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History from a Spiritual Quantum Physics Perspective

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What we consider on this earth dimension as the past is free from being "set in stone and therefore we can change the events that occur in what we call as the past simply by remembering it through a Spiritual Oneness Multi~Dimensional view. Spirit gifts us with a woman giving birth as one example of this. When one gives birth, we may perceive in that earth dimensional moment as the experience of physical body sensation of pain. Years later within this earth dimension of time, we look at this memory with other Absoulutely Loving eyes, seeing this remembering simply as a blessed event of our child being born. We may say that yes, it was physically painful, however, we are free from being and experiencing this event from a sensation of physical pain. This is due to being free from us even being consciously aware of it, shifting from perceiving the physical pain of the event from an e~motional duality view and shifting into a Spiritual Oneness Multi~Dimensional view of a beautiful Absoulutely Loving feeling event.

The same can be said for what we call here on this earth dimension as past Life Experiences or past lives.  Spirit shares that the reason that these Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes that we call as past lives appears to be so real and what we call here on this earth dimension as so painful in some cases, (especially when observing what we know here as the physical body sensation in that Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes life of death or transformation) is so for us because we are shifting our focus and actually living that Infinite Dimension, Infinite Universe, and Infinite Parallel Universe LIFE while still here in the physical body on this earth dimension. Thus, spiritually we are still living that life, and we are choosing to experience the e~motional duality view of pain as a drama created by The Ego Self of the Soul as Spirit brought forth the wisdom of earlier in this Spiritual Treasure Gift (Chapter).

The Infinitely Spiritual light BEing souliloquizes that these memories of these Infinite Dimensional, Infinite Universal, and Infinite Parallel Universal lives are free from being good or bad, right or wrong, they are just what they are, another Infinite Dimensional, Infinite Universal, and Infinite Parallel Universal Life Experience  we are choosing to experience and the story of what has occurred free from the drama of what has occurred, and within this story that we are choosing to experience in that moment of a meditative state to bring it forth to this earth dimension in this Life Experience for the Soul Rememberings that we came here to remember, embrace, and treasure.

When we are able to view these other Infinite Dimensional, Infinite Universal, and Infinite Parallel Universal Life Experiences as One and for the Soul Rememberings that we came here to remember, embrace, and treasure, just as in the gifting birth scenario, we are free from the drama of the e~motional duality view and can shift these Infinite Dimensional, Infinite Universal, and Infinite Parallel Universal Life Experiences (or past lives as so named within this earth dimension's concept of the illusion of time) into a Spiritual Oneness Multi~Dimensional view of a beautiful, Absoulutely Loving feeling event, that occurred for the Soul Rememberings that we came here to remember, embrace, and treasure; then we can choose to remember, embrace, and treasure the Soul Rememberings that are within these events, and then gift thanks for, for give, in 6ratitude for the Soul Rememberings gifted to us. Thereby shifting this perceived past Life Experience into a resonance of Spiritual Oneness, Absoulute Love, Peace, and Bliss that is free from the illusions of a dramatic   experience ~ shifting into The Spiritual Oneness, Absoulute Love, Peace, and Bliss that we already and always ARE.

Hence, we can re~construct what we call as past events within this earth dimensional Life Experience by the shifting of observations and perceptions, thereby also transforming the Infinite Possibilities in the other Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes. If this is so, Spirit says we may ask then ~ Does the "real" history change or transform? Spirit shares that since events in all Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes are already and always (Always Ready to and are changing and In All Infinite Ways changing and shifting) changing based upon our ability to observe them within BEing both the Observer and the Spiritual Oneness Observer simultaneously and instantaneously, that we can re~construct these events based upon these observations and perceptions in the illusion of time known as each moment, then we are really free from any such concept as a "history", as history as it is called here on this earth dimension is constantly changing and shifting therefore it is free from ever being a history called a past or "passed" history.

Spirit gifts us with the Spiritual Metaphoric example of supposing that while we are visiting another of the Infinite Dimension, Infinite Universe, and Infinite Parallel Universe, we witness the physical body that our soul resides in experiencing an accident while riding a bicycle (Aaron experienced this experience in this earth dimension of being hit while riding a bicycle which I know within the all inclusive inner wisdom to be why Spirit gifted this to me in this way). Let us say that even though we are free from such an accident occurring in this earth dimension's definition of what we call as the "real" historical past, when we return to this earth dimension from experiencing this in this Infinite Dimension, Infinite Universe, and Infinite Parallel Universe, we now remember this accident rather than our accident free history.

