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night, evil, and other things

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This is my first time ever appoaching this subject. Your words are open and honest. By saying your overwhelmed by evil, are you sensitive to it or overcome by it?

I would venture to guess your sensitive to evil and possibly reacting to it . I'm not an expert on this but feel stuck on your post. You seem hurt by this, or am I wrong?

This person you talk about? This is just a guess but is she connected to another or a group? Maybe these feelings are connected someway there and not totally at her. Is this possible? One of the things that has always baffled me is the chemistry that changes when an individual connects to another person or persons. This is confusing and can easily be misdirected.

I plan to get this book too. There is so much to learn on this subject. Thanks for your openess on this. This has given me much to think about.

No matter what, the best action is always to do no harm.

My thoughts are with you in your struggle. The best will find you." border=0>


I would seriously consider getting professional help.  Opening your "psychic door" via black magic is extremely fast, extremely potent, and extremely dangerous.

I was involved in a possession case once, in the presence of a psychologist of 25 years who had "never seen anything like that in my [her] life".

You are at high risk of possession, given what you've written.  Do not let this scare you so much as motivate you to get spritual help, and soon.

I did not believe in possession before I saw what I saw, but believe me when I say it is very real.  It had all the hallmarks: he was speaking in a language I did not understand, his voice went down in pitch a few octaves, and he was able to lift an entire metal bed (around 80-100 pounds) with one arm EASILY (he tried this after the event and wasn't even able to make it budge, much less remember that he actually did that).

I pray for your return from darkness.

Burn your black magic books, get rid of your black metal CDs.  You need to start living a wholesome good spiritual life - more so than the average person because of the danger you are in.  It is going to require a serious lifestyle change, probably permanently.  It will not be easy - but I hope for the best.

Get some help!


the ritiuals you speak of not something you expirement with! do not perform the destruction or compassion ritiuals ever,for any matter what your intentions,good or bad,this is NOT something to fool with! it does not matter if you beleive in this stuff or if you think its a joke,it is not to be played not read the ritiuals out  loud when your thoughts & emotions run wild.a full ceremonial ritiual is not always needed to set things in motion if sufficiantly charged with,say your intense hatred for this person.things,mind you,which inevitably have a twist you will ont like.just leave it alone,drop it,and definately try some of Roberts defense & new energy techniques.


Hi Manueuh
  You have created your own darkness by planning to do this to someone else. I would suggest Roberts Core image removal. I would also look up rituals for undoing spells that have been done. You need to undo your work. I know a number of books that are out there by different authors. You should be able to find one on


Hi Emmanuel!

All the best wishes here from Denmark in your Journey from the dark to the light.

I am not so sure, that I believe in the "Neg" aspect (I have Robert Bruces PPSD lying right beside me, and I have read it allready). But what I believe in is, that no matter if they exist or not - they HAVE to have some sort of "starting-point(s)" inside of us !! ... (Robert call's them Core Images, psycotherapeuts would perhaps call them Childhood Memories / Traumas).

I know i had (and have) them in me ;-) ...

They are basically Unresolved matters, typically many years old, that (at the time they were created), contained a LOT of feelings!! ... (This is perhaps the most important aspect of this - the fact, that it is not WHAT the situation was, but how STRONG the feelings were at the time, that are important !!)

These Core Images or Memories (Real or Imaginary) is (I think) like "black holes" in our personality, that uses a lot of our life-energy.

So the ideĆ” is to get down to the root of the situations that still has an emotional effect on you (even a small one!), when you think back to that situation!. Once you have localiced such a situation, either try the Core image removal technique (Which is actually quiet fun *LOL*), or if you want to learn (!) from that situation, try to obtain a copy of Brandon Bay's "Journey Works". ->

That was MY starting-point, when I first started working on/ with my self a couple of years ago, and it is really effective in creating a more "whole" you! (AND - the first time you actually "come home" to yourself is such a tear-breaking uplifting experience, that I have no words to describe it with !)

The keyword when working with yourself in all of this is "Forgiveness" ... No more, no less - but absolutely and completely forgiveness against others and yourself. And if you don't feel like you can give that yet, it just mean, that there are more in this situation, that you neither haven't understood, or haven't seen yet ;-) ...

You are doing a great job, and you have my deep respect in denying the dark side of you a strong foothold inside of you! ... That is one of the most difficult tasks in our lives (Was for me, anyway *S*), as the darker side on the surface allways seems stronger, more appealing than the "right" side ;-) ...

I have worked with similar things inside of myself too - and when things get "rough" (For me it feels like they are coming in "waves" of variyng strength ??), I try to use the little sentence beneath my name to it's fullest extent!

That means every thought, every emotion, every urge are held up against those three little "life-rules", and dismissed if they fail one of them ;-) ...
It's though, but it's a lifesafer when things are REALLY dark inside ;-) ...


--- One thing at a time, be in NOW, and be gentle to yourself ---

--- One thing at a time, be in NOW, and be gentle to yourself ---

--- Your biggest obstacle is most of the time also your most powerfull startingpoint ---
