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Don't Insist on the Outcome. Focus on the Journey.

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With the beginning on a new year, there is a new beginning in general symbolically. Many have new year resolutions and set goals and desired outcomes. They visualize the way things should happen and keep insisting. But insistence creates resistance. Conditions create anxiety and disappointment. Reactions of disappointment keep the cycles closed and repetitive. 
I found that focusing on the journey itself and not the destination, brings the most joy and content. I no longer care about or set outcomes/conditions/deadlines. They come automatically (I still do not expect them though, because if I do that becomes insistence) as pleasant surprises as side affects of following my highest excitement every moment of every day and be the best version of myself I am capable of. To do the right thing per my intuition and see "efforts" as opportunities. So these opportunities do not feel like efforts but as adventures. If I see them that way, these adventures become exciting and enjoyable.
The response "so what" if something I desire does not happen gives me incredible freedom, because I know that I am eternal multidimensional being with infinite opportunities to experience everything. If not in this lifetime, then it is in another, and it's still mine. I am grateful for the opportunities to learn and that's what matters.
Focus on the journey/the now, don't rush to arrive somewhere and tell yourself that you will be happy once you get something or achieve something, because right after you get something, you start focusing on something else and you end up constantly chasing goals and never actually living and experiencing true joy by appreciating the journey itself.

There are 360+ blank pages on your story book for 2025. What would you write on each page.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I loved the New Year's reflection! I won't lie by saying I don't have my goals for this year, because I do, but more like an organizational map, a course, a guide... like those marks on trees that are put on trekking trails to follow the path, but you don't necessarily have to go that way, it's just orientative.

I think it's part of the modern society we were born into, that kind of mentality. Always being obsessed with a goal and not being happy until you achieve it. And once you achieve it, you feel just as empty as before and look for another one. It's like being an animal running in circles. We need to break that obsessive pattern and focus more on quality of life, and the goals will be achieved on their own, as you mentioned.

I see people around me always obsessed with what they don't have, and they don't take a minute to be grateful for all the good things life has poured over them. Sometimes I find myself in the same situation, unintentionally, and that's why it's true that the things we don't like about others are sometimes reflections of ourselves, to become aware (not always, but in some cases). And while I was thinking about that the other day, walking down the street, a girl walking ahead of me had a t-shirt that said on the back "Expect nothing, thank everything". I took it as a confirmation. :-)
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Ah well learning to be present is in fact a great goal.  :-D  I insist- to increase my focus and mindfulness.  :wink:


Quote from: tides2dust on January 03, 2025, 15:49:21Ah well learning to be present is in fact a great goal.  :-D  I insist- to increase my focus and mindfulness.  :wink:

Now try replacing the word "insist" with "enjoy". I think the frequency of the idea would increase drastically when you look at it that way and you will flow through the process without resistance.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on January 03, 2025, 16:42:18LOL.
Now try replacing the word "insist" with "enjoy". I think the frequency of the idea would increase drastically when you look at it that way and you will flow through the process without resistance.
Another instance amongst many whereas "changing your mindset" really does change your "reality"!  :-) 
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on January 03, 2025, 17:04:08"changing your mindset" really does change your "reality"!  :-) 

Totally! Another way to look at things is if you see something within your reality that is not of your preference, ask what must be my state of mind that is causing it. What state of mind would change the reflection I am seeing.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I feel fortunate to realize that my efforts are enjoyable - recognizing that a life without an ideal is a life without depth and (potentially) a life of misery. There is a difference between going with the flow and satisfying habits we deem upsetting. The journey is not without a balancing act in this world we've been born into. The change of season is indicative of material truth, laws of nature forge our interpersonal relationship with spirit. I appreciate that you would remind others to find the joy in their endeavors, and to remind all of us how we might become present. The journey is beautiful, and when we are removed from that realization, we seek that beloved relationship with the guiding intelligence and find our way.


It's not wrong to make plans and have goals. It's only human and thus only 'normal'. But it is very right to say that you should not be 'attached' to the outcome because that is an 'attachment' of sorts and it is best to avoid that.

So yes, as the saying goes: the 'way is the goal' or 'the journey is the reward' is very true.

Manifestation happens in the present moment accompanied by positive emotion when we 'envisage' the 'goal' of being in the 'Now' already. We need not be 'attached' to past failures (or successes) nor to future outcomes (again: good or bad).


Quote from: Volgerle on January 04, 2025, 12:06:17It's not wrong to make plans and have goals. It's only human and thus only 'normal'.

Absolutely! We are creators and we have imagination. The imagination bring to us ideas that we find exciting and we plan to act on them. It's important to act on them, see the synchronicities and sign posts and take the opportunities. When we let the synchronicities (higher mind) guide us, we dont set conditions, we trust whatever happens to be for our benefits to learn regardless if we experience something positive or negative.  If we allow full control to the ego/conscious mind, it's only normal they place conditions because that's their role (survival), but placing conditions closes the flow of energy. The best way to function as a physical being is to get the ego, conscious mind and the higher mind work together as a team, where no side feels invalidated. 
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow