The Astral Pulse

Spiritual Evolution => Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! => Topic started by: Alaskans on June 26, 2006, 23:46:02

Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: Alaskans on June 26, 2006, 23:46:02
I thought that my signature deserves an explanation. I'm not a full psychic, and I haven't had a complete OBE, so I don't know if this is old news or common knowledge to you guys.
Emotion can explain the entire universe with perfect detail in one small word. I call this the angelic language. What does this mean?
What is the emotion of Christmas? The emotion of morning dew? What is the emotion of a desert? What is the emotion of how most humor is at the expense of someone? There isn't any limit to what this language can explain, and it can explain pages of information in a 'word'. I call it the angelic language, because angels were some of the first beings created (I think), and therefore probably the first to use it. The universal language is also a good name. All life understands it. It has no cultural, racial, or lingual limits. Three times I was granted the 'word' of the universe (probably by my still mysterious spirit guide), it was like staring into the sun, but I never-the-less retained a fuzzy outline of reality and this amazing language. I knew how to speak it perfectly, due to hearing the 'word' of the universe, but I was only talking to myself and I gave it up. Only later did I find out that other beings such as humans, animals, and even what some consider non-sentients, could easily understand it when I imprinted it on a "spirit gift" (allot like mail :smile:  ). Now I'm beginning to recognize and learn it over again. The first step to realize this language is noticing how certain things feel beyond the basic emotions (although the basic emotions are simplistic words of the angelic language). It also seems to be the base of all earthly language, (what do you feel when I say Death.) Again, I don't know if this is common knowledge on the astral plane but It is a significant realization for an earthling struggling to fly.
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: James S on June 27, 2006, 03:58:54

Think of babies, before they learn language, emotions are how they communicate.

Emotions are the language of the soul.

Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: jalef on June 27, 2006, 05:07:28
i disagree.

during meditative i observed my thoughts in order to become aware of the entire thinking process. this process is still going on because there ever seems to be an even more subtle level of thought, but i can say quite sure that the pure thought starts without emotion and that emotion is kinda attached to the thought later during the thinking process.
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: Leyla on June 27, 2006, 06:24:32
Joseph Campbell went over this concept in his book "The Power of Myth." He explains how words are extremely limiting.  

Entities of a higher intelligence usually communicate in a sort of "thought form" without words. It is sometimes hard to take their message and put it into language.

It might take 15 minutes to explain with words what they said instantly with a thought.
Title: *
Post by: Alaskans on June 27, 2006, 15:17:42
That's exactly what I was talking about Leyla, and the reason I was frustrated, I knew the answers but there was no way for me to tell anyone or write them down with any justice. Its odd to me that its not a conventional telepathic language...
Jalef, I'm %100 sure that this language without words starts with no words, the words come afterword, if you can manage to find  suitable ones, which 90% of the time you cant. Often its not a common emotion as much as a million feelings that there aren't any names for, they combine into a knowing so deep that you seem to merge with the subject, knowing every aspect of it. It's like some kind of handle on a suitcase (or small bag) of knowledge, but emotion seems to be a basic part of it.
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: MisterJingo on June 27, 2006, 15:55:58
I've always seen emotion as a biological mechanism which we pick up whilst incarnated here i.e. it is a product of evolution and biological action.
The reason non-physical beings might understand emotion is because they might have incarnated here (or a similar place) at some point, or simply interpret the intention of that emotion. This can be seen in other areas such as non-physical beings having perceived gender.
I think emotions can hint at greater 'constructs', such as people stating Love is a universal force. I think the concept of love is greater than the emotion, the emotion being something we have linked to this concept.
If you meditate you will notice there is a layer of 'knowing' below words e.g. such as when you move a body part, you don't consider how such an action will be carried out, you just know, and so it occurs. Thoughts are the same. If you watch the mind closely you notice you already know the content of proceeding thoughts. Words are a mechanism of communication, but it seems we have gotten into the habit of thinking in these words to ourselves, instead of being aware of the 'knowing' (I think a lot of people mistake intuition for this).
Where I'm going with this is, I see no need for emotion with this 'knowing'. This exists in itself. I see a clear division between it and emotion in myself.
Because we are so entwined with emotion in a biological body, we tend to filter all things through it. So I think when we touch things deeply, we can mistake the emotional response with the actual touching.
You might be interested to look into what Buddhists call 'The Middle path'.