Suppose then that we are uncertain as to whether we ever experienced this accident or was it our Infinite Dimension, Infinite Universe, and Infinite Parallel Universe self that did or maybe we even think it may be another soul entirely who might have been with us during that perceived moment in time. So we ask this other soul and this other soul "remembers" that indeed it was you who experienced it as you both were together that day and your friend says that they were riding a bicycle in front of you when this accident occurred and they looked back and saw you just as you went down from being hit by the car. Would we be convinced then that it did indeed occur? Suppose that we are free from still being convinced, thinking "hey maybe my friend is incorrect in his memory recall of the events. So we go to the police station and see if an accident report was filed. The police report in fact shows that yes indeed this car hit you and you had the accident, your name is on the report, the color and make of your bicycle and all. Are we now convinced? "Well, what is it that has happened we say?" as we are free from understanding what is occurring. Spirit says that what has occurred is that as far as we know, the Infinite Dimension, Infinite Universe, and Infinite Parallel Universe of the accident free LIFE we once knew is now a mere memory or what some here on this earth dimension may call a fantasy of our imagination, while the memory of the bicycle accident has now become the "real" past. In essence, we have switched Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes!

Does this mean we can merely "change history" by wishing it to BE so? We actually do change history by shifting into Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes infinitely already and always in each moment, it just may be that we are free from being consciously aware that we are. Until I experienced the Infinite Dimension, Infinite Universe, and Infinite Parallel Universe of seeing the physical body birth of myself as a Spiritual Soul BEing in this physical human form, I was free from re~membering or having a memory at all of my birth or of certain things that other souls will say are a part of my "real" past history including events such as I speak of within the Soul Remembering Through Life Experience in Forgiveness of me sitting at four earth dimensional years old on the Lion at Magic Mountain and such as I wrote from the experiences of the NTHE's (Near Transitional Home Experiences) and the Soul Exchanges I experienced. These Soul Exchanges were in essence a shifting in Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes and bringing forth spiritual wisdom and earth dimensional kNowledge and learning from one Infinite Dimension, Infinite Universe, and Infinite Parallel Universe to another which here we call as this earth dimension.

When such events as the Spiritual Metaphor gifted to us by The Infinitely Spiritual Light BEing within the bicycle experience and that of my experiences in these NTHE's and Soul Exchanges, when experienced by us, just as with what occurred for me, we develop what we call on this earth dimension as confusion and memory lapses because we are unconscious to the experience. This is what Spirit refers to then when they reveal that we are already and always Multi~Dimensionally traveling but that we may be free from being conscious of and remembering of the process.

This is also what occurs within souls who are labeled with this earth dimensional names of dementia, alzheimer's, crazy, autistic, or of the earth dimensional name of aspergers (Spirit sharing that the earth dimensional gifted names of autism and aspergers mean that these souls gifted with this earth dimensional name are in axiatonal alignment or "tuned" into the tones and messages of the Universal axis)  and such because as we near the resonance of transformation into our Spiritual Soul BEing we just as when we are babies, we are residing in a conscious state of praxis of shifting from one Infinite Dimension, Infinite Universe, and Infinite Parallel Universe to another of which we are free from having all of the memories of. These souls have an amazing gift dialing into other Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes; they are bringing forth its ability for all of us to remember, embrace, and treasure; and yet, within The Ego Self of the Soul as this earth dimensional whole, we choose the unconscious choice of labeling these gifted souls with these names that are perceived as "bad" and then we lock these souls away in what we call "mental institutions", "old age homes", and so on; so that within The Ego Self of the Soul of us perceiving ourselves as 'different than', better than' 'healthier than', and "there is something wrong with them" that we are free from "having to deal with" these souls then. Spirit says that by Stepping Into and seeing that we ARE, all of us, Spiritual Oneness Multi~Dimensionality, then as an earth dimensional whole that we can if we choose to, shift this to where we remember, embrace, and treasure these souls for the gifts that they bring to us.

