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I have been thinking why do I have such strong emotions of amazement, excitement and exhilaration when discovering things, when things manifest but they seemed impossible. I asked myself why such strong emotions with a note of surprise that magic really exist, since I myself KNOW already that NOTHING is impossible and have been to many magical places, have seem many things people have not seen. I should accept these happenings with a sense of normality because they ARE normal, even the most incredible thing per human perception. IT all exists anyway. Why do I continue to be so ever excited. And don't get me wrong, I LOVE feeling that way, I just question the continuity of high emotions. I don't want them to stop and here is my theory:

As characters we have restricted ourselves from all knowing and all power, so we can be amazed when we discover. How can we be blessed with all these emotions if we sit for eternity as one in all knowledge and all power. During my AP (posted on the Pulse) where I requested to see God and I merged with All That Is, I felt the completeness, the ultimate love, power and knowledge. I knew what does it feel to be eternal. But I did question now what? If I have to be in that state for eternity I have to shoot myself lol. It would be a static existence. Can you imagine haha. No wonder God wants to express itself and be in a state of becoming by spreading individualized parts of its consciousness that will be given the opportunity to feel amazed by discovering things through illusionary restrictions and be gifted with journeys that will give them ever lasting purpose to grow and create. So, the restrictions that we have imposed on ourselves give us the gift of absolute indescribable emotions when one succeeds in any set endeavors. To keep discovering infinite wonders. This is the thrill of being an individualized character.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on October 03, 2023, 18:06:39To keep discovering infinite wonders. This is the thrill of being an individualized character.

  This is to me, a fundamental aspect of the human character. Perhaps why this form is chosen. Discovery is integral to so many facets of our experience.

  Our fear of the unknown often drives us to the developments that define and distinguish our species.
  To discover conjures quite the opposite emotion, one of wonder and joy. We are hard-wired for exploration.

  We develop language, art, all manner of communication. So we can "remember" more than our memory can reliably handle, and to share our understanding, bestow discovery on others.

We make forums for that too :wink:

  This is the beauty of the exploration into consciousness. We are mirrors through which reality can admire itself. It is a divine purpose, the glory of which transcends all ideology and religion. All who are willing can appreciate this in unity.


Quote from: Donut on October 03, 2023, 19:55:37This is to me, a fundamental aspect of the human character. Perhaps why this form is chosen. Discovery is integral to so many facets of our experience.

  Our fear of the unknown often drives us to the developments that define and distinguish our species.
  To discover conjures quite the opposite emotion, one of wonder and joy. We are hard-wired for exploration.

  We develop language, art, all manner of communication. So we can "remember" more than our memory can reliably handle, and to share our understanding, bestow discovery on others.

We make forums for that too :wink:

  This is the beauty of the exploration into consciousness. We are mirrors through which reality can admire itself. It is a divine purpose, the glory of which transcends all ideology and religion. All who are willing can appreciate this in unity.

Beautifully said, Donut :)

In regards of art, at times I can't even comprehend how such beauty can created by us. I was just listening to the below solo guitar performances and my brain went into the quantum realm vibrating with the strings. I was thinking how incredible talented are humans to create musical instruments, to play them so well and to create such sounds that move one's soul. I myself have gotten inspired to learn how to play piano and truly enjoy producing heavenly sounds. Now listening to these guitar performances I wish I knew how to play guitar. But just knowing that I have that capability (just have to learn and practice) gives me that incredible feeling of limitlessness.
Those who like guitar would surely enjoy them.

"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on October 03, 2023, 20:12:34Beautifully said, Donut :)

In regards of art, at times I can't even comprehend how such beauty can created by us. I was just listening to the below solo guitar performances and my brain went into the quantum realm vibrating with the strings. I was thinking how incredible talented are humans to create musical instruments, to play them so well and to create such sounds that move one's soul. I myself have gotten inspired to learn how to play piano and truly enjoy producing heavenly sounds. Now listening to these guitar performances I wish I knew how to play guitar. But just knowing that I have that capability (just have to learn and practice) gives me that incredible feeling of limitlessness.
Those who like guitar would surely enjoy them.

  I loved all of these, thanks for sharing! And thank you for your kind words.

  Music is the language of my subconscious. Listening to it is the easiest way for me to achieve a sense of unity with them. The one typing this admires the patterns, the one beating our heart admires the emotions.

  Maybe I'm nuts, but the more I meditate the less my subconscious is something to reprogram. When I watch the breath, I watch her work. I have grown to trust my instincts. As I type this, I modify each word until it "feels" right, then I know we "both" agree.

   Music is an especially beautiful form of communication. Every member of a band "sings" to me, whether they use their voice or not.