The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: Anonymous on April 08, 2004, 13:37:10

Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: Anonymous on April 08, 2004, 13:37:10
One thing I would suggest is to force your will on your attacker's avatar to make it show itself. Once you see it, you can destroy it, and, rather than destroy your attacker, you remove the power behind him or her. If this doesn't work, then perhaps try a scare tactic with your attacker. Give them a good whack to let them know that you aren't going to take their crap.

If you don't know how to fight in the astral, PM me. I can give you some tips, but I don't think I remember what you posted about a month ago, so I will need you to refresh my memory or send me the link to your original post.
Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: wendi on April 10, 2004, 11:55:30
Enderwiggen:  Please tell me what an avatar is.  I can tell you what I know about the attackers.  One is an etheric revenant and the other is a demon.  It is not possible to go out of body because of their strength.  There may be others besides the two strongest.

Salvation is of the Lord.

Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: Anonymous on April 11, 2004, 15:57:05
Hi Wendi

An avatar is a metaphor of the thing empowering your attacker. It could appear in this case as a velociraptor, a bat, a rat, a spider, etc., something that symbolizes evil.

If you would like me to destroy your demonic nuisances, I would be glad to, but I would like you to tell me everything you can about them first. I will also need some other information, which I will ask you for later.

I will PM you with more information.

Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: wendi on April 11, 2004, 21:26:02
Hi Ender--

I do have more information on my attackers.

The etheric revenant was once a man living somewhere called Massachussetsville, called Irish Tom, and he suffered from some kind of mania.

The demon is a demon.

They have been Named.

I will have to think about the avatar thing.

I am not the most computer literate person, so it will take me a while to work on the things in your PM.  Thank you.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit:
Spirit of wisdom and understanding, enlighten our minds to perceive the mysteries of the universe in relation to eternity.  Spirit of right judgement and courage, guide us and make us firm in our baptismal decision to follow Jesus in way of love.  Spirit of knowledge and reverance, help us to see the lasting value of justice and mercy in our everyday dealings with one another. May we respect life as we work to solve problems of family and nation, economy and ecology.  Spirit of God, spark our faith, hope and love into new action each day.  Fill our lives with wonder and awe in your presence which penetrates all creation.  Amen

For all gentle thoughts and mild.

Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: Anonymous on April 14, 2004, 21:32:34
Hi Wendi

What exactly does the demon do when it attacks you? I do not know the names of demons- a demon is a demon to me, so when I fight it, I just look for its weaknesses. One thing I do is remind them that sucking energy from others will only work for so long. They hate love energy. Love makes them see the truth. They hate the truth because it makes them vulnerable. Just as they find cracks in our defenses of light, there are cracks in their defenses of darkness.
Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: wendi on April 15, 2004, 22:16:59

I'm not quite sure how you define love energy, but this demon seems to want it.  It wants to see the truth, and twist it for its own purposes.  It attacks me mentally with profanity, attacks my nervous system--trying to induce anxiety and exhaustion, trys to pick out objects and people in my home/life to "fetishize" as it calls it.  This last seems to be some sort of way to cue emotions or other sorts of mental states.

What I mean by Named is what you read about in some Christian books on deliverance.

Tis the gift to be simple, Tis the gift to be free, Tis the gift to come down where we out to be--and when we find ourselves in the place just right, Twill be in the valley of love and delight.  When true simplicity is gained, To bow and to bend we shan't be asham'd, to turn, turn, will be our delight, Til by turning, turning we come round right.  Simple Gifts.
Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2004, 01:46:38
Truth mixed with lie is often how evil attacks us. I read this on another forum. I hope these words will help you. I am sure they will help me.

10/13/03 - The Story:

Captain Ignorant, Captain Foolish, and Captain Wise are racing their ships across the Arctic ocean. At some point in their journey, each captain encounters a wide fleet of icebergs blocking his path.
Captain Ignorant feels that if he rams the iceberg fleet hard enough, his ship will valiantly plow straight through, saving him time. He eagerly anticipates stealing the trophy while the other captains in their cowardice are still navigating around the icebergs.

Captain Foolish knows better than to risk damaging his precious ship. Being a smart man who cares about safety, he thinks for a while before coming up with the safest solution possible: drop anchor. While the other captains are taking irrational risks dealing with icebergs, Captain Foolish can avoid all risk by standing still.

Captain Wise never forgets his reason for crossing this ocean. Being an experienced man who knows how to handle his ship, upon encountering each iceberg he applies his knowledge and adjusts his rudder appropriately to navigate nimbly through the iceberg fleet. He was the only captain to cross the finish line.