Well, you can imagine my surprise when I received these messages from the Infinitely Spiritual Light BEing! Is it any wonder than why I was free from ever being a big fan of history while in school growing up! I always had this inner knowing, inner wisdom that there was a reason I was free from being a big fan of it and that what we call as history that is supposedly "written in stone" within history books in our schools and such is just One of  the Infinite Possibilities of events occurring in One of the Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes that we call as this earth dimension, and that are all One in essence as they are infinite expressions of  The Pure Consciousness of the Cosmic Infinite Circle of the Universal Source of All That Is that we are and emanate from and free from being the "only" history possibility. I was just choosing unconsciously to be free from remembering, embracing, and treasuring it until the moment I received my 'wake up call'! Earth dimensional confirmation of this became clear to me as a few years after I received this channeled wisdom within this Spiritual Treasure Gift (Chapter) that I began the studying along with our oldest son Chris of Quantum Physics, which through this studying of Quantum Physics is what lead us to the "What the Bleep Do We Know?" movie.

Other sources worth mention is Lynne McTaggart's book entitled "The Field: The Quest For The Secret Force Of The Universe" all about Zero Infinite Energy Resonance and gravity. The spiritual confirmation I received through our earth dimensional learnings of Quantum Physics was such a wonderous gift! It is Quantum Physics on this earth dimension that says that such shifts in Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes are possible and that the history that develops in such a shift from one Infinite Dimension, Infinite Universe, and Infinite Parallel Universe to another of the infinite possible Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes will be in logical continuity and then we will experience it as the One Universe there is until such a moment as we choose to shift again! But then again, I have always known within the all inclusive inner wisdom of the Universe The Pure Consciousness of the Cosmic Infinite Circle of the Universal Source of All That Is that we all ARE and emanate from that anything is infinitely possible and that we are BEing this as we experience it in what we call as each moment in time! Just gotta love spiritual confirmation! 
It was in receiving this channeled wisdom that was spiritual confirmation of this and what also Spirit says which is that it is our mutually agreed memory of an event or events is what provides us with the illusionary picture of a seeming "frozen past" that we call history, just as the mutually agreed memory I have shared of how Aaron and I came to be or the mutually agreed memory of Jenn's story, and so on that I share throughout this Spiritual Treasure Chest. These are all mutually agreed memories of events which are really it is just One Infinite Universe being expressed in an infinitely expanse of Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes of Infinite Possibilities. When we have remember, embrace, and treasure our access to the Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes, then we have the ability to see and engage within infinitely possible "histories" before us and to choose and shift within each One.

Why Do We Fight Wars?

Why do we fight wars? We are told on this earth dimension that we are here to fight wars to preserve our freedom, protect our countries, and to uphold democracy. When we ask other souls on this earth dimension as to why we fight wars, other souls say that they simply are free from knowing why. The Infinitely Spiritual Light BEing says the reason for this is that we choose to be free from knowing, to forget this why as an essence of choosing to come here to play this game called LIFE (Living Infinitely From Experience). Spirit shares with us though that this forgetting why we fight wars is an illusion we create here on this earth dimension. It has been created because within The Ego Self of the Soul perceiving itself as separate, as we are told to believe that we are to fight wars free from ever questioning, that we are against each soul here on this earth dimension, that we are somehow separate from each other, and separate from The Pure Consciousness of the Cosmic Infinite Circle of the Universal Source of All That Is of which we are, emanate from, and are therefore free from ever being separate from, hence the illusion. This illusion is created by attempting to instill The Ego Self of the Soul of fear, of doubt, and of an 'us vs. them' way of being, that we choose to readily accept free from ever questioning or really wondering why.

We earth dimensional souls say that there is a cost to the war in terms of earth dimensional monetary abundance, and a cost of freedom. However, Spirit reveals that these costs are mere duality illusions of The Ego Self of the Soul's fear that when brought forth to us that we choose to readily accept free from ever questioning their purpose. Spirit shares that when we readily accept these concepts free from ever questioning that it is that we are choosing unconsciously to resonate within this earth dimension of duality and spiritually asleep, choosing to be unconscious and residing within the 'only's' of The Ego Self of the Soul perceiving ourselves as separate from All, simply because a soul has told us to be so and we chose unconsciously to be so. It is when we come into Multi~Dimensional Spiritual Oneness that we ARE, that we then know of the all inclusive spiritual inner wisdom of why wars exist. It is when we are spiritually awake that we can see that we all have Divine Free Choice to resonate with what is within our soul rather than that of what a soul is telling us we should be.

