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Really amazing workshop

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I went a workshop this weekend associated with Edgar Cayce Canada. I was very surprised at the speakers. In fact, Al Conrad is not only similar to Tom Campbell in his presentation, he maybe better in some ways. If you like Tom Campbell you will like this guy. Canadians here will be doubly pleased to know that he does workshops in Onterio. I don't know if he even goes down to the US. He works in the aerospace/defense type work. He's similar to Campbell in his viewpoint but he goes into more detail and cross compares to other metephysical writing or extracting metephysical concepts out of channeled works like Seth, Edgar Cayce, and Lazaro.  He doesn't write or publish ( he likes verbal presentations over the drudgery of writing) and all his material is online and free.... and it's amazing.  If you read the blog you in for a 700 plus page project btw


wow really nice info, taking a look at alsworldview right now, edgar cayce seems like a nice read.


Cayce was a master of astral projection. He would get all of his information from an inward focus which he projected to. He had perfect control and could do it any time day or night.