Just to add something to this, I think people mistake sensualism for spiritualism. The pleasure they receive from their perception of what is spiritual usually encompasses positive and pleasurable emotions. So their pursuit of spiritual truths usually lies within the pursuit of these emotions/sensations. It does not have to be this way.
I think the universe is infinitely bigger than this.
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: malganis on June 27, 2006, 17:50:06
As i understand it thoughts are causing emotions. If you change thoughts you can change how you feel. When you feel good you are in the process of creation of something what you like and vice versa. Its a guidance system.
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: gdo on June 27, 2006, 22:08:40
Language is a result of the ability to vocalize a reasoned and common experience.  But it is not a realm of emotions only.
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: Stookie on June 27, 2006, 23:03:23
Exactly. Words are symbols of expression for thoughts and feelings. During meditation, if you focus on one thought alone long enough, it will turn into a "living" thought, the source of the words.

Say if you percieve a tree, the word "tree" isn't associated with it until thinking links the correct concept with the percept. You don't consciously think in words, "it's tall, it has leaves & bark - It must be a tree". The thought linking the two is before language exists, and what creates the language.

As far as emotions go, we tend to use words to describe them so much that we forget what the emotion itself is. We get incorrect concepts of "love" based on what we've heard or seen, and miss the true emotion that happens before the words surface.
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: Alaskans on June 28, 2006, 19:52:33
Ahah! You understand Stookie!  :grin:  And you made the connection it has to words as well! (despite my poor attempt to define it.)

I think a practical use for this on the physical plane is that it works very well telepathically.
<<Warning, I get into detail here, and it will probably hinder your ability to do it yourself>>
You can influence peoples decisions with it if you are able to think the feeling of what your trying to say while reaching out your spirit. Like for instance this woman in the store was looking at a shirt 'Its all fun untill someone gets hurt, then its hilarious' she said 'oh this is totally me, I want it' I thought differently and gave her the feeling of -its childish and at the expense of someone elses pain- I didnt think in conventional words, only a feel, she suddenly hated the shirt. It also works for large groups of people, just like you can radiate positive energy that suddenly changes their actions you can radiate thought energy, which is basically the same thing.
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: Nay on June 28, 2006, 20:13:26
QuoteWords are symbols of expression for thoughts and feelings.
Yes!  That is why I'm always saying... I 'felt' them say....  It is amazing how much can be said, without a word being uttered, in fact, I prefer it that way.  I get twice as much understanding and information.

EDIT:  Why do I keep starting a new page on all the threads I comment on.. I'm getting self conscious about that...   :scared3:
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: Stookie on June 28, 2006, 22:04:42
I know what your saying Nay. When I'm with my Dad I tend to suddenly have a strange thought or feeling, and then my Dad says it. It happens so often it's natural.

Rudolph Steiner's "Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path - A Philosophy of Freedom" is a great book to read on the subject. He goes deep into what thought actually is, what level it takes place, and it's connection with emotions and language.
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: MisterJingo on June 29, 2006, 05:37:10
Say if you percieve a tree, the word "tree" isn't associated with it until thinking links the correct concept with the percept. You don't consciously think in words, "it's tall, it has leaves & bark - It must be a tree". The thought linking the two is before language exists, and what creates the language.

A psychedelic experience (long ago) saw an interesting phenomenon. Each object looked at would fragment into many layers. The object could have been a tree, cup or anything. Each layer represented an imposed concept upon the object.
Say for example a cup. One layer attached to it would be an emotional layer. You might not think we have any emotions about cups :grin:, but we do, and it helps shape our perception of what one is. Another layer would be a conceptual understanding. This includes everything on an intellectual level we know of cups. Every association we have made between cups, thoughts, ideas, words. Another layer is an aesthetic layer, the shapes and forms which create our perception of what is and what is not a cup.
Other layers dealt with expectation and time perception etc.
Under all these layers was an object.

I came to a realisation that we don't see the things we look at; we see an imposed lifetime of concepts. I.e. once everything is removed, the object just 'IS'.
I've always seen this as a goal of meditation. People speak about living in the now, but even 'not thinking and doing' still sees this processing and interpretation of objects around us i.e. we are still caught in the past (due to perception).