We here on this earth dimension somehow say we will show and use force if we must to keep our freedom, that we must somehow 'win' at a war, and serve our country. Spirit says that what we are really doing is attempting to within an earth dimensional field of duality in seeing The Ego Self of the Soul perceiving itself as separate, is to use shear force or will to 'keep' The Ego Self of the Soul from merging into the Soul as Whole and complete just as it is, so that we will BE Peace, BE Absoulute Love, and BE Freedom; the very Peace, Absoulute Love, and Freedom that we already and always ARE, just free from being consciously awake to. Many souls believe within The Ego Self of the Soul that their problems will just seem to be 'solved or disappear' if they just enlist in the military or if we fight a war and win. We are often guaranteed jobs or education paid for, or even just the illusionary axiom that we are somehow safer in exchange for going to fight in a war for our country or for believing in going to war. Spirit says that The Ego Self of the Soul is enticed by these illusions of safety and security to continue a fight, and often we choose this free from questioning, free from looking deep within to remember, embrace, and treasure the gift of the Soul Rememberings Through Life Experience of Freedom, Peace, and Absoulute Love.

Soldiers of these wars have been noted to say things such as that when in war that they are shooting at what appears to be little dots on a radar screen, or an unknown target far in the distance, or an object up close, rather than seeing the souls that they are 'shooting at' within Absoulute Love and Infinite Light in physical form. They see 'only' The Ego Self of the Soul's view of separation, of something or some person outside of themselves, rather than seeing themselves ~ themselves as One Soul expressed infinitely within infinite forms including physical human form. For if we all did see us all as One Soul infinitely within infinite forms including physical human form as always, In All Ways, connected to each other as we ARE One, then we would choose to be free from the illusion of killing the physical body of the One Soul of who we ARE, as we would see within the all inclusive inner wisdom that we are in essence, in spiritual essence then, 'killing' ourselves within physical human form and within our soul ~ Our One Soul as an infinite expression of itself.

We all have chosen this Life Experience here on this earth dimension of these wars and all the illusions of pain, of anger, of transformation (or what we call here as death), of sacrifice, of lies about why we go to war ~ all of these experiences we have chosen so that we may come to remember, embrace, and treasure the gift of the Soul Rememberings of Freedom, Peace, and Absoulute Love and infinitely others (such as the Soul Rememberings of Forgiveness, Compassion, and so on infinitely) to shift the axioms, illusions, and e~motions of who we believe we are as a soul and The Ego Self of the Soul into Spiritual Oneness. Spirit says that this energetic cyclical pattern of the illusions, axioms, and e~motions of earth dimensional war will continue until we all come to remember, embrace, and treasure the Soul Rememberings Through Life Experiences of Freedom, Peace, and Absoulute Love, Forgiveness, Compassion and infinitely others; as these 'wars' will continually be a reminder to us to choose to come into resonance with these Soul Rememberings so that we may come to choose to shift and transform these on this earth dimension from deep within our souls as One Soul as an infinite expression of itself.
Freedom, Peace, and Absoulute Love, and of all of the infinite Soul Rememberings Spirit reveals are within the Soul Eye of the beholder of these gifts. If a soul is in axiom with that they are free, that they are at peace, and that they are Absoulute Love regardless of whatever storm that swirls around them attempting to say, do, or be otherwise ~ then this soul is free, this soul is at peace, and this soul is Absoulute Love simply because they choose it to be so. We are free from any soul being able to gift this to us, as these come from within us already and always. Are we truly free some souls may then question? How can we say that one is free when they are enslaved under a man who kills other souls, such as within Iraq during Sadaam's moments of what we call as power here on this earth dimension? Or how about the souls during this earth dimensional concept of time of Hitler ~ were all of those souls who transformed (or what we call here as souls who have died), or were what we call on this earth dimension as tortured or enslaved and so on free? Spirit says, Yes they were. Within the Soul Remembering Through Life Experience in Choice, we all have chosen our Life Experience in any gifted Life Experience that we choose to incarnate in.

