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Why Not Just Shield???

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Hi McArthur
  I likei// besides this website. Rawn Clark has a article on shileding in his essays and commentaries. I know that I do multiple layers of shields, that I can pick and chose what I let into my shields, and that I don't use my own energy but a source energy as described in the above article.
  I have had many years of practice with them. I notice no effect upon my aura and anyone can color their energy anything they want too. It will still be the colors that indicate the energy signature under the colored energy. It is just a method of identification or camoflage depending upon how you use it.
  On symbols I have a tendancy to use a sacred symbol if there is very strong activity and have it change color. It also gives extra energy for the shields.
  On removing entrenched negs write me at because I remove them regularly. Reikimaster I can give you ideas on how to help yourself.


Hi everyone

Thanks for the feedback on my question.

"You do not need to "maintain" a shield all of the time, plug it into kether (God), there is always energy there, and that is the vibration you are looking for. (I think, anyway)."  Ides315

Thanks mate that is absoulutly brilllant advice! Such a logical and simple thing I had not even considered! With all of the Middle Pillar work Ive been doing lately this should be easier than ever.

Something I find very interesting that a few of us have touched on,  is programing shields to do fairly complex things. As mentioned in responce to my earlier question there is no reason that i cant program a shield to allow full access to certain people or certain incomming emotional interaction.

Regarding vibratory rates, I imagine that you would want a high vibratory rate because most negs exist on lower ones. Is it as simple as this?

One thing I have tried before is rather than using a normal shield as such is considering my aura itself to be a sacred space that can not be crossed by negativity. I see the whole aura as the brightest white and use a self affirmation such as "This is my sacred light that may not be crossed by that which intends to harm me. This is my holy space". I guess its the same thing as shielding with a different twist, its actually a rather invigorating to do this, it leaves you feeling like you you have just done a session of energy work. I think it would work well after the LBRP if you were in a heavy situation where you were doing a lot of protection work.  

Anways once again thanks for the feedback

best regards


Veni Vidi Vici


Hey, Fenris.

You want a very high vibration rate. Check out the link Nita mentioned. I learned a lot of what I am sharing from information that came from there. The bright light seems to have an effect ot me, and could be part of the whole package, but feels like it is just a detterent, not a major blockage. Something determined will probably ignore it more or less, and just deal with the "bad taste" it creates. I do not know how to describe the vibration rate I was taught. I was let feel it, and went from there. It is extremely "excited", and causes a reaction in my energy body if to close. It makes me think of zig-zag patterns layered up, and each one vibrating at a blurring speed.

Good luck


reiki master: try burning them out. you use energy, right? focus as much of that energy into your stomach, then cut off your connection to your source of external energy (so there is no possibility of backlash and you can concentrate on only one thing instead of two) and then have the energy burn out everything from your spirit. i warn you that this should hurt spiritually: a lot. it may even hurt physically depending on how much energy you use and how you burn it.

burn the entire area of your energy and spirit to destroy anything that feels "funny" (anything that feels like it isn't a part of you or your aura or your energy.). a "neg" might be able to disguise itself so that it feels like it is part of you, so start burning everything that feels even the least bit suspicious, and stop burning it if you feel it hurting you while not hurting something else as well. when you are burning things that are attached to you spiritually, it may hurt you spiritually as well, which is why you have to keep your perception open to feel if something else is in pain as well.

if you think you have a spirit-guide/guardian-angel/something-like-that, tell it to get away from you when you are doing this so that it doesn't get burned and so that it also doesn't mess with your sensing of other beings.

and on a side note: if you use this method to affect your physical body you should be able to destroy things that are physically ailing you (but the pain will be much more physical in nature and will probably be more intensified. so use caution.) i have only used this method twice because i have only needed to use it twice. the first time i burned out absolutely everything from my system, including the cold virus that is supposedly undestroyable (but the very next day i caught the cold with a vengance because my immune system was unprepared (first day in my life where i was actually bed-ridden not by choice)). and the second time i used it i almost did the same thing until i realized i was getting rid of the cold virus; i stopped before getting rid of all of it, but it still came back fairly hard the next day and took nearly two weeks for a full recovery. and i don't get sick very often (once every year or two).

sahlyn: "My question then is 'If someone got close enough to you so as to be within this boundary (say a psi vampire sat next to you on the bus) would they then be free to feed away on your energy, no matter how solid your shield was?" move your shield. the shield is not an inflexible thing unless you design it so and never change its design. if you don't make it rigid, then you you should be able to move it by simple mental or spiritual command.

ides: "Can you make the direct connection to divinity?" yes, but i have cut myself off from that power, for a reason which i would rather not disclose.

