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I came across this from Dolores Cannon page on FB and I felt instant expansion and increased joy just from the fact that I exist. "You are not just a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean within a drop".
I follow many spiritual pages on FB and every time I open my feed, I see so many inspirational quotes, beautiful pictures, motivational videos. It gets my mind to spike (raise vibration) often. Find your inspirations and focus on them throughout the day, because we can become lost in the daily routines that dull our vibrational level. Some people dont like social media, but it depends what do you search there. I search for beautiful nature, funny animals, winter wonderland, castles, healthy eating, amazing places around the world, travel, spirituality, and all I see there is beauty and inspirations that resonate with who I am. I don't see anything else because I don't focus or search for anything else. If I come across stupid posts (very rarely) I bypass them, acknowledge that the people involved have chosen to go this rout to learn and it does not bother me one bit.

"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I really like that quote, and feel I am beginning to experience the truth to that in a manner that connects us to each other.

There is still the little i, which is full of its glory and limitations.
Then I feel this expansion through out the day and my mind no longer feels bound within the confines of this body- but taking residence in the space around me. And there is nothing to do here, its like brilliant rays of information are relaying themselves to me and everything is perfect in the moment. Complete peace and understanding. Even as things are being played out between little i's.

It's rather miraculous. And I feel your quote really touches upon that experience... Thank you.


"You are not just a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean within a drop"

Yes, this phrase encapsulates the very nature of our existence and relationship with Source very well. The same truth has been reiterated down through the ages. The messenger who came to be known as "Jesus" said: "the Kingdom of Heaven is Within You"and "In that day you will know that I Am in my Father, You In Me and I In You."

As for expansion, yes, this began many years ago - to the extent that time exists of course. Many often ask when the Golden Age will "arrive" - well it is already here, now, and accelerating, being felt by increasingly more people. Ultimately, to some degree, the experience you describe will be reality for everyone. Those experiencing it now will continue to do so with increasing intensity, until the illusion of "Earth", "matter" will be known for what it is, or rather is not.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Tides, beautiful expression with words!
The "little" Is we perceive as being who we are is but just one of the infinite perceptions, each from a different point of view. Having the perception of being "little" at first actually brings a lot greater joy when we discover how much bigger we are. The point of placing all of these filters to create the illusion that we are small is to have the incredible opportunity to experience the magic and thrill when we rediscover ourselves.

Adrian, yes many teachers have said the same thing, just using different words, but the meaning has always been the same. Now, how each person interprets the meaning, this is a different issue. The fear of hell, the fear of God, the fear of the unknown, giving our powers to one person or entity only not realizing that we are all powerful and when we pray, we actually pray to ourselves, because only we create our reality with the power of the One, because we are the One. But fear, power, greed, control have obstructed this great wisdom. But I do see signs of the awakening, and you are right, it's already here. The snowball effect is in progress.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


It means so much, to be a drop in the ocean, yet to also BE the entire ocean...

I wish people really took that to heart.  When not just understood, but known at the "being level" - that concept would end wars.  Nobody wants to truly hurt themselves, yet that's what we do each time we "fight" each other. 

To know love for your fellow human is to know love for yourself.  To provide for them provides for you.  I'm astounded at the atrocities which human visits upon human today and it hurts so much.  We have the capacity for such love - yet humanity is stuck being divided.  :/


What a wonderful and highly relevant topic.

LightBeam and Xanth: Perfectly stated and I absolutely agree.

Yet, the transformation from from the pervasive influence of the ego, to All Encompassing Love is progressing apace, and will gain momentum.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Oooo, I like that! Such a lovely description of US. Thanks for sharing that LB.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.