Thus, all of these souls as a part of One Soul chose these Life Experiences, even if they have forgotten this choice as an essence within the playing of this game of LIFE. These souls chose this so that rather than to continue to remember their transformations (deaths) within holidays such as Memorial Day or anniversaries of wars or of the days of supposed 'tragedies' occurring, that we instead are being invited through their chosen Life Experience to remember, embrace, and treasure the Soul Rememberings Through Life Experience of Freedom, Peace, and Absoulute Love, Forgiveness, Compassion and infinitely others. Spirit says that we choose to unconsciously because a soul has simply told us to and we unconsciously choose to then 'remember only' the day that these souls transformed or 'only' remember the event that occurred. Spirit shares that we focus so passionately or things like 'remembering what we call within this earth dimensional duality as the 'bad' things, that this is then what continues to manifest in our Life Experience both within our Life Experience and within the collective Life Experience we call history. When we focus passionately on what we are free from desiring within our Life Experience as if we are somehow pushing against it, such as what we call on this earth dimension as 'The war against terrorism' or 'Being against souls whom we call as gay or immigrants' that is pushing against it is what we focus passionately on which creates the thoughtenergy of this 'againstness' and thus then creates more of what it is that we are free from desiring. It is when we choose to focus on what it is we desire that what we are free from desiring melds into what it is we do desire and what it is we do desire then manifests.

It is within the remembering the "only's" of these transformations and events that keeps us within the illusions, axioms, and e~motions of these transformations (deaths) and events remembering these over and over as if we are somehow addicted to these 'only' memories of The Ego Self of the Soul, rather than choosing to remember, embrace, and treasure the Soul Rememberings Through Life Experience of Freedom, Peace, and Absoulute Love, Forgiveness, Compassion and infinitely others. It is Spirit's invitation to us within this moment to choose to remember the loved ones that we cherish so by instead of delving down The Ego Self of the Soul's Rabbit Hole of 'only' remembering these souls and how they transformed (died) or the "only's" of the events that occurred surrounding their transformations and what we perceive as torturings, enslavings, and so on infinitely, and to utilize these illusions, axioms, and e~motions of the events that occurred and of these soul's chosen Life Experience to see the illusions, axioms, and e~motions for what they ARE ~ an invitation to us to remember, embrace, and treasure the Soul Rememberings Through Life Experience of Freedom, Peace, and Absoulute Love, Forgiveness, Compassion and infinitely others within Stepping Info Spiritual Oneness, as we ARE already and always this, we are just choosing to be free from being consciously awake to this.

Spirit invites us to 'wake up', and within waking up, we will then remember, embrace, and treasure the soul's who chose of their Divine Free Choice their Life Experience what they chose for us to remember, embrace, and treasure the Soul Rememberings Through Life Experience of Freedom, Peace, and Absoulute Love, Forgiveness, Compassion and infinitely others and we can then thank them and celebrate with them with every earth dimensional day being a holiday of remembering who they are and the gifts that they bring to us infinitely within each moment rather than remembering 'only' the transformation and events that occurred.
The souls with the earth dimensional names of Hitler, of Sadaam and other souls, also chose to be who they were and are within their Life Experiences, just as the souls who transform chose to be so for their Life Experience and for all souls to remember, embrace, and treasure the gift of the Soul Rememberings Through Life Experience in Freedom, Peace, Absoulute Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, and infinitely others. We all have chosen this for the experience in the game called LIFE to occur for the Soul Rememberings to remember, embrace, and treasure Through Life Experience of Freedom, Peace, and Absoulute Love, Forgiveness, Compassion and infinitely others, that we have chosen to forget within playing this game called LIFE. It is within the remembering, embracing, and treasuring of these Soul Rememberings Through Life Experience as Spirit has shared within the last two paragraphs, that we then can also thank within Infinite 6ratitude souls such as the Hitler's and Sadaam's of this earth dimension for the Soul Rememberings they gift to us.