Weeks later, a search team found Captain Foolish frozen and starved to death on his anchored ship, while Captain Ignorant's body and splintered ship were found dashed upon the ice. While Captain Wise fulfilled his destiny, the others met their fate.

The Lesson:

There are those who are predators, those who are prey, and those who are neither. The third group has transcended both - they neither engage in predatory behavior, nor do they let themselves be preyed upon. This is the functional ideal for those whose spiritual paths are directed toward being Service-to-Others.

Victims and victimizers cannot exist without each other. Become one, and you eventually become the other. Like rooms of a skyscraper where each ceiling is a floor and each floor a ceiling, the realms of those in an STS hierarchy involve being both predator and prey.

When attacked by a predator, there are three ways to respond: by being an even greater predator and beating them back into their place with brute force (mode of the wolf), by taking no action and letting oneself become prey (mode of the sheep), and by acting impeccably to stay entirely out of the predator-prey loop (mode of the shepherd).

Because feeding STS is itself an STS act, those who let themselves be prey are choosing to deepen their placement in the hierarchy. The sheep acts entirely out of avoidance - not only the avoidance of being a predator, but even the avoidance of defense. Those who make avoidance an ends rather than a means to an ends, never reach the true end. Captain Foolish anchored his boat rather than completing the race because he made avoiding the ice bergs his single greatest concern. Those who avoid, without seeking to progress, become prey and by feeding STS predators become increasingly STS themselves.

Unlike the sheep, the wolf attacks and defends, but for all the wrong reasons. It defends out of ego, acts against the attacker's ego, and has at its fulcrum the vice of self-importance. The wolf's battle is waged upon the plane of information, entirely within the STS realm.

The Shepherd also defends - but his way does not defend ego, nor does it purposely attack ego. It attacks only lies, and defends only universal truth. His battle rebuffs the wolf's attacks without actually entering its realm. The Shepherd's staff, his gnostic connection to objective reality, is a powerful defensive weapon.

Nevertheless, the wolf can win two ways: 1) by killing the flock and thus starving the Shepherd, and 2) by luring him into the forest where the wolf's entire pack can rip him to shreds.

The first translates to discrediting the target and using tricks to fool others into ignorantly abandoning or persecuting him. The second equates to taunting him into sinking to the level of his attackers, so that he enters their realm and then becomes fair game.

The Wolf-Shepherd dynamic plays itself out in many ways.

For example, it occurs frequently between 4D STS forces and 3D humans whose evolutionary paths are directed toward STO. The latter are afforded synchronistic protection by Creation against freewill-violating events, protection which is in proportion to their level of knowledge and being. Truth forms a shield that remains impenetrable only when used impeccably, and with integrity. It is therefore the intent of 4D STS in certain instances to taunt their targets into lowering their emotional frequency and forgetting what they have learned, so that the shield of truth remains weakened or unused. Then, by further straying from their own realm of protection, these individuals open themselves up to certain defeat, something they chose by giving in to their internal weaknesses. They lose the battle not because their attackers were stronger, but because they could not maintain intellectual, spiritual, and emotional integrity.

Thus, striving to maintain integrity and impeccability is necessary to stay outside the predator-prey loop, neither succumbing to predator's attacks nor employing such tactics in return. Truth is one's best ally, as it holds its own ground. Share that same ground by aligning with truth, and there is no need to fight fire with fire. This requires knowing and purifying oneself - negative forces can only manipulate you through elements of your own being that resonate with them, which explains why the battle is won not by fighting externally, but by winning the internal battle first. Tendencies to defend ego, to get insulted, to not live up to what one knows, to avoid responsibility or take upon oneself the responsibility of others, etc... are all examples of faults that in time will disappear but are, for the moment, things to watch out for.

To give a practical example of the dynamics described above, consider the case of internet message boards. There is a repeating pattern of disruptors descending in coordinates packs to disrupt and eventually corrupt such public forums. Wittingly or unwittingly, all such disruptors are agents of intelligence agencies, whether government or hyperdimensional intelligence. Organic portals and related matrix agents are most frequently the ones to play the part of wolves in these cases, for they are cunning, most easily programmed and directed by 4D STS who function as the central coordinating mechanism, a 4D octopus with 3D matrix agents as its arms. What would the Shepherd do in such a case if he were facing attack and undue criticism? Those who have survived these message board onslaughts with integrity generally learn the following:

1) Acknowledge any truth in the criticism.
2) Remain non-judgmental, observant, impeccable, and calm.