This is what I was getting at in regards to emotions and which is what Stookie stated better than me :smile:.
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: Alaskans on June 29, 2006, 15:49:12
That's very insightful MrJingo :shock: I think you just laid it all out straight. When you look at it like that it seems like looking at the thread of the fabric of space. I wonder how many of these 'threads' that make up an object or thought take place on the physical plane. I think its a clue as to how information is exchanged with the astral, or perhaps even how our multiple bodies are established. (Ah I'm so glad I found this site, no matter how deep we go nobodies head explodes :bouncy: )
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: kiwibonga on June 29, 2006, 19:56:18
I've thought about replying to this thread, but I was not sure how to put my ideas into words... I'll try, though.

The problem is emotion is the product of the ego -- the ego cannot express "the universe," but one's consciousness can perceive it.

Emotion is not communication, it is a coded reaction that happens within one person. This brings us back to the problem of objectivity vs subjectivity.

When you send an emotion to someone, you are sending something that is coded, almost encrypted, which revolves around you, your perceptions, and your views.

The "real" communication happens on an energetic level -- it is the process of sending information in the form of energy, so that instead of just understanding "everything" and perceiving "everything" (everything = the whole universe, physical and non-physical), you are modifying a small part of the whole without requiring an expansion in consciousness (i.e. sending information to the ego of an entity).

An emotion does not really express anything... Perhaps it's a matter of semantics, but essentially, telepathic communication ("Angelic language") makes copies of one's internal state and encodes it as energy, to be deciphered by another.

This, of course, allows communication without having to encode and decode words, it is much more practical than spoken language, but how would you be able to put the universe in an emotion? Isn't it just a way to refer to it that doesn't really explain anything about it?

Kind of like the "idents" Monroe talked about -- the word refers to something, a bit like a shortcut on a computer with many "properties" but which does not store the actual target.

And so, well, I guess what I don't agree with is the word "explain" -- you cannot explain the whole universe, but you can refer to it and give one the tools to observe it. Also, emotion is not the lowest layer of communication, it is actually very specialized, complex energy which evolved from more "primary" forms of energy.
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: Alaskans on June 30, 2006, 06:09:46
First of all I would like to apologize, what I had received wasn't the entire universe, it was a summary someone made of probably only one plane, and allot of it I remember as being way over my head. Sometimes I don't state things correctly for childish theatrics (it sounds better) hoping nobody will notice, its one of my flaws I have to pay closer attention to. Anyways, your right, explain is a poor word, it was more a knowing. I think it is fabricated and received by one or more of our bodies, probably not physical. Meaning like you said, its a mix of energy signatures, just like how our physical body mixes chemicals. Which is probably why it communicates so well 'over the air' you could probably think in your head to someone a word, but then you would have to feel it at the same time, feel being the energy signature created. Its not very easy to think 'words' this way because you have to disregard millions of years of seeing an object and labeling it. But it is something to understand how telepathy works. I thought this type of communication would be common practice, how does everyone on the astral plane communicate if not with this?
Speaking of which, I had my first intentional OBE on the 26th, I popped my head out and got chicken  :ninjahide:  (head first really does suck btw, :ghost:  didn't like that I didn't wait to snap back either)
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: Kenneth on July 07, 2006, 17:07:58
Hello Alaskans,

Just my two cents on Emotions:

According to Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT - ), "emotions are the symptoms of a disturbance in the body's energy system", i.e. they are not in them selves important - but what they come from IS (IMHO) important.

Have you felt just before loosing your temper or getting angry, a sort of "build-up" internally in your body? ... (Or seen on other persons that are "about to explode"?? ....) It seems almost physical  :grin:

A lot of sayings are talking about the body's energy. Almost all the sayings that use a physical picture in order to describe an emotion or a "state of mind", is actually talking about energy (or the movement of the body's energy, or the blocking of the body's energy).

Like "It felt like a stab in the heart, when she told me....", or the butterflies in the stomach when you are nervous (I don't know how that saying goes in English?). There is also "I froze" when faced with great danger, or "Everything just sort of "clicked" when  we ...." etc. etc.

If you really pay attention to your inner self, you will feel, how your "thought-forms" sort of "push and shift" your energies around, just before you actually "feel" the emotion (or emotions)  :wink:  

It's actually quiet entertaining to observe.

