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Contacting Oversoul

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Does anyone know some good methods in contactin the oversoul? I would love to hear from yall regarding the best way yall contact the oversoul..



Isn't the oversould regarded as God? He is rather difficult to contact i think.
and krisna answered; Yes ascension is truly very very difficult for men, unless... Adi Shakti interferes.


I've always seen the oversoul or 'over mind' as the mind or consciousness of the planet. Also known as the 'Gaian Mind'. The only method I've seen written about that had any kind of convincing discussion, although it is met with much skepticism, is that of Terrence Mckenna. An extraordinary intellectual who uses poetic language to explain the human crisis. His theory is that psilocybin, the hallucinogenic consitutent in 'magic mushrooms', offers the user a link between them and the oversoul or Gaian mind. What are described as hallucinations are just a primitive explanation of something so mysterious that we really had no other description of until Terrence.

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.


The first time I ever saw the word Over-Soul was when reading Robert Peterson or Robert Monroe or some guy writing on OBE. I think it was Peterson, although it's been years since I read it.

If memory serves, he used that term to decribe his perception of an OBE experience in which he perceived a large body -- like a mother-ship -- with a bunch of tendrils extending down from it. Each tendril represented one life or part of him. And that each one was also a part of this over-soul.

Interestingly enough, I hadn't realized till this morning, when googling the word, that Ralph Waldo Emerson is the first to coin the word when he wrote an essay on spirituality and soul...I'm going to have to read that now!

Actually, it looks like Monroe used this term in Ultimate Journeys as well...although I've never read that.

From what I remember, I equate the word Over-Soul to how people currently think of the Higher Self. So I believe the question is how to contact your higher self.
Reality is what you perceive it to be.


How does one contact their higher self directly?

I thought that the higher self indirectly guides us  :|
Virtuous Akashic Evangelist


try googling or researching  'knowlege and conversation with the holy guardian angel'


Late reply, I know.

To contact your higher self, just say Hi. It would be impossible to seperate you from your higher self, as this is the core of your essence. Direct your mind and spirit upwards and go for it, you will never be ignored.

Yeah cant really recommend any particular drippy candles, magick circles or arcane spell books to assist you sorry :p.
(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


Jane Roberts (of Seth fame) wrote a couple of novels about the adventures of an oversoul and its various personalities in an attempt to demonstrate what Seth what talking about on the subjects of reincarnation, higher self, etc.  It lines up somewhat with what others like Robert Monroe have written about the higher self.

Meditation is a good way to get in touch with the higher self.  Just begin to focus on "Who am I?"

God created the Universe for His 7th grade science project -- and got a C.     - Swami Beyondananda


I would like to identify some "pitfalls" of trying to contact your Higher-Self too soon.

The difficulties while trying to contact your Higher-Self in a premature manner would most likely result in a lack of belief if such contact was made. On top of that, you should at least know that your Higher-Self can and does much more than just talk, but to start the conversation you need to be able to discern your Higher-Self from your outside influences of thought.

Purification of Mind is important in this regard, also learning communication and new vocabulary helps expand your Higher-Selfs ability to communicate with you, for you are restricted by your filtration of mind and perception to hear anything of real value unless you expand your own abilities for communication and understanding.

Your Higher-Self is a voiceless voice, a whisper, and to make first contact, you would be best off after purification of mind, asking the important questions about life, it's meaning, and purpose while waiting in silence and stillness of mind for a response.

The reason why I suggest purification of mind, is because it is easy for one to get confused as to who exactly is creating the thoughts  you are hearing and may doubt this concept, and if it's a thought that one may not be able to trust to be true because the mind is still saturated with outside influence of not so high ideas about Life, then this may be the folly in what could have been the best decision you could have ever made.

It is very possible to make contact with the Higher-Self at any given moment, however as I mentioned, I suggest purification of your mind (and body if you're willing ;)) so that you can be able to discern the difference of inner thought from outer influence.


This reality is a paradox, so what now?


Novice seems to be getting closer to understanding what Oversoul is. From my experience, we know that there are multiple levels of awareness 'above' our day to day perceptions. We can understand that the astral is one of those higher awareness regions that also has multiple layers which 'end' at what Monroe called Focus 27, where the Akashic Record is and where we begin our incarnation process into this world.

Beyond that is what I call Soul awareness levels, where we begin to work with our Higher-Self until we are merged again in full awareness and come to know what we are and why we are here.