Therefore, this earth dimensions governments of the whole, are free from gifting us with (Freedom, Peace, and Absoulute Love or infinitely any of these Soul Rememberings) something that we already and always experience with us and within us. Therefore we are free from The Ego Self of the Soul's axioms, illusions, and e~motions of 'having to' fight for anything, as we already and always ARE what it is we are supposedly fighting for. Spirit says that this is why wars and fighting occurs, to show us this gift of the Soul Rememberings of Peace, Absoulute Love, Freedom, Forgiveness, Compassion, and infinitely others within this Life Experience, so that we may choose to BE the Spiritual Oneness, the Freedom, the Absoulute Love and infinite others within the Soul Rememberings Through Life Experience. Such a gift that this gifts us! We thank those souls whom have incarnated here with their Soul Life Purpose to show us these Soul Rememberings so that we may enlighten them for us all. Thus we forgive, or gift thanks for, the Soul Rememberings within this Life Experience in Peace, Absoulute Love, Freedom Forgiveness, Compassion, and infinitely others that all souls gift us.

We ARE free. We ARE at Peace. We ARE Absoulute Love. We ARE Compassion. We ARE Forgiveness. We are these and Infinitely All That Is. We are free from the illusions, axioms, and e~motions within The Ego Self of the Soul of 'having to' fight any wars, it is that we choose to fight. We are free from 'having to' war with ourselves, as this is what war is ~ a fighting amongst our souls within a field of duality of good vs. bad, right vs. wrong, and an I am better than you' of The Ego Self of the Soul perceiving itself as separate. It is the illusion, the axiom, and the dramatic e~motions of war between The Ego Self of the Soul and the Soul as Whole which is whole, perfect, and complete just as it is ~ that is in this illusionary fighting we call here as war. As we are all One, we may say, "Oh no, it is 'only' so and so who are doing this, not me", as in an 'us vs. them' way of being. Spirit says that we are told here on this earth dimension by some well meaning people to hate other souls, that they are somehow the enemy and that we 'must' annihilate these souls. Yet, when we are told this, we are being told and choose to unconsciously go along with the hating, the being of the enemy, and the annihilation of our soul, as we are all One.

Yet, upon asking souls here on this earth dimension if they hate another soul such as a soul who lives in Iraq or is of this earth dimensional religion of Muslim, the answer that I always receive is that whomever I am asking tells me that they are free from saying that they hate any soul, simply because they are free from knowing this other soul physically. And within knowing all souls spiritually as we are all One Soul that is and emanates from The Pure Consciousness of the Cosmic Infinite Circle of the Universal Source of All That Is of Absoulute Love, Peace, and Freedom of All, in All, for All and with All, with an already merged Ego Self of the Soul into the Whole Soul as One, then how can we as this One Soul hate any One? Spirit says that when we say we hate or must war with another soul, we are really saying that we hate and must war with our souls, as we are all expressions of this one Soul sharing infinite physical bodies. Spirit shares that we also fight amongst us with regard to immigrants coming into our countries and about who should have what rights such as souls whom we call homosexual being gifted with certain things as if within The Ego Self of the Soul, we believe that only 'we' are entitled to these things and 'they' are not. We may even see it as if our 'rights' are being somehow taken away if we allow other souls the same as we experience. Spirit shares that what we are being invited to see is that we are these souls, for within the infinite Life Experiences we experience, we are all of these infinite forms, therefore to withhold these things from other souls, is withholding it from our soul as we are One.

We are also free from The Ego Self of the Soul's illusions of having anything 'taken away' as these gifts are of the universe and for all souls to share and partake in; free from one soul being better than another or somehow 'more worthy' than another. The Infinitely Spiritual Light BEing reveals the wisdom there too that we are free from being told that what it is we desire (i.e. to be married or to live where they so choose to and so on) is free from being 'taken away' by the global governments, that all these souls desire is to be included in with all of us so that we may all share together as One, this universe. That if we choose to experience the thoughtenergy that is inclusive of us, of our family, and of other souls we illusionarily 'like' and is free from or excludes other souls, then this is free from BEing inspired, or In Spirit, and free from being within the Spiritual Oneness that we already and always are and resonates within The Ego Self of the Soul that is in axiom with that we are separate from each other as One Soul sharing infinite physical forms.

