but now i started feeling it im my whole

body all the time. When i was meditating lightbulps started breaking in the apartment which i shared with a friend of mine. I also
started having spontaniously out of body experiences and a astral travel experience which really scared me alot, and i decided to stop
everything, but i couldnt. I started seeing shadows and "people" that werent there, and always felt a presence around me. My friend
(which doesnt believe to much in these things) had no problems with lightbulps in his room, but he did not like to be in my part of the
apartment, and felt "watched" when he was there. I switched around 1-2 bulbs each week. One nigh when i meditated i started
shaking in my bed, and sweated so the sheets were wet, 5 bulps broke. I started drinking a bit more than i should to help blocking
everything out, and also went on with long-lasting sleeping medications which "slowed" down my head so i could cope with everything.

I then met her who became my girlfriend, and although i had some strange experiences (obe) and the energy i feel around all 24/7 did
not stop i managed to block out most of it from my everyday life. Then on a boat trip to an island with my girlfriend and two other
people she went into the woods to go to the toilet.  (The only place you can go on land on this island is the place i had my boat, since
there is a strong river on both sides of this island with rocks so i know there werent anyone else there besides us). After she was
finished with her business she stood up and there were a few people standing around here which seemed strange. She said they
talked to her without really talking, and they said that we should leave now, and that they wanted to talk to me. She came out from
the woods frightened and said that we needed to go _asap_.  We drove away and she told me what happened. She is still scared to
this day when we talk about it..

About 6 months ago my best friend was involved in an accident, and they think that he has damaged some of his nerves. The strange
thing about this friend is that everything that happens to him ,usually has already happened, or will happen to me. This friend is also
born around the same time as my twin brother died (before i was born). We have always had a very strong relationship and have been
best friends from the day we met at age 7-8 to this day, almost 20 years later.

My friend was feeling very down and was sick and on heavy medications, but every time i came visit he was feeling well (he started
feeling well the moment i drove up to his house, even before he knew i was there). We stood outside his house and i felt energy
flowing from my body towards him. I didnt mention it since i felt it was a bit "gay" to say :p. He then said that he felt energy was
coming towards him from me..  We sat talking in his house and suddently he got very strange, and started saying that i shouldnt be
afraid, and that he was there to tell me what i already knew, and which way i had to go. I just laughed it away and didnt think much
more of it.

I went home from his house that day and home to my father, where the smoke detector alarm started when i walked under it. It
stopped when i moved a few metres away from it. The "heating cables" in my dads floor also stopped working. When i got home that
day i was sitting in the living room at home with my friend and my girlfriend (we all 3 live share apartment now). He suddently stood up
and walked to his room without saying anything (later he told me that he suddently felt very ill, within a few minutes, but when i closed
the door to his room he got well). A few minutes later my girlfriend became very strange, and her face also seemed to change, and she
was very calm and started saying the exact same thing as my friend told me, even though i did not tell anyone what he said. She said
that she was here to tell me not to be afraid, and that i knew what i had to do.

I was a bit shocked so i went to the kitchen to fix some things, while i was thinking about what they said, and when i went into the
bathroom the lightbulb broke. I then called my friend and asked him why he was saying these things to me, but he couldnt remember
saying anything. He then told me that he had spoke with a healer and asked him if he were the cause of all the lightbulbs (which again
had starting to break in my rooms in the new apartment). The healer started laughing and said that he was not the cause, and that my
friend should use me as a helaer. He also said "Its time to wake up now, theres nothing to be afraid of"... 

I then went out into the livingroom again and asked my girlfriend if she remembered what she had said. She got very strange/scared
and said she knew what she said but didnt know why. She just had to say it..

When i got to work the next day i suddently knew what people were going to say before they said it. When i drove home from work
through a tunnel the lights went of in the tunnel, and when i got home into the hall the lightbulp in the hall broke..

A few days later my girlfriend called me at work and asked why i had locked her inside our bedroom, which i _knew_ i hadnt done. We
keep the lock to the bedroom door on the inside of the door, but now it was locked from the outside. She managed to get herself out of
the room.. When i got home i was thinking about the strange things that happened, and when i was sitting down in my office the
lightbulp broke..

A few months ago i also suddently got extreme pain in my throath which i had for a few days until it got a little better, but i had this
strange "clicking" in my throath when i swallowed, so i went to see a specialist which said i had torn a muscle in my throath, and that i
shouldnt worry about it. I didnt, but a few weeks later my tonsil got swollen and i felt it all the time. So, tuesday last week i went to
another specialist which took alot of tests (which showed that i was perfectly healthy) but he said i had swollen lymf and chronical
swollen tonsil on the right side, and suggested that i should remove the tonsils. Since i now had to specialists saying two different
things i decided to wait before doing anything.

When i woke up thursday i was almost 100% good, the swollen tonsil was perfect and i had very little pain at all.
On Friday we went to a friend of my girlfriend which said she had problems with her tonsil the last weeks.
Friday that same night i started seeing a "video" in my head about her steph-brother, and later that night they was talking about him
and confirmed my story (without me saing anything at all).

On Saturday i went to my girlfriends parents and talked her mother. She told me that the last place she had cancer was in the lymfs.
On Sunday i went home and talked with my friend and suddently i started having back problems and felt exactly were it was, from the
upper back down to the lower. He then told me that this is the nerve that he has damaged. I then felt pain in my stomach, like a "belt"
infront and told my friend that i had somache pains (withouth saying where). He then told me that 3 healers had said the exact same
thing as i felt.. The pain moved up to my chest and before i could say anything he said that the pain now was in his chest. Then the
pain moved to my throath, and he suddently said that he had very much pain in his throath now. The same happened to my right
elbow, and i was lying in my bed shaking and freezing even though it was warm in the room. I had to hang up on him, and got a
message right after saing that he was sweating and shaking... It felt like i unintentionally was "scanning" his body for pains and ills.

Im still afraid that im starting to get crazy, but now there has happened so many strange things that i really dont know what to do.
I cant sleep on my back because then i start slipping out of my body after only a few minutes. I have troubles sleeping on the side as well now because of that, and if i sit in a chair with my eyes open and relax i feel my body starts "locking" and shaking.

Kyrin Blair

Heh, you managed to edit that at 11:23:10 XD

Sounds like you're awakening. It also sounds like you're in very good hands.

It's kinda hard to explain in a post, so message me your screenname if you want to talk about it.
-Supreme Fluffer of Fluffies
"I came into this plane with an attitude and a 3-foot Pixie Stick; I see stupid everywhere, and I plan on doing something about it."