"I am pretty unknowledgeable about your sources of energy, but I get from your posts that it is more like a "life force" thing than anything else." that is pretty much most of it.

"There are ways to tap into constant energy, where you only need to check things, and expend a very small part of your own energy (maybe none at all) to maintain the shield." unfortunately, in calgary there isn't much energy at all, even in the areas of "high" concentrations of energy. so this isn't a very good idea for this location. otherwise, that is what i probably would do if i shielded.

"I am sure there are people that know ways that suit your system better, but I would recomend the Qabbilistic Cross to you. If you got this down, you should be able to overcome a lot (or all) of the energy starvation problems you encounter. Plus this can be used to channel continous energy into things like shields." thanks for the advice, and i will look into the qabbalistic cross thing, but i don't think i will be using it. i am very certain that my time in calgary is supposed to happen so that i get three things out of it: the first being greater control over my power at low levels so that i will be used to it and so that when i go back to having lots of energy i will be even more powerful than i currently am; the second being a greater understanding of why i should not get "power-mad" or "power-hungry"; and the third is actual control over dark ki because that is one of the most powerful forms of energy that i have yet encountered and i am very certain that i will be using it in certain times, meaning i will have to be able to control it.

tracy: "And what about those attacks that you aren't even aware of causing damage to your chakras and energy systems and other vital areas." i am aware of myself very keenly so i don't have to worry about this. but i can see how this would apply to others and is definately a good argument as to why one should shield.

"Since shields are made of positive energies". also, while i am sure that many people like to use "positive" energy to create/maintain their shields, a shield does not have to use positive energy. if i had greater control over the dark ki i am sure i could make an incredibly powerful shield out of that. and i also know that many people use shields made out of neutral energy (neither positive nor negative) because most peoples' "personal" energy is neutral-ish and many people use their personal energy to create shields.

shielding techniques are many and varied. but i still like to feel my environment and act in accordance with it than to shut myself off from it out of fear or paranoia.    but that's just me!  :D


Secret of Secrets


Hey, kakkarot

I do not know what you are doing, and I understand personal things that are preferred not shared. I would have a long hard think about cutting off  your connection with divinity. I mean that as serious as anything I have ever said. Skip the Qabbilistic cross, it is a form of that link. Turns you into more of a conduit actually, but it can be modified to intake.

Shields do not need to isolate you. They can be about as complex and variable as you want them. Some people set them up as warning, only. Then they decide what to do with what is incoming.

Take care of yourself man.


Hi Stephan
  You are right in the fact that shields or wards are what you make of them. It is nice to know that with a little bit of research and practice everything that you care about and love can be protected.
  Anyone else that has more links upon shields could mention them also. If you have trouble visualizing make a model and use saran wrap and a frame to make it where you can energize where you want wards around yourself, your home, your vehicles and anything else you want to protect.


Hey, all

This is a long one. Here is one of the articles I found when I started researching, many moons ago. I do not remember the source, but have included the author, etc... Though it is geared from a psi perspective, and (to me) is a little cryptic, there is some very useful stuff in it. Enjoy.

       [      Subject: Psi Shields..]
       [ Performed by: Eu'ohara.....]
-------                              -----------------

       Psi shields are structures constructs of the
mind, the mind requires focus and concentration.  The
nature of psi shields is such that it inhibits violation
and modification of psi energy fields and chakra
points.  These alterations can take place via magic, psi
attack, negative residue, et al.  There is usually some
intention that wields energy against another force.
This intention is what causes the deliberation and
invasion.  What the psi shield is accomplishing is to
extrapolate the energy field that is directed by the
intention into harmless free-flowing energy.  Usually,
if the psi shield is coupled with thought patterns that
are regulated by the Light Forces and/or energy patterns
that are founded by the ultimate power of the universe
(noted here) which is LOVE, then the force depletes
itself into nothingness yet an equally calibrated energy
construct is redirected upon the source... FOR.. "What
thou sends out wilt thou also experience in return" is a
motto well learned and well adhered to..

