
Welcome to the Astral Pulse 2.0!

If you're looking for your Journal, I've created a central sub forum for them here:

Welcome to the new forum

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This new forum was necessary to separate the several topics that the original astral research forum was handling.  This, as you may have been aware, was causing a number of problems and arguments between people holding opposing viewpoints.  Hopefully they will be less of this once people setting into the new forums.

Hey Robert !

Nice Forums

Hmm, that different viewpoint issue...
One should do a bargain with negs, so that doubting people can get a
30 day trial-posession completley for free !!
Wouldn't that be great ??

Take care and keep up the good work !

p.s.: Admin, I found a bug :) when I clicked on preview & closed the window again and clicked on preview again it says "there is no text to preview"


Greetings Florian!

I just tried to reproduce the preview problem you reported - but it seems to work every time for me.

Please let me know if it happens to anyone again.




p.s.: Admin, I found a bug :) when I clicked on preview & closed the window again and clicked on preview again it says "there is no text to preview"
Vincit Omnia Veritas



Yeah, love the new forum :)

By the way, will you be just letting the Astral Projection section of this new forum replace (Would make everyone's life easier :)


Robert Bruce


As far as I know, David will keep his original Astral Research forum running.  David's forum is a html research project, and also an open forum that does not require membership, etc.

Take care, Robert.

ps, I go onto Art Bell's radio show next week.  See below for details.

Robert, we are confirmed for Wednesday, Feb. 20th, 11:00pm-2:00am PST -- Thursday, Feb. 21st, 3:00pm-6:00pm Perth time (West Australia).  This will be the actual on-air interview with Art Bell.  Art will be calling you during his commercial break at the top-of-the-hour.  The program starts 6 minutes past the hour. Typically, he will interview for the first two hours and then open it up to callers for the final hour.


Robert Bruce



Great show on Art Bell tonight!  

My mom and sister wanted to listen but they are not night owl's like me so I taped it.

Looking forward to PPSD becoming available!

If your focus your life on hate, anger, and regret, it is only your fault for what you get.

Robert Bruce

G'day Forum folks!

Just a note to welcome you to the new PPSD forum.

The Practical Psychic Self-Defense forum is designed to handle all matters pertaining to my new book, by the same name, and all negative entity related matters.

This new forum was necessary to separate the several topics that the original astral research forum was handling.  This, as you may have been aware, was causing a number of problems and arguments between people holding opposing viewpoints.  Hopefully they will be less of this once people setting into the new forums.

We will be adding more topics in the near future, as necessary.

Ahead, we may also create a 'members only' area of discussion, which will be by invitation only. This will allow for a deeper discussion of sensitive issues in a more secure environment.  This may or may not be open to public viewing.

Take care, Robert Bruce.

Robert Bruce