3) If necessary, reveal only the universal truth in the situation.

4) Disarm an attack by revealing its underlying mechanism for all to see.

5) Never attack or defend ego, for that puts you dangerously upon their turf.

6) The battle is waged for the undecided who deserve an informed choice, not the permanently ignorant.

7) You cannot and should not override freewill, but you can help people use it.

To avoid defeat by distraction or avoidance, never abandon your principles or give up progress for the sake of defense.

This is good advice for life in general, not just message boards. There are some things worth fighting for, and some things not worth fighting for. Pick your battles wisely, and know thyself.

It would seem to me your demon plays the part of Captain Ignorant as well as the wolf. Truth is the obstacle that it chooses to plow straight through, and it wants you to be its sheep so that it can prey on you. Look at how it attacks you and what effect it is trying to have on you. Maintain your integrity. Wait long enough, and you will watch your demon fall. Remember, you must be the Shepherd, not the sheep or the wolf. Also, always keep in mind how the shepherd is defeated by the wolf.

You might want to save that advice I posted from the other forum. I plan to refer to it again someday. Also, remember that the truth CANNOT be twisted. Truth protects itself automatically just because it is the truth. Truth that can be twisted is not all truth. Whatever part of the 'truth' your demon can twist is a lie. Either that or your demon is telling you a lie derived from the truth.

I would also pray to your god for the perception you need to overcome this. Protection will help you once, but perception will help you forever. You can always pray for both.
Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: wendi on April 16, 2004, 23:46:49
Thank you for the cool story.

I want to explain a little more about how it twists the truth.  I mean that it wants the truth to use it for its own purposes.  Are you familiar with judo?  One way to win at judo is to use your opponents energy to bring them down.  It's actually the ideal way but not always seen in practice.

Saint Michael the Archangel,
Defend us in battle
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the malign one;
May God rebuke him we humbly pray;
And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
By the power of God, thrust into hell
satan and all evil spirits
Who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.  Amen.
Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: Anonymous on April 18, 2004, 22:57:42
Hi Wendi

The truth is the Grand Master of judo. I say let your demon have it. I myself study kung fu, which is a very flowing art. Judo is based off of many of the same concepts of kung fu.

Try to sense the nature of your demon. Try to sense how your demon's nature "flows." Then try to sense your own nature and see how you flow. Perhaps then you will understand how it has penetrated your natural defenses, how it will react, and then how to use its own nature against it.

Truth is the ground. Since you align yourself with the truth, you have more power. The demon is trying to align itself with the ground but doesn't understand how to use the power of the ground to get what it REALLY desires (the truth is, your demon's true desires are hidden to itself because of all the 'shortcuts' it is trying to take). Plain and simple, your demon cannot win.

If I could meet you in person, I would be better able to understand how you flow because I would be able to hear your voice inflections and see how our energies interact in real time. I have had a few breakthrough revelations in the past few days concerning the nature of being, and I am now able to tell how a person's nature flows if I meet them in person. I am not suggesting that we meeting person or saying we shouldn't, I am just telling you what I am capable of, which is feeling the energy of a person's being when they are physically present. These observations bring forth a really incredible and wonderful feeling. Over time, perhaps I can describe to you what I have learned so that you may gain the knowledge of how to do it. The same night I figured this stuff out, I saw my soul mate in a vision. I have not yet met her and I have no idea if I will in this life.
Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: kenshinhan604 on April 19, 2004, 04:46:07
wat techniques do u use to disarm them?
Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: wendi on April 19, 2004, 11:27:46
Dear Ender:

I like the way you view the martial arts.

May I comment on the breakthrough revelations you have been having?  It sounds like you are experiencing some kind of guardian energy.  If you know Tarot, have you been getting Temperance, the 3 of swords, or Death?

I'm also going to try to PM you.

Criosta an Ri.
Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: wendi on April 19, 2004, 11:46:58
Dear Kenshinhan604:

My best techniques have been prayer and meditation.

I arise today through God's strength to pilot me, God's might to uphold me, God's wisdom to guide me, God's eye to see before me, God's ear to hear me, God's word to speak for me, God's hand to guard me, God's way to lie before me, God's shield to protect me, God's host to secure me--against snares of devils, against temptations and vices, against inclinations of nature, against everyone who shall wish me ill, afar and anear, alone and in a crowd....Christ, be with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ where I lie, Christ where I sit, Christ where I arise, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyman who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.  Salvation is of the Lord.  Salvation is of the Lord.  Salvation is of the Christ.  May your salvation, O Lord be ever with us.
Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: wendi on May 09, 2004, 06:53:50
Dear EnderWiggen:

I have been unable to contact you via telephone. My true Guide has said there is something in the astral air there that is preventing this.  Are you safe?  I AM.  Will continue to make the attempt.  ATTEMPT ME,ATTEMPTERS~

Dear sincere people: the elil in Watership Down referred to demons and stuff like that.