       There is a misnomer with the concept of the psi
shields.. many construct it as a dome or fielding which
surrounds the being.  The strongest psi shield is one in
which takes root within the universe and extrapolates
upon itself, this is the psi shielding of the 4th
Chakra, the Heart Chakra..  One moved by Love centers
the entire universe as a radiate supernal thing.  There
is no need for protection for like will always attract
like, perceptions need be clear.  That is all we can say
on the matter within regards of what psi shields are and
their nature.  As for their construct we offer some
suggestions on an almost limitless option criterian.:

       There is no psi shield of the 7th level for at
this attainment one realizes the impracticality of

       Psi Shield of the Mind, make use of the 6th
Chakra, it serves to deflect all energies which are
based on lower structures (usually impassioned beings
who pursue ignoramous goals).  Focus the field of the
chakra around and about the body making use of the
vitality and energy characteristic of the being which is

       Psi Shield of the Will, make use of the 5th
Chakra, it serves to countereffect force with force...
If the root is pure then the force is strong.  Negative
is neutralized with positive.  NEVER use like on like or
you will produce a vector field that is triunary by
nature.  We only make caution of this when using
negative energy.  Negative energy produces the triunary
vector or force which counters and overpowers all of the
sources energy and lets loose a repulsive effect on all
concerned.  The positive psi shield isn't really a
shield per say but a vitality imbiber.  It causes
oneself to be imbibed with vital motionary energy.  This
is more geared in healing.  Negative is life sapping,
this is where the triunary force
propagates deterioration.

       Psi Shield of the Heart, make use of the 4th
Chakra, it serves to not only negate the initial field
but to cause transformation in the source that sent it.
This is one which we specified roots itself centerpieced
within the universe.  This made use of will potentially
harmonize beings found in discord.  As well as dissipate
the intention and the energy driven by intention into
free-flowing energy.

       Psi Shield of the pure force, make use of the 3rd
Chakra, it serves to Overpower force.  This is the focal
point of power and its determination without awareness
and consciousness is based in pedastaling it's nature
and seeing itself as the grandiose overbeing.  It is the
bare essence of force, if misdirected well ... the
outcome always is grim.  We only serve to warn you of
it's nature via an addage that goes as follows:
       "With Great Power Comes Great responsibility,"
       "Abdigate that responsibility,"
       "And Be consumed by the power."
       BUT should the shield be used in its proper form
it is to rebuke the original sources intent and energy
sending it back.  It does not serve well the forces of
revenge and avenge.  It serves well those who wish to
keep things in check.

       Psi Shield of the 2nd and 1st charka is knwon as
the Psi Shield of Essence.  It's base is that of nature
and differences.  If used properly it serves to surround
the being in an impenetrable wrap that excludes itself
of the subtle energy fields which is what is most
commonly used against other beings.  It's binding force
is the pure essence of itself as a characterized
individual with the inherent right to BE.  If used
improperly, it not only shields the individual but
isolates the individual from growth and development.
The shield should not be maintained but used only at
times when the core essence is required to rebuke
offensive and disruptive energy caught within it's
stratospheric surroundings.

       The order I gave this to you is based on my
inherent suggestion as to what to use.  The first is the
best, the last is the no-alternative type thing.  It
parallels the conceptualizations of the martial arts
warrior..  THe motto of life preservation..

       Rule #1, avoid fight at all costs.
       Rule #2, if Rule 1 is nondoable, then hurt the
               opponent and revert back to Rule #1.
       Rule #3, if Rule #2 serves no deterence to the
               fight, cause pain and revert back to
               Rule #1.
       Rule #4, if Rule #3 serves no deterence,
               disenable the opponent and revert to
               Rule #1.
       Rule #5, if Rule #4 serves no deterence, THEN and
               only then eliminate the opponent.

       As you will note, the extreme case of
no-alternative is used at the end.  The HIGHEST form is
the first.  Not many realize this and many easily forget
rule #1 and move down to rules 2,3,4 and some even to
5.  They allow their ego's and their ignorance to speak
for them versus their intelligence and wisdom, such is
the sorry state of affairs.

       With that I end this trance mission.  I hope it
has assisted you in discovery of psi shields, actually
shields of any sort attributed to the mind.

       Peace and Awareness, Love and Light,
       Always on to forever,

       Well that about does it for me on this.  Hope
it's of help.  Take Care and Take It Easy..