Spirit invites us to see that yes, indeed it is us, each of us as One, as One Soul. That it is when we choose to be in axiom with that we 'must fight' The Ego Self of the Soul, rather than merging The Ego Self of the Soul into the Whole of the Soul as One, that has create the illusions, the axioms, and the e~motions of war. This is why this illusion has been created to show us that we can choose to merge The Ego Self of the Soul into the Whole of the Soul as One and therefore we see that we ARE already and always free. Once we come into the AREness of Multi~Dimensional Spiritual Oneness Spiritual Soul BEings that we are, we then experience the all inclusive infinite inner wisdom of the Universe with us and within us already and always, Always Ready and In All Ways, and we know from deep within the soul then that we ARE free. Once we, as One Soul sharing infinite physical bodies as infinite expressions of One Soul, come into the wisdom of understanding this and feeling it deep within the Soul as One, then the illusions, axioms, and e~motions of war will fade into Spiritual Oneness. We already and always ARE Spiritual Oneness, as the Soul of One, and we are all being invited to resonate within it. Do we choose to accept The Pure Consciousness of the Cosmic Infinite Circle of the Universal Source of All That Is's invitation that we as One Soul ARE Peace, Freedom, Absoulute Love, Bliss, Forgiveness, Compassion, Transformation, Abundance, Manifestation, and infinitely others, already and always; that it is already and always within us and with us?

When we are able to view these Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes "histories" of events that have occurred within this earth dimension's Life Experiences and within these Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes as One and for the Soul Rememberings that we came here to remember, embrace, and treasure, just as in the giving birth scenario, we are then free from the drama of the e~motional duality view and can shift these Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes Life Experiences (or past lives, present lives, and future lives as named on this earth dimension within the concept of the illusion of time) into a Spiritual Oneness Multi~Dimensional view of a Beautiful, Blissful, Peaceful, Joyful, Absoulutely Loving feeling event, that occurs for the Soul Rememberings that we came here to remember, embrace, and treasure; then choose to remember, embrace, and treasure these Soul Rememberings that are within these events and other souls that gift them to us; and then give thanks for, for give, in Infinite 6ratitude for the Soul Rememberings gifted to us, which thereby, in shifting this perceived past, present, or future Life Experiences into a realizing of Absoulute Love, Peace, Beauty, and Bliss that is free from the illusions of a dramatic experience. This is the Stepping Into Spiritual Oneness ~ This is the Spiritual Oneness that we ARE!

When we forgive, give thanks for,(as this is what Spirit shares that forgiveness is for give ness, gifting thanks for the Soul Rememberings Through Life Experience we are invited to remember, embrace and treasure; or as we may call it here on this earth dimension the life lessons we are invited to learn) these events and embrace one another as One Soul expressed within infinite physical forms in Absoulute Love, Infinite Light, Beauty, Bliss and Peace as a collective global mutually agreed memory of these "past, present and future lives and histories" as One, then we shift these seeming "histories" into another Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes and free from being within this earth dimension any longer as we will as a global whole choose this to be so. This is what is referred to as the shift in global consciousness and of peace on this earth dimension, as we all as One Soul on this earth dimension will within BEing this shifting of seeming "past, present, and future histories" within the concept of time, will then shift into the consciousness of gifting birth to another Infinite Parallel Universe we will call 'The Earth Dimension of Enlightenment and Spiritual Oneness', One in which Freedom, Beauty, Peace, Bliss, and Absoulute Love resides infinitely.

The Earth Dimension of Enlightenment and Spiritual Oneness, is really free from a global consciousness shift in the way we currently on this earth dimension are in axiom with. We believe that The Earth Dimension of Enlightenment and Spiritual Oneness means that we within The Ego Self of the Soul 'must get every soul to shift into this resonance'. Yes we are One Soul, expressed infinitely within infinite forms, however, this is free from meaning that each and every soul within physical form 'needs to be' shifted 'in order to' shift into and be The Earth Dimension of Enlightenment and Spiritual Oneness. Spirit reveals that this is free from being so, as all it takes is One ~ One Soul; The One Soul of who we are and emanate from, to shift into and be The Earth Dimension of Enlightenment and Spiritual Oneness; as we are One. This 'The Earth Dimension of Enlightenment and Spiritual Oneness' will be free from needing to be called 'The New Earth' or 'The New Earth Dimension' or that we all have 'Ascended' and so on; as it simply IS what we already and always ARE, we were just choosing to be free from remembering it!

Welcome to this game we call LIFE! :)