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attracting things into your life with music

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I feel I am evolving at a rapid pace at the moment, and a lot of things are changing, spiritually and mentally. I know that I can attract things into my life with music. Just for an example, one day my brother and I were going somewhere and he was playing a song that said something about being stuck in a traffic jam for an hour. Almost immediately, we approached a traffic jam, and sat there for around an hour. Before that, on the same day, there was a song on about breaking the law, and he got a ticket for not wearing his seatbelt, WHILE THE SONG WAS PLAYING.
Me, i've always liked some heavy metal. Slayer, for example, is one of my favorite bands of all time. Something about 'em. But what if you like music that is bad for you to listen to? This is a strange situation. A lot of surrounding circumstances are kind of saying through my intuition, "Change your personality to evolve." I even saw an advertisement that said, "Can you change your personality?" Ironic....
But how can you just stop liking certain music? Is musical taste more of a personality thing or is it something in your soul that enjoys that type of music? Hopefully i'm asking that correctly.
Should I just throw away all of my metal cd's? Delete all my mp3's? What about horror movies, something i've enjoyed my entire life? As strange as it sounds, I may have attracted "evil" into my life with music. Does anyone else have any idea what i'm talking about?  :|
Is metal music, etc. low vibrationally, and attract lower vibrations? What kind of music would have high vibrations? Please don't say Britney Spears.


Quote from: crystal138 on January 01, 2007, 13:23:10
I feel I am evolving at a rapid pace at the moment, and a lot of things are changing, spiritually and mentally. I know that I can attract things into my life with music. Just for an example, one day my brother and I were going somewhere and he was playing a song that said something about being stuck in a traffic jam for an hour. Almost immediately, we approached a traffic jam, and sat there for around an hour. Before that, on the same day, there was a song on about breaking the law, and he got a ticket for not wearing his seatbelt, WHILE THE SONG WAS PLAYING.
Me, i've always liked some heavy metal. Slayer, for example, is one of my favorite bands of all time. Something about 'em. But what if you like music that is bad for you to listen to? This is a strange situation. A lot of surrounding circumstances are kind of saying through my intuition, "Change your personality to evolve." I even saw an advertisement that said, "Can you change your personality?" Ironic....
But how can you just stop liking certain music? Is musical taste more of a personality thing or is it something in your soul that enjoys that type of music? Hopefully i'm asking that correctly.
Should I just throw away all of my metal cd's? Delete all my mp3's? What about horror movies, something i've enjoyed my entire life? As strange as it sounds, I may have attracted "evil" into my life with music. Does anyone else have any idea what i'm talking about?  :|
Is metal music, etc. low vibrationally, and attract lower vibrations? What kind of music would have high vibrations? Please don't say Britney Spears.

  I doubt those songs and their corresponding events had anything to do with each other, metaphysically. Most likely just coincidences.

  And no music is bad, only the words. Slayer is not bad, and because you can't understand the words anyway, it doesn't even matter. Even then, the music does not change you unless you want it to.

  Just listen to music that gets you feeling emotional / spiritual. It will be different for everyone. I love listening to bands such as Dream Theater, Opeth, and Symphony X. To me, they make me feel emotional, alive, full of energy..

  Is metal trying to harm anyone? No, so it's not evil.
  Are horror movies trying to harm anyone? No, so they are not evil.


I just came home from a holidays today. I went away with 8 people to a beachside caravan park for 7 days.

The last song that played on my 2 1/2 drive home as I was turning into my street: Greenday - Time of Your Life.

Coincidence or not, there's nothing I would have preferred to hear at that end of the trip.

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.


I think I remember seeing a serius radio commercial on this
I stand at the threshold of what could be a new world


For me, music and spirituality are related through creativity and inspiration. And metal can be both creative and inspirational (I've been listening to "Soulfly" myself). To one person, a song can seem dark and negative, to another uplifting. I listen to a lot of music that some people may deem negative, whereas I can find the creativity, talent, and love of music that an artist puts into it. The Mistfits were dark and evil sounding, but to me it's similar to watching an old Vincent Price horror movie - lots of fun.


And I'm partial to Leonard Cohen.  He soothes me and I find him incredibly calming to listen to.

However, most people say that his music is "to slit one's wrists to".

Each to their own, I guess.

We all find nonsenses to believe in; it's part of being alive.

Astral Projection

guys, try to listen psychedelic ambient when you go to bed... Bands like Shpongle or Entheogenic. The music is perfection, it very often takes me to other places.

When I was a little i used to listen metal music, and bad things used to happen to me. I didn't realise that until now... But when I started with Psychedelic (means: mind revealing) music, my life really started to improve. I don't know is that because of music :|
Right now, I couldn't imagine my life without music. I'm sort of addicted. :)
mind altering psychedelic trip


Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.


Music does not attract bad things in my opinion.

Its more that frequencies, instruments used, pitch, way of singing, lyrics etc. will make you think in a certain way. So if you listen to rock music all the time, you might tend to be more aggresive for example.
In somnis veritas

Astral Projection

QuoteSo if you listen to rock music all the time, you might tend to be more aggresive for example.
exactly... I used to be aggressive... now i'm complete opposite..  :wink:
mind altering psychedelic trip


People listen to the type of music that appeals to them the most. You choose what you want to listen to.
Artists create musical pieces with intentions of interpreting to the listener their emotions.