Seasons Greeting's!!
Most Auspicious Salutations!
Good Journey!!!
With Much Warmth and TLC...
The Light of Eternity 4-ever!!
Dennis J. B.

Robert Bruce

G'day folks!

Shielding is a great idea, if you are the type of person who is internested in practicing magic or metaphysics and likes to take precautions.  Most people, however, are just interested in reading and or chatting about this out of interest, because its an interesting subject.  Shielding is the ideal solution to protect against many kinds of psy or neg attacks.  But it takes months of time and effort for a novice to create even modest shielding. Creating shields to protect against stronger negs like demons takes a great deal of knowlege and skill, which means years of serious study and work.

The majority of people will not do any preventative work. This is a fact. Here I am talking about the bulk of humanity, and not magical practitioners of any level. Most people just want to get on with their lives and not be bothered by Negs, eg, the average mom or dad who are generally very busy and lacking in free quiet time. It might sound a simple solution to spend an hour a day for a few months building a basic shield, but many people don't have a spare quiet hour per day free to prepare for something they hope and/or believe will never happen. Therein lies the problem.

My book, Practical Psychic Self-Defense, was written primarily for the average mum or dad who suddenly finds they have a wierd problem on their hands. It gives them effective countermeasures that can be used immediately without months of training.

When you come under a psychic attack, or are invaded by a negative entity, this is often so traumatizing and unbalancing that it is difficult to function. If you have ever suffered a major attack you will understand.  If you have not, count your blessings.  A sudden direct attack makes new shield creation impractical for anything but placebo purposes.

The average neg attack lasts about a month and then ends when the negs involved have done what they planned. This is way too short, especially given the disturbed environment a neg attack creates, to create any kind of shield.

For the average person, or even the advanced mystic, witch, shaman or magician, an allopathic technique like crossing running water can be a godsend if they are suddenly caught off guard.  Some may laugh at the simplicity of this method and decry its effectiveness, but this criticism will 'never' come from hard experience.  Its easy to poo poo such ideas and say 'don't use these silly methods, just spend a few hundred hours building a shield and nothing will be able to get to you", but this is obviously an impractical statement of expected perfection given the willingness of the general public to take such precations.

The fact of life here is that most people in the modern world want a quick solution, one they can use if and when a problem arises. Even if such a person comes under a major attack, once its over they'll usually not put any effort into preventative measures like psi shielding. Modern medicine has the same problem trying to convince people to eat and exercise better to improve their health.  They might do this during a health crisis, but after its over they'll usually go back to their old sedentary ways.

Everyone is of course entitled to their opinion...but some evidence to support negative statements and criticism of my work, or the work of others, would add a nice touch of philosophical honesty to this forum. Just saying that you think your way is better will not cut it.  

Please trust me one-and-all when I say that the running water method is 'extremely' powerful and will stop the vast majority of negs cold, even a major demon if the volume of water is high enough.  Sure, advanced negs may wait for another opportunity to attack, but the initial attack will have been broken. This provides a little spiritual peace and quiet time to take further precautions.

And please keep in mind that shielding will not totally block out attacks, especially strong or advanced attacks. It makes it harder for the attacker to get inside and hurt or influence victims, and it reduces attack symptoms, but it will not stop the actual psi or neg attack.  I know many cases, including my own experiences, involving advanced metaphysical/magical practitioners, with rock solid shields generated over many years, coming under attack from very powerful negative entities, including major demons. Shields help, but will not stop this level of attack.  Other methods are required, eg, some form of effective banishment or other way to break an attack.  But if you don't know an effective banishment method, running water and etc make good emergency options.

I would also like to point out another factor, and that is that if an attack cannot reach the intended victim, it will be deflected onto the people around the victim, eg, family and friends. These will be influenced to cause problems and disharmony to unbalance the shielded victim and make them more vulnerable.  This is one of the reasons, I think, that metaphysically and spiritually advanced people generally live alone, or need to spend a lot of time alone.

I work in this field full time and have done for many years, and help people with a variety of neg attack problems on a daily basis, both hands on and through email consulting.  I have gathered a significant amount of data and experience.  I simply do not use or recommend methods that do not work, or that are impractical for the average person.  Other methods may sound great in theory, and may work in the hands of skilled practitioners, but if they don't work in real life or are too complex and demanding for the average person then I toss them aside and stick to what I know works at that level.

