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I wanna know what you all think about Halloween
I.E Do any of you believe that the wall between this plane and theirs gets thinner allowing them to get stronger?
or whatever.

I personally believe in the whole halloween thing. That's why I still put a Pumpkin up on my window ledge.


The wall between planes stays the same but more spirits are drawn here during Halloween because people are prepared to be frightened. These spirits use the fear and emotions of others to become stronger.


I love Hallowe'en, but I love Fall in general because it's the time of the year where everything 'looks' magical, at least for me.
Where I live in the morning it fogs a little, and every place looks magical- you can almost see the wood sprites and elves and all of that.
Even the light looks different.
So to me, even if the veil stays the same, everything just feels different.


Halloween, or All Hallow's Eve as it was called prior to being bastardised by the U.S. for consumerism, was a Celebration, not about Fear.

In times past we invited those who died throughout the year to join us in a feast and celebration of life, signifying that it was now time for them to move on into the Light. A final family get together you could call it.

Such a shame it has become this ridiculous event we see today. Even here in Australia for the past ten years people have been copying the American style for Halloween, and that gets right up my nose I can tell you since no one doing it has the slightest idea what it is really about, why it is done, and.... why for some stupid reason we do it at the same time as the Northern Hemisphere... now that is stupid.

Anyway, it is supposed to be a celebration and feast with our dead loved ones, not a consumerists reason for wasting money on garbage for kids.


I was walking around the street today and I saw so many people dressed up for Halloween. I saw a guy dressed as Agent 47 from the game Hitman, I saw Old Greg from The Mighty Boosh (that one was my favourite!), lots of cute girl in Alice in Wonderland outfits and lots of other ghoulish characters too. Halloween's my birthday so it's been interesting so far.

I know what you mean Tayesin. There's always going to be people who twist things into something different, but at the same time there's always people who'll find something slightly off about the superficial explanation provided by the masses and trace it back to its origins... Well, at least I'd like to think that people have that level of depth about them.


Well, I live in the Southern Hemisphere (Australia), having spent most of my life in the Northern Hemisphere. Today was Halloween, and it was really hot, sunny, and not at all spooky, plus it's well after the vernal equinox and the days are getting longer and longer. With Daylight Savings Time, it doesn't get dark until almost 8pm. Not really conducive to any sort of scary anything, really.

Oh, and you can't really get those big, orange pumpkins easily here. I'm told that you can custom order them, but I've never tried. Having a carved pumpkin out in the spring just strikes me as completely pointless. Besides, they're not in season at the moment, being spring, and they're quite expensive because they have to be imported!

Fact is, a calendar date is just an arbitrary way of measuring time, and time is relative to begin with. To me, it seems ridiculous to think that the ethereal planes and non-physical entities and worlds and universes are somehow required to act a certain way according to an arbitrary and man-made system of measurement.

Quote from: Tayesin on October 30, 2009, 20:02:25Even here in Australia for the past ten years people have been copying the American style for Halloween, and that gets right up my nose I can tell you since no one doing it has the slightest idea what it is really about, why it is done, and.... why for some stupid reason we do it at the same time as the Northern Hemisphere... now that is stupid.

Yes, exactly. :)


Satan worshipping time.