Dear insincere people:  The Black Rabbit has returned. Happy?

Lord me, lords: of black shame, that is--Whoa!  The Black Rabbit on you poos.  I got a pile of it just for you (kitty poo): on my kitchen rug: in Michigan, USA

May the Lords of Rohan keep you runnin': ap aint the Shire no more: gotta go__time for church

Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: Anonymous on May 10, 2004, 12:35:39
Hi Wendi

I am safe but at war with at least one powerful spirit. I have been wondering about you. I don't like destroying spirits, but if I find it necessary, I will. Sorry I haven't been in touch. This is academic hell-week for my college. We have finals, final papers, projects, etc. It's all piled on for this week. The longest you will have to wait is about six months or so. I hopefully will have my own apartment by then, so we can talk about this openly. I do not plan on having a roommate, at least not immediately. I've got to get going now before distraction takes over and I lose motivation for school work. Talk to you soon.
Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: Nita on May 10, 2004, 23:34:59
Hello Wendi
  If the demon flakes out over sexual energy then it is probably an incubus. You do not attack demons but you do banish them. If you want some more advise PEM me at
Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: Nay on May 10, 2004, 23:37:55
Soooooo off topic, but what the heck..NICE TO SEE YOU NITA!! [:D]

Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: Anonymous on May 11, 2004, 12:30:43
What exactly is the difference between a neg and a demon, and by whose definition? I classify Demons as being a class above Ghouls or Litches. I was told that bacteria is the weakest kind of demon and it manifests itself physically.
Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: wendi on May 12, 2004, 23:04:49
Negative beings: negs: Demons: "GHOULS and LITCHS": mONSTER, BY JOHHN MICHAEL GREER--


I take refuge in the Buddha, and I wish all sentient beings will awaken to the Great Path, and make the Supreme Resolution.

I take refuge in the Dharma, and I wish all sentient beings would penetrate the suttas, their wisdom as deep as the ocean.

I take refuge in the Sangha, and I wish all sentient beings would be brought together in GREAT HARMONY, WITHOUT ANY OBSTRUCTION AT ALL

While at a Buddhist practice session, it was there I first heard the Call of the Guardian, there were 3 of us, and the others mentioned being out of their consciousnesses more than usual, one seemed to feel a slight amount of guilt, and mentioned it, and the other agreed; I howver, heard cry behind the dog's bark and the babies' cry
like the cry of a grate animal:NOT WANTED,NOTE HUMANS,NOT NEEDED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>out.The Koehler method of Dog Training, which I liked, but even his method wont work on them:ratinlozing is helpful here-ALL SAT:carcass remover:garlic:asafoetida:sulfur compunds:organize the Vital Force:SULFUR:A DEFIGNITE PESRONLATY WAS DENOTEDAND NEARLYEJECTED,BUTMY VM WAS TOO WEEKsil10m eHEM: CAMOMILLA/BOTH KINDS/VARIOUSPOS WERE REQUIRED UP TO AN INCLUDING 50M;ITDONTLIKECAMOMILLA--




Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: Nita on May 13, 2004, 23:18:50
Hello Wendi
  Where there is great hatred are the fetters of Hell
  Where there is great avarice are the fetters of the tortured spirits
  Where there is great ignorance are the fetters of the beast
  Where there is great lust are the fetters of man
  Where there is great envy are the fetters of the demigods
  Where there is great pride re the fetters of the Gods
  These are the fetters of non-liberation
  Hundred thousand Songs, Selections for Mirarepa
I have never found a religion yet that does not have some form of Hell or Demons even if they are the ones that you create yourself. Negs cover everything and every type of entity. Demons are specific to the effects and the fact that they come from other realities.
  It is a matter of phrasing.
Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: volcomstone on May 14, 2004, 12:41:18
bacteria as demons eh?