Please note that there are many books on medium to advanced magical types of defense available today.   But there is only one written specifically to cater for the needs of the average person: Practical Psychic Self-Defense.

Take care, Robert.

Robert Bruce

Blue Light Mystic

G'day/night all. Just wanted to say a few sentences here in regards to what Robert said about shielding and using running water to stop neg attacks. I mostly wanted to try to help back up what he's said. Running water and shielding does work and has worked successfully for me nearly evertime I've felt that I might've been under a psychic or neg attack of sorts.

Sometimes for no reason at all, whenever I suddenly come down with some kind of sickness or uneasyness, I've turned on the faucet and held my hands over the running water for a few minutes and have also combined this with visualizing white light around myself. This kind of thing actually does work. Disbelieve Robert and I all you may like, but if you've ever experienced a psychic or neg attack of any kind, wouldn't you think to try something fast that just might work?


Hey, all.

I also have to back Robert up. I am probably guilty of not employing his techniques as much as I should, and trying to make things to complex. I have direct experience with the water crossing method, have (and do) use music and mantras, prayers, and many other things he has mentioned. Slipping on things now and then, I have seen and felt immediate reactions when I put them back in place.

Sorry Robert, I cannot argue against you :-). I am glad you all do what you do.


Hi Robert -

Having your heartfelt experientially based sincere assertions and beliefs  argued with and negated is a frustrating exercise.

I have actually experienced something that really felt like acute onset neg activity while on water.  In my boat on running water, after jumping in the water, and  crossing water.  Lake Roosevelt Washington to be exact while on a camping trip with my family this summer.

If I am right - then I'm dealing with something that can piggy back across water or has become part of me - or that is me, and not a neg  - my husband too.

I am wondering if after experiencing years of a  long-term entrenched neg problem, if what an individual is "conditioned" for can't function on its own through those conditioned behavior patterns - like a system that has been "magnetized" for so long that it holds its pattern - like a tape casset that has been recorded over and over and over such that the imprint maintains its integrity for extended periods of time.... and if a person were to try to erase it (with water)  that the erasure would not establish itself with "integrity" would not "stick" because the tape material itself is degraded - full of "magnetic holes".

Or - what if the process of erasing created conditions of catharsis - an expunging of behavioral and emotional energy that functions and articulates itself according to its design - when it comes up to be purged it looks and feels like the program.  After all, matter does not disintigrate into non-existance, it goes through transitions and dissipates into more loosely held together forms - like how ice becomes vapor.

Just some quizzical thoughts.

Just some thoughts.


Hi  Everyone
  I was just interested in getting a good description of shields. Crossing over running water is a type of shield albeit not one personally made. Herbal wards are also a shield including incenses such as sulfur and chilli peppers. Anything would leave after that! I just took the persons opinion as just that and forgot it.
    I figure most of those  opinions will shatter once someone comes up against something that is really negative. I have noticed a lot of people who sound that way don't have as much experience as they want everyone to think they do.  On long entrenched neg problems most of the time it happens because the victim has something negative to attach too. The victim has to change that even after the neg is gone or they may draw in the same problems again.
  The hardest thing to do is to figure out  the what , when and where and apply it to yourself.

Robert Bruce

G'day Folks!

I must make a clear definition concerning running water countermeasures.

1. Crossing running water will break any Neg attack, as long as the attacking Neg has not achieved 'hitchhiker' or 'overshadowing' status.

2. Lengthy exposure to a significant quantity of running water will weaken attached and hitchhiking Negs, and if continued for long enough will break attachments and evict resident Negs.

3. Exposure to running water plus visualization, as per PPSD, say by standing under a shower or atop many coils of garden hose gushing water, will break a Neg attack, and will also break manifestations of attached Negs.
By this I mean that if an attached or possessing Neg is trying to manifest through its host (the victim) and they carry this procedure out, it will drain the manifesting Neg and stop it manifesting.  This will not actually exorcise such a Neg, but it will stop it taking control (full possession) at that time and weaken it to the point where it cannot do anything major for some time.

Unfortunately, just taking a boat ride will not remove an attached Neg. A couple I have been helping with serious Neg attachment problems recently went on a 6 day boat trip on a river.  While on the boat, the symptoms of possession and Neg influence were greatly reduced, but did not stop entirely. When they got off the boat at the end of the trip, the Neg related problems returned full force.  

