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Let's Talk Blood Type

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I know I stuck this in Quantum Physics,  :-D

But uhm, we don't really have anywhere else I think it fits.

I'm just wondering if blood type might have something to do with what we do here.

What do you think? Maybe?


If you have vastly superior spiritual blood type... well ummm... where do you live again?  :D  ;)


On the show Ancient Aliens they report that people who have reported to have had alien abductions are more likely to have an Rh negative blood type.

Here is a link to one of the shows:

The Adventure Continues...


Anything to do with the body fascinates me, and, blood types.....yeah fascinate me. This thread is quite synchronous as I just began having this concept come up again in physical space. It is fairly new, and exceedingly rare, but people are being discovered, roughly 50 people on the planet so far that have NO Rh factor in their blood. Now that is just incredible to me. How does it happen. I am riveted. This blood type is being called Rhnull.

I don't think we can attribute the awakening process to a blood type.. but the blood type we do have can be an attributing factor that makes the process one more likely to succeed than not. Pathways are another thing that fascinate me. I wonder if any of us has ever followed the blood-brain pathway to see more clearly what it is. Or followed that pathway into an OBE, in the way one can go out through any of the other major centers.



I don't know my blood type, but it is a fascinating subject. Next time I have a physical, I need to ask my doctor to check.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I'm A Positive and with ET involvement since early days, so I don't quite fit the current narrative, if that can even be trusted, so I keep a degree of skepticism. Regarding OBE through certain pathways or major centers, I have observed this in some others but not in myself. I notice activation of Heart, Brow and Crown chakras at times but my OBEs/Phasings were early on float outs/roll outs then just automatic shifts of dimension.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


A+ here too and can totally relate to EV's post. So I guess neither of us fit the narrative but then again who knows.
Xanth - LMAO!! Who know?!!!
Haven't followed the pathways Casey but could be revealing.



Expecting some more responses here... what would be a reason for not sharing...?

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Well after three A+'s who else is gonna step forward? ( lol )



Although I often have the feeling I do not belong to this world  :-D, I only had a few dreams about ET matters.
Until now I don't have any connections I am aware of or a feeling that I am a descendant of ET beings.


Thanks for adding Erik. So far we seem to be faring on the side of positive. But this is an incredibly small sampling.


Erik!! . . O+ you have been here on this Earth from the beginning.. Os were the first, original blood type. Super cool. My Mom is O-, we have a few of them in our family, both Os and -s. It is so interesting. Does anyone else know about the blood types of their siblings and other family members? So much more curious!


I see I didn't mention mine above. 

B+ for me. 
The Adventure Continues...


I wish I did know casey. T-man you're a B wow, I don't many Bs.


I used to know what I am, but that information has been lost to the ages now.  :)


Now are you being cheeky, or are you seriously referring to your blood type? lol


Not saying a word
(turns blue)


Nope still not gonna say it