Above that is what I call the Oversoul awareness levels, that can be confusing to comprehend with our human capacity because nothing we conceive as reality exists at such 'high' levels of awareness. The experience of being in these awareness levels is like nothing we can imagine because we no longer exist within this Universe, nor within the the next bigger picture perception above that where 'god' no longer exists except as a minute part of an even larger creative awareness. You can see the multi-bubbleverses as if it were sea-foam and continue into even higher awareness levels that become even more confusing to comprehend.

So oversoul is only the next layers or levels of awareness above the higher-self/soul levels.

I hope this is some help for you.

Love Always,



Tayesin and Brolyson have got it spot-on and I would add a little more to what they said  by saying: Make your intention known to the oversoul be it when quietly or in meditation, then evrything will fall into place.


There are many texts that one can read for free here.

I have seen works of Emerson and Thoreau included.


Have anybody else feeling now whole planet movement? Is that "Gaian Mind" (God)? So instead of feeling myself move - I feel EVERYTHING ELSE move... Interesting :)

edit: Or is it just my imagination? I haven't felt this before like this tough. I started feeling this just yesterday when prayed again for God.


Your OVERSOUL, which exists in HYPERSPACE, is your COMPLETE soul personality, of which you are a piece. The other pieces of your OVERSOUL, these pieces being referred to as your other soul personalities, are living their own individual lifetimes in distinct dimensions in their own form. Imagine an octopus with many tentacles. This is a helpful reference. The body of the octopus being the OVERSOUL and the tentacles being soul personalities.

In example, one of your soul personalities (one piece of your OVERSOUL) may be a crab in some underwater world in another dimension. Another soul personality may be of an angelic frequency in another dimension. There are multiple soul personalities, you being one of them, making up your OVERSOUL, or complete personality.

When "God" first actively created, he self-reflected, or created a meta-self, which then self-reflected, creating a meta-meta-self, and so on ad infinitum. The first meta-self reflected from "God" was the composite of ALL OVERSOULS as one, which split into many OVERSOULS, which then splits it many soul personalities.

You are but one soul personality of an infinite number of soul personalities in an infinite number of dimension evolving naturally as "God" so evolves naturally as an active mind.

Again, the purpose as a soul personality incarnating into any life form into any life time into any dimension is to learn from experience as we evolve as part of our OVERSOUL as part of "God".

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you visit and read the work of Stewart and Janet Swerdlow.

The OVERSOUL is very easy to contact, as you are constantly in communication back and forth.

Joy, Love, and Happiness,

Man of Bliss

p.s. Be aware on forums that there are MANY people with varying information they have gathered from who knows where (and this includes me). There is a TON of DISinformation on sites like this that come in the form of unexperienced people repeating nonsense that someone else said nonsensically in response to a person's question. With that said, I am impressed with this forum. It is a great vehicle for learning.

p.p.s. Fun travels.


I, as a multidimensional being existing in an infinite number of dimensions, am intimately connected to these other aspects of my higher self, which reside in these other levels of reality. Communication between these individual yet interconnected consciousnesses is always occuring, but usually unconsciously, or consciously in alternate states of consciousness, such as in the dream state, out of body, or during trance. This is known as channeling. This is usually initiated by a more consciously-advanced aspect of my inner being, and yet it most importantly requires my part in the connection, for I must be at a level of consciousness aware enough to be capable of receiving the energy, where as the more advance consciousness will usually always be at this level.

The purpose for this communication is the advancement of the consciousnesses of the individuals involved to new levels of awareness, understanding, and creative expression, this being the purpose for existence. This experience is not limited to humans, or my present level of consciousness. Just as higher aspects of my being communicate to me, these more advanced aspects receive guidance from aspects even more developed and aware than themselves, and this channeling process most likely continues into infinity.

Guidance may be received via dream symbols, telepathy, or sudden bursts of insight or new perceptions, and it is the syncronicity which follows these experiences in my physical reality which confirms the reality of this guidance and its source. Communication also takes place in levels so far removed from normal waking consciousness that recall is nearly impossible. There is usually a strong feeling lingering within me after such an experience, a feeling of knowing something extremely important, and yet not being able to verbalize or translate the experience to a physical level. In cases such as this, the knowledge will usually be unconsciously utilized in my daily experience.
Escaping Velocity. Not just eternity, but infinity.