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The Three Knocks

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This was an occurrence of High Strangeness

I think it was an intrusion into the Physical from the Non-Physical

The "Three Knocks" is a phenomenon I may have read about elsewhere, but I cannot remember where. I did read about it a few years ago as I worked my way through the Whitley Strieber UFO/abduction Communion series of books; about seven of them. This aspect of his story eventually evolved into a form of communication with his ET's where he would be meditating in his upstate New York cabin and they would announce either their arrival or simply their presence through a series of definite knocks on the exterior walls of his cabin or the roof- three sets of three knocks each. Sometimes this indicated a definite contact, other times not. There is a town out in the American Midwest that many people reported the phenomenon back in the '80's or '90's....along with a strange fog

I have never received three sets of three...but I have received three short knocks.

The last time I was at the Monroe Institute, back in 2021 for the StarLines 2 course, I think it was the second night and I had already had NP phenomena going on around me the first night and second day. Middle of the night, 2AM and I am awake and 3 knocks directly to the wooden frame of the left side of my bed, then an identical knock on the right, then a final knock under my back right beneath my heart chakra area...that was it, nothing else...but unmistakable.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

I am doing nothing all day except casually watching an all-day marathon of Ancient Aliens shows on cable, some are worthwhile, some not so much. Around 5:30PM, I am in the kitchen making some dinner. Now, my television is close to my front door and I have a decent soundbar and speakers which sometimes surprise me with the loud sounds it can create. My stovetop is part of a large brick enclosure which obstructs my view of the living room and television, so as I am cooking, I am occasionally taking a peek to see what the show is about. While I am cooking, I hear a loud WHUMP! And it gets my attention enough that I look at the TV but cannot figure out what in the soundtrack may have generated such a loud sound...I go back to cooking. Two minutes later, an even louder WHUMP sounds! I check the TV again and even replay the DVR 30 seconds to figure out what the disturbance was but it's nothing I can attribute to the TV show...

I finish my cooking and take my plate into the living room and sit down in front of the TV. A minute later, a third WHUMP happens and I am almost knocked out of my seat! It is as if a 200 or 300 pound animal/thing has crashed against my front door with such force I thought the door would break apart and fly into the room! I was truly frightened, thinking some 300 pound man or animal had flung itself against my front door! I quickly grabbed a gun and clicked off all the lights in the house. Not having a doorbell camera or video, I felt very vulnerable in not knowing what was possibly outside. I spent thirty minutes slowly checking the premises but could find nothing. The next day, I expected to find some damage to my front door but there was nothing. And nothing since.

I've had ghosts and ET's on occasion throughout my life, but this was an entirely new experience. 
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


What an intense experience, EV! There is an Ancient Aliens episode dedicated to the significance of three. It's quite interesting. You said you were watching Ancient Aliens marathon and your prolonged focus was on ETs that day. Then you have the experience. When I focus intensely on ETs I always have unusual experiences whether physical or non-physical. When I was little and we discussed ETs and UFOs at home, shortly after unexplained noises around the house would start, or the door bell would ring but no one is at the door. 
I think what we focus on we attract, and since some ET civilizations are more developed and able to perceive multiple dimensions and energies, they can perceive our focus on them, desire to connect, and they respond to the sender one way or another according to the sender's ability to receive and perceive. 
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I experienced the 3 knock phenomenon on 2 occasions EV. Both occasions were at my home in the suburbs. On both occasions my partner and I were in the kitchen and heard 3 very loud knocks about a second apart. They were not like someone knocking on a door, much louder, much more force and not as localized as a typical knock. They seemed to come from the front of the house, but the sound resonated through the house. On both occasions we put all exterior lights on. After some time past, I checked all doors and windows. There was no signs of damage or any physical activity. These events occurred in the evening around 9:00 p.m. or so. It was very unsettling.

One must always rule out a "test" knock by thieves when casing a house. They knock on typically the front door and wait to see if there is any signs of life, I.e. the lights coming on. If no lights or activity, this can be followed with the front door being broken in shortly thereafter. So always turn on all the lights after such a knocking encounter.