Now one would logically think that such exposure to running water would evict any possessing entity. But this obviously does not work.  We don't know enough about the energies we are working with here, so much experimentation is needed. I suspect that the trick is, for evicting an attached entity, involves an unknown interaction between the surface of the earth and running water.  

In my case, when I freed myself of major possession (see PPSD for the full story), I spent a week in the hills sleeping on the ground directly above an underground stream of potable water.  Apart from fasting, (which I have proven will not remove an attached Neg), the main ingredients in my release were that I was sleeping on the ground, in the dirt, above a large quantity of moving potable water, eg, clean and drinkable water moving beneath me.

The conditioning and damage that KB speaks of is an important factor to realize.  To truly take oneself out of the reach of Negs, one must remove the internal factors and weaknesses that are attracting Negs and/or allowing them to influence and/or interfere.  This is an ideal solution, but only really works for adults who have the intellect and willingness to undertake such work.  Children, especially babies, are outside the reach of this equation.  However, if parents of Neg effected children undertake this work, problems will be greatly eased, if not solved, for their children.  

I have long suspected that parents problems generate many of their children's problems, eg, 'the sins of the fathers are passed on to their children, and their children's children's children, etc'.  So, logically, apart from using sensible countermeasures as necessary, the ideal long term solution would be for parents to undertake inner work to restore their mental and spiritual balance.

However, the problem is that if parents do not have any noticeable Neg problems, they are more likely to seek an alopathic remedy for their children's problems, rather than undertake any inner work for themselves. This is because the cause and effect of Neg related problems are often unclear and difficult to identify.

The most direct method I have found to achieve such inner psychological and spiritual balance can be found in the early lessons given in Franz Bardon's book, 'Initiation Into Hermetics', especially the 'Soul Mirror' work.

I can boil this down into a nutshell by quoting the greatest single piece of advice every given:  "Man, know thyself."

Take care, Robert.

Robert Bruce


I read through the above postings with interest , and thought I would put my perspective forward  .
I've never  shielded  and unless things went badly wrong never will .
Having been born to a father with metaphysical interests ,its not as if this area is foreign territory and to date  there have only had two experiences which would make me rethink my stance. The first was a number of years ago while lying down, I heard a screaming coming towards me it was  terribly so I shielded my bed with white light, but it landed with a  bang  waking me. The second  was when I met a charismatic man called Mark ,on arriving home I thought what was his name. It was loudly shouted  at me from out of the air ,the only time that has ever happened  I later found out that he practised the black arts ,but he left my life without any  trouble.
As  Robert has written time is a factor and to maintain sheilds every  day  would drive new crazy. I was also told   by a teacher that as we grow so does our inner light ,this shines from us protecting  and pushing away anything that is foreign to our vibration.



I'm just wondering what effect does essential oils have on shielding along with the N.E.W meditation?  I've been trying agarwood from india and helichrysum which is known to enhance oxygen to brain and cerebral function I swear I've been having a lot of LUCID dreams.  One time however I think someone was invading my dream, I woke up in a virtual type OBE (not the real deal) and saw kid over my bed, then he took me to another room then it turned into a dream afterwards and showed me the person who was attacking other people (symbolically) and maybe this person was also attacking me, and when I woke up my whole body was very electric (usually I'd see lucid dreams if my body is energized like this).  What are the symptoms if someone is attacking your psi and you got your shields up so to speak, would the energy start flowing great around the body to ward off the attack?


Hey, all

I thought I should qualify my statement about "white light" shields. After reading Roberts post, and knowing some things, and thinking about others, a few things occur to me.

As I understand it, "plain" white light is not sufficent for a shield. Robert talks about this in one of his articles available in the download area. The type of white light "brought down" in the middle pillar ritual is (I think) the correct kind. As i understand it, this is very good for making a shield from, and can be molded to fit the requirments of your own personal shield. I do not "see" colors, etc... so much as i fell them. At the time I was doing it that way, there was incoming psychic attacks, and my enviroment was anything but settled.

I did feel some things being detoured, so I probably had it right. Or partially so anyway. I also am in no way advanced at these things, only sharing my own personal experience, and the things that worked/did not for me. I have stated this before, and would hope that like myself, most (all) people would sift through the information offered, and find what is useful to themselves.