The problems come, when you "resist" these shifts, or "encourage" these shifts - i.e. you sort of have "bound" yourself to those reactions / energies. You can also React or Act on these shifts - or just be present in them (which is actually the most difficult discipline of them all!)

An easy feeling for most people to "test" this with is "It's not fair!!". Most of us can "create" this feeling on command. Mostly it takes less than a second to "get" the feeling - but it is what is happening in that one second that is important!!  :wink:

For me it starts with an almost unaware movement of thought or thought-form to sort of re-connect "me" to some previous episode, or "image / archetype" of an episode, that created this feeling inside of me (or more correct, the part of an episode, that I can/could/have not accepted!). That is instantly followed by a sort of very small and almost non noticeable "movements / shifts" within my body, and then I feel "Unfairness" (or become unfairness, dependent on how present and accepting I am at that instant in time).

So back to your first posting - I can relate to this "energy" being a sort of communication! (We all use it all the time actually  :wink:  .... Any one beside me ever tried the situation, that the "chemistry" just didn't match, when meeting a new person?). That is (IMHO) energy-understanding and communication at it's finest - within ½ a second we have actually been given all the necessary information, and our energy-system acts - and we feel, and react/act on those feelings.
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: Alaskans on July 07, 2006, 21:23:44
It certainly is powerful, and very widely used, yet people rarely acknowledge it on a conscious level.
Unfortunately lately it seems everyone can read my mind, and allot of things I think I really don't mean or aren't true. I've been trying to keep my thoughts to myself but then I seem cold to people. Its such a mess, am I sensing their thoughts? Are they sensing mine? Was it their thoughts or am I sensing what they're going to do in future? I hope through meditation I can become more tranquil in my thinking.
Maybe a tinfoil helmet would work in the meantime?  :laugh7:
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: Vilkate on July 08, 2006, 05:19:47
Yes, Alaskans, come and join the tinfoiled emphat army!  :crazy:
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: Alaskans on July 08, 2006, 15:35:02
Haha empath army... could you imagine  :locolaugh:

Don't worry, this is the last thing I have to say (I think) I don't like posting so much on my own thread.

I barely mentioned it before because I didn't want people to think I'm crazy(er) or a hippie but now that I have scientific evidence... :grin: I took this off another thread, thanks Hypernicus!  

I believe things thought to not have language, like trees, communicate with the Angelic Language.

I was experimenting with gathering energy/chi etc, and decided air seemed to run out of latent energy, 'maybe a big tree would be a good source.' So I found this big spruce, took out my trusty left hand.. began to reach for it.. and I was struck by guilt. So I got out my right hand and let my energy flow into the tree instead, then something weird happened, I could have sworn I had a connection with it. I felt gratitude, kinship, love, and something best explained as a 200 year old child, there was also a couple others harder to explain.
I'm not some kind of tree worshiper yet I think this tree was communicating with me   :nod::blahblah:  I'm not saying tree's have a kind of concience you can listen to, I'm saying almost everything does.

The above link seems to support my experiences precisely.
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: Vilkate on July 08, 2006, 17:06:37
Awww, you're not a hippie? How sad, my hopes are crushed...

*goes to make a tinfoil hat*
Title: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: Pasco on July 09, 2006, 14:54:40
Yes, this is what makes telepathy so interesting. Communication through emotions is the ultimate communication, it eliminates all forms of misunderstandings.
Title: Re: Emotion, the Angelic Language
Post by: GroovyGoddess on August 06, 2006, 01:07:25
Quote from: Alaskans on June 26, 2006, 23:46:02
I thought that my signature deserves an explanation. I'm not a full psychic, and I haven't had a complete OBE, so I don't know if this is old news or common knowledge to you guys.
Emotion can explain the entire universe with perfect detail in one small word. I call this the angelic language. What does this mean?

I think emotion is a great tool to help us relate to the divine. To me, logical thinking and reason can actually detract from a spiritual experience because our ideas become our barriers. This is because thought is a product of time.
From my personal experience, spiritual communication takes place instantaneously. The idea is instantly conveyed without the need for any language whatsoever. The closest approximation we have to that here is emotion. Emotion is truly the language of the soul.