I am not convinced the knocking was thieves at my house. This was due to the thumping/knocking not having any of the characteristics of a typical test knock on a door. It was more of a loud thumping designed to get your attention in a rattling manner and not designed to merely get one to open the door. What it was I do not know, but I know I have always been tuned into the metaphysical, and that was very likely its origin. ETs are always a possibility.

Other phenomena have occurred on occasion in my home. I have smelled the distinct smell of cigarettes when no one has ever smoked in my home. I have also had a VERY creepy white noise event on a tv in the middle of the night with multiple voices talking through the tv in unison. I woke up to the voices as did my cats. They knew something was not right and scurried top speed under the bed.

So much goes on just beyond the veil, that often pierces the physical realm.

"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee


 The power of the 3's. If anything, it gets your attention. That is usually the meaning of them. I use sets of 3's in my Art as much as I can. Especially sets of 3 spirals. I also have always had passion for "Triskelions".

 I have a feeling in your case EV that it was a reassurance that "they" are always there. You are never alone!  :-) Sometimes we need one of those "hmm" moments and it could be a "pre-curser" of what is to come.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I get knocks and doorbells a lot. Sometimes voices calling me. But it all happens exclusively in hypnagogic state. It is not physical in my case. When I then get up and check I find nothing.

I interpret it as a message of s.o. from the non-physical trying to communicate with me. The doorbell or phone ringing is probably a literal 'call' from otherwhere.


Thank you all for the replies! I was really intrigued and looking forward to your insights and personal experiences and it seems phenomena of this sort have touched many of us!

LB, it occurred to me as well that even without a direct focus on ET's, the all-day marathon of Ancient Aliens may have sparked a connection and response. I think you are right that they can monitor our thoughts and energies much more easily than we can theirs.

Frosty, you describe the knocks/whumps exactly as I experienced them- they seemed to resonate through my house and I also sensed the energy as being more 'generalized' as opposed to 'localized', like the entire front door and its frame were going to explode inward. You also mentioned once having the smell of cigarettes in the house...funny thing that Whitley Strieber recounts the cigarette smell with some of his ET visitations and earlier in his life encounters with a child-sized character he came to suspect as a disguised ET or NP entity that was constantly chain-smoking, with a weathered and worn face that made him seem ancient and very strange.

Lumaza, yes after my initial shock wore off, I had the thought of reassurance, letting me know they were around and maybe a pre-cursor of something to come.

Volgerle, yes...early morning hypnopompic imagery for me, as well! All sorts of noises and voices, all seemingly designed to communicate s/o presence, LOL.

I suspect the UFO/ET connections with our NPR/Spirit experiences are much more involved and complex than we know.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: Volgerle on December 29, 2024, 16:03:39I get knocks and doorbells a lot.
You know the funny thing is, I get those "phantom doorbells" too during Hypnagogia, but my actual doorbell doesn't work, and I still get "punked" by it. Lol!  :-D  :-o  :-P
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


My hypnogogic occurrences typically consist of a loud "Hey!" which then leads to lots of wall scratching and occasional thumping sounds. No doorbells yet. Lots of visuals though.
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee


Quote from: Lumaza on December 29, 2024, 19:56:51You know the funny thing is, I get those "phantom doorbells" too during Hypnagogia, but my actual doorbell doesn't work, and I still get "punked" by it. Lol!  :-D  :-o  :-P
Same here!!  :-D  Forgot to mention it but I even dismantled the doorbell myself about 3 years ago because it always startled me and I can't stand it at all. If s.o. pushed it nowadays you would only hear a very soft humming sound at all, so the sound is 'historic' and yes, I get 'punked' and even more startled by it too.
What I get a lot recently is the front door being slammed. But no one used it when I check.

Quote from: Frostytraveler on December 29, 2024, 20:06:01My hypnogogic occurrences typically consist of a loud "Hey!" which then leads to lots of wall scratching and occasional thumping sounds. No doorbells yet. Lots of visuals though.
I often get my first name called. Sometimes by known voices (e.g. recently my mother, she's alive still, so I suspected a telepathic origin), sometimes by voices I don't know.