People that are truly interested in learning would do good to go to the download area and get the files put there by people that have been able to confirm thier information based on more than personal experience.

Take care, all.


Hi all...
I'm wondering about shielding. i've been doing it for several years and i do feel confident with shielding. it works for negative entities, but when you step into the arena with a demon - hell break loose. it happened that my shield shattered like glass, and all it did was looked at it. i then created a shield of thorns (my favorite counter defence), i guess that was a big mistake, since not only did it shattered it again, but drained my energy. anyways, i just wanted to add that shield holds to a certain point, but when dealing with much more powerful entites, then its not going to hold.
now a days i don't do shielding anymore. i found a buddhist mantra (in pali) called diamond armor. actually i didn't know what it was until i projected out of my body and found a void, i can't explain it. somehow i was shimmering, yet i do not exist. i thought it was an effect of the projection, until my some of friends projected, some looked with astral sight, and some scryed, and they confirm it during the time i was awake.
a dear friend channeled Gaia and higher entities to try to uncover me, they said it was not possible, since the mantra does not reside in the astral plane, but the causal plane.


Hello All
  You have to have a great deal of practice to build a shield that will slow down a major demon. The best thing is to use layers so that by the time it gets through the layers you are able to do something.
  Shielding is good for everyday life. Protecting yourself from negative energies and  minor entities. It is also true that if you know yourself and your energy signature then you can cleanse anything out of your energy that has no intelligence. I like doing it in a swimming pool or water.
  A good shield will not cut you off from anything except negative energy. It has to be combined with other working methods to keep yourself safe. Anything that keeps a entity from attaching to you quickly gives you the time to start banishing it or find some other countermeasure.
  Essential oils help to raise the vibrations in your aura and make it harder for things to attach. Ground herbs that you put on your breast bone will also make it so your vibrations are raised. No one method is a cure all and divine energy will only enrage a entrenched neg unless you know how to unattach it and banish it.
  The best thing is to learn counter measures and how to do things to prevent it from attaching or becoming entrenched in the first place.


Hi Nita -

How would a person go about getting a good accurate look/feel/sense/whatever of their own energy signature on their own?  

thanks for any info you might share....



Hi Kristen
  I would say the best way is to  try to see the energy circulating around your hand. First you put your finger in it and try to hear a pitch. You keep trying until your do. You then look at your hand and try to touch the energies and you should hear notes. You then do the two together and you should get a melody of sounds that make up almost a muscial signature. It is your energy signature.
  Another way is to go out of body and touch the energy around you. It should play all of the notes, pitches, and melodies that make up the essential you.
  The third way is to meditatte. You will notice that anything not of you looks and feels differently than the rest of you. You push it out saying this is not me. If you don't know for sure ask for angelic or divine aid to push away something that isn't of you and banish it. You also state that if it is of you please help you to understand this.
  You can clean out your chakras, your energy system, and note anything attaching to you with this system. If you notice something attaching to a point on your energy body then do Robert's core image removal exercise.


so the topic is "Why Not Just Shield?", but i started thinking, "Why Not Just Fight Back?".

it seems that most of the people who are talking about using shields seem to think that the shield stops any possibility of a fight dead in its tracks. but as Astrocio said, when he went up against a demon, his shields were worthless. so why not use the shields as they are used in the real world: a means of defense to allow you to counter attack? rather than just sitting inside your shield and hoping your shield will protect you, why not fight back as well? this is why i don't shield: i just attack the thing and then protect myself DURING the fights whenever i feel that i should protect myself.

kakkarot on the White Light shields (hey, these are comfy. i wonder if they make mattresses out of them.   :)  )
"As I understand it, "plain" white light is not sufficent for a shield" ~Ides; i agree, i think the white light has to be an 'active' or radiant kind of light. for some reason i hold contempt for these kinds of shields. i think they are too defensive and they tend to make the person inert the confrontation. if something is attacking you, i don't think you should just defend against it once or twice when it attacks and then hope it will go away and never come back. i know they work (i've used them), but its like taking the easy way out, and you don't get any good combative experience out of the confrontation.

kakkarot on running water (funny, i couldn't walk on water yesterday...  :)  )
take a shower when you feel lousy; don't you feel good afterwards? even a cold shower feels good: but why? is it because it is getting rid of negs and combatting psychic/spiritual attacks for you, or is it just relaxing or invigorating your body? i don't know. but i think the running water shield has to do with the natural energy that it holds and carries with it, that prevents some spiritual being from 'crossing' it and helps deflect "negative" attacks. and also, when you take a shower, you body absorbs water (rehydrating itself) and that energy as well which are both good for you.