I would think virus's are most likely a demon, as bacteria have VERY usefull, and IMPORTANT roles in the biosphere.
if it wasn't for bacteria, our dead would never decay. Our plants would never grow, and the soil would be poison.

even then virus's are natures way of controlling large populations,
virus's almost seem "engineered" perfectly so that they spread easily in over-poplated areas (IE HONG KONG, CHINA)

have you ever seen a virus micrograph? they are strange geometric little shapes, very reminiscant of B-movie sci-fi robots.
virus's aren't even alive, they are little "gene" programs, which causes the host to destroy itself

the allusions and links to demons are Obviously there. And if demons ARE bacteria, that would imply that DEmons have a use, a function. and only after balance is broken do they cause any trouble to the host.

If we weren't so damned over-populated (and dirty), we wouldn't have massive plagues.
Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: Anonymous on May 15, 2004, 15:44:50
The Tao is neither light nor dark. It simply is. When it becomes unbalanced on one side, the other becomes apparent and detectable.

I have seen viruses. they are quite strange, and are a lot harder to treat. There are few ways to get rid of a virus. One is by using your energy. Give it a good blast of qi energy and that will usually screw with it. Do this a few times a day for ten minutes a session. You will notice a difference rapidly. It worked for my very sore throat.

Bacteria do have a function. demons can appear as humans, on the earth plane. Angels can also do this. It is very mysterious.
Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: techno_fantasyix on May 16, 2004, 15:17:18

          My advice is simply to pray to your higher power for an angel that specializes in
these types of attacks to help you.If you have any addictions or if you are prone
to fear or depression shake loose from them.
          Your negative entity can also disguise itself as an angel so I don't advocate
trying to speak to your angel as it tries to help you.Also DO NOT try any witchcraft/
ritualistic techniques because spirits tend to be drawn to energy, and you seem to be
in a very sensitive state right now.
          Detaching yourself from negativity and praying for assistance is some of the
best advice I can give you.
Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: Ken on May 19, 2004, 14:04:16
I have been attacked by evil spirits,and I have found the following things work.

Waking reality: Symbols of protection painted on stones or drawn on paper,which are placed in your bedroom or whatever room you have seen or felt activity of a negative spirit nature. Earth banishing pentagram of a blue color. Burning a mixture of exorcism and protection herbs. An exorcism ritual.
Calling for help from St. Michael the archangel, and or calling for help from your guardians.

Altered states: White light made into a ball or balls and thrown at my attackers. Earth banishing pentagram.
I have found white light to be very effective.
Title: update on psychic attack
Post by: wendi on April 08, 2004, 10:28:54
Last March I requested help at this site for an attack I was experiencing.  One person who responded suggested that I update you on the advice I received, and this seems like a good time to do so.

The best advice I got was to have Reiki at the Master level.  Ting-sha chimes were suggested:  they have only been helpful in telling me and one of my Reiki practioners of the presence of negative energy.  Essential oils have only been helpful to me personally in a psychological sense.

I want to discuss some of the things I tried in Psychic Self-Defense.
The Egg Ritual was only useful in telling me that I was dealing with something that was only interested in self-aggrandizement.
Robert Bruce's suggestion to seek help from churches was very good advice.  I go to an Assembly of God, a Baptist Church, and a liberal, Christian-based church that accepts all life-affirming faiths.  The problem with the latter is that it accepts homosexuality as an alternate lifestyle, and these things flake out at any sort of neurotic sexual activity.

The Core Image Technique helped me see the real nature of the being(s).  Also very good meditation practice.

The best help, which I have found on my own, is the use of high-potency homeopathic remedies, and Bach flower remedies.  I have had to adapt the basic classical Hahnemannian approach, but I often get immediate results in getting rid of the symptoms of attack.  Bach flower remedies work differently and are a little more limited, but I have also gotten immediate and powerful results.

I wanted to mention, one of the books Robert talks about as good, to NOT be good advice:  Modern Magic, by Donald Kraig.  This is basically low to medium-low alchemy/witchcraft, and the sexual stuff in the back is crud.  I have a question for the people reading this:  Is there any kind of pagan spirituality out there that does not idolize cultural attitudes toward sexuality or treat it as a separate category of real life?

Thanks for your responses.

Heavenly Queen, Mother of all, we call upon you in this moment of deep gravity.  Intercede for us in all our earthly doings.  Jesus, Our Lord and Savior, Redeemer, who died for us on the cross, may we all respond to his call, for sanctification and goodness.  We, your children, need your care and protection in this last hour.
Oh Mother, Most Pure, Most Loving, Mother of Love Eternal, watch over us, we call upon you now--in a Time of Darkness and Evil.  Our Hearts are open to your Heaveny Care, of which we need so desperately.  Our Lady of the Pilar, of Zaragoza, pray for us.  Amen.

I take refuge in the Sangha.
Om Nama Shivaya.