I think that personality affects taste of music, rather than taste of music affecting personality.

Besides, I like to listen to music written in languages that I don't speak a word of :-D
All men are equal in death.


I'd agree with that to an extent. Involving personality invites arguments for whether the core of it changes over time or is just expressed differently as we age, to which there is unfortunately no sufficient answer. In agreement however, my younger years I found solace listening to 'angry' music. I have never really been a fan of metal to be honest. These days I love good jazz and how raw acoustic music is. I still my old stuff as well.

My appreciation for music has lead me to understand that in reality genre's exist on a superficial level. Music is music. Whether it is "pleasant" to listen to or not.

In response to some people looking to genre's such as metal and rap as dark and evil I think in some cases this may be true but it doesn't entirely satisfy me. If you've ever heard the song by Tupac called "Dear Mamma" it's easy to see how poetic and honest it is. Not dark and evil. Lyrical Art.

In the past I myself was guilty of experiencing music with a preconcieved idea of what I thought the genre was, clouding my judgement.

A world without music, I cannot begin to imagine.

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.


I totally agree AM.

Music is art. If you only listen to one form of music, you're missing out on a lot of good art. I'll listen to a Tool album and follow it with Thelonius Monk. Or make a mixtape with punk and reggae - there are a lot of similarities between the two that a lot of people miss out on. Same thing with jazz & hip-hop.

What I listen to at a particular time is definately defined by the mood I'm in or people I'm around. I just had a friend who I haven't seen in a couple of years visit me. He's big into metal and we shared music back and forth. I had him listening to stuff he wouldn't have ever given a chance otherwise. And we jammed out for 2 1/2 hours - him on a heavily distorted (metal-sounding) guitar and me on a jazz organ & programmed drum beats, something neither of us had ever done, but it was mind-opening for both of us.

My point being - what one person hears in music is not necessarily the way it was meant to be heard, and with the right influence you can change the way you hear it. All forms of music are valid and can be artistic.

lily moonsong

When I drove to my ex bf's house in a rage, and waited there for him to get him his car so i could drive into him... my friend called.. and was telling me to turn my engine on and just drive away.. as far away from my ex-bf as possible, or he would clal the cops on me..

on the radio.. guess what was playing?  "walk away!" by christina aguilera. kelly clarkson

another time... i did a love spell on another ex bf of mine... i got in the car... and "far away" by nickleback was playing... the lyrics were "i love you.. i've love dyou all along.. i miss you.. so far away for far too long."  when i got home and checked my email.. his exact words were.. "i still love you, i'm sorry, i still care about you."

another time... i get in the car really depressed... and this song comes on.. "u must not know about me...i can have another you in a minute...matter of fact, he'll be here in a minute."

so.. i definitely see the sinchronicity between certain events that occur, and what song is on the radio at the time these events occur. 

Also, if I play happier music, i'm happier, and sadder music, i'm sader.  So in the same way changing your handwriting changes your personality.  Changing the music you play on your profile website as your signature song, may affect your personality and moods as well. 

A compromise could be.. to be able to listen to as much music you want to, that you like to listen to.  Just make sure, you don't listen to too much sad music.. or too much angry music... remember.. everything in moderation!


I love music and I like about every style from heavy metal to classical.  It depends on my mood I guess.  But I've concluded that it's not the music itself that attracts things to me -- both good and bad -- it's my attitude and reinforced belief system in general.  The music might affect that from time to time, but the music in and of itself is neutral.  What affects me in a great way may be negative to another.  Here's to enjoyable listening and good moods.......DH
God created the Universe for His 7th grade science project -- and got a C.     - Swami Beyondananda


Yeah Shpongle!! "Star Spongled Banner" is amazing. In fact I'm going to listen to Spongle right now.

Quote from: crystal138 on January 01, 2007, 13:23:10
I feel I am evolving at a rapid pace at the moment, and a lot of things are changing, spiritually and mentally.

That's amazing, because I feel the *exact* same way.

It's interesting too that I used to like a band called "Bright Eyes" a decent amount, which if you know this band, know that they are a "emo" group with a depressing tone to their stuff. I havn't listened to Bright Eyes in months though...I feel as though I have moved on to a higher vibrational level and this stuff just doesn't collaborate with where I'm at.


i'm an electronic fan myself.. i like most music.. all except country(depressing) 

live365 has like 10,000 stations and many electronic stations to chose from.  I listen to it alot at night and if i let my mind wander and really get into the music it almost feels like its talking to me.. i can feel the base line through out my body and the lyrics seem to answer the questions in my head.. i'm crazy so my oppinion is difficult to accept, lol.

but i have been in a car just crusing and some random songs come onthe radio and practicly describe the scene i'm in and how i'm feeling at the time.. scary kindof.. i don't konw if there is a connection or not


I LOVE heavy metal, but not all of it, the really shouty stuff where you cant hear whats going on. What's the point of writing lyrics that cant be heard?

But I dont find it depressing to listen to, the more technical bands I find really inspiring, like Dream Theater and Symphony X. Everything has its place though, I listen to a lot of classical and jazz aswell