Oh yes, I have heard my first name called out as well. It's amazing just how clear it is.
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee


Hi EV, you had quite the experience. Your first words were
"This was an occurrence of High Strangeness
I think it was an intrusion into the Physical from the Non-Physical"

Trust your instincts. Opening the door which would be the equivalent of opening your mind, to these intrusive beings or thoughts is the danger mystics, gurus and religious leaders have always warned us about.

I do not say that to stir up the fear mongering so prevalent in today's and yesteryear's demon culture. But to ignore your own trepidation is a clear sign of insanity. Trust yourself and know that on the mental plane you are always protected, so long as you are aware of your own sovereignty and power.

Now, on to the rest of your post. I have experienced a lot of hypnogogic occurrences while near sleep or wakefulness and yes even wide awake. Can't say I've ever noticed  but do know the importance of three.

It is my understanding that the ETs have been put under court order to receive permission before interfering with our lives. Some are very diplomatic, they will conduct a meet and greet. Some are very brusque in manner and some ignore court orders. Much the same as we humans.

All of these things can take place on the physical, mental and yes spiritual plane. Some people appear to be plagued by these happenings, others not so much and some not at all.

Also understand that while everyone {it seems} is touting the superiority of these beings that that is not necessarily the case. Many of them are just trying to find their way and using what ever tools or knowledge they have available.



The three knocks phenomenon has also been associated with midwayer activity.

You don't have to believe this, but considering everything else that's out there- here's maybe a lesser known lore. I had never considered the UB until 16  years after it was introduced to me and even now I find more important than any revelatory text or third party opinions-

Is the personal relationship with the mostly unseen but living, loving and guiding intelligence.

Quote[According to The Urantia Book, midwayers are unique beings that exist between the mortal and angelic realms on inhabited worlds. They are often referred to as "midway creatures" due to their intermediate nature[1][7].

## Key Characteristics of Midwayers

**Nature and Origin:**
- Midwayers are neither mortal nor fully angelic, but possess qualities of both[3].
- They are permanent inhabitants of evolutionary worlds, including Earth (Urantia)[1].
- There are two orders of midwayers: primary and secondary[3][6].

**Abilities and Functions:**
- Midwayers are invisible to most humans but can interact with the physical world[3][5].
- They serve as intermediaries between humans and celestial beings[2].
- Midwayers assist in spiritual guidance and development of the human race[2].
- They act as observers and communicators for supernatural beings[4].

**Relationship to Humans:**
- Midwayers are considered "elder brethren" to humans and have a kinship interest in Earth's destiny[1].
- They compensate for the gap between material and spiritual affairs on Urantia[1].
- Secondary midwayers are closer to humans in nature and can manipulate physical objects[3].

## Historical Context

The Urantia Book states that primary midwayers originated about 500,000 years ago, while secondary midwayers descended from the line of Adam approximately 37,000 years ago[3]. They play a crucial role in planetary evolution and will continue to do so until Earth reaches a state of "light and life"[1].


I was not aware of midwayers. I will have to add the Urantia book to my readings; thank you Tides.

I wonder at the possible relationship of midwayers to elementals or the little guys on the astral surgical team? There seem to be some correspondences.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


When I or we've heard 3 knocks it's been in homes or office where there is some kind of grief or anxiety or tension at. From what I got my hands on it is "bad spirits" (I don't know what words I could use, sounds wrong but) mocking the trinity (God spirit and Jesus). One time it happened when I was talking to someone about something difficult (about an ex) but as quickly as the door was open no one was there. Before that I would have a different "real" dream where the ex was at and 3 candle lights that caught my attention as it was not much else there. As weird and crazy as it may sound later I discovered past life and the one I was then was involved in spirituality her own way and then it was no mocking but showing me what that path was. Now I don't know what to make of it but nice to read about everyone else's having experienced this, that I'm not alone.