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~kakkarot, the goofy vampire  :P    <-- dulled tooth  :)

Secret of Secrets


Hey, Astrocio, Care to share your mantra? If not, I understand completely. I am not interested in it for myself, so much as a few loved ones.

kakkarot, Wasssup man?!  I agree with you about hiding behind shields continually. I have also figured out in this confrontation that my aggresion is used against me to some extent (a rather large one at times). It is not to often (never?) that I get attacked now where I am in a good position to to "return the favor". At various times there have been attempts to draw me into combat, preferably while enraging me at the same time. It has the appearences of causing more damage to my "enemy" to hold a more passive position.

All that, and the power behind this is the most evil thing I have EVER felt. I have defeated it in battles, but the same tactic never seems to work again. The human behind this loses strength and wavers when I do not get into a "shoving match" with them. I have brought "reality" of their actions to them, which has caused a withdrawl more than once. I wish it could be handled with a "big stick" (I have a few), it is more complex than that. I think one of my lessons this time around is to find a different way.

If the psychic was correct about the history of this, I have tried the big stick before, and it always loops back to be re-done. I don't like doing things over (and over and over....) so it is time to finish it right.

You might even find a couple of useful things in here. ;-)

Take care


Hi Kakkarot -

You wrote "it seems that most of the people who are talking about using shields seem to think that the shield stops any possibility of a fight dead in its tracks. but as Astrocio said, when he went up against a demon, his shields were worthless. so why not use the shields as they are used in the real world: a means of defense to allow you to counter attack? rather than just sitting inside your shield and hoping your shield will protect you, why not fight back as well? this is why i don't shield: i just attack the thing and then protect myself DURING the fights whenever i feel that i should protect myself."

I think - and that means in my fallible opinion - that fighting back can get one into even more trouble than one is capable of handling - depending on one's own ability and what is actually attacking. Questions I've asked myself are what if the attack is originating from a person and that person doesn't really know what their thoughts are doing?  Or - what if a person were actually purposefully attacking and using a demon to do their dirty work and its much more powerful than you?  Or - what if what is attacking doesn't derive its impetus from a human mind in the first place - and is much more powerful than you?  Or - what if the attacker is the person's own dweller on the threshold and you end up fighting yourself in a sense?

I think its important to know exactly what it is that is attacking and why and how before making a decision to fight back - otherwise, you could end up hurting someone in ways you would not have chosen - or yourself.  A person could end up being involved in a retaliatory loop that feeds itself - and - which feeds a neg.  

Another way to look at it is this - you could be providing reinforcement for a particular behavioral dynamic  (in a psychological sense) - a dynamic which involves the attacker and yourself - by paying attention to it and responding to it.  One excellent way to diminish the probability of being attacked is to not respond.  Its like when two year olds throw temper tantrums - sometimes if you try hugging  them or restraining  them to keep them from screaming and kicking, or spanking them,  the tantrum escalates to undesired proportions and you can end up expending energy in inefficacious ways, getting frustrated and irritated while trying  to get it to stop - and the toddler feeds off it and screams and kicks some more.  Three hours later you're ticked and drained and the toddler hasn't learned to control his own frustration.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that at the very least I would caution anyone that is considering fighting back to "study the enemy" from a safe place... and to study yourself.   Know what "it" is and why it is, how it is, and where it is coming from -  if at all possible.  Good generals know the weaknesses and strengths of thier own fighting forces and do their utmost to know that about the enemy.

If you can't gather information then shield yourself - shield yourself anyway - don't strike blindly/out of aggression/some sense of angst - because if you do, then you could be serving some purpose that you wouldn't agree with.

Just some thoughts



Hello, Kristen.

A very good summation of my personal experiences, in all respects.

Thank you.


Hello Ides and Kristen
  You are both right in that any energy you use to attack something can be used against you. If you don't want it done to you then you never do it to anyone else should be a magical rule.
  On attacking demons. Anyone that can destroy a demon is not fighting a demon but a thought form. You attract what you put out and sooner or later everything you get around you will be attacking you back.